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Neverwinter Forest eyes the color of the night sky in hell - Printable Version

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eyes the color of the night sky in hell - Harrey - December 28, 2014


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The silver prince was not intimidated by the tomblike woodland with its towering coniferous trees and overgrown shrubbery. He had to admit that this forest held a haunting atmosphere, and the light drizzle along with the early morning mist did not help at all. But the thick canopy had its good points, most of the raindrops did not touch his fur at all, Harrey was glad, it would be utterly horrible to have a drenched coat. Horrible for his health and he would look terrible and unattractive. What a nightmare, if he had to get wet, at least make it be blood so he would look cooler.

Harrey trotted into the woods, the thick trees blocked out most of the light, the stormy clouds were not helping that matter at all. Shadows crept out at him, curling around the sturdy timbers, and here in Neverwinter Forest, darkness prevailed. The princeling's platinum silver coat did not blend in rather well, but with his skill, it was not as obvious as it could be. Fierce olive eyes scanned the path in front of him, shards of blue ice glowing. Usually they were not clear, blurred and blended against his murky green eyes, but here in this forest, they somehow stood out. Giving him the look of an avenging angel, and he liked that immensely.

He paused in his steps, sniffing the air, the smell of prey was strong. Like a bear or something had torn into it and left it half eaten, vultures should be feasting by the carcass now. It was an easy meal for a lone wolf and the northern prince would not throw this chance away, a small part of his brain whispered A prince like yourself, reduced to eating scraps? An utter disgrace! Harrey smirked briefly before adopting a stoic mask again, he was a prince and he was proud, but he knew when the give in. Life was a game of survival after all, and he wanted to be the winner.

RE: eyes the color of the night sky in hell - Scarlett - December 28, 2014

Scarlett had wandered off far from her territory, something she wouldn't normally do. The young female had reason to cross through here and it wasn't food. She would really like to see her friend Kove. He had protected her against the mountain lion. The four scratches were faintly seen on her shoulder. Her fur was already growing over it. She crossed these dark woods to check upon her friend. Her protector. Wait, correction. Raziel was her protector now. He had said that to her. Scarlett was still a loyal creature and would like to see Kove. Her small body gracefully jumped over a mossy log. The ground was damp and soft. It reminded her of autumn instead of the wintery lands she was used to around the glacier.

But frankly not a lot of snow had fallen this year. It was really mild. The young girl continued in a trot until her nose caught the scent of a male. She ignored it for now, she had other things to do. But then up ahead she noticed a sliver male, slightly more grey than Kove. Scarlett knew by his scent that this wasn't cove. The male was young, younger than her. Her mother instinct immediately fared up. He didn't smell of anything but himself. Did that mean this guy was all alone? No family. How horrible. The female quirked up her lips in a friendly smile as she came closer to the young male. Scarlett had already scented the carcass but she was not heading in that direction actually. Maybe the young male had never been taught how to hunt and was now looking for scraps. Scarlett felt bad. And for once she didn't know what to say. All she did know was that she was standing between him and the carcass that was further up in the woods.

RE: eyes the color of the night sky in hell - Harrey - December 28, 2014

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Annoyance flashed through him as the scent of a female drifted towards him, and it increased when she appeared and made to walk towards him. And she was smiling, she was smiling for God's sake. He was not going to be smiled at, he should be feared and admired, she should be submitting to him, bowing to him. Not smiling at him. But the princeling restrained himself and kept a stoic indifferent look on his face. She was standing in his way, she, this pathetic white female, no not even white. This female with ugly red eyes was the only obstacle. The prince had no time for this.

Usually he would just charm the female to his side but she caught him when he was in a bad douchy mood, and there was no way he was treating her nicely now. Harrey normally treated the opposite sex as forms of entertainment rather than rivals or enemies, but when he was in this devilish, almost sadistic mood, it was different. The herbs he took usually stopped him from having episodes like this, but even if he was on them and he was angry, it made him abnormally sadistic. The plants had its own good and bad effects, but as long as it helped when he was mentally unstable, he was fine with them. However, Harrey could not seem to find more and his stock was running low, the irritation and annoyance at meeting nobody with potential information was getting to him.

The white prince eyed her boredly, the shards of blue ice in his murky green eyes piercing straight at her, like he was throwing daggers at her heart. He closed the distance between them with one smooth leap, landing gracefully in front of her, a smirk touched his lips as he looked at her. But the niceness only lasted for a few seconds for the yearling now drew his lips back in a snarl, gleaming alabaster fangs glowing in the darkness. His ears were flattened against his skull, and he was in a battle stance. It was easy to get around her, but he wanted a fight, or maybe he wanted something else.

"Get the fuck out of my way, bitch." Harrey paused, thinking. "Actually no, stay where you are, so I can shred you to pieces and have my way with you afterwards." he grinned devilishly now, but it somehow still looked angelic on his face.

RE: eyes the color of the night sky in hell - Scarlett - December 28, 2014

Lets just say the female had not expected to have the youngster, who might have been just the age of Maera was, talk like that. Her red eyes stated at him for a moment. There were so many ways to react to this. She could just ignore this pup and go on her way. She could scold him but Scarlett doubted if that had any effect. The albino almost wanted to bow for him and then once he was close she would grab him tightly by his throat and teach him a lesson. Another vile thought. She also had one when Finn disrupted her and annoyed her. Well there was a pattern happening. Who knew she was the one to have such thoughts. It scared her.

The female was not impressed by the youngster. Maybe the pup behaved like this because his mother died. So many pups she had encountered were motherless already. She thought of the juveniles of DFG. It saddened her. She hoped her own pups would never be motherless. Still that didn't excuse the wolf to call her .. that and say things like having his way with her. Scarlett realized she still had not uttered a wolf back at the young wolf. She had only looked at him with an unimpressed expression. Why would she want to spend time and energy on such a hopeless case like this one.

Scarlett was curious to see the reaction of the young boy. He probably just wanted attention or something to care for him. The older female just looked over him one last time before trotting away in the direction she wanted to go, which was not even close to where the carcass was. Her tail waved elegantly behind her as she followed her path, curious of what the male's reaction would be. He would probably call her out, or have a childish fit that things didn't go the way he wanted. A soft smile came on her lips in amusement.

RE: eyes the color of the night sky in hell - Harrey - January 07, 2015

The female did not speak, instead gazed disrespectfully at the prince with an unimpressed expression, didn't she know she was looking at the heir to the North? The princeling of a powerful pack, or the princeling that used to be of the powerful pack. Same thing. None of his anger, frustration or irritation at the female shone through his indifferent facade though and as she moved away, trotting in the direction she was going before she interrupted him. Harrey shrugged, perhaps finding those drugs would be a good idea.

Yawning slightly, the silver white youth began moving in the direction of the carcass, throwing a retort over his shoulder without looking at the bitch. "Not talking and looking to another fellow wolf in the eye is disrespectful you know," he said, rather casually. It was nice of him not to add a 'you're really ugly, bitch' in the end. She should thank him for that.

RE: eyes the color of the night sky in hell - Scarlett - January 07, 2015

As Scarlett wanted to walk away she could just hear what the little white wolf muttered. Immediately she got a nauseous feeling she got when she thought about her past being bullied by her own family. Scarlett could have just run away from the young man but it sounded so wrong. She didn't want to run away anymore. She wasn't some stupid blonde that couldn't do anything. Scarlett let out a snort and then made a u-turn to the young male. She trotted towards him, her tail a bit raised. Scarlett didn't know where she got the courage maybe it was because Raziel believed in her, and Malachi gave her a higher rank..

The albino then let out a huff as she go closer. Oh and calling me a bitch is not disrespectful. Why should I give you any respect of looking you into the eye and greeting you if you greeted me like that, Scarlett stated. Though she sounded really calm, almost too calm. Her red eyes looking at the male. She was not a fighter, not in the slightest but she did want the male to know that she did not appreciate how he was talking to her. She was not a piece of trash that could get kicked out of the way. She was believing this for so long but she was setting her paw down. She. was. not. worthless. Scarlett wasn't going to accept anyone bullying her anymore.

RE: eyes the color of the night sky in hell - Harrey - February 05, 2015

A gleam of satisfaction flashed through the boy's eyes as he heard the female turn and move back towards him, but Harrey did not pause in his steps, instead continued to calmly move towards the direction of the carcass. However, he decided to stop when she huffed and spoke, "Oh and calling me a bitch is not disrespectful. Why should I give you any respect of looking you into the eye and greeting you if you greeted me like that." Her words did nothing to the hardened male, instead made him laugh softly. "Surely you realized my words were wrong? Looking at a fellow wolf in the eye is not a respectful gesture, but one of a challenge," he refrained from rolling his eyes.

The serpent simply gazed at the female for another moment before replying to her question, "Because that would mean you are equally as rude and disrespectful and bad as I am," no expression crossed the princeling's features. Truth to be told, Harrey knew he was disrespectful and shit, that he had no manners, and the dragon had no problem whatsoever with that. Because he knew, those that truly knew him would see through that, and those that did not would just see the cruel, rude and vindictive him.

Seemed better that way.

RE: eyes the color of the night sky in hell - Scarlett - February 05, 2015

Scarlett couldn't reason at all with this male and she was ready to leave once more. She could not stand him and how he carried himself. It reminded her of the wolves in her old pack. The pale female disliked that immensely. She watched the other sniff over the carcass. "Looking in ones eye could also mean respect, one you don't deserve by the way," she stated. Somehow she wanted to talk back to the younger male. But she didn't have good come backs.

Slowly Scarlett rose her nose in the air. "I am nothing like you at all," she stated calmly. She was certain. Her morals were right and her wish in life was not the same as this annoying little brat. Scarlett shook her head in disbelieve. After that she just walked way from the young man. Not wanting anything to do with him.

RE: eyes the color of the night sky in hell - Nanuka - February 28, 2015

The young male was exploring the area, looking for the perfect place to settle down. He paused when he heard a voice, then saw a pretty white female walking in his direction. He stepped out to greet her with a shy nod of his head. "Hello" he said softly. It was with surprise that he noticed her eyes, and with a start he recalled the term for wolves like this one. Others found it unflattering, scary even, but the quiet male saw no problem to it.

RE: eyes the color of the night sky in hell - Scarlett - February 28, 2015

Scarlett had just walked away from the white brat when she walked into another wolf. Her ears fell back at first because she really wasn't feeling like another wolf that knew everything better. The albino then saw the shy nod and heard the quiet hello. She instantly changed her mood towards the other male. "Hello," she greeted herself in return. "Don't go there. That youngster is a brat," she spoke with a grunt.

Scarlett noticed that the other wolf didn't smell of anything in particular. That probably meant that he wasn't in a pack. The albino female licked her lips. She should return to her glacier soon.

RE: eyes the color of the night sky in hell - Nanuka - March 02, 2015

"Thanks for the warning" he said, his voice a little stronger. "Whats your name, ma'am?" He cringed a bit when he realized how blunt that sounded, but stayed silent. Loneliness had taken it's toll on the male.

He gave her a little smile, glancing for a moment at her eyes again. They intrigued him greatly, for he had never seen any of their shade before.

RE: eyes the color of the night sky in hell - Scarlett - March 03, 2015

Scarlett smiled kindly. "You are welcome." Her ears popped up curiously when he asked her name. Scarlett wasn't offended by it in the slightest. It showed that the male had some interest in her. That was always nice to know. "I'm Scarlett. How about you?," she asked. Her tail let out a friendly wag since she really needed a friendly conversation right now.

That other white male was really annoying, at last she thought so. She disliked wolves being rude.

RE: eyes the color of the night sky in hell - Nanuka - March 07, 2015

"Scarlett. It's a nice name. I'm Nanuk" he told her. She was very pretty, which probably meant that she was taken. He wished for a girl, one day, but not yet. Realizing that his thoughts had wandered, he snapped back to attention, gazing at the girl.

RE: eyes the color of the night sky in hell - Scarlett - March 07, 2015

Thank you. <3

Scarlett nodded with a smile. The compliment was very nice. "Thank you, Nanuk. You are very kind. Unfortunately I need to go back to my pack. They will probably be wondering where I am," Scarlett excused herself. And after her encounter with the bratty white wolf she really felt like going home. The glacier was so much nicer than these forests. "Take care, Nanuk. Maybe I will see you again," she bid her goodbye.

The red eyed female trotted around the male and then broke out into a run. For now she had enough male interaction even though the dark one was far nicer than the white one. Nanuk. She would need to remember this kind wolf.