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Dawnlark Plains paint rock - Printable Version

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paint rock - Sun Eater - March 03, 2025

dark still the world when sun eater woke. it was @Nagruk he wanted to accompany him that dawn, though he did not order it.

good then to be out on the cold plains beneath blackened sky. breath rose against the few fading stars. he lifted his head, seeking their silent council, attempting to ground himself here in the wild of the caribou fields.

RE: paint rock - Nagruk - March 03, 2025

Chieftain did not need to order it, for Nagruk is already besides him as they traversed the plains. It's not often she travels at night, but here among the bedded caribou she finds peace in the quiet.

And peace in the company too. She breaths in cold, pausing mid stride to watch him turn skyward in thought. Whatever races through his mind is intangible lest he speak, but Nagruk is reluctant to break the silence quite yet.

RE: paint rock - Sun Eater - March 03, 2025

"when my children come, i go out. break last fang raised to my throat." he gestured to his eye. "north, to raid moon wolves who did this. want tartok with me, but — nagruk. much happening here, in sun clan."

he did not elaborate. "muradoii woman sivaak join us. belly full. this is future of saatsine. need strong here to guard it."

there would be other raids. this one might well be bloodless if he had his way, a discouraging reason to march so far. but requesting nagruk to remain as a glorified nursemaid while he took warriors away — it was a hard ask, and out of respect he would not surprise her.

RE: paint rock - Nagruk - March 04, 2025

Chieftain is at an impasse. Nagruk knows the want of revenge, to scar those who have scarred him. But the protection of lineage is equally important. Her lip curls in thought at what he implies and her mind wanders to Blackfell, his connection to the glacier. 

"Many here see Saatsine as easy target if Chieftain goes. I understand." Their numbers would be spread thin with his call to arms; the ones remaining nursing or too weak for Nagruk to consider an asset. She did not specify if the threat she saw was inside or out.

But her urge for blood outweighed a thin duty to his clan, unhappiness is made clear in the flash of teeth. She has no obligation to guard his Doii cubs as if they were her own! This was not her future yet. "You want Tartok? Then bring me. Find other Doii to watch cubs." But as she speaks she thinks only of his wife and the life that she would bring any day now.

RE: paint rock - Sun Eater - March 05, 2025

he let out his breath. "want tartok."

want. by sun eater's own edict, he had not touched his wife since her pregnancy was first spoken, and perhaps would not again until the eightweek time had passed and they were ready to move. his were stark and driving hungers, pitted now in his attacks and capturings. the focus was why warriors forewent their wives before a fight, but none existed here.

i want; an admission of many things. sun eater did not look at nagruk, tension chasing itself in lines along his cheekbone.

"we wait." he hated to do this. "wait till they are here. and strong." it meant more weeks. it meant longer for his vengeance. but he had spent these months in exile. was more so unbearable?

RE: paint rock - Nagruk - March 05, 2025

There it is again, an admission of admiration, perhaps. Beneath her surface irritation swells a fire of pride. Nagruk does not speak, only watches approvingly as Chieftain reconsiders his offer even if it is at cost of his happiness. 

She could have her way with him. "Okay. We wait." Her expression shifts to something of satisfaction, pleased that now she'd be there if Star Eater needs her. And the cubs - she shivers in anticipation to meet them, to see their strength and assess the progenity of Chieftain.

A thought then, tongue flicking to wet her nose. "You ask me to stay, means you trust me? How you know I not want to kill cubs."

RE: paint rock - Sun Eater - March 05, 2025

sharply he glanced. "no-mind thing to say," he remarked coldly. "my wife, she ask for women around. to protect. but men not far. you touch, you die. quick. quick." and she knew it. she had seen them hunt in his name; she would see them kill.

he straightened. there had been no sense of fear from nagruk before, and there was none now. she tested, like the muradoii. "you and sivaak. both fierce. she like you, maybe. know this: lanzadoii way already kill pups. eight weeks. then walk far. too slow, left to die."

there was no reason to be threatened by children nor lineage. the caribou spirits chose who lived and who died.

RE: paint rock - Nagruk - March 05, 2025

He is ice in a field of snow, but Nagruk pays his threat no mind. For in her eyes, it would not come to tooth and blood - not her own, anyway. Lazily, her tongue comes to swipe old blood from her maw as she acknowledges his words with a knowing smile. 

"I make promise to Star Eater already. Her cubs be safe as long as I here." She has no intention of harming her young, no, but to see Chieftain so fierce reminds Nagruk of her purpose. 

They are similar, the ways of Lanzadoii. Homely, almost. "Tartok do same. Only strong cubs live." As if that is explanation enough for Nagruk's existence. "I see Sivaak when sun rises. More fierce women together, better Saatsine." Her smile widens toothily, recounting Star Eater's closeness.

RE: paint rock - Sun Eater - March 05, 2025

she had spoken with star eater. did she test? he did not know, but why would a woman kill the cubs of another? a man killed the sons and daughters of his rival to break his line. how could a woman do the same?

ah. he let his eye rove over the strength of her forelegs, then dragged it bodily away, setting gaze elsewhere.

"tartok and saatsine not different." he grinned. "maybe you take lanzadoii man, hm? after he prove, yes." but the sun clan was becoming the realm of other things, each day it seemed. he hoped for sons.

RE: paint rock - Nagruk - March 06, 2025

Stretching her forelegs in a feline's pose, she allows Chieftain to admire all he sees, meeting his gaze briefly before it is gone in an instant. There were decisions to be made, men to appraise - Lanzadoii or not - before the heat of her time comes, but already her preference for One-eye is growing.

Her hindlegs follow the movement of her body as she pads round to settle back in his line of sight. "If he fight for me, I take him," she likes his humour, finding a camaraderie here that she had not since the ridge. Was Chieftain loyal to his wife, or did his eyes wander elsewhere? Would his teeth turn against his clan for her? There was much to dwell on.

RE: paint rock - Sun Eater - March 06, 2025

her words turned a rush inside him. the man stemmed it with a grunt, a sound which said he had heard. 

on a ridge of slowly melting snow, two caribou calves tottered beside their mother. twins, born that morning. there were no lanzadoii men here. ghelan was a boy. ridgeback had become the closest. but to the chieftain's sense, only he was the standard. the children born to the sun clan would be caribou hunters from their first breath.

"where tartok?" he asked, wishing not to dwell upon the untouched frustration of his body.

RE: paint rock - Nagruk - March 10, 2025

He stares beyond her, to watch something unseen. A caribou, perhaps, a branch laden with snow, a white hare on the run. Whatever it is does not interest Nagruk, and her focus remains solely studying the lines of his face.

She is not a temptress, not seductive in the slightest as her more devout cousins might be. Her time will come when the sun beats harshly upon the land and thins the pelts of wolves, but still something within her burns for his attention. A selfish desire to conquer both Star Eater and the man who's life she grows.

"North. On mountains and ridges. Many branches, led by fierce woman usually. Issumatar," she adds, though she does not expect him to understand.

RE: paint rock - Sun Eater - March 10, 2025


sun eater memorized the word and put it aside. her language was far different than his own; as chieftain he felt inclined to learn it, if only to communicate without the brokenness of common. "sometime lanzadoii band led by woman. moiety goes through woman. i carry moiety of my mother."

why did he speak so? the single eye at last turned to nagruk, as if willing himself to direct energies toward that which was outside himself. "you issum-atar in tartok?"

RE: paint rock - Nagruk - March 10, 2025

He speaks a word foreign to her, and though Nagruk tries her best to comprehend what Chieftain means, she struggles. "What means - moiety?" If it is the passing of power from one to another, she can understand.

A huff then, the difficulties of language clear in her frustration. 

But he looks at her, finally, and she comes to rest her twin gaze on his single fire. "Not Issumatar, but almost." It had been close enough to touch, and in Saatsine it is much the same. "If not War Chief here I make Tartok branch elsewhere. Strong warriors follow, fight for me - Issumatar. Conquer land." Perhaps she is relaying a lofty dream, an alternate path that did not cross the caribou hunters. Perhaps it is something she seeks even now. Nagruk does not know which is the truth.

RE: paint rock - Sun Eater - March 10, 2025

"moiety. one part of family clan. daughter of my brother, sulukinak. she is second half." if any children were born to the shy shadow, they would be red raven. but he did not think this would happen.

she wished to be war chief.

he thought of gjalla, who he considered first for her ferocity, but nodded all the same. "not understand why take land. fight many to keep. hunt too much in one place." he watched nagruk with curiosity, respecting that she told him now of her aims and intent to build. "why i make you war chief and not other who stay long?"

RE: paint rock - Nagruk - March 11, 2025

Tartok itself has many branches, many moieties, she thinks, and she speaks. "I see." Though what they are or how many roam the land is not known to her, their history of little interest besides their name and their function. The ridge had been a bastion specialised in war tactics, of information gathered before teeth were raised. It had since evolved over time to a violence more suited of their clan, but Nagruk had been taught well the principles of risk and reward.

"Land claimed is easy to defend. Easy for warriors to rest, not have to march long days. Hunt different prey in same area - no issues." She explains, digging a little at his obsession with caribou. It is logical to her, to build a fortress that one would defend with their life. "War Chief be not just who stay long, it be who best suited, no? I lead battles before, I tear out throat of wolf and bear. I train young for old clan, give words to mother of friends and enemies."

She stalks back to his side, turning to watch the calves take their first steps. "Landazoii and Tartok strong together. I prove this, with time." It is the final thing she will say on the matter, falling into a thoughtful quiet.

RE: paint rock - Sun Eater - March 11, 2025

he thought of this, but decided he saw little appeal.

together they watched the young ones, and he felt even some warm welling in his spirit to witness. one day he and an antlered member of that twin pair might meet one another. he wished to see them grow to such a noble moment, strong enough to pose the threat of taking his own life.

he was consumed by himself; he pushed the conversation on.

"i not forever. caribou, they are. we both born. we both die. but i see caribou today that will breathe when i die." the migration was tied to mortality; a reflection of self. faceless though each ruminant might seem, it was their very collectiveness that ascended them above wolfkind.

"i would have ... bored, to walk one land. want hunt all places. live beside spirits."

she had killed wolf. she had killed bear. "war chief not longest. not always. is about — listen to me. do what best for all. kill any. but not kill all."