Wolf RPG
See My Mischief Double - Printable Version

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See My Mischief Double - Sen - December 28, 2014

Anyone interested in having an arrogance and/or sarcasm-off with Sen, feel free to join in~ This is going to be fun.

As a whelp, Sen was a loner. She was born as one to two packless parents. Due to that, she'd always been warned of packs and their territories, and never crossed into one knowingly. Now, however, she was a part of a pack, and while she still didn't cross into another pack's land, she also didn't keep her distance. So, there the raven lupine was, wandering along the outskirts of a neighboring land's border, her steps holding not even an ounce of hesitance. The woman held no intentions of crossing into said territory entirely, and kept herself a decent bit a way, but did not leave entirely. Her legs carried her after nothing, but instead stayed even and calm as she trotted forward. What she wished to achieve by traveling so close, not even she knew, but she would eventually end up somewhere.

Sen did, however, see an opportunity for some fun. Trouble, maybe, but as long as she could get on someone's nerves, it was just fun to her. A game, of sorts. One that often ended with her being left to her own devices once more. Perhaps, though, the darkened woman would surprise even herself. She'd yet to meet another lupine who saw the same things as being fun that were to her, but maybe that would change. Maybe the shadow lady would have the opportunity to make a, well, troubling acquaintance.

RE: See My Mischief Double - Falwasi - December 30, 2014

Falwasi was making her way back from her dusk hunting trip in the plains beside the creek when a scent reached her wet nose that did not belong to any of the wolves she knew, or of any Creek wolf for that matter. Alarm immediately struck her like a shovel to a face, and the warrior ran on, glad that she had already buried some of her game in one of the caches.

Blood-stained paws galloped across the straw-like grass, until the scent grew stronger, and eventually dominated the area, which was barely outside the border. Hackles rising, Falwasi peered into the darkness and stared at the charcoaled female who's amber eyes stood out in the dark like the moon in the black sky.

"Can I help you with something?," the deer asked tonelessly, watching the loner cautiously. Be calm, be inviting, she thought to herself, knowing that part of being a member of Swiftcurrent Creek was to recruit lone wolves. Or try. And as much as she hated it, this she would do, unless the stranger proved threatening or provocative.

RE: See My Mischief Double - Sen - December 30, 2014

If the sound of footfalls hadn't been a large enough hint for her to turn, the voice that followed surely was. She glanced to the new wolf, looking her over. Too full of self confidence to feel worried over the confrontation, her response flowed out to her, just as it did towards others. "Not at all," Sen answered. "I was just curious of what those here were like, though perhaps you could help me with that?" It was neither a lie nor the truth. The dark woman didn't have any set goal in mind when she'd gone near the borders, but her mind had provided that answer the quickest, so she rolled with it. She was, mildly, interested to see what the wolves of neighboring packs were like.

"Can I help you with anything?" As she repeated the other's question back to her, the corners of her maw twitched slightly. On any other day, she'd be grinning like a madman, but this time around the raven lupine forced herself not to.

RE: See My Mischief Double - Falwasi - December 30, 2014

Falwasi snickered at the lone wolf's response, copper eyes flashing with aggravation as she tried to keep herself together. "Now that you have offered, yes, you could help with something," she started, expression placid but emotions stirring inside her body. "You are perilously close to Swiftcurrent Creek border, and unless you have anosmia, I suggest you leave." The gracing wolf looked the stranger in her twinned eye, searching for her next reaction, standing poised in case the loner should advance towards her.

Then, Falwasi remembered, the thought dampening her conjecture. "Or you could join the pack, with exceptions, of course," she added. It wasn't that she did not like new members, maybe recruiting wolves, but when a wolf neared so close to their borders, it heightened the tension. After all, joining a pack wasn't the sole reason for approaching a pack's border.

The variegated wolfess' hackles lowered, but it was clear she was still attentive. Falwasi would not let the ebony animal get any closer to her home, and if she did, it wouldn't end all 'flowers and sunshine'. She wasn't a warrior for no reason.

RE: See My Mischief Double - Sen - December 30, 2014

The grin that had kept it's distance from her maw now showed itself at the mention of leaving, as well as because she saw a flash of aggravation in the other's eyes. Nothing had ever happened to Sen to make her enjoy getting on the nerves of others as much as she did, leaving no explanation to the joy she felt when she saw those little emotions. It was like a game, sometimes, to see how far she could go, how much she could push another. This time, though, the dark wolf would not push. It was clear she was at a disadvantage, and wasn't stupid enough to go head first into anything with another lupine so close to a border; especially if they belonged to the pack that owned said border.

When joining the pack was brought up, some laughter escaped from her throat. The noise was quickly silenced, but some humor still lingered within her words. "I'd rather not leave my current pack to join yours," she responded, voice calm despite the hint of amusement in it. "I like the glacier more than being near a creek."

RE: See My Mischief Double - Falwasi - December 30, 2014

[size=x-small]Woops, for some reason I thought your character was a loner xD[/size]

A laughter cut the air, sharp against the silence, causing a low rumble to grow in Falwasi's throat. The lean stranger was part of a pack. It was only then that Falwasi noticed the wind was at her disadvantage, blowing against the opposing wolf's scent.

The mountain wolf levelled her stare, her growling stopped short as the female spoke the information of which pack she belonged to. The Glacier and the Creek had an amiable relationship, perhaps more due to its founders being former members of the Creek. This created the need for Falwasi to conjure her words carefully; she didn't want to ruin the inter-pack relations, however she would not let the wolf off because of her loyalties.

Barely raising a brow, Falwasi lifted her head slightly and said: "Right then, off you go." She would not leave until the Glacier wolf was completely out of sight. She added a thrust of her head in the direction of the tall Glacier. The stranger had no reason to be here, so why dawdle?

RE: See My Mischief Double - Sen - December 31, 2014

The words of the other female brought a frown to Sen's features, but it was quickly tossed away to be replaced by a miniature grin. "What would be the fun in that?" she inquired, though it ended up being more of a rhetorical question. It was in the dark wolf's nature to work as hard as she could to get on the nerves of others, to bother them to no end. Usually, she never had to really work for it, her personality taking the reigns and acting out without her knowledge. Often, she was unaware that her words could, possibly, be pushing at one's buttons; not that it would matter if she did know.

There was no reason for her to stay, that was made clear from the very beginning, but she didn't leave right away. A relationship of any sort between two packs as a whole was not something that could ease her need to mess around. In the sooty wolf's mind, two packs could be connected in some fashion, but that did not mean that the wolves of each one had to act entirely kind and friendly towards one another. Hell, Sen didn't even act 'accordingly' towards a member of her own pack. "What if I want to hang out around here for a little longer?" The amber orbs that were her eyes held a playful glint in them, slightly anxious to hear what the other would say, or see how she would react.

RE: See My Mischief Double - Falwasi - December 31, 2014

The Glacier wolf continued to hound Falwasi, a mischievous smile proudly displayed across her features. She was doing this on purpose, and in aim of what, exactly? The taller wolf rolled her eyes at her opposer's juvenile behaviour. "Borders are not to be made fun of," she said sternly, as if scolding a youngster. They were there for a reason. Even Paarthurnax's brood were better behaved than this; no trouble had come to Falwasi's ears.

Falwasi thought for a millisecond, thoughts running through her head as she debated how to handle the situation. She could: a) call for back-up, b) wait the wolf out, or c) chase the coercer off herself. The latter seemed the most efficient way to handle it, seeing as both former options would involve a lengthy time factor.

"Two options: either you get the hell away from this border — right now — or, I'll gladly chase your disrespectful ass back to where it came from," Falwasi said, a sincere expression across her features, calm as a cucumber despite the slight pique on her face. She was done playing games, no matter which pack the wolf belonged to. Then, she took an authoritative step forward, displaying the genuinity staining her words.

"Your choice."

RE: See My Mischief Double - Sen - December 31, 2014

Last post from me. Thanks for the thread c:

"Not made to be fun of, yet certainly fun to get close to," she commented. She'd been a loner longer than she'd been a pack wolf, and knew from a young age borders where no laughing matter. Her parents had made that quite clear, drilling the need to stay away from them inter her head since her ears had first opened. That left her with nearly two years worth of trouble to make up for, though her old instinct was still there. It nagged at her to turn and leave, and even more so when the female spoke her next words. "Alright, alright," Sen said. "No need to get your tail in a twist, I'll go." She trotted a few paces off, going passed the Creek wolf as she did so. Her direction was towards the glacier, but she paused to look back before going to far away. "Should work on being more fun. Could make you more interesting." It wasn't the first time she'd mentioned someone should work to be more interesting, and probably wouldn't be the last. With those last words, she continued back on her path towards Glacier territory, not waiting to hear any responses the other may have had.

RE: See My Mischief Double - Falwasi - December 31, 2014

[size=x-small]Thanks <3[/size]

To her satisfaction, the sable robed female agreed to leave. It was the right thing to do; further harassment could have potentially gotten her kicked out of the Glacier, depending on how severe the pack was. Borders were existent to create the distinction of a pack's territory, which hid caches, dens.. things that could be vandalized. It was a place to call their own, not a free-willed shack open to any wolf that crossed paths with it.

Falwasi watched the lean she-wolf leave, untrusting due to her conduct. On the verge of out of range hearing, the Glacier wolf turned her obsidian head to look at Falwasi. "Should work on being more fun. Could make you more interesting," she said, before continuing on her journey to return, or not, to the Glacier. Maybe to badger another wolf patrolling their borders.

The amber eyed girl's words pestered Falwasi just as much as the wolf had herself as she parted to find somewhere to sleep. She could be fun, even though a generous amount of the time her sense of humor was dry, but it made her question whether she should try and lighten up a bit. The thought didn't last long, though; with everything going on with Swiftcurrent Creek, she had an excuse for her recent brooding.