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Rising Sun Valley I'll go anywhere you want me - Printable Version

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I'll go anywhere you want me - Malachi - December 28, 2014

Endless ground seemed to stretch between the Glacier and the sea, rolling hills illuminated by the starry host and the waning crescent of the moon. He'd been moving since dusk, and had not stopped since. Before he'd followed the Sveijarns to Duskfire, he had travelled distances far surpassing that which lay before him now. Malachi could handle the trek, knowing that every step he took away from the Glacier set him one pace closer to what he'd finally set out to accomplish, and one step further from every doubt that held him back.

Night had yet to turn to day when he finally slowed to rest. He could barely make out the Glacier's silhouette against the lightless sky, but he knew he still had far to go until he reached the shore. After Caiaphas had left him, he'd watched her go, noting her direction and committing her path to memory. He had not followed her that night, but allowed her to return to the pack she called Stavanger Bay, certain she would return to him whether the news she held lay in his favour or not. But she had never come, and he had given her long enough. If she would not seek him out, then he would have to find her pack himself.

Drawing up beside a trickling stream, Malachi bowed his head and took in the cool water with fervent laps. The refreshing liquid ran down his parched throat, and he found favour in the lack of head rush he often received from drinking the Glacier's run-off too fast. Thoughts of his packmates lingered in his mind as an ever present concern, but he quenched his worry by assuring himself he wouldn't be gone for long.

RE: I'll go anywhere you want me - Scarlett - December 29, 2014

I can't get enough of you. Ghehe. Butting in with Scarlett

Not a sound came from the white wolf hiding in the grass. No movement either. In front of the female was her mindless meal for today grazing on some dried grass. Slowly the albino put a step forward. Her paw soundlessly touching the ground as her red eyes stayed on the hare. How foolish. She just caught a rabbit jus before this and now this hare was showing itself. Bad choice. The female dashed forward and then pounded down on the hare before it could panic. Her teeth sinking into the soft skin around its neck. Scarlett had been surprisingly lucky today. The female turned to where she started and tried to pick up the rabbit from before. Néa would have a full stomach today. That thought really pleased the female. It took some time, but she now had both animals between her jaws as she made her way back to duskfire.

Here the snow had not settled as well as it had on the glacier. The glacier always had the ice and snow, otherwise it wouldn't be a glacier after all. Her white tail raised proudly as she carried the two prey animals. When a scent of another wolf was caught by her nose she wanted to turn the other way. Scarlett would hate to have her hard work stolen by another. Yet, she realized it was her alpha who she smelled. The albino trotted towards him. It would be impolite to just walk past without saying anything after all! She elegantly jumped before him from the grass. Once again she found Malachi in deep thoughts. The alpha always seemed to be thinking. Her tail wagged in a friendly matter as her red eyes glinted. Things were still pretty rocky after she had licked her alpha to give comfort.

"Gewttingdsw." Well that didn't work out as well as she thought. Scarlett placed the two dead animals at her feet and the looked up with a polite smile. "I meant to say; Greetings," she corrected. This time the female didn't smell of this curious male. No, Scarlett had her own scent back mixed with that of the one from Néa. She had sort of adopted Néa for now. Scarlett didn't think Néa's mother would comeback to retrieve her child but she wasn't telling that to the golden youngster. The last few days, and today too, Scarlett had spend her time in mommy-mode to care for the new addition of the pack.

RE: I'll go anywhere you want me - Malachi - December 29, 2014

It's all good, thanks for joining! (: Though sorry you always get him so tense!

Being such a distance from the Glacier itself, the last thing Malachi expected was the familiar scent of his packmates to come drifting his way. Yet it was this very thing that tickled his nose as he lifted his head from the flowing stream, rivulets of the frigid water dripping from his chin as he searched for who approached. However faint the moonlight, she was easy to spot in the dim luminosity of the night, white fur a stark contrast against the darkness and illuminated with an ethereal glow.

But though her appearance did not startle the boy by the way of surprise, he felt his stomach tighten at her arrival, and where he normally would have given a twitching grin at her fumble of words, he replied with only a blink. "Scarlett." Though thoughts of their tense parting scarcely came to mind, he felt his guard raise before her now, inappropriate in the face of her cordial approach. He hadn't told anyone of his voyage to the sea, not wanting to drag anyone else into what he was going to do, and not wanting them to drag him out.

Though he knew to conceal his plan was foolish at best, the will was there and stubbornly set. Wishing to keep his motives hidden now, Malachi shook himself and let his thoughts fire fast. The hares at Scarlett's feet were the first to register, then the strong scent of Linnéa that came off her fur. Good, good. That much he could work with. Letting his face soften, he nodded a glance at the prey at her paws and let his voice run cool. "Good hunting, I see?"

RE: I'll go anywhere you want me - Scarlett - December 30, 2014

Damn. She will never get him to relax, I think xD.
@Néa tagging you because it might be fun to have an extra dynamic between these two. She could be hiding in the high grass, practicing her stealth or something? xD If you feel too sick then feel free to skip it <3

The white female looked over her alpha that was once again tense in her presence. She really tried to greet him with new found energy every time but it was like running into a wall. The wolf across from her doesn't seem to forget her tumbles and falls. Literally, most of the time she did tumble and fall. How relieved she was that he saw her with a good catch. Her promised words were at least confirmed. Scarlett's red eyes glanced over the alpha. A frown came onto her face. Although she would never say this out loud, Malachi wasn't really the type of alpha she preferred. Why was he always so tense? What was he hiding? Shouldn't an alpha be... different? Maybe her view of being an alpha was screwed up because of her family. She decided to blame herself for doubting Malachi.

Scarlett was planning on leaving Malachi alone mainly for both their own comfort and because Néa was waiting for her meal but then the alpha actually started a chit chat about her hunting. "Oh yes. I like to come down in the valley. We started with a mild winter so more prey come down for a feed. I'd like to follow that prey instead of putting a lot of effort in a skinny hare at the glacier." Scarlett had not clue that she had been mocking her alpha, that he of all wolves, had been hunting a skinny hare. She would never have said those words if she knew. Scarlett didn't mind the travel to the valley but some wolves might. Malachi could be hesitant to leave his grounds, although, this encounter would say otherwise. "I have an extra mouth to feed so coming here is far more productive to get her fed."

Suddenly she remembered that she also had made a step up the ladder in ranks. She was right under Sen, which the female wasn't sure she liked entirely. Scarlett had not seem the female for awhile at Duskfire grounds. Although, now she thought of it, Scarlett was glad she hadn't bumped into Sen. The albino focussed on going past the dark female and be better than her. She would work even harder! "Thank you for the small promotion by the way," she thanked with politeness and warmth. Nothing of her ambitious thoughts being voiced in the thank you. It sounded like a genuine thank you, and she was thankful but there was a 'but'. "I assume you are also here for some hunting?," Scarlett assumed wrongly.

RE: I'll go anywhere you want me - Néa - December 30, 2014

Née loved doing this. She used to do it to her siblings all the time, stalking them carefully and quietly through the long grass and then popping up and scaring them whenever possible. It never grew old but right now, she was watching the two wolves down below her as she sat in the long grass on the ridge above. One was her mamma, kind of, and the other was the alpha whom she had met only briefly at the border. He was nice though, so it was okay.

She stepped forward, meaning to start creeping forward through the grass but instead, the ground crumbled beneath her paw and with a loud oof, she was tumbling through the grass and down the hill at a painful speed, getting several burrs in her fur and she ended up sprawled just inches from the two adults in a painful position. She quickly jumped to her feet, yelped a little and then backed into the grass once again, embarrassed and shy now.

"Uh... sorry?"

RE: I'll go anywhere you want me - Malachi - December 30, 2014

You just catch him at bad times. I promise, we'll have a fun thread soon :D
Also, can I just say that Néa's new avatar is gorgeous? <3

Malachi took no offence at Scarlett's remark, for he assumed she hadn't meant any. From what he could gather of the woman, she didn't seem a wolf who would knowingly mock another. He had his reasons to stay near the Glacier, and if protecting the members of his pack meant deigning himself to eat the less boisterous prey he caught, then so be it. The other members of Duskfire seemed to venture into the surrounding Valley enough to catch heftier prey, making up for the weaker contribution he made in that regard. Still, he rolled his shoulders and let a grin lace his lips as he replied, "True, but someone's gotta pick off the weak ones so the other hares can fatten up." Her remark of caring for another pleased the boy, for he assumed she meant Linnéa. He'd yet to check on the cinnamon girl and how she was settling in with them, and the knowledge that Scarlett had assumed responsibility in her life made his tail slowly sway at his heels.

"Don't thank me, you earned that yourself." Her priorities now proved just that. Though the times of their encounters had all been somewhat tense, he held no ill-feelings for the woman. True, he did not know her well yet, but she seemed eager to prove herself useful to the pack and to herself, and she did not keep her ambitions to empty words.

Malachi had pulled himself thus far with little hitch, letting his smiles fall where appropriate, and letting his shoulders naturally relax, despite the ever present itch to keep moving. But Scarlett's question of his activity here caused his thoughts to fumble again, and he hesitated in the brief panic that flushed within. But before he could open his mouth, a loud crash caught him rapt and he tore his eyes away from the woman to face this new threat, muscles taught and hackles bristling, eyes wide and thoughts scrambling to make out the predator that came their -

Malachi let his shoulders sag when the terrible predator came into sight, a sprawling heap of legs too long for her own good and body not yet fit for size. By the time she scrambled to her paws, Malachi's hackles had not yet fallen, but his shock had since given way to a befuddled stare and a twitching grin that couldn't decide whether to be amused or concerned. "Linnéa?" In his confusion - for he hadn't expected to find anyone out at this hour, let alone two of his packmates - he did not think to ask if she was alright, but instead cast Scarlett a startled glance, as if she had any foreknowledge to the young girl's sudden arrival.

RE: I'll go anywhere you want me - Scarlett - December 31, 2014

Hahah we should before what ever happens later on. #Scared.
It is pretty huh!! I thought so too!

The red eyed female let out a brief chuckle. "Your sacrifices have been noticed," she returned a bit playfully. Scarlett looked at the dead juicy hare and rabbit at her feet. She should get back to her little girl soon. Néa was probably waiting on top of the field. Scarlett had put her on a look out point so she could watch the pale wolf hunt. Scarlett only smiled at what Malachi returned. Those words were a great motivation to climb up higher. She never actually thought about being a higher rank since she was always put as a lower rank by her last pack. Whatever she did, they still treated her like the lowest of the lowest. Scarlett hadn't really disliked it, maybe that was her problem.

The young female was an observer by nature. She didn't only watch her surroundings with her nose, ears and eyes but also with her paws. Soon she felt the vibrations of .... She didn't know what it was but it was definitely coming their way. Malachi didn't seem to notice. Maybe her paws were just sensitive. Scarlett didn't mind that she had that skill. She turned to the bouncing... ball? Her head tipped a bit moments before Néa stumbled in front of their feet. Scarlett hadn't been startled, but Malachi had. The albino was immediately worried. She stepped forward and nosed through the little one's fur. Her pink tongue licked over the top of Néa head. "Oh Néa! Are you okay?," she asked. The adoptive mother nosed over her back and sides once more before she helped the golden eyed female to her feet.

Scarlett smiled lightly. "Winter is settling in. It is getting slippery, be careful," she lectured. Then the red eyed female grabbed the two prey animals and placed it at Néa's feet. She gave the dead animals a nudge meaning that it was all for her. Everything Scarlett did was so selfless. She would put herself at the last spot with no problem. She was used to eating last. "You will have an extra full tummy today," the female hummed. She sat a bit away watching Néa fondly. The albino looked lost in her own world for a moment, looking utterly smitten that she could provide such a good meal to the youngster. Every bit of her food was mostly going to Néa. Scarlett figured she would find something later for herself.

The pale female stepped off her motherly cloud. "Oh you were telling me about your hunting right?," Scarlett smiled at the alpha. She couldn't just ignore him that would be rude after all. Although, the female couldn't help but turn to Néa once more. "Do you like your food?" There was something about Scarlett's care. It just felt the right thing to do for her. A gentle smile was on her lips. She desperately wanted her own. They would be all fluffy, adorable and cute. "Malachi. Who is watching the pack when you are gone?," Scarlett wondered. There weren't any beta's right? "Is someone watching Duskfire at the moment? I can go back this instant, but like I mentioned before. I am a horrible warden. Plus I have a little one by my side."

RE: I'll go anywhere you want me - Néa - January 01, 2015

Huh, Scarlett found it for me. :3 I love it so much, it's so pwetty~~~~~

Néa would have blushed in embarrassment if it were possible and she wondered briefly if her fur could turn the same colour as the two-legs she had once spied on when she was younger. But she cast aside such thoughts as she glanced at the albino wolf who had licked her over and placed two hares near her paws, a gesture that Néa didn't miss. She saw it all the time, when Scarlett would give her food first and find food for herself later. Sure, Néa appreciated the gesture but she was worried that the other kept putting herself first. There was an old saying after, that one must fill their own cup before others, lest you run yourself dry. "I'm fine, see?" She shook her legs and grinned cheerfully.

She eyed one hare and then dragged the larger one over to the white wolf, before settling down to her own meal and looking pointedly before she began eating. "I can't eat it all. Besides, I haven't seen you eat a full meal for a while. You should remember to take care of yourself too." She paused for a moment, considering how far she could take her words. "If you aren't strong and full of energy just as a wolf should be because you place yourself last... What could happen... You could get injured or hurt by another wolf or you wouldn't be able to protect others..." She wasn't meaning to hurt the other, far from it. It was just a sad idea that really worried Néa in her heart. If her adoptive mother wasn't taking care of herself, then... Could she take care of herself? And if Scarlett didn't stay healthy then she might die in the winter and... It would break Néa if she ever lost Scarlett, to death or the wilds or anything else. The thought was terrifying to the young wolf and she looked down, before shaking out of her funk. "I don't mean to be rude... But I care... If I can't help, then how could I say I care to anyone?"

She turned to the alpha wolf, bowing her head in submission as she had quickly learnt was a good way to apologise to or respect an alpha. "Sorry for that... I didn't mean to slip and I meant to come down carefully but.. That didn't quite work out. I apologise for startling you... You must have thought I was enemy!"

RE: I'll go anywhere you want me - Malachi - January 02, 2015

Malachi studied the girl from afar, allowing Scarlett the space to fuss over Linnéa to her heart's content. The cinnamon girl looked relatively intact, no broken limbs that he could see nor blood soaking through her fur. Aside from the burrs caught in her fur, she looked hurt more in dignity than in health, though he imagined she would feel the tumble come morning and likely in the days to come.

The boy quirked his brows at Scarlett when Linnéa scolded the woman with a reprimand of her own. Though he could see no signs of starvation on the white wolf, she was already of slight build, and that caused Malachi to take concern. As a child he had heard the tales of great famine, and though this winter had been kind, the dark season had yet to reach its pinnacle. So much could change over the next few weeks, and he couldn't risk any of his packmates neglecting themselves when decent prey could still be found. Though the leader decided Linnéa pleas were forceful enough without his own advice on top, he made note to keep an eye on Scarlett to ensure she did not ignore the youth's concerns.

Turning his eyes upon Linnéa then, he took her apology with a wry grin. "Sometimes the earth has different ideas," he mused, and a fleeting uncertainty passed his face before he rolled his shoulders and covered himself with a quiver of a laugh and a teasing glance. "I didn't know what you were, but definitely not something I wanted hurdling into my side."

His legs itched to keep moving, but he held himself with patience, hoping the girls would forget him enough that he could take a silent leave and slip into the night again. But Scarlett caught him, and this time with a prompt he couldn't deflect. Feeling his ears twitch back, the boy calmed himself before they could betray him, and he gave Scarlett a careful pause. "Don't worry. The Glacier will be fine." His forehead burned while he stalled. He wasn't keen on telling Scarlett or Linnéa he'd left without word, and so he searched for another explanation that would cover his rash predicament. Malachi paused a heartbeat before continuing, "But it's good I came across you here." His tongue felt dry behind his lips. "Something's come up that I can't ignore, but it will take me a number of days away from the Glacier to address. There's no reason to worry, but if you could keep an extra eye out for me while I'm gone, it would put me at ease until I return."

RE: I'll go anywhere you want me - Scarlett - January 02, 2015

Scarlett licked her lips as she got scolded by the pup. She looked down at the hare at her feet which looked really appetizing. Her stomach grumbled in agreement. If she could have blushed she would in that moment. "Well alright," Scarlett agreed but didn't start eating just yet. Malachi was still here in their midst. "You have a good point at that, although do note that I am a smaller wolf. I don't need that much," Scarlett excused, it was a very bad excuse. Still it was cute how the youngster really cared for her wellbeing. Her ear turned to the alpha who teased the little girl. A fond smile came on her white muzzle in return. Had she ever heard Malachi laugh before? Not that she could remember. What a milestone.

The pale female listened to what the alpha had to say next. "Why didn't you say so! We are keeping you from doing your alpha duties. I am so sorry," The submissive female immediately apologized. Scarlett did get a bit worried when the male spoke of the trouble that had come up. She didn't wish to have a war with another pack or another drama that was about to unfold. "Of course. We will be on the look out. If something happens I will howl for Sen. She will scare them all away." For the first time Scarlett saw some use in the black female. She did found it a bit unnerving that there was no beta to control their little band of wolves. Although. She would keep an eye on Meara, Néa and Lazar. Njal and Hatshepsut were not really seen, period. So that would only be that Sen and Manauia were on their own.

After this brief counting the female relaxed more. "Take your time. I think I've got most of them covered," Scarlett smiled proudly. "Don't let us hold you from your travels. Good seeing you. Do return." Scarlett realized she almost sounded like a worried mate with those last two words. Eventually she laid down next to Néa and her rabbit. Hunger had settled in and she eagerly sunk her teeth into the meal.

RE: I'll go anywhere you want me - Néa - January 03, 2015

I'm outta here :3 Have fun!

Néa grinned but shook her head as a yawn stretched her maw, a high pitched noise that belied her tired mind and with a quick glance at the two adults, she pulled to her feet and yawned once again, obviously signalling her intent to leave their little congregational meeting and head back to the warmth of the den. Stretching very much like a feline, she shook the cold from her paws and nodded to the two adult wolves. "This was fun... But I'm gonna head to the den, cause it's gotten awful cold awfully fast. I feel like my paws have fallen off. See back at the den.." She quirked an eyebrow at Scarlett and dipped her head respectfully to her alpha, before grabbing her rabbit/hare and carrying it back with in as she plodded in the general direction of the den she and the albino shared.

RE: I'll go anywhere you want me - Malachi - January 04, 2015

Malachi could tell he had worried Scarlett, and in a heartbeat he wished he'd told her some vague excuse instead. An extended hunting mission, or a simple desire to scout the outer territories himself. But he bowed his head, a sheepish grin spread across his face as he deflected her concerns with a cool reply. "Don't worry. You'll be fine." They were words he could not back up with evidence, but it was a reasonable assumption. Emotional turmoil aside, they had not had external trouble since the lynx attack. Still, Scarlett's words reassured him more than he thought they would, and he gave her a gentle bump on the shoulder to still her rapid bout of good-wishes. "You sound like my mother," he mused with a flashing grin.

His ears canted to catch Linnéa's words, and with a slow nod he bid the cinnamon girl a silent farewell, feeling not for the first time the sharp bite of winter upon his own skin. A bitter wind had trickled from the North even before they'd stopped to chat, and now it tousled among them with even stronger gales. She had a good idea to return to her den, and Malachi wished he could return to his. But such would not be the case tonight. Turning to Scarlett again, he dipped his crown to her before nodding after Linnéa's departing form. "You should go with her. The night's no time for someone so young to be travelling alone."

RE: I'll go anywhere you want me - Scarlett - January 05, 2015

My last post too! Haha, we will let Malachi leave then xD You can archive it!

The young female smiled at the alpha's trust in her. She believed his words when he told her she would be okay. The Glacier was a few days of traveling from the more crowded area. Strays usually didn't climb the Glacier. At least, Scarlett had never seen her eyes on one ever. Maybe her alpha just did a good job of protecting them. Who knows. Scarlett would have been bright red if her fur showed her blush. She knew was just teasing her but she really didn't want to sound that motherly. I've been playing a mother for to long. Excuses, she apologized with a light chuckle.

Scarlett wanted to call out to Néa to wait for her. She disliked having her walk back alone. Exactly my thoughts! I will leave you to it. Take Care" The albino returned a quick, yet, genuine smile to the leader before setting in a chase after Néa. Seconds later she returned and grabbed the hare she hadn't eaten from. The female looked a bit embarrassed before her and her prey left the high grass to walk the pup home. She hoped her alpha would be safe and sound when he returned. Although it was none of her business to know what he was up to.

RE: I'll go anywhere you want me - Malachi - January 09, 2015


He gave the winter queen an equal smile as she flashed him one of her own, a grin which only gave way to a gentle laugh when Scarlett swooped back to gingerly collect her forgotten hare. Malachi let his tail wave high as she left, a beacon of his departure and goodwill on her behalf. "I promise, I'll be back soon." He barked his final farewell, then canted his head to let loose a long howl in hopes its echo would carry to the Glacier.

The sundry man knew not what waited for him on the coast, what he would find or what he would not, or whether he was chasing the wind. But he had to try. For the Sveijarns, for Duskfire... and, though he would not voice it, for himself. Though some could deem him reckless, he knew the pack would be safe, now more than before. He did trust Scarlett, though he knew her scarce, and he had faith that she - along with Sen and Lazar and all others who called the land home - would keep the Glacier safe until his return. With soundness of mind, Malachi loped in the direction of the distant shores and let the Glacier slowly shrink behind him.