Wolf RPG
The Heartwood konaiseiko - Printable Version

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konaiseiko - Shiv - December 28, 2014

Protected as the forest was by the canopy of the trees, a light dusting of rain still fell softly through the leaves and branches, settling onto the ground below. Golden rays from the morning sun streamed through also, creating an almost would-be magical scene, if it weren't for the sudden shrill chirping of one of the forests' residents. The cries interrupted the silence of the Heartwood, disturbing nearby ravens as they too began to caw in protest as their peaceful morning was disrupted.

The source of the noises hopped along the forest floor, occasionally flinging the light covering of snow into the air and chattering in excitement as it fell back around her. Ruffling her unkempt feathers, the bird proceeded to dive not-so-gracefully into a slightly larger pile of snow, enjoying this new found game. That was until she caught sight of a small bush, red berries twinkling in the rain, beckoning her forwards. Another loud shriek and Shiv hurriedly bounced towards it, curiously examining the tiny fruits before spearing one with her beak.

RE: konaiseiko - Prima - December 28, 2014

can wolves speak to birds? :'D

Prima was one to go wandering about, and had found herself in a somewhat new region of the area that was called the Teekon Wilds. A slight layer of rain coated the trees, beads of water coated over the light layer of week-old snow and frozen, dead leaves. Moments ago she'd found herself a pure snowbank and had proceeded to make some sort of a snow angel on the pile. Well, nobody owned it, anyway. She doubted anyone would care. Even if they did, she herself wouldn't think much.

The blue-eyed girl trotted forwards, a light dusting of snow plastered over her silvery pelt, the cheeky smile bright on her features. She was again, looking for something else to do, something to eat, maybe, but chances were probably slim.

Winter sunlight streamed through the branches, casting its soft, ethereal glow onto Prima's fur. She marvelled in the relatively warm sensation then, her eyes wandering to what was before her. It wasn't long before she spotted a bush not far from her, speckled with seemingly frozen red berries, a plump little magpie with its beak speared through a berry. Careful not to startle her, Prima cautiously stepped forward, her footfalls now quiet, before she grinned, her light eyes sparkling.

She stopped directly in front of the magpie then, wondering if she would scare her and if she would flee. It had been a while since she'd had an encounter with a wolf, let alone a bird, so this would probably be something new.

"Do those berries taste good?" She asked, her tone light with laughter, not caring if the magpie would understand what she said.

RE: konaiseiko - Shiv - December 29, 2014

Oh heck, I didn't think of that, haha. Maybe basic sentences, since magpies/crows/ravens are meant to be a little smarter than average :D

With the berry firmly stuck on her beak, clamping it shut, silence once again fell upon the forest. The only sounds now were from the disgruntled ravens above, softly cawing as they regathered on the tree they had settled in moments before. The magpie hopped around, shaking her head as she tried to rid herself of the bothersome fruit. It hadn't occurred to her that it would be near solid. Even partially frozen, it was still rather tough to split and free her beak from.

Spinning in a quick circle, Shiv tried to find a rock to scrape the berry away so she could get back to her mindless twittering. She was already beginning to miss the sound of her own voice. Instead, though, her eyes landed on the form of a pale-furred wolf. With a half-startled, half-excited flutter, the bird bounced towards the stranger, stopping before her dainty paws. Her interactions so far with wolves had been limited, though Shiv could tell this wolf was smaller than normal. A juvenile, perhaps? She registered the other's words, though didn't give any indication of understanding, instead tapping the shish kebab-ed berry against her leg and peering up with pleading eyes. "Nnnrrghf," she responded pitifully.

RE: konaiseiko - Prima - December 29, 2014

thanks for clearing that up ahahah

The little magpie with the berry hopped towards her, her beak speared in between the berry. It once again occurred to Prima that she wouldn't be able to speak, and her assumptions were confirmed when the plump bird again gave a small bounce towards her and tapped her imprisoned beak lightly on her leg.

"Cute," Prima commented, smiling as she reached up and let a small white paw swipe at the berry on the bird's beak. She gave the small sphere a nudge before it split apart, freeing the magpie's beak from the frozen fruit, red berry juice spewing from its insides. With half the berry stuck to her paw, she gave it a thorough examination before shrugging and popped the berry into her mouth. The sterling girl was hungry for a snack, anyway. She was sure it wasn't poisonous, and that it wouldn't hurt.

She turned her seafoam eyes back on the magpie, trusting her to have probably eaten her half of the berry. Prima didn't know if she again understood the language, but she'd learnt that magpies were probably capable of communicating using basic words and sentences. Prima spoke a shortened version of her previous sentence. "Like it?"

RE: konaiseiko - Shiv - December 29, 2014


Success! The wolf seemed to have understood her request, reaching a paw up to dislodge the frozen fruit. Shiv threw her head back as she did so, erupting into a flurry of happy chirps when her beak was finally freed. Red juice flowed down her face, staining the patches of white on her shoulders and splattered onto the other female's paw, though she didn't seem to mind the mess — the opposite, in fact. Tilting her head, the magpie watched as the wolf examined her broken piece of the berry before swallowing it whole. What a strange creature. Shiv was sure wolves only ate other animals.

Turning back to her own half of the berry, Shiv hopped upon it, clamping down her small talons and attacking it with her beak, tearing off tiny pieces. While she, too, most often ate meat, berries were a special delicacy. The stranger's words earned her a glance from the bird, who regarded her with each eye separately, turning her head as she did so. Her glittering eyes reminded her of the shiny icicles that were sometimes seen hanging off tree branches. A moment's pause, then she let out a content gurgle. "Good, yes, yes." Nodding, Shiv then quirked her head up at the female again. "Wolf enjoy not-meat?"

RE: konaiseiko - Prima - December 29, 2014

apparently wolves eat grasshoppers

Prima left the bird to her chirping and pecking the berry with her beak, taking a few steps towards the bush and swiping randomly at the clusters that dangled off the bush. There was a lot, chewy and frozen, nonetheless juicy.

The bird gave the silvery fae a curious glance, her head cocked, her beady eyes flickering to and fro. It wasn't long before she delivered a response to her earlier words in a few brief, short words, which seemed to sound like the words of a one-month-old that was her kind.

The wolfess prepared an answer to her question, which slipped smoothly off her tongue. "Nah, we consider a lot our food. Meat, yeah, berries, insects and stuff. Worms." Her mind flashed back to the time she'd tried worms out for the first time with Lena, which promptly allowed her expression to twist into one of slight disgust. "Didn't particularly like those, but... food's food."

She eyed the the little bundle of feathers with light eyes as she dipped her silver crown down to slip a berry onto her tongue, her gaze drifting over her wings. Prima let a small giggle slip out then, at the thought of herself as a magpie. Hilarious. "How is it like, being a bird? I wish I had wings."

RE: konaiseiko - Shiv - December 29, 2014

And they totally eat berries too :o Nature's weird, man

At her answer, Shiv gave an unexpected, high-pitched call, elated from the mention of worms. One of her favourites! Though, apparently the wolf was not a fan of them. Shiv studied her crinkled features, slightly offended. Sure, she herself enjoyed the more crunchier bugs such as ticks and millipedes but worms were such a rare thing! They were also very satisfying to spear with her beak. And, apparently, wolves ate more than just the thin-legged creatures she had seen them taking down beyond the forest. It was a spectacular sight, watching such hunts, though were increasingly becoming more rare.

As the female bent her head down to treat herself to another berry, Shiv hopped forward, quickly stealing a look at her strange features. She hadn't seen a wolf up this close before. The wet-looking, black thing on the end of their fuzzy beak was most peculiar indeed. Fluttering backwards, the magpie gave a cheerful caw back at the female's laugh. "To be bird, good, yes," she replied, before cocking her head again and then, with a flap of her wings, made to perch upon the wolf's shoulder. "Can fly! Will help!"

RE: konaiseiko - Prima - December 30, 2014

these two are cute<3! prima might jump off a tree and break all her bones, judging by her personality. goshhhh

The magpie twittered, elated, springy as she gave a ruffle of her wings. Birds seemed to always have this energy 24/7— cheerful, restless, with their high-pitched squeaking. As she dipped her head to snack on the berries, she sensed the bird's movements as she bounced forward, an inch from her face.

Prima shrugged. She guessed that the bird hadn't seen much of her kind up close just as she did hers.

The bird answered her question, informing her that she thought good of a bird's life. Then she came, with a flutter of her quick wings, to rest upon her shoulder. "Can fly! Will help!" The fae laughed once more, at the thought of soaring high in the sky along with the magpie, completely free. That would be terrific. If only there was ever a way...

"Awesome!" Prima said, grinning, jokingly holding a small silver-white paw up for the magpie's inspection, never missing a beat. "Is this wing of mine good enough? How do we start, miss bird? We could scale something and see from there."

RE: konaiseiko - Shiv - December 30, 2014

A daring wolf and well-intentioned but delusional bird, what could possibly go wrong :'D

Shiv quickly made herself comfortable as she landed on the female's shoulder, dipping her head as she leaned forward so she could still converse with the friendly creature. She faintly remembered her mother's teachings about wolves and coyotes, how many weren't so amicable and would gobble them up, given half a chance — especially in winter. This one seemed to have more...organic tastes, though. Shiv was sure she wouldn't suddenly turn around and make her into a bite-sized snack. Even if the wolf did, she had a sharp weapon and wouldn't hesitate to use it.

As she held up her paw for the magpie to inspect, Shiv quickly took to the air and flew around it once, using her tail to manoeuvre in a tight circle as she studied it. The small white toes seemed to lack the longer feathers that made up Shiv's own wings. It could pose a problem. However, she was sure with enough practice and tutorage, the wolf could join her in the skies! Landing on her shoulder again, the bird gave a series of short, approving chirps. "Good, good. Will do." She cast her gaze ahead then, falling silent for a moment as she registered the wolf's words. "Must practice from tree." It was how she and her hatch mates learned, after all.

"Will show wolf," Shiv added with a clack of her beak, leaping from the girl's shoulder again and scouting ahead, searching for a suitable tree or stump.

RE: konaiseiko - Prima - December 30, 2014

well #YOLO

She liked how the little magpie seemed to be levelly ecstatic as she was on the idea of her flying, though Prima's... expectations were probably pretty far from the bird's. It was still funny to see the bird flapping around her paw, very much taking her seriously, before she cocked her head up to tell her that she approved of it as flight material.

Up for whatever that was to come along, the silvery fae followed the magpie closely behind at the mention of a tree, careful not to disappoint both the bird and herself. It would probably not do too good for her well-being if she fell from a branch ten meters up in the air. It would be unlike anything she'd ever experienced, though she probably wouldn't even be able to climb that high in the first place. Some part of her nagged at her to try, though that was a no-no, but she sure did want to feel the wind ruffling her fur and the sensation of complete freedom. Sorta.

It wasn't long before she spotted a stump, just enough for Prima on her tippytoes to be able to place her forelegs on the top. Well, it wouldn't be what Lena would call fun enough, nor would it probably be of "standard beginner material" to the magpie. She asked. "Is this good enough? We can have something else, if you want. I don't think I'll be able to fly like you can, though. You've already seen my crap wings."

RE: konaiseiko - Shiv - December 30, 2014

Shiv soared ahead, just above the wolf's head height, occasionally landing on stray tree branches and hopping in a circle as she watched and waited for the girl to catch up. While the wolf was probably searching for something a little more at her level, Shiv kept an eye on the canopy overhead, looking for a tree that would be sturdy enough to support the weight of the female. She wasn't sure how much wolves weighed, though it would certainly be more than at least ten of herself! Shiv and her previous flock had experienced first-hand how weights effected tree branches, especially thin ones. She gurgled fondly at the memory and how her and her hatch mates had had an impromptu flying lesson that day, thanks to the unforgiving tree.

The magpie suddenly glanced down as her companion called out, her slender legs resting upon a large tree stump. Giving a happy squawk, Shiv swooped down and landed on it, tapping it with her beak and walking around in a wide circle. It seemed sturdy enough. Not as high as she would have liked but it would do — it was the girl's first lesson, after all. "Good, yes, yes," the bird said with a nod, before tilting her head as she stared down at the silvery wolf as she spoke, gaze flicking to her paws then back to her eyes again. Indeed, flying took a while to master, though Shiv didn't doubt the female's abilities.

"Up?" she chirped after a moment. It was both a demand and a question, wondering if the girl could in fact jump upon the stump so she could be at a proper height to start her lesson.

RE: konaiseiko - Prima - December 30, 2014

The magpie swooped down with a high caw, landing on the stump Prima had her paws upon and began tapping it with her sharp beak. She sent approving words her way before flapping off the stump so that the she-wolf could propel herself onto it to actually begin her "lesson". Allowing a smile to creep onto her features, she pressed her paws firmly onto the surface and with one swift leap, she had four legs balanced precariously on the wood.

She patiently awaited the bird's next instructions before lifting a paw and waved it in a flapping motion, attempting to mimick the way a bird's wings seemed to carry their bodies through the air. Well, if she was to move both her front limbs, she would surely lose balance and fall off the stump, and she wasn't intending much to make a floppy landing, even though it was her first time. "Do you guys do it like this... or what?"

RE: konaiseiko - Shiv - December 30, 2014

With a kick of her strong hind legs, the female leapt onto the tree stump, shifting as she gained her balance. Shiv had quickly fluttered out of the way, keen to avoid both the weight and sharp talons of the wolf yet, at the same time, admiring the strength her frame held. Where they lacked the longer feathers and handy beak of her kind, they made up for it with physical power. The magpie would be jealous if she didn't love her flashy tail feathers so much.

Flying around in a tight circle above the wolf, Shiv came to a rest on her shoulder again, curiously watching as she waved her small paw in the air. Well, she would never get enough lift doing that. One needed both their wings! Giving an amused gurgle, the bird glided down to the ground before the stump, raising both her wings as she landed. She kept them on display then, strutting around as she came to face her pupil. "This, yes," she said with a nod, before flapping once and jumping into the air a few inches. "Then jump!"

Releasing an exciting series of chirps, the bird then quickly added, "No look down."

RE: konaiseiko - Prima - December 31, 2014

happy new year! :)

Prima eyed the magpie's wings as they carried her little body swiftly through the air. There was so much power in those wings, despite its shape, form and weight— again, it was one thing she envied about birds.

Well, she had all the abilities a wolf had but a bird didn't, so she guessed that they were both equal. She watched her with seafoam eyes as the bird's wings glided from the stump and came to rest on the ground, smoothly and perfectly, and she proceeded to nod at Prima's words before asking her to jump.

Don't look down. The slender wolfess smiled at her words, knowing that there was very little of a chance that she would actually be able to look down before already landing squarely on the ground. Eyeing the ground then the bird once more, she gave her a grin before proceeding to leap off the stump, using all her might within her hind legs to push her body upwards so that she would be able to fall from higher ground. Then she would demonstrate her current "abilities".

Whooping gleefully— "Cowabunga!" She had only the fraction of a second to move her limbs upwards and downwards in a flapping motion like how the magpie had demonstrated before she fell, the cool breeze in her fur. Prima tumbled to the ground and onto the snow, the wind knocked out of her. It wasn't long before she regained her senses, quickly rolling over, still laughing joyfully even though parts of her body slightly ached.

There had been a fraction of a second where she was entirely free. She knew that, and she smiled up at the magpie. Well, now she knew she would do anything to feel that sensation once more, with the wind ruffling her fur and her limbs outstretched like a bird's as if she was actually really flying, even though it was only for such a short time. The silver fae inwardly rolled a shoulder, thinking perhaps she would get better at it as she continued— "Well, I tried. Not bad for a beginner?"

RE: konaiseiko - Shiv - January 01, 2015

You too! :D :D Also, we can wrap this thread up soon if you want!

With a jovial bark, the wolf had thrown herself into the air, embarking on her very first test flight. Shiv gave an excited call, jumping out of the way before circling back and landing on the stump the female had just pushed off from. She watched eagerly, beginning to bounce a little on her feet, as her student moved her strange, short-feathered wings once...then landed in a heap. Snow and dirt were flung into the air around her as she rolled to a stop, laughing. The magpie followed after her, skidding to a halt beside the female and cocking her head, wondering why she was so happy. She had stuck the landing and her air-time had been atrocious — if Shiv had done that her mother would have permanently kicked her from the nest.

She gave a few curious gurgles as the wolf recovered and looked over to her, smiling. Well, at least she hadn't broken anything, it seemed. "Much practice needed, yes," the bird replied with a nod and a small, amused chirp. Though, inwardly, she was impressed with the girl. She wasn't certain many others would even attempt to take to the skies. With time, she would no doubt be able to master the craft! With that thought, the bird cocked her head. "Wolf have flock?" she questioned. "Can teach others now!"

RE: konaiseiko - Prima - January 01, 2015

one more round after this? :)

Prima agreed to the magpie's words, the smile still glimmering on her features. "A wolf's ability aren't at level to yours, though. We won't be able to reach your standards, no matter how hard we try. But I'll do that, you'll see. I'll be flying like you in no time." She paused. "I would love some more flying lessons soon, though. It's a hell load of fun."

The small silver girl rose from the ground and shook the snow off her two-toned pelt. "Flocks," She laughed. "Flocks, no. Packs, yes, to our kind, anyway. I'm not in a pack yet, though I might join one soon. I hope I will be able to see you then so I can go on my second lesson..." Prima paused once more, at the thought of the bird's name, realizing that she didn't even have it. "What is your name, birdy? My name is Prima."

RE: konaiseiko - Shiv - January 01, 2015

Sure thing! Thanks for the thread :D

Shiv kept her gaze trained on the girl, head cocking to the left then right as she listened, selectively only taking in the last two things she said. Of course she would be able to fly like the other magpies in time! It was clear wolves weren't exactly built like birds but it shouldn't be able to stop them — especially with a teacher such as Shiv! At her request for another lesson, the magpie gave a happy squawk, delighted that her services would be needed again. She also had come to quite like this wolf, despite her less than stellar flying abilities.

As she shook herself off, small flakes of snow landed on Shiv's own feathers and she instinctively ruffled them as well. Flocks of wolves were called packs? But the girl had no pack of her own yet? How had she survived winter on her own for so long! The bird gave a sad sounding warble, concerned for her new friend. Hopefully her new skill would help her earn a place within one of these packs. Suddenly, she gave her name and Shiv jumped up, forgetting she hadn't even announced her own name yet! "Shiv! Yes, yes," she replied, bowing to Prima as if she were royalty.

RE: konaiseiko - Prima - January 01, 2015

shiv is honestly so cute omfg. mueh, i'm such a weirdo, i've always had a thing for birds. this is my last post, ahaha. they could meet again in another thread, for their "second lesson"? :'D

Prima had came to find the magpie rather adorable, with her goofiness, helpfulness, her determination to help the petite two-toned wolfess fly. She had a feeling that this bird would be sticking around for a long time, a lifelong friend, maybe. She smiled.

The magpie gave a low warble at the mention of Prima not being in a pack, and she supposed she'd made that sound because of the cons of being alone. She rolled a slim shoulder at her new friend, smiling. "Nah, it's okay. I can survive myself and enjoy life while doing so, though sometimes I do wanna hangout with other people. I have a new friend now, though, and she teaches me how to fly!" Prima grinned. "That's something I have to tell all my future packmates, isn't it?"

She gave her her name, which was Shiv. "Shiv," She spoke, the name light on her lips as she tried it out. When Shiv gave her a flopsy bow, Prima giggled and immediately returned it. "It was great to meet you, Shiv. I trust we'll meet soon, since we have a plan for the second lesson. But for now, bye, Shiv!"

Prima left her the pile of berries she'd picked earlier for her bird friend as a gift when she departed, heading back to her place with an energetic bounce in her stride.

RE: konaiseiko - Shiv - January 02, 2015

Hahah, ee thanks, birds are awesome :D I've wanted to play one forever but couldn't decide on a species. And no worries! Shoot me a message whenever you want the second thread, yo :D

The magpie replied with a happy song as the female addressed her concerns over her loner status. If wolves were anything like her own kind, Shiv knew that sticking together was vital. Although she herself was something of a rogue, the bird still knew she had family and a safe haven to come back to should she run into trouble. And now Prima was part of that circle — at least, according to Shiv — despite the difference in species and capabilities. She bobbed her head in agreement as the wolf flashed her a grin.

After the usual formalities, Prima returned her bow with a light-hearted laugh and took her leave then, promising to meet for a second lesson in the future. With a slightly sad coo, the bird flittered upwards, alighting on a branch and watching the small wolf disappear amongst the trees.

A series of happy shrieks echoed throughout the forest once more minutes after her new friend's departure, as Shiv discovered — and promptly tore apart hungrily — the berries Prima had left for her.