Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera Same place as last time - Printable Version

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Same place as last time - Tempest - December 29, 2014


She lay in the snow, ears pricked and eyes focused on the land spread out in front of her. She hoped Mikael would show up, that he would come. The cool snow felt good against her warm pelt, she had arrived only moment ago. She had sprinted up the hill, eager for their meeting. She dropped her head into the snow and closed her eyes, listening to the distant hoot of an owl.

What I imagine the meeting place to be:

RE: Same place as last time - Mikael - December 29, 2014

Mikael went straight from his meeting with Peregrine to the same spot they had met last night, as beautiful and gracefully clear in the daylight as it was in the evening. As he rounded the path to the clearing, he could see the peppered back wolf basking the sun with her head in the snow and he laughed at the sight, strangely endearing to him.

"Hello, miss. lazy lizard. And here I thought you were a fae?" He grinned widely to show that he was joking and then lay next to her, enjoying the delicious juxtaposition of warm sun and cold earth. He rolled over and licked her cheek, before returning to his original position.

RE: Same place as last time - Tempest - December 29, 2014

"Hello, miss. lazy lizard. And here I thought you were a fae?"

Tempest blinked open her eyes and peered at Mikael. He grinned and she grinned back. He lay beside her, then leaned over and licked her chin. Tempest returned the gesture, a low purr rising in her throat. She stopped however, when she realized only cats purred. "Yep, I'm a lizard, wolf, and cat all rolled into one! The ultimate package."

She moved slightly closer to @Mikael, happy as a wozart(Wolf/lizard/cat) could be.

RE: Same place as last time - Mikael - December 29, 2014

He grinned at @Tempest and her silly ways, rolling closer to her and running his tongue along her cheek once again. "Yep, the most awesomest package ever. Lovely in all it's forms."

What was he doing here? He didn't know where this was leading and he sunk into a reflective silence, thinking over their exchanges. Did he like this fae? Beyond his teasing nature and flirting, Mikael was a romantic at heart and he wasn't sure what his heart was saying anymore.

RE: Same place as last time - Tempest - December 29, 2014

Tempest smiled as @Mikael licked her cheek.
"Yep, the most awesomest package ever. Lovely in all it's forms."

She got up and shook the snow from here pelt. "Run with me?" she asked him, head tilted slightly. She didn't want to lie around, talking and flirting and kissing all day. No, it was to early. Even though she liked him. A lot.

RE: Same place as last time - Mikael - January 01, 2015

Mikael leapt to his feet, energy instantly racing around his body at the thought of a good long run. "Oh, lets!" He then stilled for a moment and turned to the peppered fae who had begun to occupy his thoughts. This was all going way too fast and he said as much. "@Tempest..." He paused and thought on his words. "I'm going to put it out there. I like you. But... I've got things to sort out and... I'd like to take a lot of time to know you... Do you get my drift?"

He smiled and waited for her answer, prancing slightly on his paws as the energy to race pumped through him.

RE: Same place as last time - Tempest - January 01, 2015

Tempest's tail drooped slightly as he talked, but she smiled back and said. "I'll wait for you. Always." She touched her muzzle to his briefly before racing forward. She stopped and looked over her shoulder. "Come on, @Mikael!" She sprinted forward, tumbling head over heels as she raced down the slope. She paused at the bottom and shook her self, sending snow in all directions.

RE: Same place as last time - Mikael - January 01, 2015

Mikael hated the feeling he could feel from her but it was necessary. He had to put his family in the foreground for now, to find his sister and make good on the promise of a lifetime. He darted after the peppered white wolf, snow drifting up and around him as he raced after the other, a barking laugh echoing from his maw. Coming down the hill he jumped and rolled at the bottom, spraying a thick cover of snow of the already snow free @Tempest . He grinned and chuckled.


RE: Same place as last time - Tempest - January 01, 2015

Tempest growled and shoved her shoulder into him. She took off, sending a spray of snow in her wake. She loved to run, loved the feel of paws against earth. She called back to @Mikael, telling him to hurry up.

RE: Same place as last time - Mikael - January 02, 2015

Mikael stumbled as the heavy shoulder of @Tempest barged into him, before yelping and barking happily as he took off after the other wolf, quickly gaining up to her and running alongside, the wind rushing through his fur and the chill of the winter was deliciously, sinfully pleasant.

RE: Same place as last time - Tempest - January 02, 2015

Tempest grinned when @Mikael arrived at her side. Her breath came quickly, the rhythm of the run seemed to sooth her. Suddenly, her whole body jolted, the rhythm had been broken. She stopped, tumbling onto her side. The even layer of snow had hidden from her a small burrow, her paw had slipped into it and twisted. Tempest examined her paw and grimaced, it stung like fire and was twisted at an odd angle. She looked at Mikael, worry written across her features.

RE: Same place as last time - Mikael - January 03, 2015

I might be able to use this for Healer XD
They were running together, side by side but all of a sudden, there was the sickeningly sharp noise of bones grinding and he doubled back, seeing the twisted angle of the paw @Tempest was inspecting with deep worry in her eyes. Quickly, he wracked his brains for a solution and rushed to her side, inspecting the twisted paw with trepidation and worry.

" Hold on for a second." He sniffed the air and then darted to a nearby grove of greenery, yanking a branch of a fragrant deciduous tree and rushing back, handing the branch to the fae with a grim look. "Just... bite on that and chew a few of those leaves for a few moments." He nudged the other into a laying position, shooting her a quick glance for permission. "That herb will dull pain but I need to pop the joint in place, it's twisted out of it's right place and it's damaging your tendons and muscles. Are you okay for me to do that?"

RE: Same place as last time - Tempest - January 03, 2015

Thats what I was thinking *_*

Tempest took the branch and began chewing it as he had asked, shaking slightly. She noticed she was, and quickly stopped. She fell back into a laying position, appreciating the glance @Mikael shot her before doing so. When he finished talking, she nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Her paw burned with pain, she just wanted to get it over with.

RE: Same place as last time - Mikael - January 03, 2015

Mikael nodded thoughtfully, his mind fully concentrating on the wound in front of him and he nosed the wound gently, wincing at the pain it must have caused but knew the fae would only feel a little of it. Very gently, he wrapped his teeth around the angled paw and waited for a few moments, to throw the fae off and then placed a paw on her upper shoulder. With no warning except a brief look at the face of@Tempest , he placed pressure on her upper shoulder and with a mighty push towards her body with his jaws. A loud click sounded and he breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay... It's fine. It'll be a little tender for a few days but you should be able to walk on it. Just... Don't run, 'kay?" He grinned at the humorous statement and chuckled to himself.

RE: Same place as last time - Tempest - January 03, 2015

Tempest yelped as her paw clicked, and looked down at it. Thanks to Mikael, it looked perfectly normal. At his words, she stood, and was glad to feel no pain. Well, maybe a little. "Thanks, doc" she said happily. She felt the urge to lick his muzzle, but withheld from it. Instead, she settled for touching her tail lightly to his back. She smiled, a little sadly, before sitting. She gazed at him expectantly.

RE: Same place as last time - Mikael - January 03, 2015

Michael watched carefully as she stood, watching the paw carefully for any buckling or abnormalities in the movement but all seemed good, something he was extremely pleased with. You are welcome. He returned the gentle touch of her tail with his own and blinked at the expectant look on her face. What was she waiting for... He was extremely confused and just blinked at her, moving into a sitting position and still blinking in confusion.

RE: Same place as last time - Tempest - January 03, 2015

Tempest grinned at @Mikael and his odd expression. She laughed, then said "You totally fell for that one. Want to go grab a snack?" Her tail wagged and she jumped back onto her feet, cringing slightly when she put her weigh on her injured paw. She pulled it off the ground, and started toward a cache. "I think there's a cache this way," she called to him. She was determined not to let her painful paw get in the way of things.

RE: Same place as last time - Mikael - January 03, 2015

Mikael returned her happy grin, though his expression turned to one of consternation at the pained wince that flashed across the other's face. Though there really wasn't much more he could do now, except encourage @Tempest to rest up. Yeah, a snack sounds awesome actually. He followed the other to a nearby cache, a few fairly fresh but small pieces of meat tucked away under a snowy indent. He dragged a small piece for both of them and lay down like a sphinx, determined to enjoy the food.

RE: Same place as last time - Tempest - January 03, 2015

Tempest leaned against a spruce as @Mikael pulled out a couple small pieces of meat. She carefully lay next to him and set upon devouring a chunk, her eyes on Mikael, making sure he got to eat the same amount as she had. She found herself wishing for spring, with it's warmth and food.

"Your sister...what is she like?"

RE: Same place as last time - Mikael - January 03, 2015

He was enjoying the frozen but no less nutritious meat entering his belly but he had to swallow harshly at the sudden question about his sister. He swallowed a bite and then huffed a little, gathering his thoughts. He flashed a fond, almost sad smile at @Tempest as his mind recalled the days of his youth.

"She's older than I am, though only a little. She's pretty, in a scarred and definitely strong way. She's not kind, not really but she's always been protective over her pack mates and me especially. She's very much a fighter but she's a fair one, hates the idea of fighting dirtily and without respect... I miss her..."

RE: Same place as last time - Tempest - January 03, 2015


Tempest paused thoughtfully before answering. Her thoughts drifted back to her own dead sibling, what would they have been like? She shoved those thoughts back into her head and asked "Hopefully, you won't be missing her for much longer. When did you last see her?"

RE: Same place as last time - Mikael - January 03, 2015

He though quickly and tallied up the days since she had been lost in the snowstorm. All in all, he thought about 3 or four months but he was notorious for losing tracks of the days. But if it was approaching midwinter, then.... Yes, about four months he thought. There was a familiar look in the eye of @Tempest , that spoke of her understanding of his feelings.

"Hopefully. I saw her last about four months, which was 3 days after we left our pack and then we got caught in a snowstorm, then separated since then."

RE: Same place as last time - Tempest - January 04, 2015

Tempest could picture the two, caught in a huge snowstorm. Calling for each other...she shivered slightly. She asked him what his plan had been to find her when he came to Teekon.

(My keyboard is being stupid. whats with the random È è. I hate when it does this.)

RE: Same place as last time - Mikael - January 04, 2015

Mikael settled down a little more, swallowing a few bites of meat and smiling. "I was going to find a pack and stay for the winter only... But then I got here and that has all changed now. I've met friends, gained a lot higher rank than I ever had before... I met you."

RE: Same place as last time - Tempest - January 06, 2015

Tempest grinned at his words, and muzzled his cheek. Her face burned, and she muttered an embarrassed "Sorry". She wolfed down a last piece of meat, her hunger sated. Little did she know that today would be her last meeting with the male, and the following weeks would be compromised of terror and blood. But as they talked under the stars, the fae felt her heart bloom.
