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A Lust Duet Stalking Prey (Mature) - Printable Version

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A Lust Duet Stalking Prey (Mature) - Grimnir - December 29, 2014

@Kadence I'm sorry it took me so long to start this. I was trying to figure out HOW I would start it.

Success follows his paw steps through the thick trees, his nose skims along the soil. He is a Blackfeather Woods member now. The beautiful alpha has accepted him. The crucial first step is complete. Fool, the voices laugh. Tricked, they snicker. A scent suddenly fills his nostrils. Another wolf? So soon? They must wander their territory constantly. But why? Did they have something to fear here? He fears nothing. Whatever this place has to offer him, he can overcome it. He is the killer after all. The thing others should fear. But they don't know that yet. Eventually they will find out. He can't wait. And this one he is following now? The trail tells him it's another female. Will she be as beautiful as the first or more stunning? He should rape all the females here if they are as unbelievably gorgeous as Meldresi. Lust in both forms. It is a wonderful duo. A raven calls overhead, interrupting his thoughts. He looks up, black wings flutter. He snarls at it. The creature takes flight. These woods are filled with evil. Blackness blankets it, dark birds inhabit it. Wolves stalk through it. A sigh whispers through thin lips. A dream, that is what Blackfeather is. What more does it have to offer him?

Something rustles to his right. White against the black. He stops, ears perked. A rabbit pokes up from a hole. Grim lowers himself; stalking towards it. The animal's little pink nose wiggles once, twice. Hesitantly, it stumbles out of its home. He is behind it now. A tree provides cover as he eyes the prey hungrily. When was the last time he ate? A couple days ago?
Feed, the voices advise. Hunt, they beg. One slow step forward, then anohter. The white rabbit sits up on its hind legs. Grim pauses. It goes back down on its forlegs. He takes another step, then lunges. Thick fur fills his mouth, squealing errupts from the creature. Teeth clamp down on the now struggling prey. Hot blood fills his muzzle. He shakes it back and forth a few times. Something snaps, and then it's still. Triumphantly he sets the small animal down by his paws. Tipping his nose up he gives a short howl for his victory. Cold ground touches his stomach. He lays with the rabbit between his paws. Bits of meat and innards fill his jaws as he starts with its soft belly. After swallowing, he moves to its long ears and head. They don't provide as much meat. The feet are stringy, he just chews on them.

Soon the meal is done. A long, thick tongue passes over bloody lips. Even if it wasn't much, it was still tasty. He will need something else before long. A grin plays across his face. If only a wolf could be a meal. Sadly, that will not happen any time soon. What other prey lives here? The ravens? No, they will be less than the rabbit. Deer maybe? He could hunt one on his own. Would he have to bring some back to the pack though? He doesn't know. He doesn't care either. Muscles ripple under a medium coat. He stands.
Female? The voices question. Find, they tell him. Yes, he should continue with the trail. Backtracking, it only takes him a moment to discover the scent again. Maybe she will show him where best to hunt here. She could come with him. He would rather be alone though. Large paws trot onward, a growl rumbles in his stomach. Hopefully he finds her soon.

RE: A Lust Duet, Stalking Prey - Kadence - December 29, 2014

Haha it's fine :) I think this will be pretty interesting :P

The dark forest was the perfect place to practice her skills. It was dark, gloomy, and full of others like herself. Those who live to kill, kill to live. A smug grin spreads across the young assassin's jaw as she watches the brown male get up from his meal and continue on her 'trail'. It was one of her favorite tricks. Get them thinking that they were trailing you, and then pounce. Worked every time.

She had been all over the woods just for this purpose. Getting from her hiding spot, she trotted over to the spot where the remains of the rabbit remain. Sniffing them, she turns to where the male had disappeared in the gloom. He had been 'trailing' her for long enough, now was the time that she would strike.

She followed directly behind him for some time until his shadowed form came into view, then she changed direction and came at him from the side. Sitting in the grass a little way from where he would pass, she called out to him

"You've been following that scent for some time, must be pretty special." she barked, a smirk showing off a little of her sharp fangs. Her glowing yellow eyes sparkled in a stark contrast to her obsidian fur that seemed to shimmer in the pale light.

RE: A Lust Duet Stalking Prey - Grimnir - December 30, 2014

A few moments later someone calls out to him. His paws halt, large head snapping to the right. A wolf sits smirking at him. He sniffs slightly in her direction. She has the same scent as the trail. But it was leading him forward not to the right. He is bewildered. Golden eyes pass over the new wolf. Yes, she is beautiful. The same as Meldresi. Only her eyes are yellow and an x shaped scar lies under the right one. This female is even more perfect than the alpha. Something on her left ear catches his gaze. His eyes narrow. Three triangles are carved out of her ear. "I was following you," he informs her. Looking forward he adds, "Or I thought I was." She has played him. He admires her trick. But the trick also infuriates him. He does not like to be bested.

Body turning to the female, he sits. He holds his head high, his chest puffed out. He would love to savage this beauty too. If a third one shows up looking like Meldresi and this one, then he will gladly mate with all of them.
Mate, the voices agree. Kill, they whisper. It was a circle with the voices. So it should be. Irritation causes him to snuff loudly. They can't ever say more than a few words. Unlike the kindness that still lurks behind the dark. It can speak up a sentence quite well at times. "I guess now that I have found you, I should introduce myself." Internally he cringes. That respect crap again. He would rather skip the pleasantries and move on to the rape and murder. That would be better. Thinking on it, he begins to feel a little aroused. He ignores it. "Grimnir Sath Bolverk," he offers in his deep baritone.

His gaze trails back and forth over her lithe form. Such a pretty thing. "
And what about you, trickster," he asks, the nickname secretly used as an insult. Another raven calls from somewhere in the trees. They will prove to be annoying. He will have to catch one. Torture it in front of the others. Maybe they'll get the idea to keep quiet around him. Birds; he's never cared for them. Raucous, irritating, useless creatures. They don't even make a mouthful to feed a hungry wolf.

RE: A Lust Duet Stalking Prey - Kadence - January 01, 2015

The dark assassin smirked, watching him growl lowly at the ravens that were screeching above. She didn't mind them, like many of the wolves that resided in these woods. She found that the dark birds could be useful sometimes. She suppressed a laugh when he said he had found her. Ha.

Kadence flicked her ears in acknowledgement of his name but show any care of his question. "Nice to meet you, Grimnir. May I ask you why you were attempting to track me?" she questioned, smirking. She knew many were quick to underestimate her because of her age. At first it had irritated her, but she quickly learned to accept it, even use it to her advantage. When wolves don't know how high ranking and powerful you were, they tended to say things they wouldn't usually.

"And for my name, you don't need to know that quite yet." When the young girl had first arrived in Blackfeather, she had been as careless with her identity, giving her name away to anyone that asked. But she had found that she could use what one didn't know against them.

RE: A Lust Duet Stalking Prey - Grimnir - January 02, 2015

The beauty inquires about him trying to track her. "I am interested in meeting each of our pack brothers and sisters," he explains. She had smirked at him when mentioning 'attempting to track'. That annoys him. A furry lip twitches. If only he doesn't have to pretend to be good. Fangs would rip that uptight smirk right off her pretty little muzzle. Such a dainty wolf. It's a shame she irritates him. He could make her his mate, twist her so she kills with him. Internally he grins. She would make lovely puppies. All with killer instincts, of course.

Now she refuses to give him her name. What a bitch. She bested him, now she's keeping a name from him. "
If you won't tell me your name," he almost growls. "Then I will be forced to continue calling you Trickster." Laughter fills his eyes. See how she likes that. Play, the voices trill. Fun, they tell him. He has to agree. A though strikes him, he pauses. He hasn't heard anything from the light inside for some time. Was it still there? He can only wonder. The touch of good rarely speaks up. It is hard to say for sure if it is completely gone. Amber eyes narrow, would he be able to tell when it is finally gone? More than likely.

RE: A Lust Duet Stalking Prey - Kadence - January 03, 2015

The girl drops the smirk, her eyes turn cold as she gazes at the male in front of her. If only he knew who he was dealing with. From her training, she was taught to observe every movement a wolf made, and how to analyze it. A slight twitch of brown wolf's lip gave the young assassin a glimpse of the fury that was bubbling through him. He had been a good actor, but that one little slip had pulled the whole costume apart, like a single loose thread.

He wasn't who he pretended to be, he wasn't the wolf that wished to meet each of our pack brothers and sisters, he was dark. Cold. Her face was completely emotionless as she looked him over, searching for any other signs, of his intentions.

His eyes look like they are filled with laugher, but the trained girl could see through the disguise, see the darkness below them.

Keeping her glowing yellow eyes steely, she replied to him with a voice of pure glass. "Why do you feel the need to lie to me, Grimnir?" she inquired, tilting her silky head to the side and looking strait into his amber eyes.

"And there are many things you don't know about me." she assured him. If only he knew just how much.

RE: A Lust Duet Stalking Prey - Grimnir - January 11, 2015

The female questions him. He leaves the thought of his inner light. "Lie?" He asks. About what? His goal of meeting the pack members? Or did she see him? Truly see him. No, he is playing it off well enough. "Meldresi has asked that I acquaint myself with the pack," he tells her. Yes, he has to be friendly now. Later he will turn on them. Show them who he really is. Hide, the voices remind him. Deceive, they command. They really are getting on his nerves. He knows what he must do. Earn the pack's trust. He dislikes the amount of time it will take. But he can't try to kill them now. If he does, then he will die. A whole pack against him. He wouldn't have a chance.

He gives the black female another look over. She is hard to read. The trickster doesn't leave herself open to interpretation. She remains expressionless as she tells him there are things about her that he doesn't know. Well, there is more to him too. But he will skip over that, for now. "
The only thing I wish to know is your name," he says calmly. He doesn't really care what she is hiding about herself. It irritates him that he can't get an answer. "I guess that doesn't really matter now that I have picked out a name for you." His stomach rumbles again. "If you wouldn't mind, could you direct me to a good place to hunt here? Or if you wish, you could join me." Perhaps this is something she will answer. The thought of her possibly refusing this irritates him. Females. They are all stubborn. Yet he still lusts for them. Just looking at this female turns him on. He wonders if she notices. He suppresses a grin. Even if she does notice, he guesses it doesn't really matter. He won't act on the longing at the moment.

RE: A Lust Duet Stalking Prey - Kadence - January 12, 2015

Seeing the lust flicker in his amber eyes, the elegant young shewolf lets a arrogant smirk befall her muzzle, if only to irritate him more. He seemed to be a good actor, continuing on with all that meeting the pack crap. Well, then it was his loss. It takes more effort to pretend.

She could maybe even use his arousal to her advantage, to get him to actually talk. But he seemed intent on brushing off her little accusation and instead asked her to join his hunt. Well of course she couldn't pass up that offer, it was just more time to pry at that shell of his.

"Of course I will join you." she agreed, her eyes sparkling with dark intent, but not giving away what exactly she had planned. She rose to her paws, her fitted fur highlighting every movement and padded towards Grimnir, her eyes hooded and her hips swaying with gentle seduction. If she could get him to loose control, then he would expose himself and she wouldn't have to do any work at all.

RE: A Lust Duet Stalking Prey - Grimnir - January 16, 2015

She agrees to his offer. He suppresses a wince by smiling a little. Fantastic. Now he has to deal with this beauty. The black female gets to her paws, making her way towards him. His golden gaze drinks in her swaying hips, her hooded eyes. A groan is held back, his lust increases. If she is toying with him, he doesn't care. If she continues, he may have to do something about it. There's only so much he can control. Such a gorgeous wolf shouldn't remain around him. Things will happen to her. Even now he wishes to lunge for her. Hold her beneath him. Force himself on her. His body stiffens as she gets closer to him, breath quickening. "Lead the way, Trickster," he tells her, voice strained. He hopes that a good hunt will calm him down. At least she better hope it does. The silky black female is driving him crazy.

He gets to his own paws, shifting slightly so she can pass him. How he would love to tackle her from behind. Sink his teeth into her little neck while breeding with her. His body shivers a little against his will. Damn it. Jaw grinding together, he raises his head. His stance is tall and hesitant. Everything within him yells at him to assault her. He fights it. How much longer can he resist? It's taking all his willpower to force back the longings within him.
Maul, the voices command him. Savage, they snarl viciously. Desperately he wishes to obey their words. He turns his head from the female, pretending to scan the area. What a bitch of a situation.

RE: A Lust Duet Stalking Prey - Kadence - January 18, 2015

She hides her smirk well as his breathing increases speed and his voice becomes strained. Perfect. Not knowing what exactly he is capable of, she continues on with her little charade of sorts, her long legs taking the distance in long elegant strides. She is in front of him now and she can feel his eyes on her as she pads further into the darkness, raising her nose to sniff the air for smells of prey. When she cant find any trace of anything, she stops and changes direction, walking slowly and silently through the gloom.

She only felt the slightest tinge of fear shoot through her body when she see's the look in his eyes, but she carefully hides it away, letting her confidence shine through. Not even Bane was this crazy. She wondered if he was always like this, or if something tragic happened to turn him into this monster.

RE: A Lust Duet Stalking Prey - Grimnir - January 23, 2015

With long, elegant strides the beauty walks past him to lead the way. He takes a moment to openly admire her. Golden eyes drink her in with pleasure. Lips parted, breath heavy,and himself hanging free for all to see. Such an amazing female. Never has he been so affected by a wolf. He will claim her as his mate. How he wants her so. But what is more important? Hiding who he is or taking his pleasures as he goes? If he wishes to remain in the pack. If he wishes to kill them all. He will have to hide his true self.

With a strong will, he struggles to put his lust under control. Teeth grinding, he tries to imagine just murdering her instead of mating with her. He could come up from behind her now. Mount her. He stops. Digs his teeth into the nearest tree for a brief moment. Then lets go and continues to follow hauntingly behind Trickster. He picks back up on his plans of murder. Come up from behind her, lunge onto her back. Dig his sharp teeth into her pretty little neck. Drag her to the ground. Take her. Grim stops again with a low growl. He backs over the 'take her' part. He would rip open wounds on her side with his claws after forcing her down. Watch her blood flow over the cold ground in streams. Lap up her luscious life. Gaze into her pretty eyes, watch the fear roll over. A smile would touch his lips and then he would tear out her throat. Watch the light leave her beautiful eyes. Savor his kill with a victory howl.

His head shakes side to side. The feelings of lust are still there, but back under his control. One day he will have her. She will be his. This pretty female can not be taken by anyone but him. Trickster is too precious a wolf to allow someone else to take her. A sigh escapes past thin lips. Hopefully the day will come sooner than later when he can have her.

RE: A Lust Duet Stalking Prey (Mature) - Kadence - January 24, 2015

Using lust as a weapon was one of the young girl's specialties and she felt a the smirk widen on her dark lips as she could hear him struggling behind her. Struggling to get up, struggling to talk, even struggling to breath. Her ears twitch as she listens to his labored breathing and unsteady pawsteps as he strays from his path to a nearby tree. She glances back to see him digging his teeth into the bark, his eyes full of pain. The pain of holding back.

She quickly turns her eyes back in front of her as he turns away from the tree, obviously having a little more control over his urges. That wouldn't do. Control was not something she wanted him to have at the moment and she intended to take it away completely, to have him under her power with just a flick of her tail.

So she stopped. She stopped walking and she turned around to look at him, her glowing eyes hooded as she made a show of looking him over. Her eyes sparkled as she indulged in the art of teasing. "Are you sure meat is what you're craving?" she whispered, her voice low, dangerous and seductive, like dark chocolate and blood. This would really test his self control, and from the looks of him earlier, he barely had any.

RE: A Lust Duet Stalking Prey (Mature) - Grimnir - January 30, 2015

The pretty female stops and turns to look at him. He gazes into her hooded eyes with lust and longing. She asks him if meat is what he is craving. He is forced to suppress a groan. No. Meat is not what he is craving. He is craving her. All of her. She is his. His form slowly stalks towards her, each paw step heavy. His head lowers. His nostrils take in her scent. "You are treading where you should not, Trickster," he tells her, his voice deep. Head raising as he comes to be in front of her, he stops. "Do you really wish to test me?" A dangerous glint enters his gaze. Her answer will determine where this situation will go. He believes he already knows. She will regret her teasing. But she should be grateful that he is choosing her to be his. Their pups will be great. They will rise through the ranks of this pack to lead after him.

But even if she stops this now, he will take her eventually. Would it be better to just go ahead and have her? Claim her before another does? He will fight for her if another male comes into the picture. So badly he wishes to give in to his lust. His mind is a blank now. He is waiting for her delicious words to slip from between her soft lips. To decide her fate for her. Grim shivers a little. He is eager to jump on her now. Their hunt is forgotten. This is what matters now.

RE: A Lust Duet Stalking Prey (Mature) - Kadence - February 04, 2015

Kadence smirks once more as he suppresses a groan. She has to admit, he is handsome, in a dark and dangerous way. The way his eyes glittered and his fur fit over his powerful body made her shiver a bit. She decided to continue the game. She had started it, there was no point in giving up now. She leaned up, her breath hot on his ear as she spoke in a seductive whisper.

"We both know that danger is more fun." she purred slowly, ending with a small nip on his cheek. She loved the way she effected him. Made his breathing speed up, his eyes wild with open lust. She could even feel her body heating up with need. It had been a while since she any fun of this sort, since before she ran away. She had to admit she missed it, missed the satisfaction and pleasure. And this male definitely wanted her, so why waste it? In fact, a couple of the males in this pack were already lusting after her.

Then suddenly, an idea popped into her devious head. Why not play them all? It might have sounded sick, but Kadence saw it as it as simply as the saying 'When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.' She was simply using what life was giving her to her advantages. And then if one of them showed that they were worth more than her object of pleasure, then maybe she would settle down with them. Just maybe. So she continued her onslaught of seductive words and actions. "I know you want me." she breathed, her hot words tickling the fur of his ear and cheek.

RE: A Lust Duet Stalking Prey (Mature) - Grimnir - February 13, 2015

His control brakes at her whispered words. Head turns for teeth to grasp her neck, he attempts to drag her to the ground. He will hold her there for a moment if he can manage to force her below him, snarling through a mouthful of her beautiful coat. Then he will mount her, gain his pleasure from her. Hopefully this will impregnate her. Give him the pups he so desires with this beauty. They will have great pups. Ones with the desire to kill. Any such pup that does not hint at the darkness that he has within himself, he will murder. He hopes the litter is mostly males, he knows he can't hope for all of them to be male. That would be wishing for too much. And if this does not impregnate her? He will try again. Though even if he does manage to get her pregnant this time, he will still breed with her.

He throbs with umbearible lust for her, already seeping a little. Never has he wanted a female as much as he does this one. What was it about her that made him desire her so? Was it simply her beauty? Or maybe it is the way she acts with him? Whatever the case may be, she will be his and any wolf who dares to try to touch her he will murder. She is his. Only his. No other wolf may take her.

RE: A Lust Duet Stalking Prey (Mature) - Kadence - February 14, 2015

Those last, simple words make him break completely. He harshly grabs her by he scruff of her neck and forces her beneath him, in a position that leaves her completely vulnerable and open for him. She sees the desire in his eyes for one second before he is on top of her and his eyes are obscured by the rest of his body.

She can see his need, his throbbing shaft, it crying to be inside her. A smirk crosses her face. This was just what she wanted. Kadence knows that this could possible break the pack apart, but it would be fun while it lasted.

While she was still not able to bear pups for another month, she could already feel the need for mating pumping through her blood. She leaves herself wide open for him, waiting for him to make the move.

RE: A Lust Duet Stalking Prey (Mature) - Grimnir - March 20, 2015

Grim takes the female. Pleasure fills him as he enters her. Such a beauty. He couldn't resist. How will this affect the evil he was trying to hide from the pack? Would they view him as a danger? Will they become more cautious? Grim tosses away these questions, the pleasure of pounding Trickster filling his focus. He finishes quickly, panting. Saliva drips from a lolling tongue. Grim pulls away, releasing his teeth from her scruf. She is his. Such a beauty. No one will have her but him. If anyone tries, he will kill them. Rip out their throat. "Mine," he growls to her between breaths.

RE: A Lust Duet Stalking Prey (Mature) - Kadence - March 21, 2015

Last post for me, thanks for the thread!

Kadence shuddered as he entered her, her eyes closing and her breath coming in a low hiss. His teeth digging into her skin making the experience even more pleasurable. He finished quickly, taking her along with him before finally pulling out with a gasp. Her breathing is labored as she turns on shaking legs so she is facing him. On her face is a dark, seductive look as she meets his eyes with a smirk.

"It was a pleasure meeting you Grimnir." she whispered slowly, taking a couple steps away from him, her body still shaking slightly. "But I really should be going." she finished, giving him one last meaningful look before turning away completely and trotting off into the growing shadows.