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Redhawk Caldera three hundred and sixty degree roller coasters - Printable Version

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three hundred and sixty degree roller coasters - Theseus - December 31, 2014

Anyone Theseus hasn't met yet?

The bi colored wolf wandered across the Caldera, not quite doing anything, half patrolling the borders and half daydreaming was probably an accurate description of what he was doing. Theseus wanted a good spar with one of his packmates, or even better, with a trespasser or stranger. Then he might have the chance to rip their throats out, or gloat when they begged for mercy. Of course, the downside of that, was he himself might get hurt. But obviously, he was not going to die.

Aqua eyes drifted boredly across the land beyond the Caldera, he was a traveler at heart, a wanderer and exploring and fighting was in his blood. But Theseus doubted Peregrine or any of the wolves in this pack would appreciate him traveling to far distances and not coming back for several weeks. So he didn't. Being in a pack meant a lot to the sea wolf, even if he knew he was probably going to leave in Spring.

It was hard, and Theseus was trying his best, okay, half trying his best to not make deep connections with his packmates. So there would be no heartfelt goodbyes if he actually left. The future was not confirmed yet, and there could be changes. And the Chinese was never one for plans.

RE: three hundred and sixty degree roller coasters - RIP Fox - December 31, 2014

Howdy! :D

Fox had been anticipating her pregnancy signs, even though it was much too early to do so. She was looking forward to the experience, even if it meant a little bit of discomfort (and a lot at the very end). Fox had seen her aunt give birth, and it had seemed downright terrifying at first... but the product was incredibly awesome. She'd been young, then. Just over a year old. Now she was nearing her second year, ready to plant these roots firmly into Redhawk Caldera and live out the rest of her days with Peregrine and their offspring.

She broke out of a thicket of trees and spotted an unfamiliar figure. There were several of her subordinates she had yet to meet, namely due to her week of seclusion with Peregrine. There was also the fact that both Elwood and Finley had been helping with the acceptance of new members. Still, that was no excuse for not meeting them, and Fox trotted toward the unknown wolf with her tail held happy and high.

“Ahoy!” she shouted, “Who be guardin’ my borders?” She wasn't sure what made her to copycat Bones in that moment, but it seemed entirely necessary.

RE: three hundred and sixty degree roller coasters - Theseus - January 03, 2015

Theseus did not like having this 'deep' emotions, he didn't know how to deal with them and simply didn't know why they were there at all. He preferred wit and sarcasm rather than being serious and sentimental and all that.....shit. So he quickly shook himself out of his 'deep' thoughts and back into reality. There wasn't anything here in the real world that could get him out of his boredom and make him want to stay here, so once again, his brain wandered off until a voice called out. “Ahoy!” Theseus's first thought was: Oh my god. Pirates. “Who be guardin’ my borders?”

The bi colored wolf turned around, aqua eyes zeroing in on the speaker, she was a small female with fiery fur and bright gray eyes, and from her stance, with the tail being held high and all that, Theseus knew she was probably a high rank. His own tail swaying by his ankles, ears tipped backwards in submissive position, he replied "I'm Theseus," a smile touched his lips. "Theseus Dragonblood,"

The Chinese looked at her, remembering something Peregrine said about his mate being Fox and decided to make a guess. "Are you Fox? Peregrine's mate?"

RE: three hundred and sixty degree roller coasters - RIP Fox - January 03, 2015

“You got it,” Fox replied, tail helicoptering behind her. “Your name seems… pretty killer. Where’s it from?” she asked. Fox's own name was easy. She looked like a Fox. Her siblings looked like their names, and so did the rest of her father's family. And, hopefully, her own children would be the same. Or at least some of them.

Fox had heard a few stories about dragons. They were apparently giant lizards with wings. And they shot lightning out of their faces. Or something. But they were fictional, from what she understood, which would mean there was little chance that Theseus here had actually drank blood of one. That seemed like the only way Fox would ever name anybody Dragonblood.

RE: three hundred and sixty degree roller coasters - Theseus - January 08, 2015

Theseus grinned, "Nice to meet ya, Fox," he said, remembering what Ashton said and keeping it in mind. Her next question however, caught him off guard, entirely off guard. Really? Someone's still asking me about my name even after I changed it? God, I knew I should have changed it to something less noticeable. Whatever. Not changing that shit again. But then, someone is admiring the name I chose....I think.

"Its the surname of a family back at my pack, a noble family. I dunno what its origin is actually," he shrugged, not really caring actually. It was the surname of a family back at his pack, but it just wasn't his family. He stole the name, but it isn't like one of their family members were going to journey purposely to Teekon Wilds just to tell him to change his name. It was unlikely that would happen.

RE: three hundred and sixty degree roller coasters - RIP Fox - January 08, 2015

Tacking on an ending. Lemme know if you want an updated thread!

"Neat," Fox replied, though she was a little disappointed that it hadn't had a deeper meaning. She wasn't about to base her first impression of Theseus off of his name, of course. A name was... well, just a name. Except in the case of Fox, where it also described what she looked like. Theseus mentioned that it was a "noble" family name, and although that intrigued her ever-so-slightly, she didn't bother to ask him further about it. Names were something she'd been thinking and talking about a lot lately, so she attempted to switch up the topic for today.

"So tell me something about yourself, Theseus. Tryin' to do the whole 'get to know your comrades' part of my job." This may have been a slightly artificial way to do it, but it seemed decent enough. Besides, what else was she supposed to do? Just keep talking about names? That seemed even more artificial and forced. "Oh! Maybe you have some skills that we don't have around here. Tell me about those."

Fox listened as Theseus explained where his skills lay, and when she felt like she'd gotten a better feel for his personality and character, she politely excused herself and left him to his patrolling.