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Cloudy Minds Will Rain - Printable Version

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Cloudy Minds Will Rain - Sen - December 31, 2014

As she crossed the threshold, reentering the pack's territory, the dark wolf felt a small bit of relief. She was, oddly enough, glad to be back on familiar ground; even if it wasn't as familiar as the path she'd take each time she left it behind. Her adventures away weren't always eventful, but each time she was able to meet a new wolf, remember a new face, and see a new place. Each area held something interesting to it, but the most interesting of them, the pack on the glacier, she'd somehow neglected. Now, however, Sen was back and anxious to see as much of the area as she could, and possibly even find her own place to settle down in each night. Since joining, her place of slumber had changed constantly, mainly due to the fact that she was often on the move.

Leaving the territory, finding something new, getting sidetracked and ending up at a new place... The cycle repeated constantly, seeming to be never ending, but it was time for a change. It was time for the sooty woman to grow more familiar with the area her pack resided on, and to see who all lingered within it's borders. Sen had hardly met anyone in the pack, and she wished to change that, and perhaps even act a bit kinder towards them. They lived close, after all, so to make things bearable, she knew she would need to scrounge up at least a small bit of the kindness she'd once held towards her siblings and parents. It would be a difficult task for the cocky female, but she was willing to at least try. With that thought in mind, she continued through the land, moving further from the border she was usual close to, in search of anyone who she could at least attempt to be kinder towards. 'Attempt' being the key word.

RE: Cloudy Minds Will Rain - Scarlett - January 04, 2015

It was time, don't you think? :D

After running into a leaving Malachi Scarlett had kept to her promise. Normally you wouldn't find the gentle female on patrol. She was not the most confident in this business. She rather have Sen on the borders than her. Scarlett had finally found some use for the dark female. She would be excellent to keep strangers out. Now with Malachi gone she and she had the juveniles to look after, not much of the middle tier was here to guard the lands. Add the fact that there was no beta to keep everyone in check. It worried the silver female slightly. Although. If she watched over Néa, Meara and Lazar she had quite a bit of the pack under her wing. Sen would be fine on her own, just like that other female she hadn't met yet. Njal she had never seen with another wolf. How strange. You would think they would commit to an active pack life. Scarlett feared their numbers would fall so low she was without a pack.

It unsettled her that the alpha was on a mission of his own. Of course that was needed sometimes but she would feel better with someone higher in charge. Although she wondered who that wolf would be. She wouldn't be a great choice to be in a charge. She could hardly tell others what to do. For now she focussed on trotted past the borders of their land. Her fur smelled of the two juveniles, but mostly of Néa the pup lived in her den after all. She even called Scarlett mama. Oh how it warmed her heart. Soon a scent filled the air. Nerves flared through her body, yet her tail rose. Oh it is you, Scarlett spoke with relief in her voice. Good to have you back, the albino returned to the dark female. She hadn't seen Sen in a long time, but she looked good. Scarlett and scaring strangers away was something quite hilarious to watch, probably.

RE: Cloudy Minds Will Rain - Sen - January 04, 2015

Hopefully Sen can actually manage to be nicer this time around. :3

Turning towards the voice, the dark furred woman was greeted by the sight of the albino. She'd met her before, and hadn't been all too kind towards her, making her the perfect subject to have come across. If Sen could bring forth some kindness towards the one who was nearly an exact opposite of her, then acting a bit nicer towards others of the back would be a walk in the park. "It is good to be back, I guess," she responded, turning to face her entirely.

Not wanting to beat around the bush, the living shadow decided to jump right into the question that'd been eating at her mind. "Anything good happen while I was away this time around?" Once the question had left her, another one entered. The scent of young was clear on Scarlett's coat. It wasn't the scent of birth, just the one the younger wolves held to them, and it made her curious. Sen knew there were young in the pack, but had never met them. Perhaps the albino had, and was now spending a lot of time with them? Her curiosity instantly got the better of her, and the question seemed to just drop from her maw. "Did you take on the role of a mother of orphans, or something? Can smell the young all over you." Cocking an invisible eyebrow, she studied the features of the other woman. It was clear from their first meeting that the other was more than kind enough to look after and be around the impressionable minds of the young, but was that what she'd chosen to do, or had she just come from a chance encounter with one?

RE: Cloudy Minds Will Rain - Scarlett - January 05, 2015

Hopefully yes. xD

The female looked curiously over the raven colored wolf across from her. Sen had not made a snarky comment yet. Maybe she had caught the wolf in a bad mood last time. Oh how she wondered. Yes, I haven't seen you around, Scarlett admitted, yet it was in a soft tone since she didn't want to offend the she-wolf. The albino was too tired to have a vocal sparring with Sen. Scarlett had been running around, teaching, caring and looking out for the pack. It was hard work.

Well we got a new youngster in our midst. Néa, The female spoke. She didn't want to tell Sen to be nice to her but on the other hand she did want to. She lost all of her family so I took her under my wing, along with giving Meara Hunting lessons. So technically I am the mother of orphans. Néa is in my den here on Duskfire grounds. Meara is more independent. I've been busy. Scarlett was curious what Sen's reasoning was for abandoning the pack for so long.

The pale she-wolf then cleared her throat. But good thing you are here. I needed you. I am not such a good Warden. Yes, you may laugh at the vision. Malachi is out on Pack's business. I got the youngster's covered but I'd like you to patrol the grounds since you are, well, more fearsome. The white girl then smiled and waved her tail a bit. Plus it would be nice if she was with Néa warm in her den. Winter was finally settling in, and the female was rather in a warm den than in a cold dark night patrolling.

RE: Cloudy Minds Will Rain - Sen - January 05, 2015

Looks like Scarlett might have just learned how to get kindness from Sen xD She's a sucker for compliments~

The darker female gave a simple nod of her head, but didn't say too much on the reasoning for her absences. In truth, Sen was no longer sure why she continued to leave. She had nowhere to go really, just enjoyed the thrill of exploration and meeting new, potentially snarky wolves. Her goal had be to work towards the Outrider trade, and for that, she had been attempting to recruit new members for the pack. So far, it had been an utter failure, and she was wondering if it had really been the best choice for her first trade. It gave her the freedom to explore, yes, but even the dark being herself knew she couldn't be the most pleasant to be around. It never made her change her ways, but at least she was conscious of her actions.

The woman's suspicions had been confirmed with the albino's next words. She had taken on the role of a mother for some young wolves. A part of her wondered what they were like, what kind of thoughts ran through their minds, but she didn't bother asking. Couldn't seem as if she was too interested, after all. It would completely destroy the uncaring image she'd created for herself. On the inside, however, the heartless being actually felt pity for the one Scarlett called Néa. She hadn't really lost her entire family, and couldn't image what it'd be like to lose them. Truthfully, Sen hadn't seen or spoken to her siblings in awhile, and never had the desire to even give her half sister a glance, but still couldn't imagine living in a world where none of them existed. "Sounds like she's had it pretty rough," the shadow finally said. "Good they've got someone now, though." Even if it is an overly happy wolf like you, her mind added silently.

As soon as the other lady spoke of herself acting as a Warden, Sen snorted. A mental image popped into her head almost instantly, and it was priceless. Scarlett worked well with the young, but she was far too kind to chase out, or even just confront, intruders. They probably end up giving her some sob story, and then she'd hide them away in her den, keeping them safe and warm through the winter. Hah! Those thoughts weren't what brought a smile—an actual smile, mind you—to the she-wolf's face though. No, what brought the smile was the words of her being fearsome. Things like that played right into her cockiness and arrogance, fueling her more narcissistic side. "Flattery will get you everywhere," Sen voiced, the words enough to make even her usually still tail move slightly. "Was plannin' on heading out again, maybe a bit farther than I usually go, but after that I'll stay. Could be fun being the first to meet any and all intruders. Or even those who just wander too close." She could imagine it, and it was such a wonderful image. A Warden, huh... Perhaps she could try for that trade as well. Sure would be enjoyable, and might even end up being more fun than exploring. Maybe.

RE: Cloudy Minds Will Rain - Scarlett - January 06, 2015

Hahahha. That was so unintentional

The pale she-wolf blinked at Sen's words. Her head tipped a bit in curiosity. Was Sen not as mean as she thought she was? Scarlett was sure that the dark one across from her just showed compassion for a youngster. Maybe she wasn't entirely heartless. At least it soothed her nerves that Sen would be mean to Néa. The last thing the girl needed was a mean wolf that talked her down. Sen even seemed to compliment her a bit for taking on the role as caretaker. Scarlett smiled a bit at that. It felt good to have your work get recognized.

The pale lady snorted and rose her head a bit when Sen seemed to wag her tail a bit. Scarlett was utterly surprised by the small movement. Had she really caught Sen in a bad mood last time? Now she felt guilty for having bad thoughts about her. Or maybe Sen met someone that made her more nice. Scarlett wasn't going to pry. She liked the dark wolf better how she was acting now. That would soothe my worrying heart. I have spend so much time taking care of the youngsters that patrolling takes away more of the sleep I could have right now, she admitted.

A small smile tugged on her lips as she tried more flattery. Now she had the window open she could easily slip inside and make Sen like her more. Or well, at least get her to stay. I think you would do well as a warden, she nodded and quirked up her lips more. For Scarlett it would be an insult if wolves were scared of her, but for Sen it seemed the right way to compliment her? Scarlett snorted. Oh yes, definitely will be fun. You can be all mean and sarcastic to them. But don't be too mean, we don't want a bad reputation. Scarlett noticed how much like a mother she sounded as she talked to Sen. Now she felt a bit embarrassed for saying that last bit.

RE: Cloudy Minds Will Rain - Sen - January 06, 2015

The sooty woman often came off as being rude and mean, but it was not her intentions to appear that way at first. She use to act how she did simply because she found certain things funny that others did not, but it eventually evolved further until she'd become the wolf that walks around today. Scarlett had not caught her on a bad day the last time around, it was just Sen having a bit of what she saw as fun. She'd enjoyed the interaction as she always did, of course, but never once stopped to see how she was truly affecting the other female. In all honesty, the darker being didn't care either way. All that mattered to her was the fact that she had thought it was fun and funny, and was once again enjoyed a confrontation with the albino. This time around, though, it appeared as if the snow colored being was also enjoying the encounter. It was odd, to Sen, but she didn't question it. Never look a gift horse in the mouth, right?

"That's what happens when the next generation is involved," she responded, recalling times her mother use to complain of how her and her siblings took away all her time to sleep. They weren't actual complaints, that much the raven coated lady knew, but it had still given her insight as to what being a parent was like. Exhausting. Then there was Scarlett, caring not for any pups that came from her own body, but instead for those belonging to others. It was as if the pale woman had a compass inside of her that lead her to orphans, and the nurturing bone in her body forced her to take them in. Sen had no idea what she would do if ever put into the situation where she'd come across a lone pup, for it had never happened before. She'd never even come across a pup with parents, so what type of instincts she held towards the young were unknown factors. A part of her didn't want to care, but another wanted to know how the other lupine did it; not that she'd ever ask, though. She'd stay silent until such a thing ever arose.

At the mention of not being too mean, Sen all but scoffed. "Oh, please," she started. "I would never be overly mean to stranger. No one else would want to join if they got wind of that." The part of never being overly mean to strangers was, you guessed it, a lie. She should have rephrased it, mentioning how she'd never be overly mean when on Duskfire ground, or just on the outskirts of it. If someone was bold enough to make the long trek up to them, then the least the wolf could do was be a bit kinder to them. "Leave it to me then," she finally told her. "I'll confront intruders, or those too close for comfort, but won't be too 'mean', just mean enough to make sure they don't try to pull anything. Sound good to you?"

RE: Cloudy Minds Will Rain - Scarlett - January 06, 2015

Hella tired. Excuses if Crappy.

The pale female plopped down on her butt and let out a soft puff. She was tired, although it did not show that much. Her coat was well taken care of and even in the manner she just sat down, the female was still alert. Scarlett let out another yawn and shook her head. It does happen. But I like taking care of them. Makes me feel useful in the pack since I'm rather worthless at fighting. Scarlett never fought in her life. She usually just endured the bites or nips she got from someone. As noted before she was rather submissive.

Scarlett couldn't even visualize Sen with a pup, or a young adult. It seemed rather unnatural. Then she pictured Sen having her own pups, that was enough. They wouldn't need more little Sen's running around on these lands. Her attention returned to Sen. Well at least you see that for yourself, she returned to the black one. A hint of a smile turned on her lips. She then nodded with a pleased smiled. That would be great. Thank you, Sen. Scarlett laughed lightly. Oh yes, that pleases me very much, the mocked herself a bit by speaking more royally.

The white female then pulled herself to her feet. Maybe she should check on her little friend soon. She would probably be sleeping already. It was a fair night so the nipping and frosty winds were luckily silent for now. She wondered when they would return. I wonder. Why did you choose Duskfire as your pack? You have not been born here right? Scarlett suddenly got curious.

RE: Cloudy Minds Will Rain - Sen - January 07, 2015

Scarlett may not have been the greatest at fighting, but, surprisingly, neither was Sen. She could be, but often she got bored and would just walk away as if nothing happened. There were very few occasions that were actually interesting enough for her to stick around for, as well as play out until the end. One of said occasions was when her sister, Zita, had tried to get her and Khoi into trouble for leaving the den while their mother slept. The two had, of course, managed to weasel their way out of trouble, but their older sister was not so lucky. No, that event had started a war that didn't end until they had the russet girl on her back, submitting and begging for mercy. "I'm sure if you practiced you could get better at fighting. It isn't all that hard, just avoid letting your opponent land any blows on you." It wasn't quite a compliment, but could be taken as one. Such a rare thing coming from the living shadow, and something that would probably never happen at any other time.

To Sen, it was a very unnerving thing when the albino thanked her. It seemed almost unnatural for such words to be directed towards the dark being, but times were changing and so was she. Sort of,anyways. There was no way for her to change entirely, but she could at least pretend. That meant she would also need to get use to words like 'thanks', no matter how odd they might seem to her. "Uh, yeah, you're welcome, I guess..." If the woman were a human, she'd surely be rubbing the back of her neck nervously. The words felt wrong in her mouth, but she tried to ignore that.

Luckily, Soot didn't need to dwell on the thought for too long, for a question left the other's maw. She inquired her as to what her reason for joining the Glacier was. Her reasoning was not extravagant or anything, but was instead very simple. "No, I wasn't born here," she confirmed slowly, recalling a distant memory of her actual birthplace. "I was born on a mountain range, and when I left to explore, I had never planned on joining a pack. Never knew what a pack was like, so it always seemed like it was a fancy way for others to take away your freedom." She had, of course, been born to two lone wolves. Packs were seen as the enemy to them, and a very dangerous one at that. "When I came across the Glacier, I never planned on staying. All I wanted was an interesting place to live, and what better to do that on than a giant block of ice? After thinking it over, I caved and requested to join the ranks of the pack. A glacier is just a mountain of ice, so it gave me the feeling of home, but also kept it's own, interesting trait with it." It wasn't some grand story of action and adventure, but was the truth. "What about you? Why'd you choose to join?"

RE: Cloudy Minds Will Rain - Scarlett - January 07, 2015

Scarlett thought about learning how to fight often. But then she always reminded herself through the hurt she needed to get through to become any good. She rather not be hurt. Plus she had no one who could teach her how to fight. Raziel maybe but somehow she felt like he would want to hurt her. Maybe Kove could help her. It was a smart plan to know how to hurt others. But then again, Scarlett did not want to inflict pain on others. Then she would rather stay a defenseless flower. She was a bit like that. Taking care of others around her while she was vulnerable for attacks. But it was sweet that Sen didn't comment on how worthless Scarlett was. She liked her lips and wondered if Sen could fight. She probably could. She pissed off other wolves, so then she had to defend herself.

Scarlett chuckled a bit when Sen didn't look so comfortable with her thank you. But the dark female did accept it. Scarlett felt like she had put a paw in the right direction with Sen. A smile quirked on her lips and she nodded. She let it for what it was now. Sen would otherwise be even more uncomfortable. Sen's story was extremely interested to listen too. She always wondered how the dark female because what she was now. She disliked the lone wolf life. The dark female's point of view as interesting to listen too. That sounds like the perfect way to find a new home. Yes. Scarlett was doubtful if she should tell Sen her whole story. The albino wasn't sure if she bursted Sen enough. But then again. Maybe she would have some remorse and not be so mean to her anymore.

Erhm.. Well. I.. The pack I was born into was... Not that nice to me. My mother absolutely loathed me, and that is a soft expression. My siblings were.. well.. They ignored me. My sister was only nice when we were alone. Now she thought of it, Sen reminded her a bit of her sister. My dad was the only one who made wolves shut up, but he was rarely there. He was the outrider of the pack. Exploring and stuff. All this bulling because I was the only white wolf and had red eyes! It was horrible to think back of her time there. In a rash decision I just left. I was sick of being called useless and being talked down. I found that I disliked being a lone wolf. I craved a home so badly and it guided me to this Glacier. It must have meant something. Because now I am.. surprisingly happy. I like my role in the pack and that I can climb up in ranks. Makes you feel good, she ended with a smile.

RE: Cloudy Minds Will Rain - Sen - January 08, 2015

Sen was always looking for someone to spar with, or at least she was in her mind. She'd never voiced this, though, not caring to attract any unwanted wolves who don't know when enough is enough. A thought crossed her mind, one of having a small spar with the albino, but it was discarded soon after. It wouldn't be fun going at someone who didn't know the first thing to fighting, plus she didn't want Scarlett's hoard of pups coming after her. God, would that be a mess. It'd be like a giant train wreck, and Sen would be right in the middle of it. The idea alone was nearly unbearable, and she would have shuddered for a dramatic effect had she been speaking out loud.

For once, the dark being listened to the other, and didn't interrupt her in any way. It was odd, to her, that someone with her background could still be so nice. Then again, others probably said the same about Sen, except with her good background making her such a cocky creature. She couldn't imagine the white wolf as a loner, she just didn't fit right into that category. She was too kind, too forgiving, and far too soft. Had they been born and grown on the same mountain range, Sen definitely would have found and chewed her out at a very young age. Alas, they hadn't, which was mildly disappointing. "Sounds like you had it rough," Sen commented, her words blunt.

"Ever miss your old home?" she suddenly asked. The ebony coated wolf missed her home on occasion, but it was more those she left behind that she missed, rather than the place itself. Her mother was dead, she knew that, but the whereabouts of her siblings was a mystery to her, and one she'd wanted to solve. In her head, she'd planned to leave the Wilds in order to find her brother and sister so she could drag them back to it with her, but she knew she couldn't do that. No, she'd been there for too long now, and didn't want to leave no matter the circumstances.

RE: Cloudy Minds Will Rain - Scarlett - January 12, 2015

Scarlett had no clue that Sen wasn't tempted to spar with her because of her hoard of pups she took care of. That seemed like an hilarious thought. Scarlett would be horrified to see them fighting. She would stop them right away, even though they tried to protect her. Scarlett tipped her head a bit when Sen stated she had it rough. Yeah no kidding. She did had it rough and there were some thoughts she rather not think about ever again. She shuddered a bit. Well yeah. You could say that, she returned with a shrug. She disliked to think about it too much. It would get her upset.

Then Sen asked her that other question. A soft grunt came from her lips. The albino grew quiet and looked pained because she would have to voice out something bad and she did not like to talk too bad about others. I don't miss them at all, she spoke, although it was awfully relieving. It was like a weight lifted of her chest. Well thanks to Sen. She did miss her dad and that she left without saying goodbye. But she didn't miss her siblings and definitely not her mother. She hoped that bitch had a slow and painful death. Whoops. Nope she didn't just thought that.

I do miss my dad a bit! He was always reasonably nice. Extremely nice compared to the other. I like Duskfire better. I can even get a higher rank here and do what I like to do in a pack's life. Plus I am safe here. Scarlett then turned her ear towards the den further down. Maybe she should return to Néa soon. Sen had agreed to take over her task after all.

RE: Cloudy Minds Will Rain - Sen - January 12, 2015

End soon? :3

The darker wolf felt her mouth twitching as she listened to the other, knowing well it was attempting to turn itself into a smirk. It appeared as if the albino really did have another side to her, but it disappointed Sen to know that it was mainly directed towards her old home and family, aside from her father. For Sen, it was the opposite. She missed her mother very much, and she missed the two others she was born with as well, but her father and his bastard child where two beings she never wanted to see. Sometimes, however, she did have the urge to try and hunt them down, just to see what they were doing with their lives, but she was never able to do it. In her head, seeing them wold be like betraying the memory of her mother, and the idea of tainting her image in anyway seemed like a terrible thing. After all, Violette Kapok, the dark wolf's mother, had been one of the few she'd ever showed respect to when younger.

"Maybe you'll be able to see your dad again someday," Sen said, giving a shrug of her shoulders with her words. "Who knows, right?" Soot was curious as to what would happen if the albino ever met with anyone from her past again. It would surely be something she'd want to witness, but only form afar; as she use to do with bears. There was no guarantee that would ever happen, however, nor was there one that Sen would be there to see it if the event ever did come about. How would they react to her hoard of whelps? They'd probably be in a state of disbelief, as she had sort of wanted to be. "Think those young ones you cart around would be eager to meet anyone from your past?"

RE: Cloudy Minds Will Rain - Scarlett - January 12, 2015

Yes! I liked this with Sen being nice xD Last post from me!

Scarlett doubted that she would ever see anyone of her family again. Most of all, they didn't care about her. The whole pack was probably relieved once she was gone. Maybe her dad was the only one who wasn't. But he had no time to look for her. He never had the time for her with his exploration and finding new members. If he was home he would spend it with her mother and not with her. He did always say hi to her and barked mean wolves away. Scarlett always felt bad when that happened. She felt weak. She didn't want to see Dux, her father, either.

But then she thought about how well she was doing in Malachi's pack. Maybe they should see how good she was doing. "I think I want them all to be in the past, she admitted. Scarlett ruffled her coat and her ears fell back. She would hate for them to meet her old family. I would chase my family off before they would get close to the little ones. They don't need their negativity. Especially the little ones that lost their parents, she stated. Talking about that I should get back to Néa. Thank you for taking over my patrol,she returned and then trotted away to her den. Now she could snuggle up with her little baby and get some rest.