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Shadows blink - Printable Version

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Shadows blink - Damien - December 31, 2014

Open for anyone who wants to know Damien, or mommy :P @Meldresi

<style> .Damien1 {padding: 10px;} .Damien1 p { margin: 20px 80px 10px 80px; font-family: 'Ovo', serif; text-align: justify; text-indent: 35px;} .Damien1 q {color: #000066; font-weight: bold;} </style>

Two weeks inside a bubble of love and warmth and cuddles, he could feel the nuzzling fur of his mother all around him, she was sleeping just as his brother and sister were, but he wasn't. The eldest pup was awake, rolled up between the coziness of his family. Needless to say that it was... Boring as hell!

Why was everyone else sleeping when they could be playing or something? Definitely not what the dark Melonii liked to spend his time doing... Well.. He kinda did though. He was probably the one who slept the most actually, and he hated being interrupted... But it was him and right now he wanted to play, not sleep!

With a rattling and tiny growl, the eldest son rose from his fetal position and awkwardly made his way through the rest of the Melonii people, that to him they seemed like a crowd that didn't fucking stop moving. He would've shouted demanding to be let through, but.. He didn't know how to.. So he growled louder. With gigantic little stomps, the spiderling set foot towards the exit, but he found a big bump in the road. It was brother, snoring as he always did. The dark pup had been left without another option than to... He had to... He would have to jump his brother.... He took a pawstep back, and then pushing back with his legs, the shadowed spiderling bounced from the floor like a spring, instantly he felt as if he was soaring high above his brother, and he was going to make it. But just as if the plane had run out of fuel in the middle of the flight, the Melonii pup landed on his belly halfway through.

The body under his belly didn't move, he was too deep inside his crazy dream to even notice that his bigger brother had just slammed himself on top of him. But regardless of his brother's reaction, the grimy child's hind legs were trapped on the other side of.. His brother.. There was no way he would get out of this one without help.

RE: Shadows blink - Meldresi - January 01, 2015

Happy new years. :)

Meldresi blinked awake, hearing a low and adorable growl. It could only be one person, her grumpy little boy, the dark-furred one. She had refrained from giving them names as a result of the deaths of their siblings, but she did not need names to differantiate one pup from another. Her oldest was the lazy, grumpy boy who was always forceful with his youngest siblings and growled the most. And right now he was in a predictament.

He had tried to escape her warmth, from the way he was facing, and in attempt to crawl over the mottled pup. Meldresi sighed lovingly, and pulled herself over, feeling the white little girl slid off of her side. She hadn't even felt her little frame on her stomach, and she whimpered apologetically on instinct, but it seemed that her little girl did not even wake up and kept snoring. Meldresi fastened her teeth gently into the dark boy's scruff and pulled him off his brother. She pulled the mottled boy closer to her, by his sister, so that they would sleep in peace while she interacted with her unruly son. "What are you up to?" The priestess licked the spiderling's face gently.

RE: Shadows blink - Damien - January 15, 2015

Suddenly something pulled his tiny body away from on-top of his brother, and with another growl, the shadow kid allowed his mother to free him from his own trap. He didn't have another choice anyway, he wouldn't have been able to get out of that one on his own, but he wasn't pleased at all because now, his not-so-subtle breakout attempt had been a failure.

The pup growled in response to his mother's words, in his mind, growling was a natural thing to do already, and so it was the only way he knew how to communicate with that didn't involve bites or jostles. He was actually happy to see that mommy was awake, now he had someone to play with, and thus, the games begun. Charging forward, the black kid attacked his mom's ear, taking advantage of the slight moment in which she lowered her head to lick his head. GOTCHA!

RE: Shadows blink - Meldresi - January 17, 2015

As per usual, the young black boy responded with a growl. It seemed to be the only form of communication her eldest son had; he was incapable of whimpering, for the most part. He growled, even when he was happy, like he was now as the thorny black pup launched himself onto her ear, fastening the sharp little teeth firmly into the tender flesh.

She winced, and allowed him a few moments time to playfully bite her before she raised a paw to push him off onto the ground. Now that he was vulnerable, she took the opportunity to gently and tenderly nibble at his tiny paws and fuzzy belly.

RE: Shadows blink - Damien - January 18, 2015

The boy, whose tight grip allowed him to hang from his mother's ear, has surprised by a sudden wave of nibbles, some to his tiny paws, and some to his belly. It was all too much for the boy to resist, so he released the ear from his jaws , only to fall back on his back, whacking himself to the floor.

At first, only silent only sobs could be heard coming out from the cub's mouth, but then, the shadow son started whining uncontrollably, with high pitched cries and yelps that would put on end any mother's hairs. He was one big blob of a wuss that kid.

RE: Shadows blink - Meldresi - January 19, 2015

Meldresi stiffened with shock, her normally calm, almond shaped eyes now as big and wide as the moon. She wondered what in Oblivion was going on with her son. Did she bite him too hard? Was his back hurting? The mother instantly bestowed the spoiled tyrant with soothing licks on his face, neck and belly, pulling him close into her embrace, all the while murmuring gentle and comforting words to the spiderling. She was going to spoil this child if she didn't catch herself quickly enough.

RE: Shadows blink - Damien - January 24, 2015

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The cries turned into painful sobs once after his mother pulled him closer to her embrace. He was spoiled already, there was nothing Meldresi could've done to change that. The whines slowly drained the boy's energy, who wrapped inside of Meldresi's heat, fell into a slumber that silenced the kid's cries. He forgot about the pain. He forgot about the game. He was calm, tranquil, something only a mother can do to a cub.

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RE: Shadows blink - Meldresi - January 31, 2015

Meldresi sighed, content in the fact that her son was still and silent after his loud bawling. She took this moment's peace to wonder what had drove him to such loud cries. He rarely made noises other than growls, to both her and his siblings. It must have been pain that took him to that threshold, but what kind still escaped her. Was it him hitting his back, or something she physically did?

Content that he was no longer a problem at the moment, the priestess gingerly unwound herself from her son, moving ever so slightly as not to wake him up. It was very, very annoying when she had just gotten a child to sleep, only to have them wake up once more.

RE: Shadows blink - Damien - February 02, 2015

Whoops... Did I end it too fast?

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The charcoal boy slowly dove into a world of happy dreams :)
He was surrounded by white and there was a pair of silver eyes hovering in front of him, they were staring at him, it was a bit scary but exciting at the same time, what did they want? Suddenly, they merged into a single eye, behind from which appeared an orange one rolling around, it circled around the white one, went up and down and circled some more while giggles flooded his ears, and somewhere between the rolling, both of them blinked to turn into a light shade of blue. These were different, more.. Girly. They blinked with curiosity but never got any closer to him. Damien stretched his paw to touch it, both in the dream world and the real one, but he was a little too far away, he would never reach them. They blinked again, slowly at first, but then the speed grew so fast that they seemed to change color. They stopped, shut, and the whole turned black, and when they opened up they were a deep set of indigo eyeballs hovering in front of him. Momma. The boy whispered, in his sleep, and stretched further to reach the glowing eyes that suddenly transformed into a white fluffy ball, one of those mommy used to call Bawnees. Damien instinctively raced behind it as fast as he could, and when he touched it with his paw, red splattered all over the place. That was the coolest thing he'd ever seen.

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RE: Shadows blink - Meldresi - February 03, 2015

I'll do one more post then archive it! That dream is adorable by the way~

Meldresi was rising slowly as not to wake up her eldest son, but she didn't need to take such slow considerations. He was deep in sleep, and visibly dreaming. She dared not wake him, for it seemed such a delightful dream, though she twitched her ears towards him as he whispered her name. She paused in the entrance of the den, listening for any sign of whimpering that accompanied her name as they slept. But she was relieved to hear none, and smiled at her little boy once more before she left. "Shadows hide you, little one." She whispered before walking off into the snow covered forest.