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Blacktail Deer Plateau little faith in me - Printable Version

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little faith in me - Eunoia - January 01, 2015

Despite her curiosity in the foreigners there was more to do than investigate. They called roles 'tasks', but they had the same basis. And so, of course, the agile fem had decided to pursue the Gamekeeper task. It was the role she had held back home, one she felt most comfortable in. But unlike in her previous pack, where an eight-month old pup would simply declare their task at the Ceremony of Blood, here they had to be earned. Of course Eu was not one to slack, and doubted the delay would be too long, but it still disappointed her that she could not jump in immediately.

Like the day before she sat near borders, scenting the air for small animals. There were plenty of deer, but the doggishly-colored fem knew it was wisest to hunt those in larger groups. Many family members had been lost to the flailing hooves of the tawny creatures, and the lass did not plan to become one of them. It was mid-morning, perhaps near noon, but despite the sun that shone above the temperature was frigid. Luckily Eunoia had a thick coat to ward off most of the biting cold, yet a small amount of the chill managed to sneak under her locks and undercoat.

For this reason she had tried to squeeze herself together as tight as possible, preserving warmth. Though growing up in the north she despised of frigid temperatures, most of the time the group would find shelter when the chill became too much to bear. Yet the soft hued last was focused, determined to contribute. So far the frost and snow had masked many scents, but the yearling was certain there had to be something out. In the past she had always had good hunting in the winter time, they had all gathered together and taken down large prey. Apparently she had missed that event on the plateau, but it didn't matter anymore.

RE: little faith in me - Dante RIP - January 11, 2015

Mind if we bring this up to present? <3

Edit: Went ahead and deaded this :( to clean up my own threadlog. If you come back and want to revive it feel free!!!

Wandering through trees as familiar to him by now as his own coat, the silver Alpha meandered through his territory. He hadn't any real specific goal in mind at the moment, though he idly hoped to run across some of the newer blood in the Plateau. There were many here he had yet to meet, accepted into the ranks by his more-than-capable Betas. And while he did not feel the need to verify their judgement (as he trusted it completely), he still did not feel right until he met all who he would expect to call him Alpha.

As luck would have it, he was fated to run into one such individual. His steps took him towards the border as if by habit, the warden in him guiding even now. As he approached, he spotted a stranger, recognizing her as a new arrival before a defensive growl could be put forth. Instead his ears perked up and he approached with a friendly gait, though head held high. "Hello. I don't believe we've met."