Wolf RPG
j - we can make the world stop - Printable Version

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j - we can make the world stop - Akantha - January 01, 2015

"The ocean breeze sings of forgotten things..." She murmurs as she plods down the natural pathway carved by the animals that use it to get down to the beach. She can recall herding her sisters down, calling out to be mindful of their feet, and that She would gladly take any body found broken upon the shore. But it is blurry images pieced together haphazardly; she can hardly remember the way Her words should fit on her tongue.

Her noses senses a threshold and she obediently comes to a halt. She noses a frond at the base of a tree, taking in the unfamiliar scents that speak of a change. An unusual amalgamation of a creature has taken her sister's place as head of the pack. What of the rituals? Had she been Chosen? Was it fate? All these questions ring in her mind as she stands, swaying slightly in the chilly winter breeze.

She shakes out her pelt and a few clumps fall down to the ground. Her once robust frame is sickly, but she lacks the telltale musk of disease. Akantha shifts her gaze to where the sound of the ocean is strongest, and raises her voice to the sky to summon her sisters.

RE: j - we can make the world stop - Caiaphas - January 01, 2015

When a howl pierced the coarse call of wind and sand, Caiaphas paused -- a singular ear flicked forward in interest. As of late she was never sure how to perceive the visitors who elected to approach the Sound -- they often were a colossal disappointment in the prospective member department or they were confrontational. Deciding then the call could go ignored no longer, the svelte creature rose and trotted loftily towards the sound's source.

She did not outright recognize Akantha, and as Caiaphas scrutinized the Amazonian's wretched state she drew quite close than normal comfort would dictate. Adopting a hardened pose similar to the mein she had often see Aktaie deliver, the silvery poltroon awaited Akantha's due explanation.

RE: j - we can make the world stop - Akantha - January 01, 2015

The beast that appeared was not at all what she had imagined; she pictured some hybrid creature of unearthly beauty. But the masked wraith that ghosts towards her grants imagery of wickedness; a crone of sorts, with an ethereal strangeness permeating her entire countenance. She makes no efforts toward courtesy, and abruptly pushes herself into Akantha's space.

A thrill of something bordering on unease races down her spine, lifting hairs as her skin prickles, but she does not pull back her lips in a warning. She tucks her tail and lowers her head with a plaintive whine, even going as far as to stick her muzzle out in an attempt to lick submissively at Caiaphas' chin. Whoever this was, she carried herself as her sister did, and that alone demanded the Amazon's respect.

"There was a vision, but the only thing my mind is able to conjure now is darkness. It led me astray, and I drowned in it. The blessed Mother gave me the strength to find this place again." She murmurs, ears lowered in shame. "I'm sorry."

RE: j - we can make the world stop - Caiaphas - January 04, 2015

Caiaphas was tickled by the female's subordinate behavior -- her chest puffed marginally and she jutted her chin in the most boastful of manners as Akantha licked submissively at her jowls. With haughtiness to her step that would have had her struck down in past packs, Caiaphas stepped back and once more regarded the russet-black wolf.

She did not understand Akantha's explanation -- her head tilted slightly to the side and her comically large ears set askance in perplexity. She was not sure who this wolf was -- yet she behaved in the manner of her heavily disciplined Sisters. Akantha mentioned the Mother, yet Caiaphas was not so quick to trust her, as she knew the wolves in Blackforest also spoke of a Mother much darker than her own. As a test, Caiaphas spoke -- her words veiled -- if Akantha indeed understood her, she was truly a Nereides. Πού πήγες ;

RE: j - we can make the world stop - Akantha - January 06, 2015

When Caiaphas stepped back, Akantha remained where she was. Her eyes track the movement of her Sister's feet, but she does not dare look up further; the guilt bars her from her usually adamant and bold nature. She can sense the flashes of movement in her peripheral vision and, by extension, almost feel the coywolf's confusion as it hangs heavy in the air between them.

The words, their language, flows from her tongue now and the scarred woman picks up easily despite not having spoken to a soul in many moons. "Εγώ ... δεν μπορώ να πω, αδελφή. Δεν ξέρω. Δεν υπήρχε κανείς να μου δώσει απαντήσεις. She expels the rest of her breath slowly before continuing at a slightly more confident clip. "Ακολούθησα αυτό το όραμα Βορρά, και το τελευταίο πράγμα που θυμάμαι είναι να ξυπνήσει σε μια μικρή καλύβα δίπλα σε μια πολύ μακρά ακτή. Θα επιστρέψουν σε σας τώρα με τίποτα να δείξει για αυτό." A tone of frustration peaks, briefly, but is quelled again. Ίσως Ψαμάθη μπορεί να έχει νόημα από αυτό."

RE: j - we can make the world stop - Caiaphas - January 06, 2015

Akantha's nebulous explanation wrought forth a crease along Caiaphas' brow in furrowed displeasure; though the harsh line of her muzzle softened as the female spoke in Greek. While she did not doubt Akantha's vision, she also did not know what the dark-furred wolf was capable of -- whatever vision possessed her, she was back. Caiaphas wondered how she would take the core members' departure.

"Aktaie is gone." She fell back to her native tongue, her expression somewhat guarded. "Psamathe went back to Themiscyra." Perhaps there would be no revelation for the reason behind Akantha's troubling trance. "Greyjoy has left, and with him, Aella." There was a bitterness to her words she scarce cared to conceal. "But we are still here."

RE: j - we can make the world stop - Akantha - January 07, 2015

"Gone?" She exclaims. Immediately some life seems to seep back into her withered shell, and she shakes her head in dismay. "Gone where? My sister and Greyjoy, too?" Akantha sweeps her muzzle back and forth as if trying to shuffle all of this information into their proper spots. Presumably, Aella was still with Greyjoy--that was a comfort. But Aktaie and Psamathe?

She turns her hazel eyes upon Caiaphas again, but is careful to dart them away as soon as they begin to creep further up the hybrid's chest. "She left them under your guidance. Did she teach you about the Sea? About the Mothers? Our rites?" The questions come in rapid succession, but the tired heart fluttering in her chest fears only the worst.

RE: j - we can make the world stop - Caiaphas - January 09, 2015

omg your avatar is beautiful!!

Understandably, Akantha was upset by the Sound's departed members. Caiaphas' expression was grim as she listened to the worried words the dark female uttered -- and once she was done speaking, the pale wraith smoothly offered an explanation.

"Psamathe and Aktaie both had visions of the homeland -- and seeing it as a sign, they left." She had been grieved to see both go -- Aktaie's departure had thrown her into a leadership position the poltroon had never expected to receive. Without Aktaie, Caiaphas believed the vessel doomed; though she did not utter once those treacherous thoughts.

As far as Aella and Greyjoy, Caiaphas' lips pulled taut. Greyjoy had left to accompany Aktaie, and while she understood the stalwart male's actions, it did little to soothe the stab of jealous betrayal she had felt. She had not cared for Aella -- they shared a strange rivalry that excited her, but Caiaphas had breathed a sigh of relief when Aella had left. Caiaphas knew the female to be fiercely capable, and admittedly had worried for her reign's security while the agouti wolf had been here. "Atlas too, was carried off by the sea." She finished forlornly, suddenly struck by the ugly, luckless hand they had been dealt. "Aktaie taught me all she could, and left when she felt I was capable." Caiaphas confirmed this dully, as if she was sick of talking of the Sound's grievances.

"I can show you where we settled." With that, she turned foot -- back towards the protected strand where the wolves bedded.

RE: j - we can make the world stop - Akantha - January 25, 2015

So sorry for the wait. I've been in a huge funk lately. And thanks! I'm trying to find the owner so I can credit. It was stashed away in the dusty corners of my harddrive.

A spark of something resembling rage bubbles up from the depths of her mind, but she fights to quell it. It is not Caiaphas' fault; the wraith could only watch as the Mothers did their work. But she fears. Was this place cursed? Atlas succumbed to the depths; her sisters gone and the worthy consorts with them. Though she never really let on, she cared for Atlas. He'd been tried and found entirely capable of handling his burdens.

She licks at her mouth. Dry. "That would be welcome." She senses Caiaphas' discomfort. Having to parrot these events time and time again; never letting them truly fade. Her ears perk when the coywolf turns, and she watches as her appointed leader pads off down the path. She picks up her own road-weary paws, and follows.

RE: j - we can make the world stop - Caiaphas - January 26, 2015

no worries!! i hope everything is okay! i'll fade caiaphas here, feel free to wrap up but if you're too busy i'll archive it in a few days

Like Akantha, Caiaphas fretted. She had taken both Aktaie's and Psamathe's departure in stride, but Atlas' being carried to sea had stuck with her profoundly. The sea had seen fit to swallow him that stormy day -- Caiaphas had swam and called until her throat was hoarse with salt and her eyes stung.

A frown worried her features for a moment, but she swiftly gained composure. With Akantha behind her, she could spare no sign of weakness. She had missed the dark wolf's swallowed rage, yet even if she had of seen it she would have commiserated in silence with the awashed wolf. The harem needed female recruits and having Akantha return was a blessing from the Mothers. She was content to reflect in silence -- once they neared the rendezvous site she would show Akantha the female's quarters before retiring herself for the evening. Tomorrow, she would begin Larus' search party anew.

RE: j - we can make the world stop - Akantha - January 30, 2015

Akantha is struck at a loss for further words, and her thoughts churn violently; not unlike a maelstrom. She walks mutely behind Caiaphas as the two-toned hybrid Queen leads her further into the safety of the Siren territory. She notes the way her paws splay against the spray-damp sand, and finds comfort in the scent, sight, and sound of the sea. Caiaphas is not Aktaie, but she is Queen nonetheless.

They part after Caiaphas shows her to the communal den site. The caverns are a welcome, but her heart throbs painfully at the emptiness of it all. After the other woman excuses herself, Akantha stands there for a good long while, drinking in the sight of what was to be their new beginning. Her legs continue to tremble--weary from the journey, but she cannot bring herself to rest just yet.

She turns tail and heads for the sea, to beg forgiveness from the Mothers.