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Blacktail Deer Plateau and the needle moves gracefully. - Printable Version

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and the needle moves gracefully. - Summer Ostrega - January 01, 2015

Looking for @Lasher but all are welcome :D

After winding through the towers of Porcupine Ridge and descending the mountainside, Summer found himself right at the Southernmost edge of the Plateau. It had only taken him a few days to travel there, and he found himself somewhat amazed that they truly were rather never to each other. Most of his journey had been spend trekking across the Vale. In comparison, his hike through the mountains seemed like nothing more than a quick jaunt.

The young wolf didn't approach the packlands immediately, instead turning even further South to sate his parched tongue at the river that wound its way around the Plateau. He even considered lingering to do a bit of fishing, but reminded himself that he had a job to do and a lovely set of green apple eyes waiting for him back home. So, he went back to loiter in the fields less than a quarter of a mile from the territory borders, tilting back his head to call for their attention before settling himself in for a long wait.

RE: and the needle moves gracefully. - Blue Willow - January 01, 2015

I'm going to jump in this if it's okay I have a lot of Blue muse @Lasher still must come though :D

Blue Willow heard the call and it was for Lasher, and being nosy and a little bit restless she followed the sound. She was mere days away from giving air on the outside to those in the womb and it was driving her batty. She couldn't stay still for long, she had torn up the ground numerous times with her pacing. She imagined poor Lasher barely got any sleep with her restless movements throughout the night. He however was handling it like a superb champ. She would need to do something very nice for him when it was all said and done, but what she didn't know.

As she walked she imagined he would not be far behind, unless of course he was hunting. He spent a lot of time doing that for her lately, and she was extremely grateful. He was a good man and as Peregrine always told her though she switched it, no one deserved him really. She followed the sound as it tapered off and stood before the youth in all her pregnant glory. How can I help you? If I can?

RE: and the needle moves gracefully. - Summer Ostrega - January 01, 2015

You know I'm always okay with a visit from Danni! <3 I have a lot of muse in general, so imma reply. Ebby just jump in whenever!

The wolf who responded to his call was not the one he was searching for, but that was not entirely unexpected. A stranger knocking at their borders would pique the interest of any wolf within earshot, so Summer had anticipated fully that he would not be greeted by a familiar face. What did surprise him was the round belly that the female sported. Although the Ostrega was a full year old by then, he had never actually come in contact with a pregnant female before, and so he couldn't help the curiosity that lined his face as he canted his head and looked over the curving outline of her stomach.

Luckily, her voice snapped the boy out of his staring, which had likely been unwanted and unappreciated. Looking up with apology in his bright sunlit eyes, he dipped his muzzle respectfully and submitted to her obvious authority. "Thank you for coming," he murmured to the snow between his paws, "My name is Summer Ostrega. I was looking for one named Lasher, though perhaps you know him as Taltos? He came to our borders at the Sunspire some time ago searching for one of yours--a young wolf named Tytonidae."

Assuming his respectful bow had comforted the female so that she knew he was no threat, Summer lifted his head then to look upon her face. "I have news for him," he said, pausing then to await her reply. He was certainly (although incorrectly) that his female was the Alpha of the pack, given that she was pregnant and he believed only the female alphas were permitted to be. Likely his news of Ty was safe within her ears, but he hesitated simply on the off chance that he was wrong.

RE: and the needle moves gracefully. - Blue Willow - January 01, 2015

A small smile edged the corners of Blue's face. It made her smile the curiosity that picqued as the boy looked her over. It also made her feel extremely content, not because he was looking at her rather. But simply because she was so happy with the little lives that she sported there.

You are welcome of course. She dipped her muzzle in return to him. She listened respectfully and shifted. Well Met Summer. I am Blue Willow and I know Lasher very well. I hope you don't mind that I sit? She didn't wait for his words, merely sat herself down. I know Ty is she alright? She swished her tail gently across the ground and simply waited.

She was not the alpha but rather the beta, but she was still respected and she had been alpha. Stepping down had been her own choice, and she was content with her place among her family. I am the beta and healer of the pack. Lasher should be along soon enough. He does not let me or his children out of his sight for very long. She grew quiet offering the quiet olive branch, that she was important and was no threat. That he could speak with her if he wished.

RE: and the needle moves gracefully. - Summer Ostrega - January 01, 2015

Considering his upbringing, Summer had never really felt like a child. He'd always had a mind that generated thoughts that were well beyond his age. Even his father had marveled over it from time to time, just how mature his young son often was, and also many times saddened by how jaded the boy was even in his youth. In spite of all of this, it was truly beautiful that Summer could still have moments like these where he could marvel over commonplace things such as a woman's swollen belly, full of new life, merely because he'd never experienced them before. It was a reminder of his youth, these precious seconds when he was filled with child-like wonder and naivety.

"Ty is safe," he reassured the woman--Blue Willow, as she called herself, "She came to our borders seeking a place in my pack, which we were happy to give to her." A smile slipped across the dark wolf's black lips as he spoke. He still had trouble believing his luck from time to time that she had really returned, not just once but twice, and even now was sleeping safe and sound in his den back home. It was more than he could have asked for, and he spent every day thankful for it.

Not wanting to get too far into the subject of Tytonidae before Lasher joined them, Summer took a different route that had very much sparked his intrigue. "I was not aware he had a mate," he said honestly, wrong again, "Congratulations on your impending litter. It's.. wonderful." A primal joy stirred within him as he congratulated her--a joy and an innate longing to one day sire a brood of his own. He'd never before had such thoughts, and even then dismissed it with hardly a second thought. Even his affection for Tytonidae he recognized no romance in. Caring for her was as natural as breathing.

RE: and the needle moves gracefully. - Lasher - January 02, 2015

eeep sorry! short post!

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he had heard the summons and trudged through the snow toward the borders. the voice itself was masculine and young, edged in familiarity. near unto its source he caught the vaguely floral scent of his lover and smiled; of course she would be greeting the visitor.

hello, he murmured to the sunspire wolf, whose face he remembered from a trek not so long ago to the mountain peak in search of tytonidae. blue willow was favored with a loving look before his attentions returned to the young man.

RE: and the needle moves gracefully. - Blue Willow - January 02, 2015

Blue knew very well the toxic way things could go if you were more mature than your own age. However, she had never been jaded by it. She had chosen a more optimistic path for her maturity and her thoughts. One of the reasons she attributed to her healing prowess.

Blue sighed softly I'm so glad she's okay. She is a good girl. Blue did not know her well, but she had known enough. She had known that even though she was a strange child, her heart was good and she was kind. She hoped she was minding her manners and everyone was treating her well. Thank you for taking care of her, where we cannot.

Blue made a simple noncommital sound at the mention of mates. That was no one's business except those in the pack. If Lasher wished to explain he could, otherwise Blue was fine with others assuming she was his mate, even if it was wrong. She smiled Thank you.

Lasher was there soon enough and she offered him a smile. Then motioned for the boy. This is summer he brings news for you of Ty.

RE: and the needle moves gracefully. - Summer Ostrega - January 02, 2015

Summer smiled, warmed by the woman's joy at hearing his news, and also by her words of kindness about his dear friend. The wolves of the Sunspire did treat Tytonidae with kindness, but she had remained distant with all of them except for Summer. It was nice to be around those who knew her like he did, the way she used to be when they'd first met. The way he was determined she would be again.

His eyes turned to Lasher as the dark umber wolf approached them. Summer's smiled faded to a more serious expression as they returned to business. "Lasher, thank you for coming," he said amiably, "Ty returned to the Sunspire some time ago. I came to keep our promise to you and let you know of her well-being. She is safe and whole, a little worse for wear, but steadily regaining her health."

Summer paused, knowing he would be unable to keep the emotion out of his voiceas his next words came to him. "She asked to join our pack, and Amekaze has given her a place amongst us," he said slowly, "She wishes to stay, and we would like for her to. She will be well taken care of within our borders, that I promise you." It was this that was his main concern, the whole reason he had wanted to be the one to come to the Plateau himself. Anyone could have told them that Ty had returned to the Sunspire safely, but only Summer would have made this subtle plea that they trust the Spire enough to let her remain.

RE: and the needle moves gracefully. - Lasher - January 02, 2015

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blue willow introduced the two and lasher found himself wondering at the boy's name, for it was strangely fitting. ears cupped forward, he listened to the words held in the visitor's tone, and spared not himself the dubious pleasure of ignoring the emotion held in the speech. you know as well as i that i believe her place is here, the beta said softly, after a moment, but his smile was warm toward summer.

however, you have done for her all that i could have asked. she is safe. she is well. turning his head to find blue willow's eyes, taltos at length regarded the boy affably. i will tell her father. in the meantime, you have come a long way. will you stay with us for the night? if you leave now, you may not return home for some time, and will be travelling in the darkness.

RE: and the needle moves gracefully. - Blue Willow - January 02, 2015

Blue's ears twitched at the boys tone. But otherwise she said nothing she merely waited. It had been clear from the beginning that Summer preferred speaking to Lasher and that was fine. After all it had been him originally that had went in search of Ty.

Blue's tail twitched only once at the mention of Peregrine, though not by name. She hoped Lasher and Peregrine were on equal enough footing that Perry could do so. She tilted her head and listened. Adding her agreement Yes you are more than welcome to stay. Its a long trek to the Sunspire.

RE: and the needle moves gracefully. - Summer Ostrega - January 03, 2015

Summer felt his heart freeze in his throat at Lasher's words. Were it not for the amiable smile upon his face, Summer might have begun to argue then and there against it. Ty's place had been at the Plateau. It was with him now. And Summer would defend that fact with everything he had.

Luckily, he didn't need to, for the man was speaking again. Although he didn't reassure Summer directly that they wouldn't be trying to take her back, his words were a comfort and left no doubt in the Ostrega's mind that Ty's place was safe. His gaze shifted from the pair of them as they spoke of letting her father know of her whereabouts. He parted his lips to speak, but paused to smile graciously at their invitation to stay.

"Thank you, that's very kind of you," Summer replied, "I would be very grateful for a safe place to rest for the night. In the morning however, I actually had intended to journey to Redhawk Caldera myself. We have matters to attend to with them. I would be happy to search out Tytonidae's father to inform him of her well-being." He gazed earnestly at the pair of them, hoping that they would agree to allow Summer this task. In truth, he had no business to attend to other than Ty, but the conversation would be a bit different than this one had been.

RE: and the needle moves gracefully. - Lasher - January 05, 2015

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he wondered why summer had come, unless it was within the pursuit of the outrider trade. giving the boy a more pointed look than he had before, taltos relaxed into a comfortable stance and padded to blue willow's side. that would be pleasing to me; i appreciate your offer, the beta said softly, though his eyes had drifted momentarily to the healer's beautiful face.

and suddenly he ached for peregrine, and he was hard-pressed to maintain his composure in their presence.

RE: and the needle moves gracefully. - Blue Willow - January 05, 2015

Blue gave him a smile as he looked at her. She knew he probably missed Peregrine. She gave him a soft nudge to the side. Then looked towards Summer. Perhaps if you are not gone long. Lasher could accompany you. It was mostly an offer to Lasher, for him to see Peregrine. As she was certain the male still loved him, she knew from experience, you couldn't just turn love off it didn't happen.

RE: and the needle moves gracefully. - Summer Ostrega - January 14, 2015

I went super-slacker with Summer the past couple weeks while I've been sick, sorry ;_; Wanna wrap this one up soonly? ilu both :D

Summer looked between the two of them as they spoke in turn. "You're of course welcome to join me if you would like," he said as he turned his gaze to the umber wolf, "I would hate to take you away from your mate in her condition, though, so please don't feel obligated. I promise that I will pass the message along to Ty's father, along with any other you might have for him." Earnest words yet again. He didn't know how far along Blue was in her pregnancy due to inexperience with the matter. She looked as though she was ready to pop, but perhaps women's bellies were capable of growing much, much larger than this, as hard as it was to imagine.

On the other hand, he wasn't completely certain where he was going in order to get to the Caldera, and a guide that knew the way would always be helpful. At the very least, he would be certain to glean as much information on the route as he could from the two that evening.

RE: and the needle moves gracefully. - Lasher - January 17, 2015

that's cool! last post from me :) ilu2

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blue willow was quick to offer up her lover as an accompaniment for summer, but lasher gave a demure shake of his head. he would not go with the boy; he had made his peace with the panther, and wanted no reminder of peregrine's abandonment. i will go with you a way over our borders in the morn, and direct you to the caldera, he offered softly. for now, take a meal with us.

RE: and the needle moves gracefully. - Blue Willow - January 17, 2015

Blue Willow leaned forward and gave a swift lick to the side of Lasher's face. She had a moment of selfish glee, when he declined. But it was swiftly filled with a sadness for all he had lost. It was strange and she really blamed the hormones. What was she going to do after the babes were born and she no longer could explain her harsh thoughts on such things? She shook her head, no she felt she would go back to the way she was, or she hoped.

Yes Please do. She offered a small smile and shifted her weight, she wanted to find a place and lay on her side, she was in a bit of pain.

RE: and the needle moves gracefully. - Summer Ostrega - January 21, 2015

Summer nodded eagerly when Lasher invited him to eat with them. He could tell that the man's mate was eager to get back home and he could only assume it was so that she could lie down and get comfortable. Carting around a belly like that had to be exhausting. With a grateful smile and a bow of his head, he followed as the pair lead him into the heart of the Plateau's territory where he would spend the evening, enjoying good food and even better conversation with the two before setting out on his journey just as the sun began to crest the horizon the next day.