Wolf RPG
Blacktail Deer Plateau But I'd rather be that than the same - Printable Version

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But I'd rather be that than the same - Saēna - January 02, 2015


Saena had been jovially jogging and in a rather good mood until, moments ago, a loud and ominous rumble from the ground caused her to halt.

She stood completely still but for the twitching of her tail tip. The forest fell silent around her, as though some storm was quickly coming. She caught herself glancing at the sky, but there were no signs of a coming storm that the Naturalist could spot. She was discerning at that particular trade, and would have known with certainty if a blizzard was going to come, even long before the clouds began to gather. It was one perk of being born to a medium who'd been touched by a goddess, not that Saena knew anything about any of that.

The rumble sounded again, and suddenly from a snow-covered hole erupted a wildly snarling beast. Its coat was tan and black, its face almost wolf-like but its ears tiny and round. It had a tail like a raccoon, sans the markings. It had positively enormous paws and squat legs, and it came at her boldly, as though it was a mountain lion and not some weird rodent. It managed to catch hold of her paw for just a moment, and left a long gash on her arm as she sprung away from it.

Instinct told Saena that this animal was dangerous despite its appearances, and so she was quick to back off rather than to fight back. It stalked her for a while, only retreating to its den when it was satisfied with her disappearance. Grumbling to herself, the sour-tempered juvenile lifted her leg and began to tend to her wound with one eye trained on the place the wolverine had come from.

RE: But I'd rather be that than the same - Eunoia - January 02, 2015

Due to her past, in which a bear had separated her from the rest of the pack, Eu had decided to avoid rival predators. On that particular day she had decided to trek through the woodlands, for both hunting and a bit of exploration. As she neared the spot where the child had been, the scent of a wolverine hit her nostrils, the young wolfess felt past rage and fright wash through her body. But it seemed to have passed, so she marked the land and continued on with her walk, scanning the area once and a while. Despite the resolution she wanted it to pay, pay for what it's kind had done.

Continuing forward a juvenile came into view, it's scent foreign to her nostrils yet mingled with the scent of their area, and hinted lightly with the aroma of sanguine. Curious, the doggishly-marked fem trotted over from behind her, studying the lass further. When the distance that separated them was a meager yard or two, she paused, unsure of if the other girl had scented her or not. Despite wearing the familiar white hues that her kin had held, a flash of an exotic red reminded her that these were not the lands of back home. And the stranger's unfamiliar build confirmed the thought.

The small grin on her maw turned into a frown as the scent of blood once again hit her. It seemed as if the child was wounded, though not severely, as it looked like she was still upright and the smell wasn't terribly strong. Deciding to make sure of this, Eu took a step forward then sunk into a sitting position. Her decent knowledge of herbs would be perhaps put to use, or she at least hoped so. "Hey! You okay kid?" To her, it was strange calling another 'kid', but it had become obvious over the last couple of months that soon her days as a yearling were nearing an end rather quickly.

RE: But I'd rather be that than the same - Saēna - January 02, 2015

The bleeding slowed with each gentle swipe of her tongue over the cut, until it oozed just slightly and Saena placed her foot back down. It stung as the wind rushed over it, but there was nothing to be done about that. It wasn't an injury worth seeing Blue Willow about. Saena was naturally unsure about putting herbs on wounds anyway, so even though she trusted her aunt more than any other wolf in the world now, it was unlikely she would allow it unless it was severe.

A soft voice behind her pulled her attention, and like wildfire her aggressive need to establish herself overtook her. She stood and slowly turned, ready to say she was fine and push some boundaries a little (nothing too risky, Saena was still only nine months old and would have time to be more pushy later), but upon being called a kid, decided it was time to be pushy now. She was a juvenile, a contributing member of the pack, and wholly unable to tell a juvenile from a yearling or an old crone, herself.

She whirled with the typical wolf ambivalence display: lips pulled back over her teeth, muzzle wrinkled, brows high and eyes direct, with her hackles raised, her tongue pressed just slightly between her teeth so its pink edge was seen, and her tail lifting over her back. "I'm no kid," she growled, edging her good leg forward as though to intimidate Eunoia with a feigned step. She did not snarl—this was not hostile—but she did maintain this expression of displeasure as she rose to her full height, which was not very considerable but still conveyed her meaning perfectly.