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Ouroboros Spine We'll have tomorrow - Printable Version

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We'll have tomorrow - Kaname - January 02, 2015

His muscles rippled as his claws dug through the cold soil, tossing frozen dirt to the side. He was no badger, but he was letting nothing stop him. He had a woman to feed, and probably pups too. And if she wasn't pregnant, they could always try again until she was (not that he minded). Either way, he had a duty to fulfill, and getting the prey from these caches was the first way he could fulfill it.

Eventually he uncovered the prey trapped underneath the snow-covered, frozen soil. They were slightly preserved by the cold temperatures, but he bet that after he moved it around a bit, they would warm up. The assassin took out a hare and a small deer, presumably a baby who was born late and died early. They would be enough for Cara and the presumed ones on the way.

RE: We'll have tomorrow - Sitri - January 02, 2015

It was with rumbling step that Sitri came from traversing the borders. Adding his own scent to the already filled borders. He carried in his jaws some sort of ermine, he didn't really know what it was, but he had caught it regardless. He skidded to a stop as he came across Kaname.

hello Was his quiet rumble of greeting. Then he merely stood by, wondering if he should continue on or converse with the other male. Remembering a lesson that Tyrande had taught him, he offered his congratulations. Congratulllatttions for you and Cara. He had a hard time saying the long word and he shuffled a bit because of it.

RE: We'll have tomorrow - Kaname - January 03, 2015

The assassin looked up to find a familiar pair of red eyes. Sitri. He hadn't seen much of the male even since Ptarmigan left, but he was glad that he was okay nonetheless. "Hey," He flashed a brief smile to the rugged male, then dragged his food back to allow Sitri the chance to drop his prey in the cache.

"Thanks, Sitri. I was kind of surprised by it...I never thought we'd be a couple like that..." He shared his opinions on the matter, since to him it was quite sudden. Kaname did have sexual feelings towards Cara before, but he always repressed them, since he never thought about being her mate. "Looks like we'll have the first litter in Ouroboros." Kaname chuckled.

RE: We'll have tomorrow - Sitri - January 03, 2015

Sitri had been staying far away from the other members of the pack. Only because he felt raw and a little vulnerable. He had also been healing and he hadn't wanted around anyone, especially in case he didn't make it. But he was slowly gaining his momentum back and started working at being a part of the pack again. He dropped the ermine into the waiting hole and backed up again.

Sitri smiled The world is strange like that. He was silent as he twitched one ear or the other. That's good. Are you excited for puppies? Sitri was actually scared of pups. He had never been very good around them, and the few he had issues with he had hurt or kidnapped for the queen. He wouldn't be doing that here, but well his knowledge was lacking where babies were concerned.

RE: We'll have tomorrow - Kaname - January 03, 2015

Pups. He was indeed excited for them. They were indeed the first pups the pack, both the previous incarnation Silvertip Mountain and Ouroboros Spine, the present one, would ever had. Kaname was kind of honored to sire them.

"Yeah I am. Cara seems to be too. She'll be a good mother, I can tell." He was certain that their pups would be in good hands paws, with a firebrand like Cara as their mom. As for his role in their upbringing...well, he could try.

RE: We'll have tomorrow - Sitri - January 04, 2015

Sitri shifted and scarred ears went forward. I do not know much of pups, other than their helpless. And he didn't they could be easily broken he knew that too. Both physically and mentally if you thought about it. he tried not too, but the scars he bore were reminders that he had been young once and that he had done his fair share of ruining some youth.

Sitri chuckled She will be, she is kind. At least to him she was. Most looked at him and merely saw a big stupid brute to do their bidding and usually they were right. The very first time he had ever stood up for himself, had ended up in the death of Ptarmigan.

RE: We'll have tomorrow - Kaname - January 04, 2015

"That's true," He said, in regards to Sitri's comment on the helplessness of pups. "They are helpless at first, especially their first month, but after a while they can take care of themselves, and then they grow up." Whether his pups grow up and stay in the pack to continue their dynasty or go on to another was beyond his line of sight, but he had a feeling he would love them no matter what. Unless they end up jerks like that Keithen boy.

"And while they are helpless, its the duty of the pack to take care of them, protect them. You don't have to be too involved with them if you want, Sitri, as long as you protect them." He didn't doubt that Sitri would do that, seeing as they would be part of the pack and all, but if the man was afraid of hurting them, then he did not have to spend much time with them.

RE: We'll have tomorrow - Sitri - January 05, 2015

Sitri listened, he wasn't stupid when it came to pups. He knew how they grew and how helpless they were. Just because they made him nervous didn't mean a thing. He had been around them on more than one occasion. Sitri didn't really know what else to say in regards to the pups.

Sitri felt the sting of being ignorant in a way. He imagined it wasn't that Kaname was giving offense. It just sounded to him like he was talking down to him, like he was simple minded. He wasn't just ignorant of some things. I know Kaname and you don't have to worry about that. he would do his best to protect them. He just hoped they didn't want to follow him around, he feared he may break them.