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Duskfire Glacier Hello there - Printable Version

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Hello there - Fleetscut - January 03, 2015

It had been a few days since his first encounter with a pack. And now here he was, searching among the others. He might find a home, he might not. What he needed was sometime to weight out them all. He was determined and a merry laugh came from his lips as he walked, no he jaunted towards the newest pack lands. Maybe he could meet a friendly face. After all it wasn't everyday that he got to be nosy.

He laughed out loud and continued on his eyes merrily dancing across one thing or another. His tail held high waving it to and fro, it was a good day to be alive. He found the scent markers and making sure to say at least 100 feet away he trotted along it, further down the road. A glacier, who would make their home there? What if it melted? Then what?

RE: Hello there - Sen - January 03, 2015

Not quite a friendly face, but at least she's just all bark and no bite. c:

Having previously gone deeper into the Glacier's territory wasn't all too eventful, and so that left the dark wolf with nothing else but to head back out again. She considered sticking closer to the area, but wasn't quite sure if she actually would. After all, things always seemed to be more interesting the further she traveled. That was most likely due to the fact that Duskfire was the first pack Sen had even been apart of, and so she still wasn't all that use to sticking in, or close to, a specific area. Traveling was what seemed to be the woman's life, and giving it up didn't strike a good chord with her. As the form of another dark figure entered her line of sight, though, the raven colored wolf knew she'd need to put her travel plans on hold. One thing she had learned already was that the pack came first, and an unfamiliar face lingering so close could spell out some potential trouble.

Going against her better judgement, Sen chose to approach the other. She crossed the pack's border, shortening the distance between her and the stranger, but made sure to stop just within speaking distance. He was an unknown being, after all, and unknown often meant unpredictable. The last thing she wanted was to get into a physical fight with the male, but even those thoughts didn't prevent her cockiness from mixing into her words. "Now, what could a loner like yourself possibly be doing so close to a pack's land?" she inquired, amber eyes watching the other's form carefully.

RE: Hello there - Fleetscut - January 03, 2015

Fleetscut he was making sure to stay far away from borders. He didn't want to have a chunk of his hid missing or cause any strife. He had never been a part of a pack, and he was still on the fence about whether or not he wanted to be. He was looking into those around though, maybe he'd find his Aunt Willow. He remembered her from years ago, but nothing more than that. Out of the corner of his eye he caught some movement, so he stopped moving to look towards it.

His own Yellow eyes met a pair of amber orbs and he smiled. A full length, come and get me smile, it was a kind one. Well 'ello dere. I be Fleetscut dawlin' an' i'm jest passin' t'rue. Maybe learn a little bet 'bout da place?

RE: Hello there - Sen - January 03, 2015

As the other stopped and looked towards her, she spotted a smile spreading across his maw. When he opened said maw to speak, she found the words that came out to be rather odd. Pondering her options for a second before answering, she decided not to make a wisecrack about his way of speaking. Who knows, maybe she sounded strange to him. Not that thoughts like that were often of any concern to her, but he was close to the Glacier and inquiring about the place. Sen didn't get her hopes up about the pack potentially acquiring a new member, but also wasn't about to act out towards him if there was a chance that he'd be considering the pack.

"Hello, Fleetscut," she finally greeted, letting out a barely audible breath as she did so. "I am Sen. If you're looking to learn of the Glacier, I can only assume that you're searching for a decent pack to become apart of?" Somehow, a drop of arrogance managed to get into even those words, but it was something that couldn't be helped. The dark woman wasn't too keen on acting overly kind and friendly towards others, so even when she attempted such a thing a bit of her true personality would somehow show through each time.

RE: Hello there - Fleetscut - January 04, 2015

Fleet knew very well how difficult it was to understand him sometimes. Though not as hard as some accents he had heard. Had the she wolf in front of him had given him a jab, he probably would have just laughed. Such was his nature, to never take anything really very serious. One thing that had bothered his father to no end.

He smiled at her and nodded his head F'sure! I am. Dis is yer 'ome I take it den? Do youse like it 'ere? W'at 'appens if da glacia melts? He wagged his tail and waited for her quick responses he hoped. He wanted to know as much as he could so he could make an informed decision.

RE: Hello there - Sen - January 04, 2015

The second he confirmed her first thoughts, questions seemed to flood from the male. The one that caught her off guard, though, was the one about the glacier melting. Honestly, she had no idea what would happened if their home melted. It didn't seem likely in her mind, but on the off chance it did happened, Sen assumed they would either stay on whatever ground still lingered, or lay claim to an area close by. What would happen wasn't up to her, but she was still up to assume.

"It is home, yes," the dark wolf answered first. "I like it and find it's location to be interesting, which is saying a lot. I travel more often than I stay here, but I'm still welcomed by a wonderful sight each time I return." With Fleetscut not coming off as being aggressive, just inquisitive, Sen turned her head a bit in order to glance back at the land behind her. Turning back to face him, she answered his last question. "I'm not sure what would happen if it melted," she told him honestly. "I guess we would move, find a new location to settle down in."

RE: Hello there - Fleetscut - January 05, 2015

Fleet felt that it was very important to ask such a question. After all it was important to know if one's home was going to melt away dontcha know. And what if it melted a big chunk of it while you were still on it. Granted it would be a fun ride at least. Yes a fun ride straight down the river. His mind went there for a second as he imagined all the fun he could have.

It's nice ta 'ave a 'ome. He grew quiet and listened to the rest of her words, though ever so often his mind would wander again to sliding down the hill on a glacier. Tons of fun. I 'ave always travel'd ta. He listened to her answer Well I s'pose dat makes sense.

RE: Hello there - Sen - January 06, 2015

The dark female couldn't image that the glacier would be melting anytime soon, but on the off chance it did, she wondered where they would go exactly. She enjoyed traveling, yes, but she enjoyed being apart of a pack more, and didn't want to even think about becoming a lone wolf again. So, silently, she hoped that the glacier would always be there, or at least stay firm throughout the rest of her life. What would happen after she died didn't matter to Sen, because she'd be gone and wouldn't have to deal with the issue. While she lived, however, it was like the loner said; nice to have a home.

As the sooty woman neared the end of her words, her ears perked a bit to the fact that the other wolf said he traveled a lot as well. It was to be expected, of course, but still a nice thing to hear. "When you travel a lot, it's always nice to have a place to come pack to—a home—at the end of your travels." That was what she believed, anyways.

RE: Hello there - Fleetscut - January 12, 2015

Fleet hadn't meant to worry the poor femme. He had been doing his best just to ask questions. He couldn't necessarily help it when his brain went in a completely wrong direction and he had to voice his opinion. And he couldn't help it that others believed his direction and opinion and wondered strange questions then like him.

Fleet frowned in thought. Well I 'ave nevah 'ad dat. Always traveling, granted my parents stopped longer at places dan my grandparents, but well nothin' real permanent.

RE: Hello there - Sen - January 12, 2015

When would you like to end this? c:

Sen was slightly surprised to hear that not only had his parents traveled, but his grandparents had as well. Her parents had traveled about for awhile before meeting one another and temporarily settling on the mountain in order to start their family, but she'd never heard anything of her grandparents from either side doing the same. From what she'd remembered from the stories, her mother's parents had been apart of one pack, while her father's were apart of another. The only reason the two had ever met was because both had held the same need to explore and see new places, because neither wanted to stick to one piece of land in particular. That was how Sen had been as well,of course, but she'd slowly grown out of it. Sort of, anyways. She'd grown from it enough to attempt to get loners to settle in the pack she had, so she'd come a bit farther.

"You should consider settling down somewhere soon," she suggested. "Winter can be harsh, and there's nothing better than knowing you have other wolves there to help if anything were to happen." Had Sen been just a year or so younger, she'd surely had pretended to gag upon hearing her own words. "Even after you join a pack, you can still travel."

RE: Hello there - Fleetscut - January 16, 2015

Whenever you would like I can probably come up with something completely off the wall if you'd like to continue it lol or we can fade soon.

His grandparents were travelers it was true, just his father's parents. He didn't honestly know a darn thing about his mama's parents. She had pretty much always told him it was just his dad and her children that were her life. He shrugged the thought away. Fleet just wasn't sure if he could settle down, he was a free range man.

Fleet gave her a smile Dawlin' i've bin travelin' sin'e i was a babe, so winter dunno bother me none. He tilted his head and gave her a even wider smile. I'll remember dough w'at you say an' perhaps I'll make my way back dowards ya.

RE: Hello there - Sen - January 17, 2015

Something completely off the wall sounds nice. c:

Sen should have expected such a response, and yet, she hadn't. Even though she'd been off and exploring nearly as soon as she could walk, the idea of another being the same didn't seem real. It was great to her, but seemed too good to be true. It was clear that the other was older than her, and she held the desire to learn of what he'd had the pleasure of experiencing in his extra time on the Earth. The woman wasn't positive as to whether he would come back once he left or not, but it was a possibility. If that were to happen, she would be sure to ask him of any stories he felt like sharing. Asking him now seemed too forward, especially so since they'd only just met.

"Even if the Winter does not bother you, it would still be nice to be in company of others during it, don't you think?" Her head unknowingly cocked to the side a bit, but she corrected it once realizing it'd happened. "I hope you come with the desire to join if you ever return here." He had not even left yet, and Sen was already awaiting the return of her fellow traveler.

RE: Hello there - Fleetscut - January 19, 2015

Fleet would share his stories and his adventures whomever wanted to hear them. He may even embellish them a little bit if he was up to it. After all a man was only as good as the life he lead, so he wanted to lead a pretty exciting life. Usually he did, after the man was not serious about anything every, he was carefree and happy as the day is long.

Fleet nodded his head So fa' et seem a welcomin' place da settle down meself. He smiled at her, youse lak da dravel yea? He hoped he had found if only for a moment another free spirit like him. Most wolves were all about the packs and their families, just boring if you ask him. No sir he'd rather live it up, go on his merry way.

He leaned forward in a conspiratorial whisper, Youse know w'at I wan' da do chile. I feel lak dancin' Then just like that he got to his paws and jumped and gamboled about, clicking his heels together with a loud WHEEE He pranced and danced and jigged his way all around the clearing. Really not caring if she thought he was strange or not. Flicking eyes towards her he made a play bow, as he continued his rear end dancing, Would youse care da join me m'lady?

RE: Hello there - Sen - January 20, 2015

The mental picture I got from that was priceless omg

It was a good thing that the male had deemed the Glacier a welcoming place to settle down, and she hoped the idea of it melting didn't push him away. Whatever happened was out of her control, but if he didn't stay, then she considered speaking to him about a small journey at some point in their lives. It could be fun to travel with a companion for once, rather than journeying alone, meeting a new wolf where she'd stop, then continuing on and repeating the process all over again. With thoughts like that always swimming around in her mind, Sen had no troubles answering him. “Yes, I enjoy traveling very much,” she answered, actually enjoying conversing with the male. “I am always looking for a new place to go, a new sight to see, and new things to witness and experience.”

The woman had wished to continue on with their talks of traveling and such, but it seemed the topic of conversation had changed. In fact, the entire posture of the male had changed as he went on to do his little dance. She'd never witness someone physically dance before, and though she found the movements to be strange, she didn't actually dislike it. When he went into a playful bow and proposed a question, Sen wasn't sure how she should respond. She could lie, say she doesn't care for such actions, or be honest for a change and tell of the real problem. Sighing to herself, she decided on the truth. “I don't know how to dance,” she informed him. “In fact, I've never even seen someone else dance until now.”

RE: Hello there - Fleetscut - January 23, 2015

Fleet actually got a strange amusement out of the thought of the glacier melting. He saw himself sinking along with it, screaming overboard as he jumped to the water below. He snorted to himself, enjoying the mental picture. He even struck a noble pose as he thought about it. Not really even realizing he did it.

He shook his head to bring himself back to the present. He listened and spoke softly Well then come travel with me. I'm sure we can find some adventures? Or are you firmly planted? He didn't really expect her to take him up on the offer, but if she did he take it and run with it. After all who was to say he couldn't enjoy the company of a beautiful woman in his travels?

Fleet smiled and wiggled forward until he was mere inches from her and spoke softly Well den dawlin' jest you follower me. I'll show youse 'ow da do et. He shifted and backpedaled a bit, his tail wagging and his face a shit eating grin on it. His eyes bright and merry. SKep an' you jump an' you wiggle lak dis. He did the moves in order, he was just making it up as he went, but boy was it fun. He wouldn't hold it against her if she didn't join, but he might be a little disappointed.

RE: Hello there - Sen - January 24, 2015

At the prospect of having a traveling partner, Sen couldn't contain the small wag of his tail that showed. The action was quickly stopped, as it usually was, but the fact of the matter was that it had occurred. “I would love to travel with you,” she told him. “But eventually, I would have to return here.” The dark woman had never had a traveling partner before, but she had also never been apart of a pack before. She wanted both things, though, to travel and to belong to a certain piece of land. Going on a journey with someone else, especially when that someone else was as eccentric as the man before her, was a very appealing thought, and one she would have jumped at during anytime of day in the past. She wouldn't have given it a second thought, just left to explore the land and see what mysteries it held for them to discover. Now, however, she needed to stop and take the time to inform the other that she would need to return to a certain place at some point during their travels.

Her thoughts were soon set aside, though, as the other wolf started giving her a lesson in the art of dancing. Sen watched and listened to what he said, and started to follow along the best she could. She jumped and wiggled, and followed his other comedic actions to the best of her abilities, the event enough to bring a smile to her face. The raven colored woman had been doing that a lot, as of late, and it was new to her. Smiling so often, it felt odd, but she stopped fighting it. She was enjoying her time. “This is definitely the strangest thing I've ever done,” Sen informed him. “Had I seen something like this from a distance, I would have never even considered trying it out.”

RE: Hello there - Fleetscut - January 29, 2015

Fleet saw the wag of her tail and his eyes flashed mischief at her. Fleet listened to her and smiled softly Well a fella lak meh I'll take w'at I kin git. He nodded his head and smiled at her. He wouldn't mind traveling with the pretty she wolf. Perhaps even in their travels she could talk him into settling down. He wanted to explore the places around her, before he moved on anyway. So anything could happen.

He threw his head back and laughed as she followed along. He pranced and he shimmied and he moved all around. He laughed again and stopped moving with his tongue lolling and panting a little bit. You did wonderful dawlin' Jus' wonderful. Aren't youse glad ya joined me. He bowed to her, his way of thanking her for the dance.

RE: Hello there - Sen - January 30, 2015

The woman grinned widely, but her tail did not move this time around. At last, she'd found a traveling partner, and the fact that he was far from boring made the idea all that much better. Sen would be able to continue to explore to her heart's content, and would have someone she could share the memories with without needing to go into story-teller mode. “I look forward to traveling to new places with you,” she said, her words genuine. It was exciting, for her, as she'd never had someone to travel with. When she was still below a year of age, Sen and her brother would go out and look at places on the mountain, sometimes dragging their other sister along with them, but every time they were watched over by one of their parents. None of the times had they ever gone far, so she'd never thought of those events as adventures of any sort. Now, she had a travel-partner-worthy wolf before her, and she was all set for wherever they chose to go.

As Fleetscut's dance moves came to a close, Sen slowly began to stop as well. “Thank you,” she voiced, liking the compliment. “I am glad I joined you, yes. It was much more fun than I would have ever thought it to be.” It really had been a fun thing to do, and was also a good experience. She'd never danced before, nor had she any plans to before today, but was glad to have put her usually not-so-energetic self away in order to try it out. When the other bowed his thanks, she returned the motion—sort of, anyways. It was more of a small dip of his head, rather than a bow.

RE: Hello there - Fleetscut - February 18, 2015

I'm sorry love. This sickness has been eating me alive, and my 3 leaders took precedence.

Fleet shifted and smiled at her. He couldn't wait to get started. There were so many things to see and explore. He couldn't wait to learn and see and walk around. Fleet had always taken his siblings with him, at least for a little while. Until his antics began to annoy them.

When shall we leave? He tilted his head, ears thrust forward.

He laughed along with her, he had enjoyed this day. Dancing was wonderful, simply wonderful.

T'ank you fir dat dance dawlin!

RE: Hello there - Sen - February 20, 2015

It it fine, your health and high ranking characters take priority. c: Hope you feel better soon!

For a moment, the dark wolf stayed quiet as she considered the question given. The second to think came about more so out of habit, rather than because she actually needed to think about it. She knew she could set out at any time they chose, as she never really had anything to do around the pack. She may live with the other pack wolves there, but she didn't really have any immediate ties or responsibilities preventing her from coming and going as she pleased. “We can leave whenever you are ready to go,” Sen informed him. “I don't have anything to do, and it's never a bad time for a journey.” Well, except for during massive storms, but there clearly wasn't one of those coming about anytime soon.

The woman gave a small nod of her head, her laughing having settled but a smile still played on her lips. “I should be the one thanking you,” she pointed out. “I would have never been able to experience something so interesting if you hadn't shown up, so thank you for being a fellow traveler, and a nice dancer.”