Wolf RPG
Whitefish River Feed me Seymour - Printable Version

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Feed me Seymour - Audrey III - January 03, 2015

The massive man's stomach growled, loud, demanding. He groaned audibly, flopping onto his side in a way that shook the surrounding pebbles around him. Audrey III was not a hunter. He was a fighter, a cunning man, a singer perhaps, but not in anyways a hunter. That would prove to be a problem if he wanted to survive here, alone that is.

His stomach growled again and the wolf-dog growled back at it. "Yeah I know whatcha mean, babe. We've ain't had anythang t'eat in days!" He always considered his stomach to be his conscience, though embedded in his abdomen instead of his brain, dictating where he had to go and what he had to do.

The giant hefted himself up, eyes to the sky in the hopes of seeing some kind of avian scavenger circling. FEEEED MEEE!!! His stomach demanded, and he was close to opening his mouth and repeating the same demand. Hopefully there was a pack he could join...or a wolf he could con out of food. Or else he was going to have to kill something...not that he minded that at all.

RE: Feed me Seymour - Mara - January 03, 2015

The recent events had changed the tiny wolf, that was for sure. She had scars that lined her flank and ears and her grey eyes sparkled in a steely, cold way, instead of with the happiness that used to radiate from her. She watched the massive wolf from the shadows, her stormy grey eyes analyzing his movements. He was close to what she considered her territory and she didn't like it.

She stepped out of the shadows made her self known with a fierce bark. Even though she was about 5 times smaller then him her face held no fear as she approached him, her head held high and her tail out in a dominate but not aggressive way.

RE: Feed me Seymour - Audrey III - January 03, 2015

The goliath turned, his bright green eyes focusing on the little wolf that stepped out of the shadows and barked at him. She had a dominant stance, which isn't something you saw in the middle of nowhere. Was there a pack nearby? Did he trespass involuntarily?

Regardless, the man just started singing at her, reminded of a scene in Little Shop of Horrors, in which Audrey II meets Audrey I. "Hey little lady, hello..." he smiled, bright and disarming. "You're looking cute as can be..." He walked towards her, towering over the little wolf. "You're looking mighty sweet...."

RE: Feed me Seymour - Mara - January 03, 2015

Surprise flashed briefly in the little warriors eyes when the giant started singing and walking over to her. He towered over her and she felt that if he were to flop down right then, he would definitely squish her flat. But she banished the surprise as fast as she could and instead narrowed her stormy eyes at him. She had become quite weary over the past few days and she didn't quite know what to think of this oafish brute.

She let out a tiny growl, not in a threatening way, but more of a defensive way. She studied him and tried to figure out why he was singing.

"Why are you singing? You look like in idiot." she huffed, tilting her snout upward in faux uptightness.

RE: Feed me Seymour - Audrey III - January 04, 2015

The green-eyed man smiled again. "Why not, doll? Music is the language of the soul and all that." His head tilted to the side, his ears drooping a bit, feigning a perplexed expression. "Don't be such a shtunk, babe. It makes y'look ugly, and as I said before, I think you look just fine." He rasped the Yiddish term deep in his throat, making it rumble.

"Now, am I trespassing or something, dear? I'll just leave if I am...." He didn't smell any borders, so he was still confused as to why she was being so hostile.

RE: Feed me Seymour - Mara - January 04, 2015

Dropping her tail and scruff, the russet girl stopped and rolled her eyes at him. Did he really think that flattery was going to make her roll over and give him what ever he wanted. But he did seem sincere when he said he would leave. And she couldn't hold him accountable for trespassing when there weren't even any borders set yet. She sighed and met his green eyes again.

"No, you're not trespassing." she admitted before continuing. "But if you had come here about a week from now, then you would be." she explained, her aggressiveness gone.

"And no more singing. Just no more, you're making my ears go numb." she whined, rubbing her paw over her ear in fake pain, her eyes sparkling.

RE: Feed me Seymour - Audrey III - January 04, 2015

His stomach growled audibly again, but the massive wolf ignored it. Or tried to. It was getting quite hard to ignore, since his stomach was beginning to clench in that familiar way. "So a pack's gonna set up here soon, huh?" FOOOOOD. FEEEEEED MEEEEEEE!!! His stomach did dances in excitement. If he joined a pack at its inception, he was more likely to be in the top tiers, then he would get the first cuts, the bigger cuts, the more nutritious and delicious ones. He licked his chops, hiding the saliva that threatened to run down his mouth as he fantasized about the big kills they would pull down.

"Right, no singing. This is going to be one depressing pack if y'don't have a little music in your life, but that ain't my problem." He teased, wondering if she was simply a member of this pack, or the actual head.

RE: Feed me Seymour - Mara - January 04, 2015

She nodded, excitement showing in her storm grey eyes as she thought of how close the pack was to becoming official. She could see the hunger that glistened in the lone wolf's eyes. And judging by his size, he liked to eat. She tilted her head, observing him.

Would it be good to have a wolf so food motivated in the pack? she thought. But then again, a wolf of his size would definitely be intimidating.

"Yeah, the pack of Whitewater Gorge." she explained. "And this will be considered part of the territory, so wolves not pledged to the pack will be chased off." she warned, her eyes turning serious as she ignored the part of life being boring. With her plans, life would be anything but boring.

RE: Feed me Seymour - Audrey III - January 12, 2015

Whitewater Gorge, huh? Were they really going to set up in a gorge of all things? There was one problem that worried him about it: that was flooding. What if in the summer, some storm made the river come higher than usual. If they were in the caves, then they were in a load of trouble. "Sounds interestin', doll. You still have room for one more?" He chuckled softly. At my size, I really counted for two. Or two-anna-half. "I'm sure y'gonna need someone strong ta protect ya borders, huh? I may not look the athlete, but I was a champion in the pit fights back in Skid Row." That was a kill or be killed kind of fight, so if she was not impressed by that, then he didn't know what else to say.

RE: Feed me Seymour - Mara - January 12, 2015

Her eyes widened in surprise. Even though she didn't know of the place the giant was talking about, it seemed like something to be proud of, being the champion. Maybe he really would be a benefit to the pack.

She smiled a bit and lowered her slightly aggressive stance, her tail wagging. ""Yes, we have plenty of room. Even enough for you." she joked, her eyes sparkling.

RE: Feed me Seymour - Audrey III - January 17, 2015

The baritone-voiced wolf chuckled lowly at the joke. He was no stranger to jabs at his weight, in fact he welcomed it if it was in good spirits. Otherwise, someone would be missing something right now, like an eye, ear, maybe even a paw if he felt angry enough. But not this red-head, no. She was lucky. "So am I in?" If she was hoping for more recruits then she would happily let him in without any real test or challenge, so he hoped this little meeting will be quick and easy.

RE: Feed me Seymour - Mara - January 18, 2015

A little hint of uncertainty flitted through her fur at the thought that she was letting just anyone into the pack, but at the moment, it didn't matter. She needed members. So she just pushed the feeling down and smiled at him.

"Only if you promise to not sing everything you say." she said, feigning seriousness. She dropped the serious look in her eyes and let the smile back onto her face, "But yes, you're in."

RE: Feed me Seymour - Audrey III - January 20, 2015

The behemoth's smile widened slightly, revealing the wicked sharp fangs that he had honed over his short life. Perfect. He had back-up now, and wolves that would feed him while he so graciously patrolled and protected their lands. And if they truly deserved his loyalty after a while, well, good for them. He just wanted to eat. "Alriiight..." He drew out the word triumphantly. "Don't you worry, baleboste, I'll be good to ya." He smirked disarmingly.

RE: Feed me Seymour - Mara - January 23, 2015

Alrighty, wanna wrap it up?

The dainty little red girl sat back on her haunches as the mammoth smirked, agreeing eagerly to being in her pack. It was good, she needed more members, and this one was certainly going to be good when it came to intimidation and maybe even battles. She didn't know how experience he was in the combat area, but his size was definitely going to helpful in defending the borders.

"Name's Mara, by the way." she stated, getting to her paws, hinting that it was time for her to show him the way to the gorge.

RE: Feed me Seymour - Audrey III - February 02, 2015

Last post from me!

It was a success. Audrey had managed to get himself into a pack, of sorts. It was not there yet, but hey, he had a spot, didn't he? The wolfdog rose with the smaller wolf, his longer tail moving gently in the breeze. "Alright, show the way, o glorious leader. he smirked, secretly hoping that way included food of any sort and kind. He could really, really use some at the moment to sate him.

RE: Feed me Seymour - Mara - February 04, 2015

Last for me as well

She smirked at his comment and started padding back towards the gorge, satisfied that she had found herself a new member.