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Great Bear Wilderness for soon we'll away [discovery: WWG] - Printable Version

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for soon we'll away [discovery: WWG] - Runt - January 05, 2015

discovery! for any or a few of these guys: Mara, Faline, Jade, Audrey III, Wyeth, and Riko. :)

Runt walked slowly along the bottom of the gorge. She was looking for a few things- good spots for caches, a clearing where they could practice sparring, and a few dens. She was most eager to find the practice sparring spot, even though the other the options were more important and should have come first. Runt began to go at a steady trot, almost a jog. She was trotting alongside a little creek, probably a river that got smaller in some points. She was on stone, but lots of grass peaked up through cracks and dirt was on some places in the stone, ready for grass to grow there too. She had found some clear spots, but none were big enough to practice sparring without a tree or a bush or a wall or a boulder getting in the way. She let out a soft howl, calling for her packmates to be to come and help her. She loved the sound it made while echoing off the stony walls of Whitewater Gorge.

RE: for soon we'll away [discovery: WWG] - Wyeth - January 05, 2015

Wyeth had been busy, exploring the gorge for potential sparring spots that were safe and could be used. He did not want Runt to be injured even when they were just friendly sparring, not that he thought the girl could not take care of herself. She managed just fine, if not better, but with all the fights she got into and with the scars and wounds that peppered her fur and marked her a warrior, he was worried for her well being. Practicing helped, but with her kind of practicing, she could die and Tigerheart had no wish to see her dead body. Safe sparring was best for a pup, even for a pup that had been through that much.

A soft howl caught his attention, Wyeth was close so he pinpointed where the sound was coming from a few seconds later and knew immediately it was Runt. Speak of the devil, he thought to himself, rather amused, trotting towards her position. The main source of water Whitewater Gorge had was the large river that ran through it, Whitefish River. But other than that, there were also branches of other small creeks and lakes that were also sources of food and water they could use.

Keen olive eyes found the small form of the scarred Juvenile, loping towards her gracefully and silently, he offered her a small smile. Exploring? he asked, after all, why would she have called for the wolves who were soon to be his packmates? Mind me tagging along? Tigerheart spoke in a teasing tone, And how's that ankle?

RE: for soon we'll away [discovery: WWG] - Runt - January 05, 2015

She turned around to see Tigerheart. "T'sup, brah?" She asked with a broad grin. "Yeah. Gotta look 'round for some stuff." She replied, the perfect practice sparring clearing dancing around in her head. She knew it was minor compared to other meeds, but she wanted to be able to practice in a good place. "I don't mind. My ankle's doing fine. Hasn't really gotten much better or worse. It'll take a while ta heal." She replied with a small frown before she continued with the thoughts that wouldn't leave her be. "I wanna find a clearing ta practice sparrin' in. But I can't seem ta find one." She said, the same frown reaching her eyes. "Help me out, brah?" She asked him with a thin smile.

RE: for soon we'll away [discovery: WWG] - Riko - January 05, 2015

*intrudes* >:3

Runt had shown her to her knew home, and Riko had inhabited the area ever since. While she spent most of her days in seclusion, she decided to make an appearance when Runt howled. She made her way to Runt, stopping in front of her. The curious look in her eyes along with a slight head tilt were the only traces of emotion on her face.

Then, Riko realized she wasn't the first arrival. In front of her stood a male. Sure, she knew she couldn't avoid members of the opposite gender all her life, but she wasn't expecting to see one so soon. Before meeting Runt, she had learned time and time again that males were perverted, idiotic beings. Only two had managed to break those rules, which coincidentally were also family members, but they too had their moments.

RE: for soon we'll away [discovery: WWG] - Wyeth - January 05, 2015

Hey ;)

Runt's enthusiasm was endearing and it tugged another smile from his lips, one that reached his eyes. She spoke about her ankle not getting better or worse, that it was simply taking a while to heal. Once its healed, you'll be able to use it better than before. Besides, next time in a fight, you can learn from experience and know what to do, he offered her a piece of advice. "I wanna find a clearing ta practice sparrin' in. But I can't seem ta find one." Wyeth smiled, What am I here for? he said simply.

Once those words were spoken, his face closed up once more, no smile touched his face and his fierce olive eyes were cold and distant. His was the face of a warrior, hardened and weathered. When the form of another female appeared, she was a blend of blacks and browns, topped on creamy undersides. Tigerheart gazed at her with a kind of stoic indifference, if Runt knew this female, he would leave her alone, if she was an enemy, he would attack. But until then, he simply did not care about her. Perhaps she was one of his new packmates, he wouldn't know, he'd been busily scouting out the gorge after all. Helping the pack, obviously.

RE: for soon we'll away [discovery: WWG] - Runt - January 05, 2015

hey :)

She grinned as his rhetorical question. He would help her find the perfect sparring clearing. Before she could let out a hearty 'let's go!', Riko showed up. This was the other member Runt had let into the pack by herself. She didn't know if Riko had met Mara yet. "Hey, Riko. We were just about to explore the gorge. This is Tigerheart, or Wyeth. He's also a founding pack member." She turned to Tigerheart. "This is Riko, she's gonna found it too." Runt turned back to Riko. "You wanna help us find a clearing to practice sparring in?" She asked with a smile to contrast Riko's emotionless mask.

RE: for soon we'll away [discovery: WWG] - Riko - January 06, 2015

Runt introduced Riko to the male, who apparently had two names. If she had to choose between calling him Tigerheart and Wyeth, she would choose Wyeth. He simply didn't look like a tiger to her. He was a wolf, like the rest of them after all. This male also didn't seem to be too bad yet.

"Yes." Riko answered Runt's question, along with an added nod. She knew how to fight, but didn't practice sparring at all. However, it seemed as if Runt wanted to find a place for it. She could help, and she would. "Any preferred spots?"

RE: for soon we'll away [discovery: WWG] - Wyeth - January 08, 2015

Runt soon introduced him to the girl who was apparently Riko and she was going to help found the pack too. Wyeth nodded in her direction and uttered a single Hey, in greeting. He didn't know her yet and therefore was not comfortable with talking to her, and there was something about her that he didn't like. The cinnamon male didn't know what it was and why he felt that, but he trusted his instincts.

We were just exploring, checking places out and finding good spots. I don't think we have any preferred spots right now but thats up to Runt to decide. Runt was Mara's best friend after all and Wyeth felt that handing her the spotlight and the command was best now, after all, Riko might not obey him, he wasn't a pack leader yet. Just a lone wolf, helping to found a pack.

RE: for soon we'll away [discovery: WWG] - Runt - January 10, 2015

if you want you can assume that as soon as they say they are ready she begins walking. If you want.

She could tell the two were a little uncomfortable meeting each other for whatever reason. Hopefully that would change fast. She wanted everyone to be happy in this pack, and that meant being friends with the other founders. "I'd like somewhere that's clear of obstacles. We can't be jumpin' around stuff tryin' ta fight. So like, a clearin'. Or a pit. Somethin', y'know? Y'all ready to go?" She asked them with a glance over her shoulder, prepared to get going. She was eager, but she would wait for their replies.

RE: for soon we'll away [discovery: WWG] - Riko - January 11, 2015

Runt was in charge of this. "Mhm." Riko mumbled to show she was ready. So, a clearing or a pit seemed to be their best options. They could also clear something themselves if they had too, as long as it was just shrubs and stuff in the way. Moving a tree would be impossible; she learned that the hard way when she was younger. Another option would be to dig a pit. It would have to be a large pit, but digging was fun, so it'd be all right.