Wolf RPG
The Docked Stranger - Printable Version

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The Docked Stranger - Burke - January 05, 2015

IC Joining @Meldresi (& @Bane not sure if I should tag you or not :3)

A pink tongue licked over the light silver fur on Burke's muzzle, it been a long time since he had eaten leftovers. With care the bloodstains were licked from his fur. Burke found that he had to be presentable at all times. How handy would it have been if he had one of the females to lick him clean. Yet, Burke had made a clear decision. He was going to prove to his brother Roran that within a year his pack would be split up since, Burke wasn't there to keep them together. The grey wolf had wanted some new scenery and excitement in his life anyhow. Burke also didn't care much for the offspring he left behind. Some of them might have been his own but they also could have been from his brother. In the frenzy that was created by a female's heat both brothers had their way with them. This also said something about his emotional attachment to the females of his previous pack, non-existant. Burke was not going to raise a cub that wasn't his. He should have started his own pack from the beginning.

Just because Burke was ambitious of being in charge that didn't mean he wasn't a good pack member. Far from. The large grey thrived in a pack, which he noticed now as he was spending his days alone. A word had been caught of a pack lead by a priestess.
Burke was interested how and what this religion enthralled. Plus the pack sounded like one he would enjoy to be in. It was settled. Once he put his mind to something it was hard to get his brain of it. The scraps he just nibbled on were merely a light snack since he wanted to reach his goal. He couldn't be far off now. The reason this wolf wanted to join another pack, even at its lowest rank, was to learn. There were so many ways to lead a pack. So many different ways to be an active member of a pack.

His tongue licked a piece of bone from his teeth as the grey male continued his way. His nose locked on a scent. Light blue eyes scanned calmly around to be aware of his surroundings. Burke was never really scared, maybe because his docked tail kept him from physically place his tail between his legs he couldn't reach that mental state. Burke could also be mentally disturbed for not having fear as a normal wolf should. A pleased smirk came on his muzzle when the border was reached. A strong scent, perfect. He already liked how strict their were about their grounds. In a calm manner the male scanned the dark woods and what might lay after that. He was pleased. Burke threw his head back and let out a howl to let the person in charge know he was knocking on their door. The male took great care in his demeanor. His tail was neutral as far a docked tail could show a neutral position, his head upright and his body relaxed. He wore his battle scars with pride.

RE: The Docked Stranger - Meldresi - January 12, 2015

Sorry for the wait! I just got off of absence.

The priestess tore the pigeon apart, swallowing chunks of meat and sending them to the pouch in her stomach where she could regurgitate it later for her pups to eat. She paused in her consumption at the sound of an unfamiliar howl. Her ears tipped upwards, cupping the sound and sending it to her highly sensitive ears to process the message. It was a male, probably as old as her, maybe younger. He was calling for the leaders of the pack, and from the distance of the howl, it seemed that he was off of her territory, or on the border. Good.

Dropping the kill back into the cache, and then covering the tossed dirt, she turned to the sound, trotting lightly. She was getting towards that old age where she no longer felt like running much, added with the layer of fat she had gained sustaining her pups, her gait was not as quick as before. Not that she minded; she rather have the wolf wait for a moment anyway.

Meldresi hugged the shadows as she came closer, her eyes watching the wolf curiously. She was right in guessing the age range and gender of the wolf, and the dark woman was pleased by the muscular form the wolf held, along with the scars. If she was a younger, sillier woman, she would have been ecstatic at the addition of another attractive and strong wolf to her pack, but she was beyond those years, and even if she wasn't, she was never that type of wolf.

She barked as she parted from the shadows, observing the wolf quietly as she walked forward, stopping at the edge of her border before speaking. "Why did you call, hm?"

RE: The Docked Stranger - Burke - January 14, 2015

Oh! I didn't know. But yay for the reply!

The large grey wasn't sure if the priestess had heard his howl. Luckily Burke wasn't an impatient wolf. He looked around his surroundings in a calm matter. The darkness lingering here was just what he needed along with the wise words this pack lived by. Burke often thought back on his ruling days. Although there wasn't much ruling to do before his bother and him got into a fight again. Even kicking out one another didn't help because the females of their pack seemed to want them both. He was curious to see how his lovely brother was going to take care of three litters.

A smirk came on his lips as he thought about the pups dying and the females complaining. Oh that would be priceless to see. His focus came back. He was not here to think of the past. He was at this border to learn their ways. He wanted to know how the priestess worked and how she lead her pack. His head raised once he caught a whiff of a female. Ah the female he wanted to see. He bobbed his head in a respectful manner as a way of greeting her. "Hello Priestess," he greeted. "I've come to ask permission to join your pack and learn your ways," he immediately returned.

RE: The Docked Stranger - Meldresi - January 17, 2015

Sorry for taking so long in responding! School and all. :/

The wolf had heard of her pack before, which was a shot of personal pride to her. They were growing in influence. Her pack's name was being whispered subtly through the loners here, allowing more to come to her pack to be tried. Their ranks would grow, but she hoped it was slow, allowing the pack to adjust to the new members, and vice versa, but she wouldn't mind a large influx either.

He bowed his head respectfully before stating his reasons for coming to join her pack: to learn her ways. Did he know about Mephala and the Dark Brotherhood, or only mere wisps of rumors? "My name is Meldresi Melonii, there is no need to call me 'Priestess'," Her voice drifted from the shadows. "What is your name, and what do you have to offer my pack in return for the knowledge you wish to gain?"

RE: The Docked Stranger - Burke - January 18, 2015

No worries! :3

The large grey bobbed his head once more. "Excuse me. I did not know the right way of addressing you, Meldresi," he returned. Her coat matched perfectly with the dar surroundings. His grey coat could learn from that. His docked tail gave a flicker and a smirk came on his lips when she asked him that question. "In return you get a healthy song male of the age of 5. I have been more in charge of a pack than my brother was, which means I am trained in the skills Gamekeeper, Warden and Warrior. Not only that. I am fiercely loyal to the one I serve. Of course I understand that such trust needs to grow but I won't disappoint. I am a hard worker."

Burke had no problem boosting himself. Especially because it was true. The large wolf knew he could sustain a group a wolf and lead them. But he could also, if he wanted and had the respect of that said alpha, follow as a pack animal. He knew that from being under the command of his father. A highly respected wolf. It wouldn't feel right to kick him off his throne after all his green knowledge. Burke had the feeling it would be the same with this she-wolf. She had a way of carrying herself that he immediately respected. He cleared his throat. "The name is Burke Sebastian Rochester and I had the pleasure to be raised by a traditional pack in Alaska. Cold is no enemy to me anymore."

RE: The Docked Stranger - Meldresi - January 19, 2015

Something that vaguely intrigued Meldresi about this new initiate was his tail, or the lack of it. It caught her attention when she had watched him, sitting there at the borders. There was no appendage curled around his paws or flicking about behind him. It was not a major trait that she minded, but it warranted a story sometime later.

He was about her own age, rare in this region, but was already accomplished in the three most important trades: Gamekeeper, Warden, Warrior, all of which she needed and had in stock. It wasn't like she couldn't have more, though.

The wolf, Burke was his given name, had already known of her pack before coming here, not stumbling across it like the others. Which brought up questions, like why. Why would he need them? Was it revenge again? That seemed to be the common reason. "How did you learn about my pack, hm?"

RE: The Docked Stranger - Burke - January 20, 2015

The grey wolf slowly sat down since he wasn't afraid. The conversation was going smoothly and he didn't expect the female to attack him. He decided to show her his trust by sitting down. His demeanor still calm. His father was quick to learn the wolf how much could be accomplished with being calm and relaxed. It was also better for his lifespan he assumed. Since he wouldn't be bothered to let his heart race or be hotheaded enough to start a fight for no reason.

"Interesting story, actually," he spoke and cleared his throat. "After I untied from my old pack I traveled as a lone wolf. I met several wolves, and asked around for a pack specific as this. None of them knew one till I started following one of your crows," he admitted. The creature returned at each meal he had caught or showed him a carcass he could eat from. Burke was curious if the crow was still around. "When I reached this area I asked another wolf once more, never told me his name, but he talked about a priestess running a pack. It wasn't just a pack. There was also a brotherhood. These grounds are already better than expected. I can't wait to explore what more treasures are hidden here."

Burke paused for a brief moment. "Plus, I've been taught how to lead by my father, just like my brother. I do wonder if there a different methods of leading a pack. Do you rule with a fist or do you rule in your magic ways wolves whisper about...," the grey stranger spoke. It was clear in his blue eyes that he was amazingly interested.

RE: The Docked Stranger - Meldresi - January 20, 2015

It was clear that the rumors that were spread through the land had entranced this loner. He was enamored by the brotherhood that her pack had embedded at their core, though it seemed that he misunderstood. "It's called the Dark Brotherhood. And so far, only the top tier wolves are a part of it. But I allow anyone who shows interest to attempt to qualify." Crescendo was one of those that she was watching with interest, wondering if he was up to becoming another Brother in her little Dark Family.

But a former leader was something that she had seen once in her pack, Slade was an alpha before leaving for reasons she did not pry into. But this wolf, unlike Slade, wished to learn more about being a leader, possibly to return with the knowledge. Though she chuckled at the thought of her role as priestess being warped into witchcraft again. I wonder what those whispers sound like.... "I suppose I rule in both ways, but overall, I rule fairly. I listen to my wolves for ideas on what we should do, but I give them free reign to think for themselves. If I don't think what they did was right, I tell them. If they retaliate, I fight back and push them down."

RE: The Docked Stranger - Burke - January 21, 2015

It was true that the rumors were spreading and most crazy ones too. One wolf did talk about witchcraft and magic. Burke did not believe in such things. He figured she might be good with herbs and made it seem that the dark woman in front of her had powers. Who knows. Burke would definitely be willing to watch her if the rumors were true. Another bob of his head in understanding. "I understand. This brotherhood sounds special you have to make sure only the elite wolves get to join," his calm voice carried. He was not the one to make a fuss. He knew he would have to work for titles. He wanted to earn them. If you just got them there was no honor it in.

"Sounds how every good alpha rules," he nodded. He could definitely learn something from the female. He was not a good listener. He liked to get what he wanted and he would get it one way or another. Maybe being an alpha wasn't his true calling. Who knows. Maybe he thought he was like his father but wasn't. It could be that Burke would find his forever home in this pack. He wasn't too worried about the future. A grin came on his maw with almost an adorable head tilt. He did that for charming purposes of course. "So.. do I make the cut to be at least a low tier in your pack?," he asked confidentially.

RE: The Docked Stranger - Meldresi - January 21, 2015

Meldresi nodded understandingly, pleased that this wolf got it quickly. He wasn't overly ambitious like Grimnir was, attacking Dark Brothers to make a point. And here she was thinking he had some promise...

Enough about him. She had a more promising wolf standing here before her, eager to join her pack and learn. "It seems you do," She answered, tail twitching gently as she accepted yet another wolf into her dark woods. "From now on, you are a member of Blackfeather Woods. And who knows, maybe you will become a part of the Dark Brotherhood. Until then, welcome to the pack."

RE: The Docked Stranger - Burke - January 22, 2015

Thank you! :3

Burke raised his chin a bit when the female spoke. A pleased grin appeared on his maw when he was proved right of what he thought. Of course he was good enough to join. He had the skills after all and the right manners to get what he wanted. He bowed his head politely to the priestess. "Thank you. I will not disappoint you," he returned with all the calmness in the world. The grin had shown enough of his excitement that he was accepted in a new family. His docked tail did sway a bit, yet, since it was docked it wasn't as visible.