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Duskfire Glacier Here I stand - Printable Version

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Here I stand - Adlartok - January 05, 2015

Adlartok Arrluk was an unusual boy, but he was mostly a good boy. Stepping from the make shift bed he made the night before. He trotted gently towards pack boundaries. He was intent to learn all he could about where he was and what was expected of him. His uncle had taught him to never take without giving back, that you should never owe anyone. So therefore, that is what he was doing.

Placing overly large paws in front of him, and large ears he bent his head to the task of hunting what he could. There was not much game on the glacier but he was willing to try. So he trotted along the way looking for any semblance of game trail. He wasn't the most avid hunter nor the best, but he could make do with what he had. And now that he had a full belly, he would be at his game a little higher.

His mind briefly went towards his uncle as he loped along. The man who had raised him, he had taught Artok all he knew. Had made sure he was self sufficient. Artok had never understood his uncle, and he really often wondered why he hated him one minute and loved him the next. He didn't realize he looked exactly like his mother or that it hurt ot look at him. He never even really thought of his mother, she was gone, had been gone for a long time. It had always just been uncle sin and Glimmer for a little while, but even Glimmer left him. Perhaps he was just not meant to be loved? Maybe there was something wrong with him. He was a demon in an angel suit perhaps?

RE: Here I stand - Scarlett - January 06, 2015

Welcome :3 I promise she is not as creepy as it sounds. She is no pup hoarder. XD

Scarlett had no moment of rest with her utter devotion to Néa. She had to balance between getting her a decent meal, teaching her and Meara how to hunt and take them on fun field trips. Scarlett loved it though. She felt like a valuable member of the pack. The female reminded herself of what for importance she was to the little ones. Although. Both girls weren't really little anymore she liked to call them little. She loved the teenagers just as much as new born puppies. A soft yawn and a quick stretch would do before starting the day.

The pale white female got out of the woods on the side of glacier. The morning sun blinding her red eyes for a moment. They were rather sensitive. When she blinked them open she caught the movements of a young male. Her heart leaped. Another youngster? Another one to take care of? The northerner jumped up an icy ledge and skillfully padded towards the male. Nothing about the white female looked threatening. Her coat was fluffy, her tail was wagging in a gentle matter, and her blood red eyes friendly as she stepped closer. Goodmorning! I'm Scarlett. Are you new in our pack? her warm voice asked.

This reminded her of when she found Néa. The youngster was so lost and alone. Scarlett had to take care of her. The albino female was immediately planning to make her den a bit bigger so this young male could fit too. Scarlett had to hit the breaks with her motherly actions. This young wolf was no girl. Males were different and liked to be more independent almost like Meara was, in a good way. She decided to get to know him a bit before dragging him to his den like some pup hoarder. Plus maybe Néa didn't even want to share her surrogate mom.

RE: Here I stand - Adlartok - January 06, 2015

Adlartok had smelled others, but he had not went looking for them. Preferring to stay on the outskirts and gradually move into the pack and get to know them. He also did not want anyone taking him on as a charity case, he would make his own way come hell or high water. He shifted and continued on his journey, his thoughts occasionally falling back to his uncle.

Artok heard a noise and stopped moving. Nose quivering he stood and looked around, his eyes fell upon a albino. He studied her, he had seen albino's before. His nose twitched and he looked at her, but quickly averted his eyes. yes I'm new. My name is Adlartok Arrluk. He grew quiet again and simply waited patiently for any other words from the female.

Artok did not wish to stay with anyone, he preferred his own company. That's not to say he wouldn't get to know them. Or bed down near them, but he wouldn't stay with them.

RE: Here I stand - Scarlett - January 06, 2015

Scarlett's red eyes scanned over the young one. He looked quite independent already. A fond smile turned on her lips. The white lady then stepped a bit more forward to take in his scent. Welcome, Adlartok. I take care of the youngster's hunting lessons and have also one of the youngsters in my den at night. If you need hunting lessons you can come to me, alright? Just if something is wrong you can always come to me, the albino returned warmly. Her tail wagged in a friendly way.

She noticed that the youngster across from her was rather quiet. But she kept a friendly stance. Is there anything I can help you with now? Are you hungry? Or interested in a tour of the territory?, she inquired. She would feel bad if there was no one to make this little one feel welcome. Even though she loved to take care of the little ones it was sad to see them without their parents. So many broken homes. How saddening.

RE: Here I stand - Adlartok - January 07, 2015

Adlartok listened to her and spoke softly My uncle taught me to hunt. But a new lesson would probably be fine too. He wasn't sure what to say to her, he shifted his weight for a moment. Thank you Miss. Scarlett.

Adlartok was a silent wolf, he much preferred to listen and learn rather than speak. Part of it may have had something to do with the fact that he felt that he had annoyed his uncle with talking, so he had conditioned himself not to. NOw it was a habit he couldn't break. I already ate thank you. A tour would be neat if you don't mind?

RE: Here I stand - Scarlett - January 07, 2015

Just describing my own vision since there is no map yet. Take it with a grain of salt :)

The pale female smiled. Her tail stopped wagging and she got more serious to reflect the other wolf's mood. Usually that helped to keep a nice balance. He would probably be uncomfortable with her bouncing around. She smiled softly at the 'Miss Scarlett'. The albino had to admit she liked that nickname. It sounded so official. She was the highest in rank at the moment. It was still surreal for the female. She was not judged on looks for once. "You are welcome to join when you have the time or feel like it," she trusted that the young male would know best himself if he wished to join or not. 'I will howl to let you know."

Scarlett then looked back at the woods, planning her route. "It would be my pleasure. It is no effort. I can immediately check a few things," she assured. "Follow me." The girl trotted back to where she came from, to the side of the glacier. At the foot of it was a thick forest that housed a scarce range of prey. "Here we have the forest, most of us house in here. The glacier you have seen, although it is rather slippery, so beware if you are not surefooted on ice." The white female then walked into the woods up the slope. It was bit of a climb until there was another ridge, still covered by woods. It flattened more out from there. She automatically walked to the small stream in front of her den. "Here is my home. The stream of water is smelted ice, so rather cold, don't think too much at once because it will give you a headache," she chuckled.

RE: Here I stand - Adlartok - January 12, 2015

Artok saw the older female's mouth turn into a gentle smile, and he dipped his muzzle. Secretly pleased that he made her smile, that was a type of approval in his mind, something he strived for most of the time. Thank You Miss Scarlett. He supposed it was repetitive, but he wasn't really sure what else to say.

Artok sniffed around a bit, studying the landscape. He smelled another wolf nearby, You live with another? It was just a question, he was trying to get a feel for how many lived here. How many strong are we? If you don't mind me asking Miss Scarlett?

RE: Here I stand - Scarlett - January 12, 2015

Scarlett nodded softly. Her blood red eyes on the other's form. The grey fitted him well. Especially in this landscape. "You are very welcome." She liked how polite the young man was. She could really appreciate that in a wolf. Once she stopped by her den the female once again nodded to confirm she did. "Néa lives with me. She is a juvenile and I take care of her till she feels confident enough to be on her own." The white girl peeked inside but it seemed Néa was out for today.

Scarlett turned to the new wolf again and smiled softly. "Well we have Malachi, the middle tier consists of me, Sen, Manauia and apparently Hatshepsut. The latter I have never seen. In the lower tier is Lazar. Met him briefly. I also thinks some are joining but I am not sure. And then we have the juveniles, you, Néa and Maera," she explained. "That is nine bodies in total. 6 adults and 3 juveniles," she smiled. It seemed like a good count to Scarlett. They were really coming along. Scarlett was pleased.

RE: Here I stand - Adlartok - January 16, 2015

He offered her a smile, because he knew it was what she expected. And she was genuinely nice, he wasn't emotionally deficit, he just held them closer to the vest than most. Preferring to be rather aloof than anything. Nea. I'll have to meet her. He tried out her name it was different, but he liked. Now though he would have to seek her out since he told her foster mom he would. Maybe he could make another acquaintance, not putting much stock in friends or family.

He listened to her list the names and mentally remembered them. Another juvenile he would have to seek her out too. Had it been his uncle, he would have sought them out just because they were female. He didn't really pay attention to that stuff yet. Sounds strong, and it's pretty here. Your den is always pleasing. Thank you for being kind enough to show me. Is there anything else around her I should know about Miss. Scarlett?

RE: Here I stand - Scarlett - January 16, 2015

Scarlett bobbed her head into a nod. "She could definitely use a friend. So if you want to then please,' the albino returned. Her white fur matched with the light layer of snow on the ground. The female sat down. "You are always welcome in my den too. Especially on a cold night. It is no shame to curl against other wolves. We are a pack now. I would do nothing rather than offer you a warm bed," she assured once more. She liked to mother every juvenile even if they might not want that themselves.

"Of course, always. Well the glacier is slippery. Be careful especially during a storm. The woods are safe so I'd suggest to settle there,' she added. "I could show you around more but, I think you like exploring on your own,' the female winked. "Also I can suggest you looking at trades you want to accomplish. We still have a few not taken by members. Maybe you like to be a warden or outrider. Lots of possibilities!," she hummed.

RE: Here I stand - Adlartok - January 17, 2015

Adlartok offered a smile in the reply to the words of friend. He didn't know if they would be friends, but he would keep her company sure. He looked at her for a moment unsure what to say. Manners dictated the meeting though so he dipped his muzzle if deference. Thank you Miss. Scarlett. I'll remember that. He didn't quite know how to take the older female. She was kind certainly and motherly, but he wasn't sure if he liked it. Not because it wasn't a pleasing quality, but rather because he just wasn't used to it.

Artok wondered at that, I'm not sure what has my fancy yet. But once I know i'll let you know.

RE: Here I stand - Scarlett - January 17, 2015

This was cute! Welcome by the way! I will go ahead and archive this!

The female nodded softly at his thank you and quirked up her lips. "Whatever your fancy is, all options are okay," she assured. Sure she would love it or like it better that the teenager would spend the night in her den but if he felt more comfortable under an open sky who was she to judge. "Have fun exploring then." She herself went back into her own den to wait for Néa. As worried as she was, Scarlett was curious where the pup went. She felt like howling for the young teenager but then let it slide. She should let the pups go and do their exploring.