Wolf RPG
Redhawk Caldera Knock after walking through the door - Printable Version

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Knock after walking through the door - Somnia - January 07, 2015

Today, Somnia felt like visiting @Ashton . Why? Well, she didn't have much to do. The preparations for her Caretaker game were done, except the few that would be set up directly before starting it. A bunch of hunting had taken place to find pelts for the game as well. After a while, even hunting got boring. So what was better to do than visiting the hippie that made her giddy with happiness?

The entrance to his combined infirmary-den wasn't too hard to find, seeing as how Somnia had been there a few times before. She entered it and walked down the stairs he had made. Ashton was not found in the first two infirmary rooms she poked her head in. "You home?" Somnia called, preparing to poke her head through every room if Ashton didn't answer.

RE: Knock after walking through the door - Ashton - January 07, 2015

When he wasn't at home, knocke on shrooms, he was out foraging for more things to add to his medical stash. Which, in this case, he was, today. Even though another Nature frosted everything, that made it all th better to find what couldn't be found in the warm times. Red berries, the poisonous little red balls that only select birds could eat without reprocussions, was a great start.
If taken in minuet dosage, a wolf could regurgitate anything that could have been swallowed, and not agreed with his or her health.

He nipped a few off of their nice little branch, and tip topped back to his shack, only to walk to the sight of another at his door.
But this one, this one was special.

"Hey there, beautiful. Lookin for A golden dude? Green eyes? Smile that could make all da baes praise him? Stud with a vocab of awesomeness? I hate ta bust all ya bubbles, but he's out smashin a clown troop off base, at tha moment. In the name of some chick, I heard. May or may not return."

A charming smile broke though his facade, but he waited to hear what the stone layered babe had to say in response to his little tale.

RE: Knock after walking through the door - Somnia - January 07, 2015

It turned out Ashton wasn't home. Somnia was just about to give up and resort to checking in later in the day when a voice sounded from behind her. More specifically, the voice of the one she was looking for. She whirled around, about to say something before deciding that it would be best to not talk while he was talking.

Joking started off this encounter. Somnia could play his game. "Yeah I was." A pause while her expression morphed to a pout. "It's not fair! I would've gladly fought alongside him in battle!" She whined. But, that wasn't the worst of it, this was. "Who's going to love me if he dies?" She slumped to the ground, head tilted up just the slightest bit, so he could see the doe eyes she was making.

It was now a game of who could hold out longer in her eyes.

RE: Knock after walking through the door - Ashton - January 07, 2015

She spinned as if she had wen caught doing somethin naughty, an the hippie almost laughed at her. However, the joker was in the face of a fellow harlequin, and one who held her juggling at an all time high.
It seemed as if two could play his game, after all.

She masked her face to be one of disappointment, and then the pout of a pup.
Who was to look after such a sad little babe?

"I'm sure the dude would've wanted someone he could trust, look after his number one gal. And that lucky dude would just so happen to be me."

The hippie knew he would only leave this gals side if it had to do with getting stuff, taking care of duties, or foraging.
How could he not trust such a handsome bro?

A familiar eyebrow wiggle slid onto his face, the golden thing doin te worm on the lower bit of his forehead.
Them chocolatey eyes, doe.
A thoughtful look placed itself on his face, the once dancing brow now taking a break.

"Or maybe he meant that pine tree over there. Handsome pine tree, it is."

Simply because Ash coulda trusted a tree more than himself. Lawlz.

RE: Knock after walking through the door - Somnia - January 07, 2015

This little thing turned into a mind game for Somnia. It was a bit difficult to keep all the facts straight. Ashton left to fight clowns. That much was clear. Apparently in this game, the wolf in front of her was not Ashton. He was, but he wasn't. She'd call him the 'Other Ashton.' So Ashton left the 'Other Ashton' to take care of her... Or it could be the tree, and not the 'Other Ashton'. Okay, facts all straightened out.

Somnia bit her lip to prevent from laughing at the eyebrow wiggle. Once the flare of the urge to laugh died down, she resumed her facade. "What if I don't you? I want my Ashton. Even the tree is better than you, who is impersonating my Ashton." As if to prove the point, she got up and moved to under the pine tree before slumping down again.

RE: Knock after walking through the door - Ashton - January 08, 2015

The blonde hippie was stunned. Hell, he didn't know whether to feel groovy about her claiming him as hers, or to feel low about him being less desirable than a tree.
This girl is on fire.
But the show had to go on, didn't it?

The joker had a little card up his sleeve for the sweet little harlequin of his.
One called a smidge of sympathy.

"Well, it was gnarley knowin I got beat by a tree," he began, pawing at a frozen rock in the ground.
"Guess I'm gonna fly off that cliff over there, and land smoothly. Sucks I gotta be the one to die, when I was supposed to tell ya of Ash's Caretaker plans. He sure as hell wasn't gonna give ya with em."

A pretended sadness smothered his face, and he didn't even know if he properly looked sad. He wasn't used to even feeling down.

"Peace, doll face."

He turned, head hangin low, tail droopin as limp as a toad.
Dear Nature, it was so hard keepin a straight face around her.

RE: Knock after walking through the door - Somnia - January 08, 2015

It took Somnia a moment to get over the fact that he claimed he might try to fly off a cliff. While he was Ashton, the character he was playing wasn't Ashton, so he wasn't suicidal, right? He better not jump off a cliff! Well, time to carry on the game.

"First off, I don't want to know Ashton's Caretaker plans anyways. Whatever they are, I'll beat them. And secondly, throwing yourself off a cliff is an excellent idea! If Ashton knows one of his friends is hurt, he'll rush to the scene to prevent them from dying. I'll come with you, so I can see Ashton sooner."

Somnia followed Ashton with some pep in her step and a smirk on her face. How would he continue on with this?

RE: Knock after walking through the door - Ashton - January 09, 2015

Ouuuu, so she wanted ta lay her pretty little chocolates on him, ASAP, eh?
But te cost was throwin himself off a cliff?
Is it one of those blonde moments, or is he diggin how worth it it is?
Nailed it.

With an astonished look, he feigned mortification.

"How ya expect ta be his gal, and ya got his friends throwin themselves left and right off of cliffs? Dats a bit naughty, sweets."

A chuckle left his maw.
However, he just tossed his last card on the table. Would she flash her empty hands before him, or was he gonna lose a game of roleplays?

RE: Knock after walking through the door - Somnia - January 09, 2015

Somnia was in no way prepared to admit defeat to this game, whether it be now, or a thousand years from now. That meant a silent pause to get those brain-gears whirling took place. Two major options presented herself. She could either get all logical and stuff, or she could agree with, or at the very least hint to, being naughty. What about a special combo?

"First off, how do I know you're his friend? I haven't heard anything about you before now! How do I know you're not going to kidnap me? Secondly, I won't have his friends throwing themselves off cliffs, so as long as it's you, the one friend, I should be fine. Third, thinking I'm naughty is an opinion, so while you may think that, not everyone else will. And anyways, did I ever say that I wasn't naughty?"

A smug look found its place on her face. She was winning this, yes?

RE: Knock after walking through the door - Ashton - January 13, 2015

Nope. Nope. Nope nope. Nope.
She just kicked the teens ass from here, to an entirely different country.
K.O'ed his golden little tail, with no mercy.
Damn, so very dominant.

Emeralds stared at her in amazement, complete awe at the girl, and Ash almost couldn't come up with a compete sentence.

"Wheeewwweee, babe, ya got some spice down in that tidal wave. Flamed me, alive. There could be no survivors."

Shaking his blonde head, locks being tossed to and from, the hippie could only take a few sections of seconds to figure out how to properly speak again.
She left him dumbstruck, speechless, and astonished.
Seemed her wit won the race.

"Well toots, seems like you took a jewel out of my crown of awesometasticness. Ya got me, this time. Just this time. "

RE: Knock after walking through the door - Somnia - January 13, 2015

Somnia had won, and she took Ashton's words as praise. A smile popped onto her face. She didn't realize she was wearing it until her face hurt from smiling so hard. Plus, there was the tail. It thwacked against the pine tree she was still standing by, and it made her butt wriggle from the force of its wagging. Somnia stayed silent for a few moments as she waited for the uncontrollable actions to calm down. Finally, they did, but were still present in small amounts.

"Just keep saying that. I'll take the rest of them eventually, until you only have the frame of the crown. Then, I'll take that too - but don't worry, I won't treat you any differently when you lose it." To emphasize the point, Somnia took a step forward and stuck her nose in his shoulder fur.

RE: Knock after walking through the door - Ashton - January 13, 2015

The grey fae came up to him, putting her nose on him, and though it was an action that could have been seen as casual, just her touching him sent little lightning storms to his heart.
This girl had no clue what he would do for her.

He looked down at her, ears facing his opposite sides, his face contorting into one of hapiness, the kind that isnt dilluted by anything else. Softly, he spoke to her, his dulcet tones flitting specifically for her, and her alone, after her monolog to rule his Kingdom of Awesometasticness was complete, and her body relaxed a bit.

"I'm glad you won't just jip me of my crown and jangle on outta there, babe. Who else would cheer for me? Ya got grand slammin jams, Queen Som Som."

Bending down, he nuzzled the soft ruff of her neck, grooming it lightly, and removing little pine chips that flew into it from her tailtastic whirl.

RE: Knock after walking through the door - Somnia - January 13, 2015

What Ashton did next made her happy beyond happy, even if it was a small little thing. The feeling it gave, Somnia didn't know how to describe it. Bliss? Maybe. Bliss had always seemed to feel like more of a calmer sort of happy, but who was she to judge the word? Maybe this was what the wolf who created the word was feeling and wanted a word for it. Then again, possibly not. Whether she could find a word for it or not, Somnia did know that she wanted to bask in this feeling forever.

Somnia slowly leaned into Ashton, pressing the side of her face into his fur. Why she decided to do it? She just wanted to. Also, she would've loved to cuddle with Ashton, and for the wolf with no knowledge in the romance department, this seemed like a step in that direction.

RE: Knock after walking through the door - Ashton - January 13, 2015

The Doctor had noticed her silence, and could only broaden his grin as a response as she nuzzled closer to him. If she was feelin what he was feelin, he knew that the silence spoke louder and more defined than any sort of actual talkin could.
So he stayed silent.

In all his years, he didn't reflect on the possibility of him actually falling in love, but the way he felt about this one, Somnia, it was as if he couldn't keep his noggin off of her. Everywhere she went, he wanted to go, just to be there with her. Everything she said, he just wanted to keep Q'ing, just to hear her talk.
Hell, it had to be something between them.
And by the way she was pressed against him, it only made it 12x radder, because it showed that she felt the same way.

It had to be love.

Content, and throughly pleased, he laid his head on the slim hump of her shoulder, perfectly ok with staying in this little embrace until they disintegrated.

RE: Knock after walking through the door - Somnia - January 13, 2015

Do you want to fade here? We could have another thread soon. :)

The silence was comforting; it spoke something words could never describe. Maybe this was what love was meant to originally define. The word love was just so overused nowadays, the value it once held had declined.

Ashton seemed content in staying in that position, and Somnia wasn't about to move away. She would stand there until duty called, or when her legs fell off from standing so long, whichever came first. But either way, it would still be awhile away.

RE: Knock after walking through the door - Ashton - January 13, 2015

◆Most definitely I would. Ill be here whenever youre ready. W_^V Great threadage Syd. ◆

Ash was unaware of the world, and if he was on shrooms, it would have brought normalacy to his moment. He was simply high on this girl. And he didnt want ta come down.
If he crashed, he'd probably be dead.

And he knew that he didn't wanna be anywhere else.