Wolf RPG
Sunspire Mountains The Wind's at My Back, So It's Time to Fly - Printable Version

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The Wind's at My Back, So It's Time to Fly - Alastor - January 07, 2015

The argent boy had gone passed the mountains before, slightly curious of them, but not enough to explore right away. Now, though, he found himself wandering up through them. His goal was to cross over them, to see what the other side held, but found the trek to not be as quick as he wanted. His eagerness made him move as quickly as he could, but the side of his mind that watched out for himself made sure he was still being careful. Alastor knew he should have expected the path to be much longer than he'd originally thought, but it's appearance had put him off guard. It seemed like it'd be nothing more than a simple stroll through land that slowly elevated, but he found that to no longer be the case the higher he went. His first attempt through had resulted in a failure, and so he'd turned around and traveled up on a different path. The scent of other wolves, of a pack, was clear to him, but he tried to ignore it. He was just passing through, after all, so what could be the problem with that. A lot of things, probably, but he didn't dwell on such things. His focus was put entirely on making his way up and over the mountain, placing each paw in front of him slowly and surely when necessary.

At the moment, the path seemed relatively fine and easygoing,but the yearling stayed on guard. His ears were perked up, listening for any sounds that might make him stop. He'd just gotten a good bit farther, when the argent boy decided it was time for a well deserved break. He'd never made such a trek, and it was tiring. Upon finding a place that looked safe enough, he sat himself down and opened up his maw, allowing his tongue to hang out off to the side. It was colder up in the mountains, but the excessive movements had made him feel warm. That was how he stayed for a few minutes, resting his muscles a bit so he could travel farther up the path once more. "Πόσο κουραστικό," he murmured, much preferring his mother's native tongue when in his own company.

RE: The Wind's at My Back, So It's Time to Fly - Alastor - January 07, 2015

For a second, the body of the boy went rigid at the sound of the voice, but relaxed once he'd laid his icy gaze on the one who owned it. It was not a wolf, as he'd been expecting, but was a coyote instead. Alastor relaxed almost instantly after seeing the creatures form, not finding it to be threatening. Besides, she'd greeted him instead of growling and trying to chase him away, so that was a good sign. "Greetings, coyote," he mimicked, flashing a smile as he did so. The silvery male pulled his tongue back into his mouth as he did so, not wanting the female to assume he was just some fool.

"You crossing through the mountains too?" As he asked the question, he lowered his head a bit so he wouldn't need to look down at all. He'd seen coyotes before, but it'd always be just a glance before they slipped off to wherever the little canids went. It was the first time he'd have the privilege of speaking with one, and he didn't want to accidentally frighten the smaller creature away.