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Redhawk Caldera dreaming out loud - Printable Version

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dreaming out loud - Prima - January 08, 2015

open, but @Fox maybe, since i missed the other thread? :D

Prima was off to do something around the Caldera, having officially been introduced as a member of the Redhawks. Deciding to explore the area where she hadn't been to before, the woods which were filled with scrubby bushes and leafless trees, and hopefully, hares to fill the caches.

She padded over the snow, her footsteps light on the surface. When she reached the top of a small hill she stopped, her pale blue eyes staring into the distance, her gaze fixed on the line that separated the land from the cloudless blue winter sky. She then forcefully pressed her paw into the snow, as if she was to make a mark, and when she lifted it up she saw a firm imprint of her paw on the snow.

The small, sterling female turned her eyes to the ground. Prima was here.

Then she smiled, and brushed the pawprint away so that it disappeared from the snow.

RE: dreaming out loud - RIP Fox - January 08, 2015

Lunch break post!

Fox, the mother to be, the queen of Redhawk Caldera, the happy wife of Peregrine Redleaf-DiSarinno, was currently prowling her domain. Not for anything in particular, although she knew that she was going to have to eat sooner or later. Her tummy growled at her, and she growled right back. Peregrine had been quick to bring her food, especially lately, but Fox had an insatiable appetite. It was a wonder she wasn't super fat and full of lard. Maybe she'd gain a few more pounds once the pups started growing. Even if she did, she imagined her body would send all the nutrients to them rather than herself.

Up ahead, a small, silver figure caught Fox's eye (which was, coincidentally, the the same color as the girl's pelt). Assuming it was Finley, her ears perked up and Fox bounded toward the unsuspecting(?) victim. However, as she drew closer, she realized it wasn't Finley at all. The girl was smaller, and of course her scent was entirely different. Fox prickled, pausing a few yards away, then smoothed her coat back down. "I don't believe we've met. You are?"

RE: dreaming out loud - Prima - January 08, 2015

The silvery Ashdown girl turned as somebody spoke— a small female with fiery red fur, steely grey eyes, and a posture that said she was one of a high rank. So far, all the wolves she'd met in the pack lands of the Caldera were either Alpha or Beta, and she was guessing that she was either... What had Elwood said about the leadership tier? Finley or Fox? Briefly what he'd mentioned, something about Peregrine humping his mate during a pack meeting, flashed through her mind, another quick thought. She inwardly gave a light chuckle.

Her tail swaying at her feet as she lowered herself into submission, she promptly returned the fiery wolfess' inquiries with a greeting and an answer. ”I'm Prima, Prima Ashdown, aaaaand I'm one of the newbies around here.” The slim, blue-eyed girl paused for a moment, a smile dawning on her face (it seemed to come naturally now) before resuming to her speaking. ”Let me make a guess. You're Fox?”

Well, she kind of looked like a fox, sooo...

RE: dreaming out loud - RIP Fox - January 09, 2015

"Ayep," Fox replied. "How're you settling in?" Redhawk Caldera had seen a lot of new faces as of late. That was a good sign, especially considering they had been few shortly after they had come here. Now, Fox was uncertain that they could take on any more. Their lands were large, but even they had limits. And with the pups on the way, Fox knew that they would be bursting at the seams. Perhaps it would encourage a few of those who had grown here to move on and strike out on their own. Not because she wanted them to leave, but because Fox believed everybody should do so if they were able.

Fox had lived in a total of four packs, and three of those had been in the past year. She had come to expect that little in life was permanent, and she hoped that her comrades shared the same view. And, of course, she fully intended to pass on this wisdom to her children. If they got to be old enough and felt restricted by their home, she would be happy for them if they wanted to leave. If they were content spending the rest of their days living with their parents, she'd be just as happy with that.

RE: dreaming out loud - Prima - January 10, 2015

at this stage, is fox's pregnancy evident? :o

The rusty-hued female confirmed that she was indeed Fox, the Alpha female, and with that Prima gave a respectful dip of her head. ”Been settling in awesome with y'all, thanks,” She said, the grin bright on her face. Prima hadn't been in Redhawk Caldera for much longer than say, one week, but she already found to be much at home within the pack. ”I'm out to meet more packmates, though. Also, it would be great if the Caldera had another outrider, right? I'm interested in pursuing that trade.”

That day Elwood had introduced to her about the trades, and she'd found herself interested in being an outrider. After all, the trade was for exploring, adventuring, delivering messages, wasn't that what all Prima was all about?

Yeah, it was.

RE: dreaming out loud - RIP Fox - January 12, 2015

Nope! She won't really start showing until the end of the month.

Outridering was something that Fox had done, though not out of duty. She had done it because she had once liked to cause trouble, and she had been wishing to practice her fighting skills rather than information-gathering. In fact, it was in this thrill-seeking mode that she had first encountered Peregrine. But that was left to Finley now, what with her bear-chasing and trouble-causing.

“In that case, you’ll probably want to get up with Finley at some point,” Fox suggested, “She’s our most senior Outrider.” Not only that, but she happened to be the Beta and Fox's best friend. There were plenty of reasons to meet the Blackthorn girl, and Fox was certain that she could list all of them if she was asked. Or she could at least list a dozen.

“Might also be a good task to check out the local packs and make sure they aren’t total idiots. Peregrine and I never really leave Redhawk.” They were homebodies, only occasionally stepping outside the comfort of their home. Which was exactly why they had Outrider types to go check on things for them.

RE: dreaming out loud - Prima - January 30, 2015

She nodded at Fox's words to see Finley for any possible outriding tips. ”Yeah, I plan to meet her. Elwood's told me about that.”

She didn't know much about surrounding packs, though she knew of the female she'd met sometime earlier— Cara, Alpha of her pack, Ouroboros Spine. That was pretty much the only other pack she knew of. Prima smiled. ”That's what I like to do.”

The small silver girl then thought of the day herself and Elwood had been up on the Caldera. ”I've never seen a volcano, before I came.” She grinned at the thought of how she'd teetered over the peninsula. She definitely planned to return someday. ”How did you discover it? The Caldera's an awesome landmark.”

RE: dreaming out loud - RIP Fox - February 03, 2015

“Volcano?” Fox asked, not realizing that Prima was speaking of Redhawk Caldera. To Fox, it had always just been a funny mountain who'd gotten it's top chopped off somehow. She'd never taken the time to consider why it looked the way it did. When Prima clarified that she was talking about their home, Fox was still a little confused, but shrugged it off. To her, "volcano" meant hot magma that would burn your feet when you stepped upon it. It sounded like a terrible place to make a home, based on what she'd heard.

“Peregrine and I used to rule in Blacktail Deer Plateau,” Fox replied. “It was his home before it was mine, and the wolves there never really… took to me, I guess. I told Perry I wanted to make something for us, so we did.” That was the short version, anyway. The two wolves who had come with them, FitzDutiful and Finley, were still loyal to the Alphas, something which she was incredibly grateful for. And though they'd had a few come and go, Redhawk had remained a solid pack.

But before Prima could get another word in, Fox felt another one of her nauseous fits coming on. “Sorry, Prima. I think I’m gonna—” Fox broke off with a gagging sound, unable to even finish her thought. Not particularly keen on barfing right at the girl's feet, Fox stole away, heaving her guts out until there was nothing left.