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Ankyra Sound I k chertu , on vernulsya《And to Hell, he returned》(J) - Printable Version

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I k chertu , on vernulsya《And to Hell, he returned》(J) - Vector - January 08, 2015


He had already healed from the wounds inflicted from the battle he shared with the roman, though they did take quite a time for such. The new sheen of the scars, gleaming in the bright reflection of the snow. The Russian had to admit, he did enjoy himself in the fight, for no one of these lands could actually toss him a battle he actually had to try for. He was grateful for an opponent who had skill that could match his.

However, this man was on a different path now. Ivev was nowhere to be found, he once abundant scent now gone from the little den he had offered her those many moons ago.
So basically he had fought for nothing.
Why did every female lead to nothing but trouble?

He couldn't have such a thought now, for he was going to where nothing but feminine gender ruled supreme. Why he was throwing himself into such a predicament, he had no clue, but he knew deep down that he had to come across the dark witch again. And that day would happen to be now.

In the very spot where he was once bound by her, enthralled by her poisonous mushroom, he awaited the wraith like prescence she bore that same day, on the beach.

RE: I k chertu , on vernulsya《And to Hell, he returned》(J) - Caiaphas - January 09, 2015

ty for starting!! i think that when they first met 'on the beach' it wasn't IN AS territory -- so i am going to play it like this is just outside of the territory, as i think it was last time?

It had been a fair week for the Ankyrans, and for that, Caiaphas was most grateful. The sea had been calm -- the weather nearly balmy -- and despite the fact that winter loomed cold and descending, the cache was bountiful and the territory secure. There was little Caiaphas felt trepidation for -- and for once, she felt far from her normal, insecure self.

As she scoured the comb right outside of where the grotto marked the last of Ankyra's providence, she was struck by the scent of a familiar wolf. Pausing -- most unsure of what to do next, the thin waif turned her muzzle towards the scent and tracked the male down. She was surprised to see he had returned -- and most curious as to his current wounded state, she strode towards him quite boldly. True to fashion, nothing was spoken -- though her silence did not deliver Vector any reprieve from the cold, curious stare he received in unrelenting fashion.

RE: I k chertu , on vernulsya《And to Hell, he returned》(J) - Vector - January 09, 2015

not a prob! And I don't even remember where we were, so good call. W_^V

She had appeared, just as gangly as she was before, but with just as much mysterious aura as he had last seen her.
Just more quiet.
The less words, the better.

His emeralds remained on her face, staring, but there was no connection to her gems that she too, bore. And instead of offering her a typical greeting like a basic wolf, he simply submitted.
As fluid as a cougar, his form dropped silently to the ground, head lowered, and fiery banner wrapped around his left side.
Auds were canted to face his rear, and the once facial based gaze now lay at her own feet.
He was giving himself up.

As his actions spoke his words for him, the simple though pulsed his head ceaselessly.
You glupyy chelovek. Foolish man. You hand yourself over? You slave.
Ignoring his conscious, he simply awaited th words to be uttered from the dark hybrid before him.

RE: I k chertu , on vernulsya《And to Hell, he returned》(J) - Caiaphas - January 09, 2015

As she met Vector's gaze coolly, the male suddenly crumpled before her like sand blowing in the arctic wind. She remained motionless, her expression as frigid as the wind that snarled about them. It riffled through her wispy fur, lending a harridan look to the waif.

His actions were wordless like her own -- but the silence begged a single question. She observed the lances that cruelly afflicted his form -- obvious injuries that suggested an altercation. She remained still, save for her tail which rose confidently over her lanky hips. "What are those from?" Her tone was somewhat demanding and indicated if he was not outright honest she would add her own bitter mark to his already savaged pelt.

RE: I k chertu , on vernulsya《And to Hell, he returned》(J) - Vector - January 09, 2015

So indeed she planned to speak. Internally he hissed at the notion, but the Russian pushed the slight anger aside. This was no time for such feelings. This was a family for female protection, so he would give the tale of giving his life for a damn dame.

"I fought in the name of a female, one wounded by my previous pack leader. He harmed her, mortified her beautiful body, and I laid my life down, in her defense. My point has been made crystal for him, but the path to being unscathed, was not clear of debris."

He could have placed his words in more simple manners, but the past was the past. He was simply setting himself up for his future. A future in another foreign land, a foreign pack, foreign rules.

RE: I k chertu , on vernulsya《And to Hell, he returned》(J) - Caiaphas - January 09, 2015

She stood over him like a gaunt menace, her shrewd eyes fastened on his visage as he spoke of the story on how he accumulated such ugly wounds. Her expression faltered slightly -- a look mixed of both ridicule and disbelief amassed her dark muzzle in a contrasting sneer.

It was clear she did not trust him -- not yet -- but if it was true he laid his life down for a female, he perhaps would fit well with the Ankyran wolves.

"What a novel idea." She supplied dryly, no pity clouding her sharp eyes as she assessed him. In his current state, she surmised he would be somewhat incapacitated -- give him time, and perhaps he would make a good consort yet. "Who?" She surveyed him again, her eyes showing well her disbelief -- unless he wished to be turned away, it was clear she demanded a more detailed account as to know exactly what sort of trouble Vector was bringing to her doorstep.

RE: I k chertu , on vernulsya《And to Hell, he returned》(J) - Vector - January 09, 2015

"His name is Hadrian."

The voice was spoken bitterly, the name spat from his lips like the poison it was. However, the Russian felt a bit of respect for the man who had given him a fight he found worth his time. The roman knew his skills were the only ones that could match his own. No other weakling of the land he now lived in could give him a good spar, such as the one Hadrian gave him.
He would have to see how his scars healed up.

Unconsciously, the Russian searched the nerves that lay under his damaged skin, figuring the issue with the torn flesh. Nothing major, simple but seemingly beautiful and fierce scars, they would leave upon his hide. He also had to give Hadrian the thanks for the art.

With those thoughts passing trough within milliseconds of the name he tossed from his mouth, he only spoke again.

"He will not send anyone for me. He and I made that understood, ved'moy."

The recon made her known as a Witch, for he had beer encountered someone who was sly and cunning enough to bait him with words, and take actions by herbs. In Russia, they had no such thing, and tales spin of the legendary arcanes they possessed. He spoke the title with a hint of respect, though.

RE: I k chertu , on vernulsya《And to Hell, he returned》(J) - Caiaphas - January 10, 2015

The agouti male left little for speculation -- Caiaphas listened with two triangular ears pressed crisply forward. She blinked as he concluded this Hadrian would not pursue him -- this was a promise she could not possibly trust. It was not for lack of belief in Vector, but lack of certainty this Hadrian would uphold his word.

"What pack is he from?" She said at length, after a silence had poured between them. She considered calling Spyridon -- the male had every right to meet the newest consort -- but she would await Vector's answer before howling for the grimly black wolf.

RE: I k chertu , on vernulsya《And to Hell, he returned》(J) - Vector - January 10, 2015

"He is Alpha of Noctistador Bypass."

Question, answer, question, answer. This was more of an interrogation of another wolf, than himself. Fire reflectant ears desired to side themselves, curtain like lips to part, and gravely throat to release a beastful snarl.
The recon was growing tired of this banter. The gossip aspect of joining a pack was foreign to him, but just as a snake awaits the travel of a mouse, he remains patient on his outter husk.
Patience, was what won a meal.

Plus, his mind presented to his conscious, he had to learn thae customs, the native way if these women. He had much, an abundance of teachings, to learn.

Underneath dark lashed, the emeralds gleamed at the prospect, only to darken again.
Reflecting upon his words spoken, he wondered if he would spill the story of how he even came to these lands, to this witch.
How he even came to be himself.
Who he was, as a wolf.

His dark laugh shook him imperceptibly.
Hadrian would get that, before this girl.
It was funny how much you could trust the one who you just fought, not too long ago.

RE: I k chertu , on vernulsya《And to Hell, he returned》(J) - Caiaphas - January 15, 2015

im going to wrap up! ty for the thread!
Vector's answer was satisfactory enough. Caiaphas had not heard of the man -- but she knew the pack was quite a ways away -- several days past Ouroboros' reach, if she recalled correctly. This settled an trepidation she had considerably, as she doubted any pack in its right mind would brave the winter's teeth for a march towards the Sound.

It occurred to her that she needn't consider exposing Vector too much to the Sound's ways -- he had spent time here before, and she was quite confident that the Nereides had left a sizable memory for him to review. "Males sleep that way." She lifted a paw towards the consort's abode, which fringed the female's soft and sandy habitat. "Find Spyridon, he will tell you how to be useful. The borders need constant reinforcement." She offered no encouraging smile for the male -- and with a flick of her tail she turned to leave him, considering their dialogue complete.

RE: I k chertu , on vernulsya《And to Hell, he returned》(J) - Vector - January 15, 2015

sweet, thanks! Lowest rank, right?

Finally, the dreaded questionnaire had ended, and he stood, the aching in his limbs growing with the seconds he had spent in such a childish position. He looked the way where her paw directed, already his confirmed suspicious of the males and females being separated.

She spoke the name of some masculine name, one that could not have been the English that plagued the lands of Teekon, but with a nod, he silently walked to the Males Quarters.
And began his new life, for the third time.