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Great Bear Wilderness I just can't wait to be king - Printable Version

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I just can't wait to be king - Runt - January 13, 2015

for @Kesuk , near the top cliffs of WWG, not in the gorge (yet)

Runt was a few days more than nine months now. She wanted to be a year, though. Time passed so slowly. She couldn't wait to be the Beta when the pack was official, but she didn't want to wait any months. She paced near the cliff, but four feet away, as to not fall to an untimley death at the bottom of the hidden paradise. Her green eyes were impatient, as if it would only be minutes till her first birthday came. Well, she wished.
"Ugh.." She muttered to herself. Runt stopped pacing, her ears perked up, and her eyes observed her surroundings. Her leafy green eyes scanned the forest, still impatient. Had she heard something? No, maybe she was just imagining it. Either way her bored eyes lingered on the trees and growth nearby.

RE: I just can't wait to be king - Kesuk - January 15, 2015

Being lazy today, so sorry if this sucks xP

Kesuk's chestnut paws padded over the frozen snow carrying her through the woods at an even pace. She had never been to the area before and she was looking for the home of the wolves that claimed a place she had called The Spine. Little did the sorrel she-wolf know, but she was waltzing right into the to-be territory of their rivals.

After a little more walking and sniffing, she finally came across the scent of another wolf. Following it, she soon spotted a small tan she-wolf near what seemed to be a complete drop off. She slowed her pace and dropped her tail, her stance completely friendly and respectful.

"Hello?" she called out, not completely sure if this wolf was friendly or not.

RE: I just can't wait to be king - Runt - January 15, 2015

Runt sure had. In no time a dark furred blue eyed shadow was coming up to her with a hello. As she saw it, she had four options. Befriend. Chase off. Recruit. Spar. Spar was out first- she had enough scars for now, she didn't need a bloody few more. Recruit was out too, they had what- six, seven wolves? They were fine for now. So it was either chase off or befriend. She had a better idea. Befriend her and then kindly tell her to get out.
"Hello." She said, sharp green eyes observing the wolf. She took in her scent- very similar to Amber, Grey Border Dude, and Angry Grey Alpha Dude. Ha. That last time had been a fun mischievous one. "What's your name?" She asked, her tone not yet friendly, but heading that way.

RE: I just can't wait to be king - Kesuk - January 15, 2015

Kesuk approached the wolf, her eyes watching for any sign that she would attack, but when she found none, she relaxed a bit.

"What about you, what's your name?" she countered, tilting her head to the side mischievously. She didn't think this looked like the spine, but this wolf was obviously in a pack, because she smelled like other wolves. Confused, she glanced around, trying to figure out what was going on.

"And are you in the Spine pack?" she asked curiously, because she was seriously confused.

RE: I just can't wait to be king - Runt - January 16, 2015

Runt narrowed her eyes a little. This girl was a little frustrating. She wasn't sure what it was- maybe that she'd countered her question without answering. Or that she'd mistaken the kid for a Spine wolf.
"You answer me first. And no, not the Spine. Whitewater Gorge." She huffed, acting as if Kesuk must know already who they were. She wasn't gonna give her her stupid name without the chocolate furred wolf giving Runt her own probably completely normal name first. It had come to the point where she hated having to tell anyone her name. She needed a new one soon, she noted.

RE: I just can't wait to be king - Kesuk - January 16, 2015

She tilted her head. White Water Gorge? She had never heard of them before. Maybe they were new pack! That would be so cool, to be the first to tell the plateau about the new pack forming in the south. She smiled at the little wolf, not wanting to make her mad.

"Sorry, I'm Kesuk. I just got a little confused about who I was talking to. I've never heard of your pack, is it a new one?" she questioned, trying to sound as sincere and kind as she could.

RE: I just can't wait to be king - Runt - January 16, 2015

With Kesuk's better answers the second time, Runt's respect for her grew.
"Thanks, Kesuk. I'm Runt. And yeah, We'll be settin' up here in this gorge. Our alpha is Mara. No wars between us, kay?" She chuckled to Kesuk with a grin. But seriously, they already probably had a war on their hands, they wouldn't need more with the packs surrounding them. Her green eyes wandered upon the gorge, observing the Hidden Paradise. "Isn't this beautiful? Come take a peek." Runt told Kesuk with at glance at her before leaning back to the edge to observe the natural wonder once more.

RE: I just can't wait to be king - Kesuk - January 16, 2015

Kesuk smiled lightly as Runt gave her name and opened up to her. Her eyes sparkled happily at Runt's joke, having no idea how serious she was about it. The plateau was normally a very peaceful pack, having no enemies near by to worry about. "Yes, definitely no wars." she agreed smiling, before stepping up beside Runt to look over the gorge

It was indeed beautiful, and looked like a really cool place to call home. It was so different than where any other pack lived, or at least the packs she had been to. "Wow, it's amazing." she agreed, her tail wagging slightly.

RE: I just can't wait to be king - Runt - January 19, 2015

Runt nodded importantly- she took Kesuk's word seriously, war could ruin them, and she'd heard of newbie packs back in the Far North before that had been ruined by a war in their beginning.
"Yes. Our own little Hidden Paradise. I can't wait to move in." She murmured to Kesuk in awe, her leafy eyes glued to everything. The stone walls, a few caves visible, the green grass that grew despite being in a ravine, the blue river that ran through it, a small strong oak that was visible from here, growing alongside the river. It was beautiful.

RE: I just can't wait to be king - Kesuk - January 19, 2015

The place was amazing and definitely left the umber she-wolf in awe. She studied every detail with her icy eyes as she heard the wonder still clear in Runt's voice. She would me impatient to move in as well.

She turned her eyes from the paradise and looked back at Runt, a little smile on her lips. She liked this wolf and she hoped that they would meet again some time.

"I hope our packs can be friends." she suggested, wagging her tail. She didn't want to leave quite yet, when she still had very little information about the new pack. "But can I ask you a few questions before I leave?" she asked, tilting her head slightly to the side.

RE: I just can't wait to be king - Runt - January 19, 2015

Without a word Runt nodded as Kesuk mentioned that their packs should be friends. Hopefully this friendship- or acquaintanceship- would mark the beginning of a good relationship between the elder pack and the newbie pack.
"Fire away, Kesuk." Runt said with a grin. She was cool with questions as long as they were not too personal, about if she had killed anyone, or too nosy. She would not provide answers to questions she didn't want to reply to.

RE: I just can't wait to be king - Kesuk - January 23, 2015

She smiled when Runt nodded about their packs being friends. It was always good to have alliances. Her smile widened even more as she told her she could indeed ask some questions. They were pretty basic, just to get an idea of the pack so she could talk to Dante about it. No doubt he would want to know of a new pack in the area.

"Okay. Well first off, who's your alpha?" that was probably one of the most important things, because you couldn't have a pack without a leader.

RE: I just can't wait to be king - Runt - January 26, 2015

That seemed very general, not nosy at all, so Runt was cool with it.
"Mara. She's bright red with grey eyes." She told Kesuk. She was small too, but Runt, despite her own size, saw petiteness as a weakness. She saw her own small size as a weakness, and didn't like it. But she was a Mackenzie Valley, huge wolves. She would hit her growth spurt someday. Anyway, she wasn't gonna go giving away Mara's weaknesses.

RE: I just can't wait to be king - Kesuk - February 05, 2015

She smiled as Runt answered with no questions. She was glad this pack wasn't going to be super up tight and obnoxious like the wolves in the sound. She didn't really need a lot of information, only the basic stuff so she could report back to Dante. "How many wolves do you have with you so far?"

RE: I just can't wait to be king - Runt - February 07, 2015

How many wolves? Let's see, there's Mara, me, Wyeth, Riko, Faline, Jade, an' fatso. Sorry, Audrey. That's like.. Seven?
"Seven, unless Mara recruited more." She said. Personally Runt thought there were more than enough and they needed to get this show on the road. She wondered if Mara was okay with her giving out this information. She was sure it couldn't hurt.

RE: I just can't wait to be king - Kesuk - February 08, 2015

Last post for me, thanks for the thread :D They really do need to get their show on the road :3

Kesuk nodded, storing that information away in her head in case it was needed for some weird reason. She couldn't imagine why she would need to know that, but she supposed it was better to know more then to know less. With her mind blank of any other questions she would need to ask, she gave Runt a light smile.

"Cool, I wish you good luck." she said honestly. She liked Runt and she really hoped her new pack worked out for her. "Well, I should probably head back now. It was super nice meeting you, and hopefully I can come visit sometime when you guys are all set up." she said with a grin, turning with one last wave of her tail and trotting back up river towards her own home.

RE: I just can't wait to be king - Runt - February 08, 2015

yeah. I'll archive this :)

"Ya as well, Kesuk. I hope we meet again. G'bye!" She called out in truth as the dark brown lady left. She hoped their packs could be allies and friends. Whitewater would need allies if they had a war on their paws. Slowly she turned and headed towards the entrance to the Hidden Paradise. Time to rest or explore or something, whatever she should do.