Wolf RPG
Firestone Hot Springs Good at Bein' Bad - Printable Version

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Good at Bein' Bad - Tinashe - January 15, 2015

For @Osprey , but any and all welcomed. :)

She posted up at the back of the Springs, the warmth of the fiery waters and steam handing her all she needed to not chip in the cold. She preferred the heat, the red more of a compliment to her rich pelt than that of a Winter Born wolf. She was a summer kinda girl, and this warm water was just what she needed to melt, in peace.

Tinashe figured her awesome way of staying warm could allow her all the heat she needed to survive for the rest of the winter, but then the yearling cooed with disappointment.

Oh,why does food have to be mandatory? Such a shame.

For now, she wasn't hungry, and that was something she was grateful for. It would've pissed herself off if her stomach growled just to spite her.
Smart-ass organs.

Hiding her hazel eyes behind closed lids, she laid back in the searing liquid, accepting the feels of amazingness that flared through her fur to her frozen and thawing core.

RE: Good at Bein' Bad - Audrey III - January 15, 2015

The lumbering beast had heard of a spring nearby, which had interested him. Would it be like the spa back at his Master's mansion? Well, it wouldn't have the ornate marble, the towels, the girls massaging the various prostate figures about or the food....the rich, fatty, delectable food. But it would have the same effect, wouldn't it?

His hind legs were still smarting from his encounter with the narrow entrance and the smartass girl named Runt. That's why he needed to relax in the spring for a bit; while the scars went away, the areas where he was scraped and bitten smoldering persistently.

The white mist and sudden increase in temperature had signalled to him that he was indeed by the springs he was looking for. After a few moments of swatching through the whiteness, he found the liquid pools and without hesitating, sunk in. The wolf-dog nearly purred with approval, letting all of his folds of fat sunk deep into the depths of the water. His bright green eyes were close to shutting, when he realized he was not alone in the warm pool."Heya, doll. How're ya doin'?"

RE: Good at Bein' Bad - Tinashe - January 15, 2015

Hazel eyes opened at the lightest sound, and that sound, along with difference of water temperature and height, was due to a large and dashing dog. Well, dog with a bit of wolf in him. A half in half, 50 blood, whichever he wanted to be. He did have a bit of cute to him, a dastardly sort of manly to him that touched her inner female at the right angle. Right enough that she wasn't going to rip his face off for invading her space.

Hellooo, there, mister.

She turned her body that was still submerged in the frothing hot waters, and gave him a sly little smile.
Such pretty eyes, little emeralds that she cold just pluck out, and wear around her neck.

I'm peeerfectly fine. Feeling good all in this tub. Nice to know I'm not alone anymore.

RE: Good at Bein' Bad - Audrey III - January 17, 2015

She had responded with a similar, sultry tone to her voice that Audrey liked. He hadn't heard anything like it since back in the city. The wild women out here were so fierce, or so timid. Or too damned polite for his liking. It was good to see that there were a few bad girls in this bunch.

The massive wolf smirked at the hazel-eyed female, bright emerald eyes narrowed slightly. "What's your name, sweetheart? My name's Audrey by the way." He didn't add the 'III' part, since it wasn't really referring to his lineage at all. He had no idea who his parents were, the III was just part of the joke. "Is this a hot spot for ladies like you, or am I lucky today?"