Wolf RPG
Whitefish River Shattering Everything - Printable Version

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Shattering Everything - Mara - January 15, 2015

So far everything was going okay, slowly, but okay. The band had gotten more members and soon Mara would spread the word and they would become official. Slowly but surely, they would bring Cara and her little pack of mutts to the ground.

Her paws had become sure of the steep slope out of the canyon and she hopped up it with ease, not missing a step. As soon as she reached the top of the cliff, she was sure to check on the fish they used to disguise the entrance. They couldn't risk anyone finding it. Even though the entrance was well hidden in a rocky crevice filled with ferns, there was always the chance that someone a little smarter than average could find it. When she was satisfied with the fish, she padded away, parallel to the cliff wall. She had to figure out where to set the boundaries, and soon. If she didn't have them set by the time they became official, then things would turn out very bad.

She padded along, the cliff to her lift for quite some time before she strayed away from the comforting sound of the rushing water below. The trees, skeletons draped in snow, soon filled her range of vision all around and the crashing of the river was gone, leaving glorified silence. Her paws crunched through the hardened snow as she made her way further into the frozen forest.

RE: Shattering Everything - Tinashe - January 15, 2015

Tina had decided leave the spot she had chosen to wait for the pack folks, just to explore a bit.
Little miss Kit Kat was strolling the Wilds, the new place she had unfortunately ended up in after a dark get down with a dad who deserved the dirtiest death, ever. She sashed smoothly through the embrace of the trees, a forest that looked remarkably like the one she had come from. It was as if her brain tried to bring back the good, only angering and enhancing the bad.

She looked around after the haze disappeared in her head, her hazel eyes touching everything that could give her info on the place, before she bounced to another spot.
Soon, she saw a cliff, and had the urge to climb. It questioned her canis genes to have such an instinct, to just want to be up to climb and climb.
Was that another wolf?

She flexed her claws thoughtfully in the melting snow. Oh how to approach someone without seeming shallow? And dull? She had some sort of mental check going on for her before she even asked for it. And her lithe and seductive body took the form of stealth before she even initiated the order. She leapt.

There was a bit more cliff than expected, but as if her leap was made a tad higher than intended, as if her brain had already calculated 'Prepare for the worst' mode.
Another fringe of forest lay before her, and after making a feline like silent landing to the soft snow, she watched another wolf make her way through the forest. At least it looked like a 'her'.

Tina sat her soft rear on the frozen ground, and barked out mysteriously but abruptly to the furthering fae,

Funny how often you should watch your back. Would be quite the shame if there was someone out there after you.

A mischevious glint danced in her warm irises, the hazel faceting in the brightness of the snow.

RE: Shattering Everything - Mara - January 15, 2015

She hadn't seen or even heard the other wolf, and that was bad. But the new comer didn't have to know that. She slowly stopped and turned her storm grey eyes to the unknown creature. Her eyes landed on a charcoal female fit with piercing hazel eyes. She met those eyes with her own gun-metal grey ones, the scar running over one of them giving her an eerie look.

She turned fully around and let a smirk befall her muzzle, her position completely relaxed as if she had known the woman had been there the whole time. "Oh, I know there is someone out there looking for me." she replied calmly, her stance neither friendly nor aggressive. Neutral and relaxed.

The yearling's red and silver fur stood out like a beacon against the barren whiteness so it was no surprise the wolf had seen her. She was just glad she wasn't of the spine(at least not yet), if she was she would have to attack her. No one could know where her pack resided. At least not yet, but the time would come and the Spine would bow to her feet.

RE: Shattering Everything - Tinashe - January 15, 2015

Ouuu, I appreciate the zest. Keep it going, and I just might have to remember you.

Spoken with a head cantation, the coy female made her way closer to the brightly pelted russet. A lifted muzzle came upon her, and she asked as if they had been long lost friends,

What's your name, girlie?

Tinashe knew it was better to not make enemies, especially not in a land you didnt even know too well. That was just the work of a dumb ass, and that was one thing she assured herself she was not. She played the game, and she played it smart. Hence why her fine ass was alive,, to this day.

She examined the rust flared female, and noticed the light limp she carried. She also examined the color of those scars, seeing how the pink was still dark, wounds that have just began to heal not too long ago.

So this female was a fighter, eh? Tina respected the ones who ruffed up others. Alot more fun than the docile and ninny picking way of doing things.

RE: Shattering Everything - Mara - January 15, 2015

She tilted her head and glared at the dark pelted fae. She obviously didn't know who she was dealing with and Mara smirked as she walked closer, her chin raised.

"Call me girlie one more time and I might just have to beat your ass. I'm Mara." she spoke her name with pride, knowing that the spine would most definitely warn its members about her. She had already scented Kaname himself trying to locate where she was. It made her happy that he had failed so miserably.

Even though she was quite young, only a year old, she didn't appreciate being treated like a girl. She probably knew more about battle and responsibility than most of the wolves she spoke to.

RE: Shattering Everything - Tinashe - January 15, 2015

Tina couldn't help but laugh at the fiery tempered fae's words. The threat was so evenly splayed, it sounded normal on the girls tongue.
That was hot.

I like you, Mara. Seems I'm not the only one here with fire for blood. Respect.

With a casual shoulder roll, a fluid action, the wave of sheen cloaked milk chocolate cascaded in the pale light from the ice beneath them.

Names Tinashe. Or just Tina. Whichever fells just right for you.

Tina had no intention of prying into this girl's life that much, but curiosity tended to kill a girl, especially one with the interest levels of a feline.

Watcha doin out here, Mara? Hunting for snow? If so, i know a few places where we could start.

Being a smartass was fun.

RE: Shattering Everything - Mara - January 15, 2015

She seemed like her kind of person. Maybe she could convince her to come to the gorge. But for now, it didn't really matter, she just wanted to figure out who she was. She nodded in acknowledgement of her name and then smirked at the aspect of hunting snow.

"Nah, hunting snow is so below me. I just have my minions do that." she replied, her eyes glinting. Being a smart ass was indeed very fun.

"But I could ask you the same thing. Haven't seen you around these parts before, you new?" she asked, because if she was indeed new, than she should probably know about the ongoing war that she was plunging herself into.

RE: Shattering Everything - Tinashe - January 15, 2015

Without turning her head, the brown babe took a look left and right...
What minions?

Turning her shimmers back to the swarthy greyscale, who definitely seemed to have a personality that was compatible to her own, Tina responded, hew own melodious barks adding to the convo.

Yep, I'm the new girl all the guys and girls will know before I pack my bags and leave. I do plan on staying for quite some time, at least before I handle a few things.

T knew her being the new blood, even the thought of putting her story out there for this girl almost made her sick. But in time, she knew she just might get that headlined tale out of her.

RE: Shattering Everything - Mara - January 15, 2015

Mara chuckled as the chocolate furred fae looked around for her 'minions'. She was just getting used to the fact that she was an alpha, so it was good to talk to someone that didn't know her identity. But if the dark pelted female really did stick around for as long as she said, she would know soon enough.

"Well, welcome to the Wilds. But I must ask, do you know about the packs around here? Because if you don't you're in for a smack in the face." she deadpanned, though her eyes sparkled mischievously.

If Tinashe did stick around, the tiny fire ball wondered what pack she would join. Or if she would even stay once she found out what was going on. Mara smirked as she thought of her plan, and the enraged looks on Cara and Kaname's faces. She wondered if the fae in front of her had met either of them, and what she thought of them. So many questions filled her head and it was hard for the normally loose mouthed girl to hold them all in.

RE: Shattering Everything - Tinashe - January 15, 2015

Aw, thanks doll. Going to use that welcome the right way. By creating hell.

The chocolate babe threw her head back with a laugh, then a nonchalant eye-roll. She cracked herself up.
She listened with renewed attention to the one and only girl that caught her ear.
With a devilish grin, she responded with a proper,

Ah, gossip. The very thing I love to hold over the heads of idiots. Gonna spill their beans?

The soft furred brunette padded closer to the red head, her attention slowly climaxing at the thought of prospectful secrets spilling across her open paws.

RE: Shattering Everything - Mara - January 15, 2015

OMG I just had the best idea ever!! What if Tinashe was a spy for Mara's pack?!?!?

The little fire ball grinned evilly. What a perfect time to ruin Cara's reputation. Ah, all the little things she could do to make her break down. Her eyes sparkled as she answered her question with the perfect piece of gossip.

She leaned a little closer as if she was telling a secret, and she sort of was. "Well, if you've heard of the spine, then maybe you will understand. It's alpha, Cara, is a stupid bitch, and any scars on her are from my fangs. My pack is going to tear her apart." She didn't know why she was telling her plan to a total stranger, it wasn't a very good idea. But considering what she was telling the brunette, it didn't feel like a danger.

She was proud of the marks she had left on her enemy, no matter how small they may be, and she held her head high as she spoke of tearing her to pieces. Wolves were vicious creatures, but she-wolves were equivalent to the devil's spawn.

"So I would join em if I were you." she advised, her smirk showing the faint glint of her sharp fangs.

RE: Shattering Everything - Tinashe - January 15, 2015

She was not one swayed by threats, because she constantly grabbed Life by the balls and squeezed until it gave her what she wanted. And today was no different.

So join her,...Grab a bit of eye candy on their blueprints, then do what?

She was so far so good on getting on the good side of Alphas and Alphess, alike. She could double hinge her door, and paddle em with it the moment they trusted their back to her.
Such a fault, they committed. And how they fell to her feet, such power.
Tina was dazzled.

Would this happen to be the nearest pack? because, if so, I actually already did send a howl up, and the place looks ghost towned. Maybe this Cara fell off a cliff, and took her followers with her?

RE: Shattering Everything - Mara - January 15, 2015

Mara tilted her head and feigned a sad look. "Oh I hope she didn't fall off a cliff, I want to see the fear in her eyes before I take over. And as for you, after we take em down, you can do what ever the hell you want. Leave, stay, die, whatever." she said, shrugging nonchalantly.

She really didn't care what happened to her after the spine went down. She didn't really seem like pack material, so if the scheming little shewolf could get a use out of her and then send her on her way, than that was the way to go.

"But of course I would have to meet you in a secret place when, if, you get the information, because I cant let you into our territory or you would smell like us. And we can't have that, now can we." she smirked, faking innocence in her large grey eyes. But really, she didn't want this stranger to know where her pack was. At least not until she completely trusted her. And with Mara's background, that took a while, with the exception of Runt.

RE: Shattering Everything - Tinashe - January 15, 2015

Tina appreciated how the girl didn't try and keep reins on her as if she were some pet, but she did bristle at the fact the the red head tried to use her as if she were some disposable.
Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Tina half turned from the russet babe, her silky banner swaying and swishing like that of a contemplative feline. In her chastising voice, she cooed to the company that was nearly now behind her,

So you plan to just throw me out there, steal from wolves I just might like, then return to you, give you the very stuff I worked hard for, then leave, empty pawed? No, No, No, girlie, that's not how you enlist a spy.

Oh, how close she was to making a friend. Shame if she would have wasted her breath on a selfish chick. And who knows,..the tables could be turned on her.
Tsk, Tsk, Tsk.

RE: Shattering Everything - Mara - January 15, 2015

Mara looked at her like she was an idiot, because frankly, she was being one. Did she say at any point in time that she would just kick her out? Um, no. But that was her loss, she guessed.

"I never said you would leave empty pawed, but if that's what you want to think, so be it. And honestly, I'm starting to question the fact if you would even be a good spy. I mean, you're like me, too blunt and rebellious. I would suck at being a spy, so maybe you would too. You never know." she said, again shrugging nonchalantly. If this wolf didn't want to help, or if she wanted to joint the spine, then it was nice meeting her, but Mara didn't necessarily want to waste any more time on her. She had things to do, borders to set.

She was nice and all, and a lot like herself, but if she was going to be that way, the Mara didn't need to deal with her.

RE: Shattering Everything - Tinashe - January 15, 2015

Now refresh back to you just saying you didn't care what I did. Do you see why I immediately jumped to such a conclusion? Can't have an errand girl go out and do your dirty work, then not know the full blow out.

She shook her head, her impatience nearly ruling her to just walk away. She had been one to snip blooming buds, especially how you couldn't tell who was willing to stick it out with you, or just drown you in your own naivety. She had to have the best hand of cards, no matter what game they played.

If you didn't make it seem like I'm just a simple pawn to this cat and mouse game, i'd love to help you chase, Mara. I do have a bit of craving to bring down packs, because this wouldn't be the first time iv'e done it. So be a good informer, and fill in the blanks, will ya?

RE: Shattering Everything - Mara - January 16, 2015

She let out an exasperated sigh, she was starting to have a hard time with this one. But she seemed worth it, so she started talking.

"Okay, well, I just have a hard time trusting you when you seem like the kind of wolf that could betray me. But if you can prove that you really do want to help me, then I would be super happy to have you in my pack. All you would need to do is just tell us the day to day stuff, like once a week or something. Oh, and if you could, keep track of Cara's pregnancy." she explained, hoping to clear things up. She even offered her a small, hopeful smile.