Wolf RPG
Silvertip Mountain by cloud and mist abated - Printable Version

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by cloud and mist abated - Leto - November 16, 2013

For Tonravik.

Leto's excursion to Going-to-the-Sun Mountain and her subsequent trek across the Flatlands had brought her here, to the vast wilderness where a pack's scent was rapidly decaying from a forest's trees, but another pack's cologne was carried on the morning mists that shrouded the base of an interminable height of mountain. She had been quite close to turning back, her scouting excursion having been all but completed for the immediate area, but curiosity now intrigued her, and the idea occurred to her that announcing herself and her intentions with Bon Dye to neighboring packs might be a very politically prudent thing to do.

So it was with this thought in mind that Leto lifted her head in a howl. I seek an audience with the Alpha. It was an almost blunt pronouncement, but being direct was the only way she saw to go about this, if she were to gain this pack's backing. As an ally, they could be useful. Although they were a relatively nearby pack, Leto would have bet a deer's rear end that no one else in Bon Dye knew of them, since she'd heard no chatter about them. That meant she might have exclusive information, and that sort of thing was valuable. And if she met against a challenger for the leadership position of Bon Dye, or if Jinx returned and overturned Leto's rule, the half-coyote wanted somewhere to seek sanctuary in the face of the oncoming winter.

A fair distance from what seemed to be the marked borders, Leto stood solid as stone, her head held high as she squinted into the mist in an attempt to make out the mountainside, but her body and tail held perfectly neutrally.

RE: by cloud and mist abated - Tonravik - November 18, 2013

The summoning of her in particular was something she had not yet particular. The Alpha. Not Tonravik, but rank. And so she presumed she was unknown, and that this wolf was not of Tartok. Her approach would not have been different regardless, but it was good to know. The alpha was better at piecing things together than her mother was, more critical and analytical. But she was not terribly bright herself, all things considered, despite being educated elsewhere young.

She descended Silvertip and responded with a low howl of her own to alert the other of her approach. The cool weather did not hinder her, unable to feel it through thickening furs. Dark brown eyes sought the source of the call and they were quick to land upon the figure of Leto. While the other was slim, she noted already that they boasted muscle on their form. It was easy to determine whether or not these muscles were gained by climbing versus running; the slender figure alerted Tonravik that the other was likely swift. Tonravik was thick with muscle earned from the climbing of mountains, and even her running throughout the territory could not slim down her broad, bear-like build. She was built for fighting, and enduring heavy and hard hits.

All this could only be noted as Tonravik pushed through the mist that broke around her, dragging sensuously around the being that defied the very meaning of the word. The other was a safe distance away from home, but Tonravik's stance was still proud and dominant; these lands were her own, and in time, she would take more. She waited for the other to speak, to give her the reason behind her summon.