Wolf RPG
Duskfire Glacier Straight up - Printable Version

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Straight up - Adlartok - January 16, 2015

Adlartok woke from his nap and stretching went in search of some prey to add to the caches. He didn't want to take from there without putting something in. He would eat the older kills let the other members have the newer kills. Tilting his head he touched his nose to the ground intending to find some prey.

As he walked he thought on the few days he had been in the glacier pack, and he found contentment. It was amazing what a little structure could do for your own self worth. He owed malachi a big debt for taking him in. Being half starved and young, most would have turned him away. But Malachi didn't. Shifting again he trotted off towards nearby woods. Wondering if he would be interrupted today. He hadn't met the girls that were close to his age yet, but he had met Sen, Scarlett and Malachi all three good wolves, but he'd like to meet those his own age. Perhaps the other members of the pack too.

RE: Straight up - Tuwawi RIP - January 16, 2015

:o Forgive me Danni.... Tuwa's seen some shit!

Tuwawi prowled Duskfire's lands, intent to become reacquainted with her home she had once established. Her most important task had been completed: find Maera. Time would tell how their bond would stitch, but Tuwawi was incredibly driven to do everything in her power to give her the world.

Frozen air nipped at her tattered maw, but the alpine trees maintained their verdant hue even in the dead of winter. Yet something caught the saffron wolf's gaze as she traveled - a stranger. She quickly, and expertly, sized him up. The silver youth was gaunt and rangy, meandering through the forest with unknown intention. This was no child of the glacier. This was no blood of hers.

Duskfire was for Maera, Jokull, Larus and Valtyr.

Instantly, Tuwawi went on the aggressive. Her hackles spiked, sooty tail stiff in the air. A baritone growl crackled from deep within her throat as she rushed towards the boy mercilessly. Apathetic silver eyes leered at the adolescent like prey, gaze fixated without reprieve. "Get out!" Tuwawi hissed as she ate up the ground, the distance between them rapidly closing.

RE: Straight up - Adlartok - January 17, 2015

Haha no problem :D I love Tuwa no matter what

Adlartok was meandering searching for food, some way to repay those that took him in. When a sixth sense caused the hackles and the fur to rise. He lifted golden gaze to look around, only to be met with red fur and angry eyes. He backed up quickly ,but a growl quickly replaced the silence between them. He had every right to be here just as she did, though he did not know her. The woman was crazy.

He snarled back at her and spoke softly I will not get out. I have been offered a place to stay, a home, and I mean to stay here. His snarl dipped in octave and he stood his ground, he was young yes, but small no. He would not leave the home that he was given, just because some female got all high and mighty and couldn't mind her alpha's orders. He'd fight with her if he had too, but he'd rather not. Probably wouldn't make the best impression on the leader nor a good first on her. You have a problem with it, you take it up with Malachi!

RE: Straight up - Tuwawi RIP - January 17, 2015

The child did not heed Tuwawi's threat to leave, nor did he show any sign of deference. Instead, the sterling spun boy stood his ground, golden eyes hot and adamant. 'I will not get out. I have been offered a place to stay, a home, and I mean to stay here. You have a problem with it, you take it up with Malachi!' he managed to state during the phoenix's charge — but it made no difference to the evoked Tuwawi. She had infinite love for Malachi, Maera, Danica, Tyr, and Hatshepsut... but no remorse to those she did not deem to be of the Glacier clan, with or without the alpha's permission.

She did not answer to Malachi. The Sveijarn was her own commander, and Tartok's feral creed still ran deep in her veins. Her muscles tensed as the last meters vanished between them, Tuwawi's jaws agape and prepared seize the young adolescent. She was a seasoned adult of nearly four years — this conflict weighed in her favor. If the youth would not run then she would eviscerate every last insolent piece, for she had no more words or reason. The matter, in her mind, was simple: this boy was not of Njal. Not of Tuwawi. Not meant for the Glacier. One way or another, he would not be permitted to stay.

And so, Tuwawi dashed forth, rearing up with the intent to scruff Adlartok to the ground in a flurry of fangs and claws.

Lemme know how you want to proceed! :)

RE: Straight up - Adlartok - January 17, 2015

Adlartok's eyes flashed and he snarled as she came barreling at him. She was crazy just crazy perhaps this home was not for him. But he had always been taught you stand and fight you don't take the cowards way out, so that is what he would do. He may die, he may get severely wounded, but well you know he wouldn't back down just because she thought she was the ruler when clearly she was not.

He growled and met her jaws with his own, he knew he's get wounded, that was given. But he'd take some pieces with him that was for damn sure. He saw her rearing up and though he knew she'd get some of him he aimed some of his teeth at her legs. He had been a loner long enough to know what was expected when there was a fight.

He twisted to the side, she would hit his side in a flurry of claws, but he would aim at her shoulder and leg as she reared up to bear him down.

It does not matter to me I'll continue for a bit see where it goes what he does. I don't want him permanently maimed or killed, but a few scars are alright...perhaps a grievous wound. Do you want to do paragraph style or roll? I prefer paragraph it's just easier for my simple mind :) but we can do the roll too.

RE: Straight up - Tuwawi RIP - January 19, 2015

Sure we can continue paragraph style! Adlartok can run whenever he's had enough. Tuwa won't follow him if he runs. And again... I am sorry Tuwa is the meanest .__. this is definitely going to be some interesting character development though!

The insurgent, younger than her own daughter, would not leave even as Tuwawi's shadow cast upon him. Stupid pup. Contemptuous whelp! She thought as her sterling gaze leered with murderous intent. A snarl loosed from her maw when the child drew his own fangs upon the fiery aggressor, and she came down hard. Battle worn and thoroughly trained, a life on Arkytok's peak left Tuwawi with enough skill to dispose of most wolves, especially this meager adolescent. A year of peace and fond memories could not pacify the unrest in her spirit she felt now, irreparably broken by the weight of grief.

She had warned him and he had refused her.

Both feral and visceral, Tuwawi's keen movements swiftly fell upon Adlartok's side, just behind the shoulder. Her curved fangs adeptly sheared his flesh, piercing into the youth's silver hide like fish hooks. Blood pooled onto her palate as she satisfyingly crushed muscle between her jaws before giving his flesh a violent shake. The youth attempted to snap at her, and once or twice Tuwawi managed to evade his untrained hits. Yet, the child managed to grasp her left forelimb, causing the witch to release her hold. With a raspy shriek she assaulted him again, attempting to grab his nape and secure a position over her target.

Let me know if anything's confusing. Here's the breakdown: Tuwa's first attack hit. Adlartok managed to grasp her forelimb, causing Tuwa to release. Now, Tuwa is attempting to overpower him by grabbing his nape and stand over him.

I'm going off the pretense that Adlartok is 5-6 month old wolf which is equivalent to a 6-10 year old human, while Tuwawi, a nearly 4 year old wolf, is equivalent to 33-35 year old human, hence the disparity in their skill and power.

RE: Straight up - Adlartok - January 19, 2015

[size=x-small]It will be especially if Adlartok stays anyway even after he runs :D.[/size]

Adlartok was smaller and he was younger and she had age and weight and everything else against him. However he had an iron will, a survivors instinct and the scrappiness that came from being on your own for too long. She was crazy and she may chase him out today, but he'd be back tomorrow and the next day until she finally killed him or he killed her himself.

Adlartok grunted in pain, that would be a wound that would not heal over night and he may have some mobility issues later thank you very much miss bitch was all he thought. As he crunched down hard on her paw, he felt her teeth release him. He snarled then and dug his fangs in deeper. She went towards the nape of his neck once or twice and finally suceeded, but he continued to go after the closest limbs within reach her legs her shoulders, while he tried to buck her off.

[size=x-small]She got some of his nape and her weight is bearing him down, but he is still attempting to grasp at her chest and limbs as I am assuming that would be the closest place to his jaws while bearing him to the ground?

And that's fine that age range seems realistic.[/size]

RE: Straight up - Tuwawi RIP - January 20, 2015

Adrenaline numbed the lesions inflicted by Adlartok's shallow bite, dogma absolute. Her driving conviction permitted the passage of such insanity — to snuff out the small wick. Yet, Tuwawi believed herself completely lucid, unaffected by the youth's fresh blood staining her pelt's lighter shades. The red crest along her back stood on end like a vibrant flame... but now her throat was equally ablaze, decorated by Adlartok's forced donation.

The juvenile wormed beneath her hold, snarling viciously despite his precious position, and Tuwawi felt no shame when she sliced into him a second time. Her fangs made quick work of his skin, puncturing the child's soft hide like a knife through butter. Not even his relentless movement could remove the ember's tenacious grip upon his nape, far too consumed by her objective.

The boy bit, but his efforts to seize a shoulder were fruitless. Tuwawi buffered his attack with a sudden shift of her weight and brought up a bloodied paw to rake across his unmarred face. She attempted to adjust her grip around his neck, jaws widening to secure his throat betwixt them - a hold to swiftly strangle her target.

Tuwa succeds in biting his nape. Adlartok tries to defend himself but can't get a grip on the skilled Tuwawi. She tries to rake her nails across his face and then adjusts her grip on his neck with the intention to strangle/bleed him out.

RE: Straight up - Adlartok - January 21, 2015

As the she wolf fought to gain an upper stance, he wanted to scream. She was scary, yea he was ticked off and yea he really really wanted to rip her apart. But the simple fact was that he was still a child, still young. And to have an adult savagely attacking him, in a place that was supposed to be a safe haven. It was extremely frightening, but his inner turmoil was not apparent as he continued to fight for his life.

He screamed in absolute pain as she sliced in him again. Now he struggled to get away and run. he wanted as far away from this crazy female as he could get. He yelped again and struggled harder, now pushing away from her with his paws and snapping jaws. The lather that fell from his maw littered the ground, in white flecks. It took it's place among his blood and fur and chunks of meat.

He twisted trying hard to get his head away from her, tucking his neck tightly towards his chest. It hurt and put more strain on the ripped flesh and the muscles there, but it was at the moment a dull pain. After all just as she was fueled by adrenaline as was he.

[size=x-small]Tuwa landed the bites on his back and raked the claws across his face. He is trying to get away now rather than fight back. He tucked his head into his chest and is trying to twist away pushing with his back legs towards the opposite direction of the pack lands.[/size]

RE: Straight up - Tuwawi RIP - January 21, 2015

This is so intense!

Tuwawi could feel Adlartok's body run cold between her jaws when an epiphany of utter doom dawned upon him. It was as if he realized that the reaper had arrived... patiently waiting while sharpening its scythe. In that moment, the child's intrepid snarls became cries of horror. His body urgently scrambled beneath the hostile ember as a guttural shriek bayed from his throat, desperate for sanctuary. Suddenly, Tuwawi's prey pulled away with a massive effort. Her jaws tightened round his neck, but her reaction came a moment too late. The battered child cut himself from his assailant's grip, leaving behind a mass of wet silver fur and skin between her fangs.

She had been robbed of his eradication. Tuwawi heaved herself forward with the intention to run him down. Her head thrummed unbearably, ears scalding hot with white anger. The collar around her neck felt tight, and she fought for air against the rigid leather.




The Sveijarn shrieked behind him, gasping between massive breaths with great effort. Stormy eyes watched his haggard body begin to struggle across the snowfield as she prepared to follow. However, the ground had become slick with blood and melted snow. As she began her frantic pursuit, one injured paw became unsteady in the icy puddle and suddenly slipped out from under her. With a hard thud Tuwawi fell onto her side and a sharp, sobering pain rippled across her shoulder.

She sputtered, seeing stars, but quickly found her feet once again. She looked to the treeline - the pup was farther now, a trail of scarlet behind him. Tuwawi's ragged breaths echoed her emotional condition as she crowed after the whelp, down turned head practically screaming into the snow. "GO!"

Slight powerplay of Adlartok running away. Let me know if you want me to change it!

RE: Straight up - Adlartok - January 21, 2015

[size=x-small]I know right![/size]

Adlartok yelped again, but kept moving as her fangs cut into his flesh. With a cry of salvation he was gone, he didn't even stop to talk to her. He vowed he'd be back, but for now he just wanted as far away from her as he could get. He'd come back and deal with her and Malachi. Malachi who had promised him sanctuary and in return for all his hard work to assimilate had became wounded, possibly even mortally. What kind of place was this.

He heard her screaming, but at this point the blood was rushing so hard to his ears, he couldn't understand a word she said. To his shame hot tears slid down his face, but he blinked and continued on. After all, all things considered he was just a child, and an adult had betrayed him a very bad way. He had learned to expect the worst from others, but never after they offered help.

[size=x-small]Not at all. This was amazing, bloody but amazing lol. Thanks :D[/size]