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Duskfire Glacier Down for the count - Printable Version

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Down for the count - Adlartok - January 17, 2015

I'm going to backdate this one just a little bit, because i don't know how the thread with Tuwawi is going to end.

Artok had not been present long in the pack lands, he enjoyed them though. He had met a few, not many. He would like to meet more before the end of his time. He also wished to speak with Malachi a little more, perhaps soon enough he would.

With a soft snort he traipsed towards the borders and the woods. He had already bagged some birds a hare or two for the pack caches. He'd like to add more, winter was a harsh mistress and he was doing his best to keep her happy.

Gray and white paws ate up the ground as he walked. His mind going in a million different directions. All leading back to how was he going to thank them all.

RE: Down for the count - Malachi - January 18, 2015

It had been a few days since Adlartok had joined their ranks, but Malachi could already see the boy's tangible contribution to the welfare of the pack. The youth's scent streamed from a number of their caches, along with the smell of recent game, and the young leader felt his confidence grow in his choice to give the boy a place among them. He'd not yet caught up with the child, his mind distracted by other matters. So when he spotted a lanky form moving toward the borders, the man bounded toward their newest member with his tail swaying in a good nature greeting.

"Hey Adlartok!" he called as he approached, slowing as he neared the boy. Malachi consciously lowered his tail to his hocks, keen on a conversation that wasn't impeded by his standing as Alpha. "Good work on the hunting. You heading out there again?"

RE: Down for the count - Adlartok - January 19, 2015

Artok had been doing his best to make sure that he filled what caches he could. He did his best to make his place in the pack and keep it. Needless to say his mettle would be tested soon enough, but today he went on blissfully unaware of what the day held.

Artok heard his name being called and stopped to listen turning his head, he caught sight of the male leader. hello Malachi. yes I am would you like to join me? Or just chat? Artok stopped what he was doing and stood still to wait for the leader to catch up to him, he offered him a small smile and a wave of his tail. Though he would not count him a friend, he did appreciate and respect the fact that he had given a youth a home.

RE: Down for the count - Malachi - January 22, 2015

It took the man little time to catch up with the youth, his long legs carrying him easily across the frozen ground. At Adlartok's smile, Malachi let his own lips perk into a grin, the amiable greeting unanimous between them. "I'd love to join you, if you don't mind the company." The thought of accompanying Adlartok excited the man, eager to see the skills the youth clearly possessed. When his own siblings had been born he'd anticipated the days he'd be able to watch their talents grow, but the rock slide had cut those hopes short. Malachi had not been able to walk them through their youth, but maybe with Adlartok he could find a second chance. "Where do you want to start?"

RE: Down for the count - Adlartok - January 23, 2015

Artok shook his head Naw I don't mind. What did you have in mind? I was going ot go for a hare or a bird, but since there's two of us. Do you want to try for something a little bigger or you good with small stuff? He didn't waste time, jumping immediately to business. He was a no nonsense wolf when it came to his responsibilities and gamekeeping was one of his responsibilities. Self imposed, but his none the less.

Artok frowned in thought. I was thinking near the woods first then maybe move further outward?

RE: Down for the count - Malachi - January 26, 2015

The boy wasted no breath on fruitless chatter, instead cutting straight to the hunt. Malachi considered each of the youth's suggestions, weighing each opportunity before settling on a plan in between. "Let's aim for the small stuff, but keep our nose open for both. If we come across bigger game there's no reason we can't try for that." Small game would be easier to find due to sheer number alone, even in the winter months, whereas big game - though easier to spy - often proved trickier to bring down with success. Still, Malachi hoped they'd find the straying trail of a goat or mountain sheep instead of just the winding paths of rabbits. Their pack hunts had been somewhat of a hit and miss as of late, and while they had enough success to keep them from starvation, it was about time they took down a larger beast again.

"The woods sound a good place to start." He confirmed with a nod of his head, before lifting his paw to beckon Adlartok to take charge. "You comfortable with leading the way?"

RE: Down for the count - Adlartok - January 28, 2015

Artok nodded his head in agreement. Small game, with the potential for big game got it. Artok had been on the trail of a few hares. At this time in the season they were probably a little bit scrawny, although truth be told. It had been more mild lately, so there were a little more animals out and about. They still had a little bit before spring came, but it was starting to warm up.

I'm fine with it. Artok didn't mind leading, he didn't much mind following either. Since he was an aspiring game keeper, both were fine. I was following some hares. With that he bent his nose to the ground, and headed towards the woods. He would keep his ears and eyes open, hoping that Malachi would do the same.

RE: Down for the count - Malachi - February 08, 2015

He let Adlartok pass him by and waited for a beat before he fell into even step behind the silver patched youth. Malachi's nose filled with the boy's scent, but he picked around the strong smell and searched out the gentler path of their quarry. Like Adlartok he would keep his senses alert, until he felt his teeth sink into the soft and tender flesh of their pursuit.

They moved in a slow and swerving line toward the woods, the scent of the hares Adlartok had been tracking ever present before the duo. The hares ran even for much of the way, but Malachi slowed when he tracked a break in their path - a forking route, with one twisting left and the other, right - and the man flicked his gaze to Adlartok, allowing him to decide where to head from there.

RE: Down for the count - Adlartok - February 16, 2015

Artok gave one cursory glance behind him to look at the leader. The male he was fast coming to like, though in days to come. That light would turn to darkness, but he wasn't to know that as of yet. Artok was enjoying leading this small hunt, it made him feel worth something.

Artok sniffed at the ground, trying to find which fork they followed. Choosing the left, he ambled down it, looking overhead to gauge the area. He did not wish to get lost in a new place. Hopefully, Malachi could get them out of this if they did get lost. He didn't know the territory yet after all. He whispered, is there much down this path to be wary of?