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Redhawk Caldera Darlin', I will be loving you 'til we're 70 - Printable Version

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Darlin', I will be loving you 'til we're 70 - Peregrine Redhawk - January 18, 2015

...in wolf years, of course. ;)

I know we have a thread but I was in the mood for another—our 50th! *claps* :3

It was strange how running into Lasher made him want to head home and right into Fox's arms. Smiling around his catch—a plump rabbit—Peregrine trotted back unto his realm and began the ascent. When he arrived at the den site, his jade eyes shifted to take in the snowy scene, then he padded over to the lair he shared with his mate and ducked his head inside. She wasn't in there. He gently set the rabbit down, then backpedaled back into the open air.

Tipping his head back, the dark Alpha male howled for @Fox. He knew she might not even be hungry, yet he wanted to show her the hare and just spend some time with his beloved. More than ever before, he was feeling like they were meant to be together forever, that they had always been destined to find each other and create new life together. Some of the choices they'd made (or that he'd made for her) had definitely been difficult but Peregrine knew in the marrow of his bones that right here, right now, he was exactly where he belonged.

RE: Darlin', I will be loving you 'til we're 70 - RIP Fox - January 18, 2015

Just realized it's only about a month until babes. :o

Fox had been near the stream, taking a long, deep drink when she heard Peregrine's call. The expectant mother paused, licked the extra water on her upper lip, and then trotted back to the den. The sweet smell of a fresh kill quickened her pace, and she arrived to see Peregrine just outside the den with a rather content look upon his face. Grinning, the girl wagged her tail and nudged Peregrine's chin.

“You brought lunch!” With the sun shining bright overhead, it was sometimes easy to forget that there was still snow on the ground. Perhaps, in the next few turns of the moon, it would melt, bringing warmer weather and less worries for their children. The cold was a quick killer of children, and Fox knew the morbid reality of it. One of her own littermates had been lost before his first week.

RE: Darlin', I will be loving you 'til we're 70 - Peregrine Redhawk - January 19, 2015

Yee. We get to pick players soon. ^_^

The moment Fox appeared, Peregrine's gaze became doughy. When she came to him and nudged his chin, her pressed his nose against her cheek, inhaling her scent. He then nibbled the bridge of her snout affectionately before planting a kiss of his own right on the tip of her muzzle.

Pleasantly surprised by what appeared to be a healthy appetite, he answered, "Yes, I did. It's in here. Want me to get it?" Without waiting for an answer, he retrieved the plump hare, then set it at his queen's feet. "Feeling all right then?" he queried hopefully. Maybe the nausea had started to pass.

"I love you," he added after a breath, smiling at her with the jade fire of his adoration dancing in his eyes. "My hunting took me pretty far away this time. I wish I never had to leave your side. Speaking of which..." Peregrine dropped his head to nudge her flank. "Is it just me or does it look the tiniest bit bigger?" And it couldn't possibly be a food baby if she was this hungry, right?

RE: Darlin', I will be loving you 'til we're 70 - RIP Fox - January 24, 2015

“Ye—” she broke off when Perry swept into the den and pulled out the fresh, sweet-smelling hare. Fox licked her lips, ready to chow down right then and there, but she managed to keep her cool enough to let him ask his question. “I’ve been feeling fantastic, actually.” Something about knowing that she was pregnant had filled her with a neverending stream of joy. Fox wondered if she would feel this way even after the kids were born, or if the effects only lasted until she popped them out.

“I love you, too, beau.” Fox momentarily sidestepped the rabbit and gave him a lick on the chin. “Oh?” she asked, touching her own abdomen with her nose. “I’m not sure. Maybe you can tell better since you’ve been gone a little while.” Fox had only been able to see gradual change, so maybe there was a difference.

RE: Darlin', I will be loving you 'til we're 70 - Peregrine Redhawk - January 25, 2015

His eyes sparkled when she mentioned his absence. It was adorable that she thought she might have changed over the course of a day. Peregrine chuckled at her and nuzzled her cheek, his warm breath ruffling the fur there as he continued to laugh. Then again, was it so silly? Although she would round out gradually, Fox would actually begin showing what seemed like overnight.

The closer he looked, the less convinced Peregrine was that she was actually sporting a baby bump, though. "I bet you'll be rockin' a really obvious baby bump within the week," he told her, now touching his nose to the soft patch of reddish fur between her gray eyes. "Not long after that, you'll start feeling them move. Then anyone touching your side will be able to feel them too. Then they'll be born."

He became rather starry-eyed for a moment, though he remembered himself and said, "Eat up, mama. You're eating for thirteen," Peregrine reminded her. "Hey, speaking of that... what do you think you'll prefer: 'mother,' 'mama,' 'mom' or something else...? My brothers, sister and I were told to call our parents by their first names. We could always go that route."

RE: Darlin', I will be loving you 'til we're 70 - RIP Fox - January 25, 2015

Haha, this happy thread. I AM SORRY, FUTURE PERRY AND FOX.

Fox stuck out her tongue, then wondered how huge she would really get. Would it impair her ability to move around like she normally did? Sure, she'd seen pregnant wolves in her time, but she'd never been terribly close to one, and seeing and actually being were two very different things. She only hoped that she'd still be able to get up and take a shit on her own. Wouldn't that be demeaning if she couldn't even perform basic, bodily functions without assistance?

Having nearly forgotten about the kill, Fox went to town on it, ripping the pieces from the bone and devouring them with little thought. It was filling, though she hungered for more. After awhile, though, she'd grown used to smaller meals, and she'd learned that eating beyond capacity often led her to chucking back up her previous meals. It wasn't a pleasant sight, and it wasn't particularly fun, either. Between bites, she answered, “I always called mine ‘Mum,’ but that’s only because that’s what my dad always said. If you wanna call me ‘Mama,’ that’d be fine by me.” It made more sense for Peregrine to pick her name, and for her to pick his. Maybe she'd call him "Big Butt" just for laughs!

RE: Darlin', I will be loving you 'til we're 70 - Peregrine Redhawk - January 25, 2015

Future Perry and Fox are sitting in their rocking chairs sipping lemonade and watching their 10,000 grandchildren (and great [great] [great] [great]) grandchildren play in the yard...

FUNNY STORY: my siblings and I call our dad "Dud." :3

"Mum," he repeated, finding it quite endearing. "What would that make me, though? Dud?" Peregrine quipped. He really wasn't sure what the matching term might be, so he kept guessing. "Pup? Mum and Pup? Pop? That sounds a little more reasonable..." He trailed off with a chortle.

Unaware that he was basically creeping on her innermost thoughts, Peregrine mused, "I should go grab you some more food. Not only do you need to nourish our young..." He grinned and nudged her. "But we should also prepare you for how you'll feel in about three weeks: big, bloated and unable to walk. But don't worry, babe," he was quick to add with a cheeky smile, "I'll carry you everywhere you want to go."

RE: Darlin', I will be loving you 'til we're 70 - RIP Fox - January 27, 2015

Sneaky work post.

Peregrine spoke much of what he thought. His stream of consciousness had once annoyed the hell out of her, but she had grown to find it endearing in some strange way. He made to leave, and Fox whined softly. She knew that he probably should go get more food, considering what a helpless hunter she was, but she didn't want him to. "Aw, leaving me already?" she asked, tilting her head. Sure, she had buns in the oven, but that didn't mean they couldn't still get down.

"You wine and dine me, then expect me to not want anything more?" Fox gave him her best sultry glance. Once the kids were here, Fox expected that their romances would harder to come by. They still had a month of child-free bliss to live out before their love life was threatened by the very thing they worked so hard to create. Gently, Fox tugged on his ear with her teeth.

RE: Darlin', I will be loving you 'til we're 70 - Peregrine Redhawk - January 27, 2015

I just woke up from the most delicious nap. HELLO WORLD.

The instant Fox expressed reluctance for him to go, no matter how insincerely, Peregrine decided it could wait until later. "'Course not," he replied, reaching out to lick her nose when she cocked her head at him. "You look so cute when you do that, like a curious little fox," he told her.

In response to her sultry look and pouty words, the Alpha male growled affectionately. "You know I'm always DTF, baby." He waggled his eyebrows at her. For reasons unknown to him, he almost made a joke about doing butt stuff with her, which reminded him of his recent meeting with Lasher. He wanted to tell her about it, though right now didn't seem the right time.

"What 'more' would you like right now, little lady?" Peregrine said instead, his voice suddenly husky.

RE: Darlin', I will be loving you 'til we're 70 - RIP Fox - January 28, 2015

It's strange that napping and running basically have the same effect on me. Time to party all night long. \o/

“Well...” she trailed off, licking the corner of his mouth. “If you don’t think the children will mind.” Fox honestly wasn't sure about the implications of getting down and dirty while she was pregnant, but she figured it couldn't do any damage. It wasn't like she could get more pregnant. Besides, if things got weird, she could always call it off and they could go do some less sexy thing.

Fox slid her body opposite along his, so their fur was smoothed on the side that touched. Once she reached his hip with her shoulder, she ducked beneath him and came up the other side, pivoted around, and licked his chin. It was a playful gesture, although her intentions were far less innocent. She let the front of her body drop, then, and wiggled her bum in the air, tail waving over her back.

RE: Darlin', I will be loving you 'til we're 70 - Peregrine Redhawk - January 29, 2015

I wish I liked running. I did it for so long but never loved it, nor even liked it. I never got a "runner's high" or anything but body aches, lol. I'm sure I was doing it wrong.

I thought I'd go the route of a tasteful fade. We can fast forward or wrap up here? :)

Fox's touches warmed his blood and the sight of her upraised hindquarters sent a bolt of heat straight to his loins. He hesitated, albeit briefly. He couldn't help but consider her comment about the pups. Would the act jostle them around? Would they possibly... see things no child ever should? Wait, weren't their eyes closed when they were born? Weren't they asleep right now, for all intents and purposes?

Having comforted himself with these slightly zany thoughts, Peregrine moved forward, grasping his mate in nature's closest, most intimate hug.

RE: Darlin', I will be loving you 'til we're 70 - RIP Fox - January 29, 2015

I'll fade out here!

Her affections and luring did not go unwanted, and she reveled in her lover's touch. Even if their kids were poked and prodded during the process, Fox had a strong feeling they wouldn't remember a single thing. She couldn't even remember a time when she could not hear, which was the way pups were born: blind and deaf. All thought was lost once she and Peregrine repeated the ancient ritual, of course.

When all was done, she kissed him sweetly on the cheek, then suggested they go for a nice, long walk to stretch their legs before a nap.