Wolf RPG
Rising Sun Valley comin' around the mountain - Printable Version

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comin' around the mountain - Supernova - January 18, 2015

Set near Noctisardor Bypass. All welcome, but attn: @Silverfeather.

These lands were vast and sprawling, and from what the wind carried to her, supported multiple packs within its borders. Nova wondered how many there were and what types of leaders they had, thinking as she picked her way across the steep steps of rock near a mountain. It had no name in her mind, and while she was used to elevated places (she had lived in the Rise, after all), but the unsteady surface beneath her paws was unfamiliar and nerve-wracking.

Pebbles shifted beneath her as she walked slowly, looking for a way to descend the mountain she had climbed earlier that morning. It had seemed a good idea then, but now that she was headed down, the height scared her. Only a misstep, a tiny moment of inattention as a hawk cried above her, caused her to fall. With panic rising in her chest, Nova went scrambling down the side of the mountain, pebbles and stones and larger rocks sliding and tumbling along with her.

Her small body thumped against the side of the mountain and she felt every single scrape and bruise blossom beneath her skin. With a yelp of simultaneous pain and relief, she slid to a halt on a shallow slope near the bottom. Nova held still, cowering behind a boulder as the rest of the debris slowed down around her, and then tried to stand to leave. A jolt of pain went through her right foreleg, sending pain shooting through her paw and shoulder. With a wince, she settled back down where she was, panting in pain. What had she done?

RE: comin' around the mountain - Dovev - January 21, 2015

hello ^^

A sturdy stand of pine sprung up along granite and shale boulders, rimming the feet of the towering flat-top mountains. It was a good conveyor of wind, funneling it in a large draft that spread out across the floodplain behind him and ran their fingers through his white hair. Dovev remained on these fridges for quite some time, giving up a good meal for the solitude these valleys brought. But he wasn't expecting the assault of rocks tumbling down the slope to his left.

Whippind his ears forward, the male skipped back once to lock gray orbs upon the hidden cause of this disturbance. Admist the trunks and sloughs of snow, a body akin to the silver-gray flash of a trout swimming through water alerted Dovev. He stood mutely, perspective of the situation as he had no obligation to spring to action. When the dust settled and the figure slumped on the ground, the white beast took a step forward. Whoever had taken the fall sheltered behind a large facet of rock, waiting for the remaining pebbles to pass them unharmed. He was far enough away to escape the miniscule avalanche, but close enough that Dovev could approach the wolf without too much hassle.

From the way the stranger crouched, Dovev guessed she had taken a bruise or hit to a part of her body. He grimaced slightly. Too bad she was in a position of weakness, for it would be so easy to kill and be done with it. But then again, the white male had his reasons to make friendly with the harboring stranger, and she didn't look too weary. Again, several pebbles began to roll down the slope as the arctic creature approached with a glint in his eye.

You alright there? he questioned, sniffing the air rather than come any closer. The male was reminded of his own injuries on his leg, namely the symmetrical bear claws that dug permanent scars on his left hind limb. He was lucky enough to have access of a healer, this loner did not.

RE: comin' around the mountain - Supernova - January 22, 2015

Hi! Thanks for joining! :)

Eventually the mountain stopped moving around her and the few pebbles that continued to fall would not hurt her. Nova, however, wasn't going anywhere quickly, for her leg had decided to stop working. Whatever she had done to it in the fall was severe enough to pain her, and she cursed arrogant self for trying to descend the mountain from this angle.

Thankfully she was not alone. A white wolf approached slowly and Nova watched him carefully, yellow gaze trailing him closely. It would do no good to let him harm her, especially since she was compromised at the moment. But he didn't seem threatening as he got closer and inquired after her well-being. "I've been better," she called, a hint of a joke behind her words. "Seems I've sprained something."

RE: comin' around the mountain - Dovev - January 23, 2015

He moved a little closer as soon as the silver creature spoke. She seemed well enough, even if her paw was hurt.

It happens, Dovev reminded her, surveying the body part she said was twisted. Although the loner's words hid it, Dovev could see her leg was splayed out from her body at an odd angle that would undoubtedly cause pain, and perhaps even a sprain.

Can you get up?

She was still positioned behind the boulder, strewn against the dead leaves and hard ground. The snow hadn't quite reached the earth, and so even if the air was cold, they were sheltered from the sky. Still, Dovev wondered what the point of helping this rather clumsy creature would be- mistakes as dangerous as these could cost one's life. It would be better for the ivory beast to move on.

RE: comin' around the mountain - Silverfeather - January 24, 2015

[size=xx-small]Sorry I'm late![/size]

The silver fae felt a weight on her shoulders, something that could not be lifted. She had walked away from a dying wolf, and for what reason? She had been angry. From that night on she had had nightmares about the dying wolf haunting her, even after she had returned to her normal self. The sounds of talking snapped her out of her reverend, and she made her way cautiously to where she had heard them.

Silverfeather greeted both the wolves quickly, then turned to the injured one. "Please, can I help somehow?" she craned her neck to get a better look at the possible fractured or sprained leg, but was afraid to touch it without the strangers permission.

RE: comin' around the mountain - Supernova - February 02, 2015

It's okay! Thanks for joining. :)

Nova's bright yellow eyes watched the white creature warily, though she knew that to get down the mountain the rest of the way would require help. She definitely couldn't walk on her paw right now. In answer to his question, however, she stood, gingerly testing out her paw. It seared when she placed any sort of pressure on it, but her other legs were fine. "Good enough," she joked, her eyes flashing mischievously despite her predicament.

Then another appeared, a silvery girl about her own age, and asked if she could help. Nova hobbled down the slope a few yards and nodded, seating herself so the other could look at her paw. "It got trapped under me as I slid down. I don't think its broken." She had enough knowledge of her own body to know that it wasn't, but she wasn't a healer by any means.

RE: comin' around the mountain - Dovev - February 05, 2015

ok imma fade out here since i dont see much use for dovev xP

He guessed he wasn't exactly surprised to find out the female had been traveling alone, as another wolf of similar color appeared. But they weren't acquaintances, and now Dovev was wondering why he was still loitering around. Grtting his teeth, the male's eyes wandered over the small group.

The wolf knew he wouldn't be worth much in the way of help he had for the injured female. After all, she seemed fine enough after getting up and hobbling a few yards. Dovev was no empathetic creature- in fact, he had been rather amused by the silver female's ungraceful tumble down the side of the mountain.

Looks fine to me, he spoke, paying no regards to the new arrival. The arctic brute turned away after a slight nod, and began to walk off in the opposite direction.

RE: comin' around the mountain - Supernova - February 20, 2015

Since Silverfeather is gone, would you mind helping me wrap this up to 10 posts, @Dovev? Should just need one more from you, and then I'll fade.

Though there were now two wolves present, Supernova felt better with the male present. As he started to leave, the other silver creature fled, too, leaving Nova there alone. With a growl of pain, she shifted back onto her feet and began moving, hobbling ever so slowly down the mountainside. "Hey," she called toward the white wolf, wondering what on earth was going on in this place. Did everybody find a wolf wounded and then leave? "What's your name? I'm Nova."

RE: comin' around the mountain - Silverfeather - February 22, 2015

[size=x-small]Sorry! Life happened.[/size]

The silver girl looked at the paw curiously. "I'm Silver" Silverfeather was to long a name, anyway, and she wasn't one to go giving strangers her name. As Nova hobbled toward her, Silver quickly motioned for her to stop. "It might be dislocated. I can put it back in, but it will hurt. If you let me, it will be tender for a few days, and you should avoid running, or fighting. But it will get better if you care for it."

She sat warily, waiting for the strangers answer. Her eyes drifted to a bunch of dark green stalks hidden in a crevice, those should be good for pain. But she didn't get them yet.

RE: comin' around the mountain - Supernova - February 22, 2015

It's okay! :)

Nova nodded toward Silver and sat, putting all her weight on her uninjured legs and shifting so her hurt leg was free for Silver to move around. "Might as well go ahead and relocate it," she replied, lifting her leg up slightly to indicate she could touch her. Nova wasn't a pansy by any means, but she also wasn't quite prepared for whatever would come next. She had never dislocated anything before, so this was all new to her.

RE: comin' around the mountain - Dovev - February 23, 2015

haha you came back!

The wolf who had been injured addressed him, and Dovev decided to humor her. There wasn't any downsides to introducing himself, because his name would carry little ties to who he actually was.

It's Dovev. The silvery white female had staggered to her paws, but she seemed steadier now, shifting her weight from off one side. Even if it hurt. The male studied Nova for a moment, knowing walking a way from a wounded stranger would have any later karmic repercussions. He didn't see why it would, but the the arctic wolf stood frozen for a moment as he watched the other unnamed female moved to help Nova with her leg.

Do you even know what you're doing? he questioned in a soft but firm voice. You could break her leg.

RE: comin' around the mountain - Silverfeather - February 24, 2015

Silverfeather shot a death glare at Dovev, hoping to silence him. "I know what I'm doing, thank you very much." She didn't have the energy for a snappy retort, so left it at that.

She carefully grasped the girl's fore leg in her jaws, and placed her paw on the others. Silver nudged it a bit before, suddenly, violently thrusting it back into it's socket. A small pop could be heard, and Silver smiled. Job completed.

She glanced at Dovev with a 'told you so' glance, before turning back to Nova. "How does it feel?"

RE: comin' around the mountain - Supernova - February 25, 2015

Nova winced as he girl placed her jaws around her paw and yanked. With a yelp, she felt the bone pop back in place. After she was freed, Nova wiggled the foot. It still hurt, but it wasn't as bad. She tested it gingerly beneath her, putting only a little weight on it before trying it fully. It would do. "Better, thank you." She smiled at her healer. "What's your name? I owe you." As much as she hated to say it, she did owe the healer something. What that was would have to be determined later.

RE: comin' around the mountain - Dovev - March 19, 2015

I guess we should wrap this up, huh? xP

The silvery female who had been laying, hurt, on the ground seemed to have found the proper medical care from the other stranger. There was no point in being heavy-handed in his actions or judgement now, for respect of the two females of which he had no connection with.

It would be better for the two to connect anyways, since Dovev didn't, or couldn't help with much.
I should leave you two to it, then? he spoke after a moment. He had already tried leaving before, so maybe this time he could actually slip away and head back down the slopes. The sky was beginning to fade to a cool yellow as the sun set, and he wanted to get onto open ground for the night.

RE: comin' around the mountain - Supernova - April 09, 2015

Yep! Another soon?

It did not take long for her leg to be reset. It stung, and her yelped, but other than that she could gingerly put weight upon it again. With a thankful nod toward the woman who had helped her, she turned to watch the white wolf leave. What was his deal? He wouldn't even answer her question about his name, but instead offered to leave the two of them alone. "Thank you," she called again to his retreating back, appreciating his willingness to stop for an injured stranger, even if he didn't hear her words. Nova then turned to thank the woman again before hobbling off to find somewhere safer to rest.