Wolf RPG
Horizon Ridge what's left of death is more than fear - Printable Version

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what's left of death is more than fear - Caiaphas - January 20, 2015

@starlet - set on the edge of horizon ridge where it overlooks DFG

Caiaphas skulked, her head held low to the ground. Her yellow eyes, wide-rimmed and bloodshot, fell wildly on the Glacier that simmered in the horizon. Malachi -- it was him -- he had stolen Larus from the Sound.

Frothy with icy hatred for Duskfire Glacier's settlement, Caiaphas gazed upon the glacier with cold contempt riddling her muzzle. She had already suspected them of stealing Larus -- encountering Malachi's faded scent along the strand had only served to fortify her (incorrect) deduction.

For now, the wispy wretch would simmer and watch -- learn and know her enemy -- and when the time was right, she would strike them down like a bane, delivering their sorry souls into grief.

RE: what's left of death is more than fear - Starlet - January 20, 2015

The alabaster imp slunk along an expanse of exposed terrain that smelled of many stories, as did much of the other surrounding landscapes. Intrigued she was, for the curious mysteries of life were the flame to her moth. Many times her wings were singed, but never was her lesson learned. Such was the power of the she-wolf's nature- with traits engraved in stone.

It was a short time of walking the plateau before she encountered a glowering beast. Starlet trotted nonchalant, neutral-bodied, until she was within a few dozen feet. She eyed the other up and down, wondering if what she saw was wolf or coyote, or something completely new. The off coloration between the other canine's head and body distracted her, and confusion showed upon her face like an exclamation mark. She called out in a rather strident, straightforward tone, "What and who the hell are you, and why do you look so pissed off?" as if it was her personal business to know.

RE: what's left of death is more than fear - Caiaphas - January 20, 2015

omg this is going to be great!! i love your writing!

Apparently, Caiaphas' hideous hatred couldn't go without company -- seething, the dull wretch pulled an ear back as she heard the approach of another.

She was fully ready to employ all manner of lies and stories should this be a vigilant Duskfire wolf -- yet instantly, Caiaphas knew it was not a wolf of the Glacier's fold. Soothed, she eyed the frugally put-together wolf thoroughly. She didn't smell of anything other than the reek of loneliness -- with this revealed, Caiaphas indulged in a knowing smirk.

However, the unkind sneer was shortlived. The white wolf's words, impudent and brash, caused a visible recoil of offense in the narrow creature. She turned to face the white wolf wholly -- stanced as if a brawl were about to ensue. "Keep running that mouth and I'm going to take you out back and kill you." Caiaphas replied smoothly, her voice laced with potent dislike for the thing already.

RE: what's left of death is more than fear - Starlet - January 20, 2015

[size=x-small]Yusssss, they are a lovely match. x) Thanks by the way and ditto to you![/size]
Starlet's head jerked back at what seemed to her a harsh and unnecessary response. She cried out, "What's your problem? I was just asking a question." Her eyes were filled with incredulous concern, as if a lifelong friend had just lashed out at her for no reason.
She seemed completely unaware of the battle-ready one before her. Looking out to the strange lands below them, she seated her angular buttocks with a heavy thump on the cold ground. Without so much as a glance towards the other she continued the rather... informal greeting where it left off, "I'm Starlet- a proper wolf. Why does it look like somebody slapped the wrong head on your body?" In all her rudeness, there was a subtle hint of oblivious innocence, or erratic proclivity depending on viewpoint, in the girl's abrasive manner of communication.

RE: what's left of death is more than fear - Caiaphas - January 20, 2015

ok starlet's question made me cackle irl... rly loudly HAHA

Caiaphas issued a snort --of both amusement and disbelief -- as Starlet sat before her, the white wolf's eyes swollen with glittering concern. She was highly pleased with the vitriol she had issued -- and would have been content to rest her acerbic tongue were it not for the ridiculous query that shot forth from the insolent female's yawping mouth.

Caiaphas' triangular ears flew forwards immediately in outrage -- her head snapped to face Starlet with startling confrontation written across it. Even her black gums curled back in displeasure -- it seemed Duskfire was no longer the target of her withering stare. "If I wanted a bitch for company I would have brought a dog." She supplied smoothly, a smile glossing her mismatched muzzle. Brutal comebacks were a specialty of the silver coywolf's -- though inwardly, she was highly affronted by Starlet's question.

RE: what's left of death is more than fear - Starlet - January 22, 2015

[size=x-small]Glad you enjoy Starlet's rude trap, harhar ...h'okay now, let's see if I can pump out something this "early". x_x[/size]
When the unrelenting stranger spat her scorching venom, Starlet rolled her eyes and continued to stare into the vastness beneath them. The lone wolf's burning love for altercations injected a subtle dose of happiness into her soul- she practically sparkled with the coat of vitriol the other had spat upon her.
She finally looked over to the victim of her twisted hunger, and with a quizzical facade, egged her on further in the sickest sincerity, "Seriously, you can't handle a few questions? Anger problems won't get anyone anywhere in life... especially if they're already struggling with unfortunate looks."

RE: what's left of death is more than fear - Caiaphas - January 23, 2015

Nearly her entire life, the waif had received tirade after tirade of torment in regards to her countenance. Had it not been for Kaliska's razor tongue and Gluskap's whetted humor, the willowy coywolf would have been remarkably more thin-skinned.

With a glowering stare that would have made even hairy-legged Shelob scuttle backwards in alarm, Caiaphas sized her opponent. It was clear now Starlet was trying to instigate her. Caiaphas turned a slender nose to the side, a snobbish and superior smile gracing her wicked features. "Is that it?" Her riposte was uttered with beguiling honey -- and with a tactless sneer she returned the innocent lamb-eyed stare that Starlet had issued only moments prior.

RE: what's left of death is more than fear - RIP Atreyu - February 02, 2015

Hope you don't mind me for the last few posts! :D

It was the sound of bickering voices that distracted Atreyu from his exploring. With a flick of his ear, he looked up from the rock he had overturned, curiousity alighting within his pale eyes. He wasn't able to exactly pinpoint where the voices were coming with only one working ear but the ocean breeze carried the faint scent of females from further up the trail. The boy lifted his nose and followed it, intrigued and wondering if he could watch the possible catfight from afar.

Unfortunately, when he came across the two strangers, one had already turned to leave, her white behind disappearing down the trail back into the forest. The other was left standing on her lonesome, a strangely lithe creature with a coat that looked like she had submerged her head in ink. Brows slightly furrowing in wonder, the Iota slowly emerged from the shadows, giving a soft laugh as he noted her challenging stance. "Well, you showed her," he said with an impish grin.

RE: what's left of death is more than fear - Caiaphas - February 03, 2015

With Starlet sufficiently cowed by her mordant tone, Caiaphas visibly settled -- though her gaze fell sharply upon a new arrival. He was stout of build, though what Caiaphas noticed first was the detritus that littered his pelt. With her denomination sworn to the sea, it was rare she saw filth among her peers -- and shouldering a visible recoil, the wraith hissed.

His humor was met with the same acerbic qualities that Starlet had been confronted with, though this time her tongue settled. "Should I show you the direction of the sea?" She inquired, her head tilted to the side as she viewed the brambles that clung thick to his grime-ridden pelt.

RE: what's left of death is more than fear - RIP Atreyu - February 07, 2015

So often was he covered in filth, Atreyu was scarcely aware of it. He was used to his own scent and many other wolves he met either didn't notice or weren't keen to point out the state of his pelt, so he merrily carried on without bathing or cleaning himself. When the stranger withdrew, he quirked an ear in confusion. Perhaps he had frightened her? At her query, his frown deepened and he quickly glanced at the ocean, before turning back to her vivid gaze. "Wh—no..." he stuttered, a little dumbfounded. "I think I know where it is." Thank you very much.

RE: what's left of death is more than fear - Caiaphas - February 10, 2015

ty for the thread and joining it!!
Caiaphas' inquiry seemed to take the creamish wolf by surprise -- he seemed indignant for a moment, and genuinely confused. Caiaphas didn't care, raconteur that she was -- and with an unfriendly snigger, the waif rose.

"Do you? I suggest you familiarize yourself with it." She uttered cheekily, a flick of her tail given in a flippant gesture. With that the gaunt coywolf stalked off, preparing to make her way down the coast. Kevlyn would have been positively repulsed by Atreyu's coat, that much Caiaphas knew. With one last look behind her the waif trotted along the swashline, welcoming the spume that misted her thick winter ruff.

RE: what's left of death is more than fear - RIP Atreyu - February 12, 2015

You're welcome! <3

It seemed she wasn't one for conversation — at least, for today anyway. With a quiet snicker and a wave of her tail, the thin wolf collected herself and began to head back down the path, but not without another impudent suggestion that confused the boy even more. He watched her take her leave, so bewildered that he didn't even think to follow her as he was usually prone to do. When the black-headed creature had disappeared from view, Atreyu turned his own head, gazing out at the sea once more, mulling over her odd suggestions. "Do I not smell like the ocean...?" he murmured to himself before, with a furrowed brow, he too got to his paws and wandered back into the forest.