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Wapun Meadow BWP · runnin' when we hit 'em - Printable Version

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BWP · runnin' when we hit 'em - Zombie - November 18, 2013

Being kind of vague, since this is after the pack role call and I'm still not sure what's going to happen there. I just want some more Zombie threads! This is also a response to the BWP Random Event.

It was the first time since joining Bon Dye that Zombie had allowed herself to leave the borders of Blackfoot Forest, though she was still loathe to venture too far. Bad memories had built up amongst the shrieking vixens that shared the pack's home, and she needed a momentary escape. Though, she thought a bit glumly, my entire life is made up of bad memories.

Memories of her early childhood, where Zombie imagined she had spent time with a mother and a father and siblings, were fuzzy and dark. She did not remember the feelings of love and contentment that all pups must experienced, cuddled side-by-side at the warm breast and teats of their mother. If she had surviving siblings, she did not remember their names. She couldn't even remember if Zombie was what her parents had named her at birth, or if it was something she had picked up along the way. It was an odd name; perhaps her true name had been something more dainty and refined. Eloise. Skyler. Zahrah.

"It doesn't matter," she said aloud, though her voice was quiet and sullen, as she moved through the meadow that had once been her home. Both Ookaan and Bon Dye were supposed to save her from the constant abandonment, the constant running that had ruled the first year of her life. Both leaders, however, had disappeared one day without a word. And while Bon Dye might still be saved, and while Zombie bitterly hoped that it would, she couldn't help but believe that history would repeat itself.

She exhaled heavily, and threw herself to the ground to wallow in the dark feelings that had consumed her. This time, she did not lay down to die—but she wasn't sure she had it in her to ever get up again. So lost in the despair she felt, Zombie didn't notice the stale—but still somewhat fresh—ungulate droppings that lay a meter or so away from where she rested.

RE: runnin' when we hit 'em - Pied - November 18, 2013

Samesies re: vagueness...

When the scent of deer—pungent and fresh—struck her nostrils, Pied reacted both instantly and instinctually. Heart beating fast in her chest, she broke into a trot, which soon became a lope and then, eventually, became a hurtling, ground-eating gallop. Somehow, she managed to throw back her head and send three clipped barks into the air, notifying her pack mates of her position and intent, even as she broke free from the forest's borders and made a beeline in the direction of the herd's scent trail.

En route, she caught Zombie's scent, which led in the same direction. Pied smiled grimly and ducked her head, running at top speed now to reach her makeshift pack mate. She arrived at the edge of the meadow where she'd run into Ame not so long ago, yet instead of the slim lone wolf, she spotted the much more familiar Zombie. Breathing heavily now, Pied slowed her gait and jogged closer to Zombie, who threw herself to the ground abruptly. Startled, Pied hastened to the other she-wolf's side.

"Are you all right?" she asked. She sniffed and smelled no blood nor any sort of illness about Zombie's person. Perhaps she was just weary, then. "I was hoping to catch up with the herd. Do you smell it?" Pied asked a bit excitedly. "I'd like to make up for that fox," she added a bit dryly, then fell silent as she looked down on Zombie with both impatient excitement and concern written on her features.

RE: BWP · runnin' when we hit 'em - Cuan - November 18, 2013

Hope you don't mind if I hop in D:

A cool, light breeze playfully tumbled through the forest, snatching up leaves and tossing them into the fresh wind with abandon. It was kryptonite for a young wolf, not yet fully grown and still had many of his playful, puppyish qualities. The tan yearling had been lying in wait, his intent golden gaze snapping back and forth from each little flickering of light. The leaves floated like feathers, useless to the tide of the wind, providing a challenging target for Cuan. Only when he decided he could clamp his jaws down on a particular one did he spring from his prostrate position, leaping into the air to twist himself awkwardly. His maw was parted widely, canines exposed to the air as the brute tackled his target with a resounding snap, spearing the dried golden plant material upon his teeth. Leaf is jaws, Cuan fell like a stone back upon the earth, landing off-balanced and tumbling onto his side. But the puppyish omega had his prize; and with a shake of his jaws he tore the leaf to bits. But yet there were more floating above his wide-eyed stare, enticing him into a chase. Scrambling to his paws, the agouti creature galloped through the trees on a dogged chase of leaves that swirled, ducked, and buoyed just out of reach.

His paws were struggling to carry his frame, and he would often stumble or trip over a branch as his orbs were glued to the golden and red feathers above his head. He hardly noticed when the forest line broke into a meadow, save the leaves being caught in a strong gust and blown up into the endless blue sky. Tongue panting, Cuan's banner drooped, melancholy. The play was over. He quickly scanned the open expanse, and his ears perked up. Bon Dye? his nose twitched, and the omega began to trot towards the aroma. His tail wagging lowly but with happiness, he approached the two females at a slow walk. Hi guys, Cuan called out, coming to a stop near Pied, and some female he didn't really know. But the male was more interested in the rich, savory aroma that clung to the grass and the wind. It was definitely some sort of prey, and the idea of hunting made Cuan's tail wag even faster.

RE: BWP · runnin' when we hit 'em - Oracle - November 21, 2013

[size=x-small]Hey guys! :3 Is it alright if I join too?[/size]

Soft birdsong filled the air with backgrounds of lightheartedness. Streams of sunlight flickered down onto the back of a wolf, highlighting its burly shadow with contrast to crisp grass and foliage under paw. The black shape followed its owner obediently, disappearing in intervals with the cycle of cotton cumulous above. Pausing to taste the air, and every unusual taste to accompany, Oracle set travel at a slow press-paw speed. Leisurely, the male explored the world around him with acutely curious twin pools, making mental note of the unworldly habitat. His only reaction to the venue was the loosening of his muscles and the strengthening of his spirits. What a place. Previous disappointment of Neverwinter Forest, the ghost town it had been in comparison, was easily masked. To top it off, the fresh scent of caribou was hardly bearable, intoxicating him with a soft, melodic voice. Real meat. His paws lifted him into a fast trot. Maybe he was floating.

Besides a hope of food, Oracle could pick up small traces of others; a number of wolves, maybe one or two, distinguished from the wintery winds. "I've not crossed any borders, I hope," he thought with worry and a flick of his ear. Although the threat seemed miniscule, the brute had no protection of a pack. He was still alone. A lone wolf was a threat, and a threat in a pack's territory must be disposed of quickly. His tail lowered at a flash of a hostile pack...he'd stayed out of contact all these years for a reason. Anyhow, the male pressed onwards. Better to be a straggler than starve.

RE: BWP · runnin' when we hit 'em - Zombie - December 14, 2013

Hey! I don't mind continuing this if you guys are still around and want to, though I think will all the changes around here at Wolf, the BWP itself isn't happening anymore... If we'd rather wrap it up and move on to more current threads, I'm cool with that and whoever can fade it. :)

Before Zombie had a chance to even exhale twice, Pied was standing over her with a look of concern and excitement. The last time they had been alone together, things hadn't exactly gone well between them. Zombie found herself relieved that she wasn't completely written off as a companion; whatever feeling Pied had left that encounter with seemed to be gone. She wouldn't be here so concerned if she still had a grudge, right?

The thin yearling rolled back to her stomach and crept back up to all fours, sniffing the air suspiciously. She hadn't noticed the scent of deer that now seemed overwhelmingly obvious. "Oh," Zombie said, and her stomach growled as the realization that food was nearby sank in. "I'm fine," she assured her pack mate.

"Do you think we can take one down by ourselves?" she wondered aloud. Anxiety crept up and tightened in her throat as she finished the question, though she determinedly hid it from her posture. What would they think of her when they found out she really didn't have much practice hunting? She had the instinct, of course, and knew the general tactics. But she was bound to be a little clumsy, and probably lacked the nuance of strategy that the rest of the world likely had.

It was then that two males approached, neither of which were familiar. Zombie moved to a defensive position instinctively, ready to fight them off if it came to that, but she glanced at Pied to see what her pack mate would do before she got aggressive and did something foolish.

RE: BWP · runnin' when we hit 'em - Pied - December 17, 2013

This can work as a conclusive post or the others can add their wraps to it. :)

Zombie proved to be absolutely fine, so Pied let go of her unnecessary concern and focused her absolute attention upon the hunting opportunity at hand. "We're going to find out," she replied to her pack mate's question, trading a sober glance with the other she-wolf. They couldn't let this chance pass them by without even attempting to hunt. "Let's—"

The arrival of Cuan, then another male—this one a total stranger—made her look up sharply, her body going rigid. When she recognized the Omega, she woofed to him, her tail giving a brief salute. It stilled, however, as the other wolf approached. Pied stood up straighter, leaning closer to Zombie and using her body language to signal for Cuan to come to her. She then warily eyed the male, who didn't seem to have any ill intentions from what she could tell...

"You haven't," Pied confirmed after a slight pause. Although they could use the males' help, Pied hesitated at the idea of hunting with a stranger. Hunger and desperation almost instantly won out, though, and she added, "We were just planning on tracking the herd we scented. You two should join us; that way, we'll have pretty good odds of taking something down." Her brows lifted, wondering if Cuan and the nameless male would agree.

Without wasting another second, Pied then swiveled and nudged Zombie's shoulder. "Let's go," she said, completing her earlier disrupted sentence. She exchanged a glance with all three before heading out on the game trail, determined to do whatever it took to put even one mouthful of food in her achingly empty belly.