Wolf RPG
Otter Creek charcoal angel - Printable Version

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charcoal angel - Silverbone - January 21, 2015

for @Crescendo , if you want.

Silver Bone sat by the Creek, fishing. Her posture was careful as not to be hunched over- it wasn't good for her back. By her side was a pile of five fish. She'd been fishing maybe fifteen minutes. All the fish were kind of small though, however, not super tiny. Her silver eye matched the clear water beautifully, her green matching the grass by the Creek. She watched the water intently. Her bicolor eyes darted along, looking for the next fish. She saw one little silvery one heading downstream this way. Her jaws flashed out and forward, digging into the fish. Small strings of blood floated from where her fangs punctured scales. She slapped the dying creature on her growing pile. Making progress.

RE: covered in leather and gold - Crescendo - January 21, 2015

Something dark moved through the trees, flowing through them effortlessly, like water. Huge dark paws made no sound as they struck cold earth, silver eyes searched the trees for the source of that enticing scent. The gurgling river was the source, beside it a lovely little fae. The shadow did not reveal itself yet, but stayed, eyes on the girl. Not quite the white ghost he had imagined, but...

"Hello, pretty one." Crescendo spoke, a low rumble. He emerged from the tree's, hungry eyes on the fae. It had been so long before he had enjoyed the company of such a fae, and his eyes gleamed with lust and hunger.

RE: covered in leather and gold - Silverbone - January 22, 2015

Silver Bone's bicolor eyes left the stream as her thin face turned to look at the source of the compliment. Immediately she felt her face heat up nervously at the sight on him, feeling something stir inside. What was this feeling? He was strong and dark, with silver eyes like copies of her right eye. He was tall and muscular. "H-hey there, Gorgeous." She stuttered nervously. In her mind she slapped herself for having no good reply to an attractive gentleman. "So... Whatcha up to?" She said in a sweet voice with a cute little smile on her lips. Although Bone had been learned to conceal emotions like sadness, anger, and pain back at home, she had never been taught to hide love. Although Bone thought she was doing well, her eyes looked lovestruck and dreamy.

RE: covered in leather and gold - Crescendo - January 22, 2015


The huge brute smiled, watching as the fae stuttered, then glanced quickly to her eyes. Easy prey. Now that he was closer, Crescendo noted the beauty of this fae in the earnest. "I decided to talk a little walk, and on a stroke of luck encountered you. It is truly humbling to be in the presence of such a beautiful fae." He bowed his head, hiding for a second the look in his eyes. When he looked back up, the were friendly and kind once more. "Pray tell, what is your name, silver beauty?"

RE: covered in leather and gold - Silverbone - January 22, 2015

If Bone were human, you would've seen her blush again when he complimented her. Her bicolor eyes stared deep into his, drowning in his kind silver orbs. "I am just as lucky to be in the presence of such a handsome man." She said dreamily with a cute smile. "I am Silver Bone Ravenfeather. But you can just call me Bone. Or Silver. Whichever you prefer. And you?" She said, the dreamy smile glued to her face, trying to conceal a few reasonless girly giggles. She was a young teenage girl, at least in dog years, (which I assume are similar to wolf years?) and she was prone to getting a crush very easily.

RE: covered in leather and gold - Crescendo - January 24, 2015

Crescendo's hungry eyes glinted, but quickly regained their kindness. "Silver Bone. A fitting name for such a beauty." he murmured softly, but loud enough for her to hear. He stalked forward until he was beside her, his muzzle close to her velvety ear. "I, am Crescendo" he whispered softly, allowing his muzzle to touch hers briefly as he withdrew, silver eyes glowing in the falling darkness. His huge dark body would soon blend in to the dark night, if he closed his eyes, he would be invisible.

RE: covered in leather and gold - Silverbone - January 26, 2015

She continued to blush in nervousness. Crescendo. It sounded long and fancy. And it sounded like crescent, like the moon. Like his eyes. His eyes were silver like the moon, and Bone was drowning in them, not noticing the momentary hunger. "Crescendo.. I like it. It fits you." She said cooly, her eyes half closed dreamily. The sun was setting, the perfect romantic scene, even though this was just a crush. But Bone didn't care what it was, she thought he was hot.