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Otatso Wetlands yellow aura - Printable Version

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yellow aura - Autumn - January 21, 2015

@Kesik I hope this location is okay with you :)

[size=large]Autumn's jet black paws were now brownish with wet squishy mud. She roamed through the Wetlands. She didn't like the stink, but the place had a strange and mysterious feel to it that she liked. Besides, why not come here if she was close? Autumn was trying to completely explore and map out the deatils of the Wilds. This was her second time around, and she felt like she'd barely learned anything on her first go around. She had met a lot of folks though. Friendly folks, neutral folks, mean folks, folks who thought she was an afternoon snack. She gulped at the thought of that. But mostly nice people, most wolves, who had been accepting of her despite her different species. Although she did wish there were more foxes around here, the area was dominated by wolves. [/size]

RE: yellow aura - Kesik - January 22, 2015

Kesik couldn't say he liked this place exactly, but if you looked closely, there where a variety of strange creatures running around. But what had truly drawn him to this swamp was a scent, a small tuft of red fur snagged on a crooked bush. The scent was become more tantalizing, more real, and Kesik caught a blur of red up ahead. He gasped, the smell of fox evident now. Glancing worriedly at the little mouse held in his jaws, he hoped it was an appropriate gift. He gave a little yip and approached the beautiful flame red fox. He stepped forward and bowed his head."Greeting ma'am. I am Kesik." He smiled at her, head lifted from the little bow. "It is truly a honor to meet another fox in these forests."

RE: yellow aura - Autumn - January 25, 2015

Her head turned at a smooth male voice. Autumn looked with surprise upon another fox- just what she'd been hoping to see. She hadn't really met any foxes in the Wilds besides her family. But he was no ordinary fox- he was patchy black and white, an odd look. She'd never seen a fox like this, but his large ears and pointy face made it clear he was a vulpine. Nice to meet you Kesik, and yeah. I haven't seen many foxes around here, but lots of wolves. I'm Autumn. She introduced herself to Kesik with a little smile. How ironic that she would meet a fox just after thinking about one.

RE: yellow aura - Kesik - February 06, 2015

Kesik smiled warmly. "A fitting name, Autumn" He picked up the little mouse he had brought and motioned for her to take it. He placed it front of her paws, hoping the plump little thing was an appropriate gift. "For you. I hope it's good enough" he said worriedly. The fox was very pretty, he noted again. Her eyes seemed so full of life, so happy.

RE: yellow aura - Autumn - February 08, 2015

Autumn smiled at the patchy-but-handsome young man as he passed her gift. Her orange eyes grateful for it. Of course it's good enough. She chuckled to him, glancing at the mouse. She knew it was rude to eat without offering some to the other, so she gently nudged it towards the middle. Do you want to share? I wouldn't want to leave you with nothing to eat. She asked the black, white, and grey gentleman.

RE: yellow aura - Kesik - February 27, 2015

"No, it is fine. I have eaten earlier" without a twinge of guilt, he remembered the doe he had stolen some of earlier. He cleaned some of the filth off of his front paw, delicately. "Ma'am, please do not think it to forward of me, but...would you care to travel with me? It has been long since I have been in the company of another, never mind such a beautiful one." He looked away, his cheeks hot with embarrassment. Around this pretty girl he felt a strange awkwardness, a huge fear he would do something wrong.

RE: yellow aura - Autumn - February 27, 2015

She nodded as he said he'd already eaten and began to eat her food, until he suggested something. Her mouth was full but her eyes seemed to fill with a bit more joy at every word. Another fox, who was willing to travel with her? And... He'd called her beautiful. Nobody, at least not a handsome young vulpine, had ever before called her beautiful like this. Suddenly instead of a brave traveler, Autumn was what she really was- a nervous young teen who was almost an adult and completely alone. She giggled nervously after swallowing. I... Of course, Kesik! If you are willing to travel with me I would go anywhere with you. She said, realizing immediately how quickly this had moved along, yet realizing as well why she was drawn to Kesik too. She was young and alone, he was young and alone, he was a handsome gentleman, and he was willing to travel with her. Perfect.

RE: yellow aura - Kesik - February 28, 2015

"I would go anywhere with you"

Kesik smiled shyly, and dipped his head to the girl. "Thank you, Autumn. I was hoping to visit the coast, as I have never been. That is, if you would like to" Kesik realized then that he really like this girl. She was like a bubble of happiness, and her smile was contagious. A broad grin broke out on his face, and he gazed at her happily. She, in his eyes, was perfect.

He wanted to get out of this swamp as soon as possible, for he hated the muck. He felt like he would misstep and sink under the boggy earth. He awaited eagerly for Autumn's answer.

RE: yellow aura - Autumn - February 28, 2015

last post for Autumn! I'll get our next thread started near here.

She nodded as he said he'd like to visit the coast. She'd been twice, but hadn't stayed for long- it was the coast where her one enemy in the Wilds resided, that black-headed coywolf she thought might be Caiaphas based on that child's words. Too bad the poor boy was probably still trapped with that jerk mutt. Little did Autumn know he was missing. She turned her attention back to Kesik. Yeah, I've been, but it would be better with you by me. Let's go, Kesik? It's pretty mucky here. She said, feeling the same about Otatso Wetlands as Kesik. The mud and smelliness were not a good combination for the new friends who were soon to be perhaps more than friends. As soon as he agreed, if he did, she would begin away from the swamp, trusting her traveling partner to follow.

RE: yellow aura - Kesik - February 28, 2015

With another smile Kesik bound after his new love friend in true fox fashion. Eager to get out of the muck, the male allowed her to lead the way, sneaking glances when the wasn't looking at him. His heart swelled with happiness, and soon the two were little more then dots in the distance, far from the disgusting muck. Finally, he had found what he was looking for.