Wolf RPG
We don't meet people by accident... - Printable Version

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We don't meet people by accident... - Shalon - January 21, 2015

hey @Scarlett here we go... anyone is welcome to join btw

Shalon had mad her way around a part of the boarder, not all the around yet, but she would continue her journey in the coming days. Although she found herself curious as to the rest of the territory, she headed toward the heart of the land. Her keen amber orbs constantly roaming as she tried to catch ever new sight within her new home. Her nose twitched and she huffed slightly as all the new scents tickled her nostrils. Shalon felt like a pup once more, even the snow was authentic to her memories. Her off white paws trotted atop the firm top coating of snow. She wasn't in any particular hurry, but her excitement made her to antsy to merely walk. Her ink dipped tail swayed back and forth as her enthusiasm increased. Although other than her gaunt and her tail there were no out world signs of her excitement, she looked more alert than excited.

Coming to a small break in the trees Shalon paused to take a look around. It was the perfect place to find privacy, at least she thought it was. Slowly lowering herself to the ground Shalon sat back on her hind legs coming to a sitting position. She lifted her head to looked toward the black sky that was spattered with the sparkling of the stars. Each on coming to form a sort of pattern in the sky, and the moon was bright as there were no clouds to block its shine. Shalon felt the calm of relaxation come over her, her tail curling around her paws keeping them warm. With a sigh she allowed herself to relax becoming oblivious to her surrounding, although she wasn't easily startled.

RE: We don't meet people by accident... - Scarlett - January 22, 2015

Thank you! Quick reply before school sorry for any errors!

Scarlett laid in her den but it was so empty without her adoptive daughter next to her. Néa better have a good reason for leaving without a word. Scarlett was worried sick. Her little one was just gone and might never returned. It felt like she failed being a mother. She couldn't even keep track of a teenager. With that thought process the female really couldn't get her night's rest. A tired yawn came from her mouth. Once she pulled herself from her den. Her limps were stretched. The albino female was determined to search once more for her precious little one. Although, Néa was getting pretty adult size by now.

The white female ran through the trees on a slow galloping pace to safe energy. Her red eyes looking in each direction, her ears scanning for anything familiar and her nose taking in ever scent. Scarlett only found a very old scent of the youngster, along with one of her own. A sigh left her lips. Scarlett was growing desperate. She decided to go on. What Scarlett did find was a new scent of a wolf she didn't know. For the sake of her distraction of mind Scarlett followed it. Her paws walking the exact path the other female had.

Scarlett decided that she could use an adult friend. It didn't take look when she spotted the female. The albino made sure to make some puffs and grunts so she didn't startle the other. "Good evening," she greeted politely and with a kind smile on her maw. Scarlett pushed her worries away. "Welcome to the pack I don't think we have met yet," the white female continued on a warm tone. "I'm Scarlett. If you want a warm place to rest for tonight I can offer you a spot in my den? It will be cold tonight." Scarlett loved to create a family vibe. It would only make their bonds stronger and it would help them through difficult times.

RE: We don't meet people by accident... - Shalon - February 01, 2015

The soft paw prints that approached the multi-hued female did not alert her to the presenec of another, instead the heavy breathing pulled Shalon from the somewhere she had wandered to. Turning toward the sound the had 'awoken' her, her ears perked forward at the albino female, they were rare to see but always impressive with their alabaster coat. "Good evening." Shalon replied in kind, a small smile on her lips, and a small dip of her head in further greeting. Although she was evidently surprised at the idea of someone offering their den to her. To be honest she hadn't thought about where she would stay for the evening. "Umm... Thank you. That is very kind of you, it had slipped my mind. Finding a place to sleep that is." Suddenly ashamed at her forgetfulness Shalon rose to her feet ready to follow the female.

I am SO SORRY! I've just started exams!! I've been studying.

RE: We don't meet people by accident... - Scarlett - February 01, 2015

Scarlett tugged her lips into a friendly smile. "Often getting into a pack is troublesome enough for a mind, true," she returned. "That is why I offered." The pale female casted her red eyes over the other female. Surely they were strangers for now, but she was a packmate and Scarlett felt like she should also take care of the ones that recently joined. She was the caretaker after all.

"You didn't tell me you name yet," she then returned with a soft chuckle. It must be quite shocking to have a stranger come up and get offered a place to sleep. Scarlett wouldn't mind getting to know this female more. The multicolored female seemed friendly. Scarlett was a kind female. One and one makes two after all.

Not to worry! :D

RE: We don't meet people by accident... - Shalon - February 01, 2015

Shalon smiled kindly toward the other female, "Thank you, it is much appreciated." Shalon spoke shyly, she had not known kindness like this from her native pack and it was a strange feeling indeed.

"Oh how rude of me." She to chukled at her own forgetfulness. "I am called Shalon." She nodded her head in greeting, "If I may ask you name in return?" She glanced toward the albino. Now standing in front of her.

RE: We don't meet people by accident... - Scarlett - February 01, 2015

Scarlett bobbed her head in reply. She liked helping out new wolves in their pack. So far she intercepted them all. That sounded bad. Scarlett just liked to greet them all once they were welcomed. The albino liked to give them a warm welcome. It might give them a reason to stay. "Nice to meet you, Shalon," she hummed in return. Scarlett briefly frowned. "I thought I mention it. Although I do talk fast," she chuckled.

"I'm Scarlett," she introduced once more. The pale female then turned. "My den is this way, a stream is close by so there you can quench your thirst if needed." The albino swayed her tail in a pleased manner. Shalon wasn't a youngster but it still felt good to make sure everyone in their pack was taken care of.