Wolf RPG
Ouroboros Spine Up On Melancholy Hill (J) - Printable Version

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Up On Melancholy Hill (J) - Gaiban - January 22, 2015

Gaiban walked through the forest, thinking about everything. But. It was strange. He thought of everything, and nothing, all at once. Then, all of a sudden, his thoughts drifted to why he was thinking in the first place. Gaiban was a very logical person, so questions with philosophical meanings puzzled him.

Suddenly, Gaiban heard a rustle. "Hmm." Gaiban walked back about 20 yards, then flopped himself in the dirt. This would help better camouflage his white fur. Then, creeping slowly, He pounced on the animal hiding in the bushes. It turned out to be a squirrel. A fair meal. Gaiban swallowed it, then crushed one of it's ribs for fun.

Gaiban didn't mean the mutilation of the squirrels bones in an evil way, but he loved the composition, and the Symmetry of it's bones. Then, he looked up. He saw a strange group of wolves in the distance.

Gaiban's fur bristled. he caught the scent of wolves. He approached slowly, smelling the air for any signs he was detected.
"I just hope my camouflage doesn't wear off." He whispered to himself.

He had heard stories that this pack was territorial. He formed a plan quickly in his head.

Gaiban decided that he would sneak in, grab some food, and book it! He was proud of his own cleverness. He wanted one of the bony animals from the food cache, so he could play with their ribs, maybe keep one as a sueveneir . Yeah. his plan was ready for action! Gaiban snuck into the pack, his eyes peeled constantly for any sort of movement. He knew if he were to be attacked, this would be the end of him.

Gaiban's eyes flew around more franticaly, thoughts racing through him. He kept coming back to the thought of them ganging up on him, tearing him to shreds. His bones breaking.
Him being eaten alive.
He howled. He knew the pack ranks were coming. The wolf layed down near some bushes, hoping his body size, and fur color didn't screw him over again. 'No!' he thought to himself. 'I layed down in the snow! The dirt on his fur was the thing, that might end him.

RE: Up On Melancholy Hill (J) - Kaname - January 22, 2015

They had a lot of visitors at their doorstep, something that both pleased and worried Kaname. Pleased in the sense that there was more wolves to help feed their Queen and their Princes/Princesses while they were too young to hunt for themselves, but worried for the fact that anyone of them could be some kind of spy or ally of Mara. Who knew.

He saw one such visitor lurking on their borders, catching a squirrel and playing with the carcass, toying with it before howling and failing to hide. Kaname scoffed, hoping he wasn't just some idiot trying to intrude, and just some confused loner. He didn't feel like getting blood on his paws, for once.

The Beta travelled down the slope towards him, eyes narrowed suspiciously before he approached the wolf's "hiding" spot. "What are you doing here? Speak." he hissed.

RE: Up On Melancholy Hill (J) - Gaiban - January 23, 2015

Gaiban shivered when a wolf walked toward him. He obviously had no chance. He had to make a plan. Something.
"I wanna Join?" He asked, unsure of his own reasoning.
"I was lost-and-and wild animals keep attacking me-and-and. I'm scared!" Gaiban wailed in a whirlwind of words. Then, he calmed himself down and asked a question.
"Does my fur look dumb?" He sniffed.

For some reason, after dumping the words onto this wolf, he could maybe.. Have a family. But this was nonsense. Internal conflict paraded through Gaiban's thoughts about what he just said.

RE: Up On Melancholy Hill (J) - Cara - January 23, 2015

/cara cameo because I could not resist -- alisha please tell me if this is not ok

[size=medium]"in the land of gods and monsters,
I was an angel"

[size=small]With a stong sense of hunger gnawing at her stomach, the proud Queen of the Spine rose herself from the comfortable spot she had been laying in, simply absorbing the sun like some sort of reptile -- a title many that had met her wouldn't hesitate to attribute. Though she did tend to make a habit to use her viperine tongue and toxic words against her enemies, as of late, the serpents poison had gone unused.

Quickly, like a snake that slided through the high grass, the female slithered to the nearest cache, which cointidentially happened to be close to the two males. Inevitably, her ears picked up on a familiar voice speaking to one she could not put a name to. This simple fact was enough to drive the hungry viper to stop in her tracks and turn her attention towards the conversation. Though she was not near enough to be spotted , she was still close enough to eavesdrop on the males.

With her ears pricked in interest, she listened as the stranger, a young loner with smudges of brown clashing against his white coat, mumbled somwething about beig interested in joining. While juveniles were to some more of a burden, for Cara, who was merely a yearling on her own, age did not weigh against one's abilities.
While she fully trusted the brown Beta to make the right judgement, she wouldn't get to comfortable just in case she had to step in.
Being as protective and hostile as he was Cara just hoped her mate would share this same ideology..

/end cameo

RE: Up On Melancholy Hill (J) - Kaname - January 31, 2015

*finally answers* I'm so sorry, had a lot going on. DX

The Beta barely registered his mate's quick arrival and disappearance. His ears flicked towards the sound of her movement, but they quickly pushed forward as they listened to the wolf's babbling. Kaname sighed, outwardly showing his annoyance. "Calm down and make sense. No, your fur does not look dumb." He gritted his teeth together.

"If you want to join, tell me what you can offer the pack first." Here's to hoping he wasn't aspiring to being a gamekeeper. If he was being attacked by animals like he had claimed then he was better not plying for that trade.

RE: Up On Melancholy Hill (J) - Gaiban - February 01, 2015

Gaiban paused, thinking. He knew wrong answer knew hell the next few months. He took a deep breath. This was Gaiban's time to shine.
"well.. I can.. I. I killed a good sized skunk awhile ago.." Gaiban ran back a good 20 yards, returning with a skull. "I was saving this!" Gaiban's Innosence shone through. He spit out the skull, frowning. "Look, I am not going to make it much longer. But, maybe you know my mother, Aryana? She died..." Gaiban couldn't do anything! He was at the mercy of this animal, and he was too little to do anything about it.

RE: Up On Melancholy Hill (J) - Kaname - February 02, 2015

From what he added at the end, Kaname created a theory on how this young, naïve, inexperienced wolf managed to get himself here. His mother must have died a while ago, leaving the young wolf orphaned, confused and alone. Kaname sighed, shaking his head.

"Look, I don't know your mother." He started, closing the distance between them. "Even though you can't do much now, you're still young. Instead of being a full member, you would only be a juvenile, and the members of the pack will help you learn to take care of yourself." The assassin hoped that someone would become a mentor to the young man, because he seemed to need a parental figure in his life.

"Come with me and I'll show you around, then you can pick out a den for yourself and move in, alright?" He didn't see the harm in letting such a young man in, even if he seemed, honestly, useless. They were going to have a pack hunt soon, so if he stayed long enough, he could tag along and learn how to hunt for himself.

RE: Up On Melancholy Hill (J) - Cara - February 02, 2015

edit: we should get this wrapped -- last post? @Kaname
meep meep cara will stalk you two for funsies
feel free to skip me in any round for Cara is simply watching huehueheue
[size=medium]"in the land of gods and monsters,
I was an angel"

[size=small]Like gargoyle perched atop a roof, Cara remained rooted to the spot. While she was still concealed from their eyes (given that they didn't pay too much attention to the snow mounds she took as cover) she was still at hearing range. Only the pallid hue of her eyes and the tenous marking that lined her forehead stood out against the immaculate layer of white.
Still, with her head ducked and her ears tilted at an angle she was nothing but another mound or boulder to the careless eyes of the males.

She watched them intently, her gaze shifting from one to the other as they both interacted, Kaname with his usual stoicism and the young boy with a refreshing energy that made the Queen snort in amusement.
Suddenly, the mud-stained younster reeled back from Kaname, and Cara, thinking that perhaps he had been spooked or that she had been unluckily spotted flattened herself to the floor and waited for either the Beta or the stranger to shoot a glance in her direction.

However, she was again surprised.
Not only did she remain unseen but she also was able to witness yet another of the young male's feats. As fast as he had shot out of the picture he had returned, this time carrying what seemed to be a skull of some sort. A kill he had allegedly done on his own. Amused by the enthusiasm he reflected at his prideful declaration she brushed her tail over the snow, and shifted to look at Kaname now.

While the fact that Kaname would soon become a paternal figure was implied by the nature of their arrangement the thought of seeing Kaname --the fierce, and hostile Kaname-- act as a father was something that had not yet been able to cross through Cara's thick skull.
Hence the fact the sudden gentleness, or rather calmness with which he easily accepted the youngling into the ranks took the Queen by surprise; once again.

This simple, and uninterrupted event in which she was merely a spectator was perhaps strong enough to twist and strenghten a little further the certainty that both her and the assasin were not as far from the requirements the role of parents asked for...

RE: Up On Melancholy Hill (J) - Gaiban - February 03, 2015

Gaiban stared in the direction of Kaname, stars in his eyes. He began to stutter with juvenile exitement.
"I-I could be-" Words failed Gaiban, as he stared into the somehow calming blue eyes of Kaname. One word escaped gaiban's mouth.
"Family?" Gaiban began to show his teeth with enthusiasm as his tail wagged, so aggressively that his entire body wiggled with each forceful motion. Gaiban was so excited he could hold it no more. He dropped to the ground holding his rear end high into the air. He then bolted around the proximity of Kaname, running circles around him.

RE: Up On Melancholy Hill (J) - Kaname - February 16, 2015

Last post (sorry this took so long)

Kaname smiled at the young man's enthusiasm. He had seemingly limitless energy, something they could use here in a sea of adults. The assassin walked slowly compared to the younger man's continuing circles. Sensing his mate's presence, the Beta looked up, seeing a pale figure watching them. He smiled at her, and then kept leading Gaiban to the interior of his new home. It would be a slow process, with him walking cautiously and Gaiban running around exerting his boundless energy, but they would get there eventually.