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Duskfire Glacier Sittin' quiet and still - Printable Version

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Sittin' quiet and still - Adlartok - January 22, 2015

[size=x-small] @Maera backdated a bit[/size]

Artok walked through the pack lands a smile on his face. He was finding his niche, here. He had yet to meet any of the wolves near his own age, but he hoped too. He wasn't really a social wolf, but it was good to know who he was providing for. He was also hoping to observe them. Maybe he could get a look of how he should be acting, rather than how he acted.

He couldn't deny that he was strange wolf. He was not emotional, he was rather cold and unfeeling in a strange way. Which wasn't exactly true, he had been normal once. Sensitive and eager to learn, but as a child of circumstance he had learned quickly how to behave to get the best results from his uncle. He missed his uncle he couldn't wait to see him again, if he ever did. Though he wasn't sure if he would follow him again, he was liking it here on the glacier.

RE: Sittin' quiet and still - Maera - January 22, 2015

sorry if its crappy ;___;
[size=large]"lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones"[/size]
If it was some type of guidance what the young teen seeked by wanting to relate with other youngsters Maera was not the answer. As a middle child with no siblings to prove it, the young fire child was as awkward as one could get. Though she liked to think that this gave her an edge (under the logic that the more time she had spent with adults would make her more mature) she was completely wrong. A child in manners and gestures, the Sveijarn was far from mature -- her rash actions and secresy serving as clear evidence.

Without knowing she was being object of one of the Glacier wolves plans of the day, the teen went on with her daily routine. Which of now you would know consisted of scanning the perimeter, taking food to her newly returned mother, and picking any object along the road.
Today the pickings had not been particularly interesting, aside from a velveteen feather she recognized as an owls' the girl was left empty handed.

With the feather tightly clutched at her jaws she began to weave her way back to her favorite childhood place -- the Ultraconfidential Girl Club, which had recently moved its settlements to a den rather than the old log. With all the awkward changes going on in her mind and body the narrow space would have most probably turned into her death trap.

The place had remained off the other Glacier wolves radars for a while, only having the disappeared Arabella and Scarlett as witnesses.
And now, if her nose didn't pick up on her pursuer soon, another name would be added to the restricted list..

RE: Sittin' quiet and still - Adlartok - January 23, 2015

Artok continued on and he was momentarily blindsided by a sight of fire colored fur. He stared at her for a moment and chuffed to let her know he was there. Her fur color was so interesting, he couldn't help but stare. The wolves he had seen were gray and white or black. This she wolf was red, bright red. Like the sun in the morning before a storm.

He shifted and stood still just watching, he had let her know he was near. Now it was her choice whether or not she talked to him. Wonder which this one was Maera or Nea, Scarlett had told him about both of them. He wasn't sure what they looked like though.

RE: Sittin' quiet and still - Maera - January 25, 2015

[size=large]"lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones"[/size]

[size=small]With the feather still clutched firmly between her teeth the young female inadvertedly slinked past the equally lonesome Adlartok. While she had failed to awknowlegde his scent by the simple fact the wind was favoring him and her mind was (as usual) wrapped in the clouds, the sound of his call was almost enough to make her shit herself. A loud growl of fear and surprise exited from her mouth as she brusquely turned her head to meet the male with defensive eyes. Aside from her siblings, or course, and Nea -- a female Maera had little interest on -- she had never encountered a wolf that matched her undeveloped semblance or awkward stance.

But far from finding this relieving, the young Sveijarn found it quite surprising. What did he expect from her? ".. Who are you?" she barked accusingly, the owl feather now dangling in her mouth like a cigarette.
In her mind, where things were painted rosy pink to hide the ugliness, she was an adult, not a child. And though it was obvious the boy standing in front of her was her equal she did not see it as such.
She was an adult.
At least in her mind she was.

RE: Sittin' quiet and still - Adlartok - January 26, 2015

Artok back pedaled quickly at her growl. He hadn't meant to startle her at all. Then when she looked at him, he was surprised by her beauty. It was a small thought fleeting and gone as quick as it had come.

He froze for a moment and tilted ears back to his head. He hadn't wanted to make her all angry and blustery. He had just wanted to say hello. And it wasn't like she had to talk to him, she could have ignored him. It wasn't like he expected her to suffer through his company if she didn't want it. I'm Adlartok Arrluk. Malachi accepted me. He grew quiet and simply waited.

RE: Sittin' quiet and still - Maera - January 26, 2015

[size=large]"lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones"[/size]

[size=small]It was useless to deny that the boy's looks didn't spike an interest in Maera as well. While it was a far different type of interest that she held in her eyes she ,too, could not help but stare at the painfully reminiscent shades of platinum that coated his body in a way that resembled not only her long lost sister, but her absent father.
With the small whiskers on her nose twitching with amusement the Sveiajrn watched the boy reel away from her as she turned.

While she had not meant to react in such way his abrupt call had not left much choice. Even if she in fact, did not hold the obligation to talk to him she was not about to let the oddly not-so-annoying-male go by (nearer to her secret den!) without asking a couple of questions first.

As the remaining princess of the Glacier and a totally non-child, she felt the need to question the stranger. While Malachi might hold rule over the Glacier according to pack's standards and traditions, it was her blood which had founded the pack. And it would forever be so.
"Right", she answered after dangling the feather dramatically between her teeth before continuing, "Well, I'm Maera and this is kinda my Palace."
Now that was a good introduction.
Now he couldn't get it wrong.

A few seconds after the proud declaration had left her mouth the fiery adolescent raised her tail -- half meaning to impose a bit of dominace over him (something she was mirrowing from othe adults) and half wanting to give the guy a princess-like wave of her tail to hint that for now, he was being a good shining knight.


RE: Sittin' quiet and still - Adlartok - January 28, 2015

Artok gave her a small smile, boyish, but kind. He wondered at the way she studied his colors. Malachi was similar to him, he thought though he held darker colors too. The others he had met were white or black. He supposed in a way his pelt was unusual.

Artok stared at her for a moment. You're palace. You're a princess. Is malachi your dad? That was the only logical explanation to the boy. He didn't think Malachi had been old enough to father children, but maybe he was. It had to be that, because he was the alpha, only alpha's had children usually right? Well Met Maera, you can call me AD or Tok if it's easier.

RE: Sittin' quiet and still - Maera - January 30, 2015

[size=large]"lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones"[/size]

[size=small]In all truth, Maera did not think of his coat as special. The term 'special' was well, special all by itself and as a teen of few connections and many criticism she abstained from attributing the adjetive to things other than her immediate family and the objects she stored for them. It would be a shame for him to one day realize that silver and gray dominated greatly the population of the Teekon Wilds.
And it would a shame for Maera to realize that this meant that her father and sister were small specks in a sea of grey; one that would be impossible for her to navigate alone.

Your palace, he answered, an affirmation that was quickly reasurred by a nod of head. The Glacier belonged to the Sveijarns alone. It had been like that since the beginning and in time it would be so again.
You're a princess, he added, earning another nod this time accompanied with a prideful smile. Even if the crown would legitimally belong to her eldest sister, in her tragic absence, it was Maera who would wear the title she had left behind.
Is Malachi your dad? As quickly as he had begun to win the female's liking over he shattered it all. In an exaggerate huff she emptied her lungs, throwing a little steam cloud in his direction. "No," she barked, her tone holding the same sharpness of the cold that surrounded them.

"My dad is Njal Sveijarn, founder of this pack" she barked, as if expecting the name of her father to be inmediately recognized by the male. It was not the first time she played the 'My daddy is..' card but it would hopefully be the first time it worked.


RE: Sittin' quiet and still - Adlartok - February 01, 2015

At least here in this pack his coat was unusual. He knew it wasn't often the case, and he didn't think of himself as special. Would never think of himself as special. He was an infection after all, his uncle had christened him such. Once you were told something enough you believed it. That was true for the majestic boy.

Artok stared at her and his legs went stiff and his ears forward. he snorted, Well you don't have to be rude about it. It was just a question. I apologize if it offended you. He shook his head at her. He thought he would get along with her, clearly he was wrong. He studied her for a moment.

Well I wouldn't have known that would I have. YOu know what. Good Day Princess. He said the last part exaggerated and turning his body, he strode back the way he had come. Away from her and her irritating self-righteousness. He hated someone who felt entitled, they were nothing but ass holes.

RE: Sittin' quiet and still - Maera - February 04, 2015

aw *slaps maera for flushing down a potential much-needed friendship*
[size=large]"lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones"[/size]

[size=small]The beauty that Adlartok had initially seen had been quickly outshined by the beast that lied in the depths of the fiery teen's soul. While her answer was snappy and pompously made to raise her 'importance', it didn't compare with the sudden roughness with which he snapped back.

Though he initially apologized for the confusion it was almost a second later that he tried to excuse himself for her presence. Tried.
Now that he had stopped her from her activities, and secretly caught a bit of her interest, he wouldn't escape so easily. Out of all the faces that had simply walked away from her as she helpessly watched go, his wouldn't make the list. "You know what, I don't care! " she called through the dangling owl feather still clutched between her lips. Then, with a sudden determination, and a sense of superior 'wisdom' in the subject she began to trail behind him, "As soon as you mess up you walk away so why don't you walk away from life and save yourself the trouble!" she retorted with annoyance. Despite the obvious haste with which he tried to walk away, Maera stuck by, she knew goodbyes very well, and though she didn't even truly have any sort of bond to the guy she was still reluctant to say goodbye, because in the end she perhaps, did care.[/SIZE]

RE: Sittin' quiet and still - Adlartok - February 06, 2015

Artok swung to face her, anger chiseled in the lines of his face. He spoke sharply to her, his eyes flashing at her. If you didn't care you wouldn't be following me Princess. He stepped forward a bit menacing, he would never hurt her. But she needed to realize she was messing with a beast.

Fight fire with fire right? And she had enough flame in that coat and in that sharp tongue to burn down the forest. I didn't mess up. I asked a question and you immediately acted like you are the queen bitch of the glacier. And maybe your dad started this pack and maybe your mom did too. But guess what you are no better than anyone else until you prove you worth at least not to me. And from where I'm standing, you aren't doing jack. So grow up and put your big girl fur on and stop acting like a coddled, annoying, entitled female and maybe, maybe i'll stick around next time. With that he turned his back again and promptly started to walk away.

RE: Sittin' quiet and still - Maera - February 12, 2015

final post i guess ;__; sorry mae is so freaking dumb heh

"lights will guide you home, and ignite your bones"

[size=small]He had also hid a beast.
As he turned to spit fire in her face, a role that was usually hers, the young Sveijarn could not help but to stand back, momentarily speechless at the intensity with which he spat his words. The whole 'problem' or argument had started over nothing, but as it was becoming a recurring habit to the female, she again had exploded at his honest mistake.

And now, standing at the other side of the warzone, feeling the fire of his insults lick her ego, she felt a sudden guilt for all the things she had burnt down with her words alone. Queen bitch of the Glacier, was one that stung ardously as it reached her ears. Immediately, withh renewed anger from his sharp words and with her own mouth heating up to spit her own, it was all smothered by his last statement which did not fail to have too, a dramatic exit.

"I'M STILL MORE USEFUL THAN YOU'LL EVER BE! FUCKING FUCKTART"[/SIZE] she yelled, not knowing, and honestly not caring if he heard or not her flaming insults.
All she wanted now was to destroy something -- and if it couldn't be him exactly, she'd gladly draw a face in the next mound of snow she crushed.

RE: Sittin' quiet and still - Adlartok - February 16, 2015

there's room to salvage if we like, but by the looks of things. That won't happen Tuwa will kill artok and Maera if she talks to him. :)

Artok snorted at her as he walked. Keep Screaming Princess, I don't think the gods heard you.

He kept moving, refusing to turn back. Despite the fact, that in a secret place, he admired her for her fiery spirit. The attitude she had though unsightly, was refreshing change. At least she was real to her own demons, and she didn't hide them. That was an admirable quality.