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Duskfire Glacier Hope for survival - Printable Version

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Hope for survival - Scarlett - January 22, 2015

@Adlartok , And every other DFG Member welcome who wants to visit Ad on his sickbed. :P

Scarlett stayed up all night with the youngster after she tended to his wounds. The pale female kept him warm and let the paste do its work on his back. After the night settled Scarlett decided that it would be too cold for him to stay outside. Somehow she managed to get his body from the riverbank to her den, thank the moon her den was only meters away! She got the youngster pillowed on the soft mosses and against her own body. Soon the small chamber under the ground was heated up by their body heat. Although Scarlett figured it was mostly hers. At least Ad wouldn't get a cold as easily than when he was laying outside. Once more her tongue lapped over his wounds. The small cuts were coming along nicely but she was worried about his back.

The light lady only slept for a few hasty naps during the night. Her head laid worriedly next to his. She hoped he would wake up soon. The female wasn't sure if she could handle seeing him die. At least he would be in warm caring paw. Still, this could have been avoided. Scarlett eventually got up, only because the den was warm enough as it was and she wanted to have some food for Adlartok. It took Scarlett more than an hour before she caught a fat hare. She brought it back to her den and became Ad's heated pillow once more. The small white hoped that the scent of blood coming from the hare would rouse him.

Scarlett wouldn't be surprised if it wouldn't work. She knew a thing or two, and it seemed that Adlartok's body had shut down for the sole purpose of surviving. She liked to think in a positive way but it could be that his body was slowly shutting down... Those were the types of thoughts who were not welcome in the mind for the female. Scarlett felt so bad, and didn't know what to do. Which caused her to start licking behind his ear, on top of his head, cheek and muzzle to get him to wake up. She was certain that the youngster's face never had been so thoroughly groomed before (along with his wounds). Hygiene was her top priority.

RE: Hope for survival - Adlartok - January 22, 2015

Artok stirred now and again, and he felt warmth and cold. He had even felt himself moving as if in a dream. However, there was not much more than that. He couldn't force his eyes open no matter how hard he tried. It was just too comfortable to simply stay asleep. When he did have moments of clarity which were very very few and very very light he hurt like hell.

However, with all things the fire within his breast burned bright and his body decided it wanted him awake and fighting. He shifted in his deep unconscious state, his paws moving in spasms, his body as well as he slowly began to wake.

He blinked eyes around and to his shame hot scalding tears slid down his cheeks at the pain in his back. He sniffled and hid his face from Scarlett for a moment. As he was certain it was she, he could smell her. He also knew the she wolf could no more had not nursed him back to health than took her next breath. He sniffled again, but the tears wouldn't stop. It was agony to move and he was disgusted with himself for the show of emotion. However what was he to do, it was a natural response and one he couldn't stop.

RE: Hope for survival - Manauia IA - January 22, 2015

dis bitch :D

Manauia was now aware that there was an infirm member on the glacier, though she did not know the details that followed. Had she, likely she would have applauded Tuwawi on her actions towards a youth who clearly did not know his place.

It was more out of a bored curiosity than any sort of caring that she came to the spot the boy was being held, and without a word she entered, not bothering with invitations. She was disgusted to see that good food and medicines were being wasted on a lost cause, and a male lost cause at that. The slave should be given a swift, peaceful death. Prolonging the inevitable was a waste of time, resources, and inhumanly to the Amazon's mind.

"You fight a losing battle. One he is not worth." She stated in a matter-of-fact manner, cold eyes settling on Scarlett. She felt no need to submit here... Almost like Tuwawi she did not consider herself to belong in the hierarchy here, though regretfully she had sworn no harm to her packmates.

She ignored the boy's awareness and tears. Mincing words wasn't her strong suit.

RE: Hope for survival - Scarlett - January 22, 2015

:OOO So Mean! She is indeed :P

Scarlett felt some stirring next to her and lifted her head. Ad's paws were moving!! That was good, right?! She watched him with care and noticed how his head lifted a bit. Her heart leaped of joy when the youngster seemed awake. Scarlett let out a yip in excitement. Her tail patting against the ground. Her nose moved towards his cheek and sniffled it. Her nose caught a tear. She wanted to soothe him not to cry but then she changed her mind. She would let the boy cry. She didn't want him to hide his feelings from her. Scarlett's soothing tongue licked behind his ear once more while the tears flowed.

"There, there," her warm voice cooed. "Yes, let it all out. It will make you feel better," she encouraged between her licks. She was about to offer him food but that was when a female came in. Scarlett frowned. Her and Manauia hadn't really conversed. The few pack hunts they had together weren't very... conversational. Her ears flattened against her head and a frown came on her face. Scarlett wasn't sure how to reply. Should she be offended why what the harsh female said? Ignoring wasn't polite either. "Our opinions differ then," she spoke shortly and gave her a nod in greeting, before she turned her full attention to Adlartok again.

Scarlett didn't want him to listen to the other female. She was ruining everything. The gamma didn't want the young male to hide behind his walls once more and shield his feelings. That would result into anger or worse. Wrath and bitterness. "Adlartok is a member of our pack. I promised him he could always come to me in help. I am not giving up. He is the most wonderful and polite young man that deserves to see another light of day," she barked before Scarlett could stop herself. Her nose moved through Ad's fur. Remembering how he kept calling her 'Miss Scarlett'. She wondered what had set of Tuwawi to attack him like she had.

RE: Hope for survival - Adlartok - January 23, 2015

Artok was comforted by the soothing words and caress of Miss. Scarlett. She earned a permanent place in the youths broken heart. He shifted his weight and whined softly when a searing pain went up his back. Thank you Miss. Scarlett. that was all he said keeping his mouth closed and his sniffles slowly quieted, though the pain did not.

His ears perked forward at the sound of another, and for a moment he was a little bit excited, but it was quickly replaced with a darker feeling at her words. Adlartok turned hate filled gaze towards the door and a snarl left his maw. That was all he did not let his words come unto straying tongue. He didn't really feel much like banter or defending himself anyway, he was too sore. He was tired and he was sore and she was basically saying he was going to die, to just give up on him. If he had his way he wasn't going to die, and he would rise up and he'd make her rue the day she ever looked at him crooked as he would with the fire furred one. Deep within his breast a hatred and a sense of betrayal took root, and it turned the good ambitious child a little darker.

He was surprised at the words that left the other females mouth. But he had a sense of pride all the same. He blinked at her for a moment and dipped his muzzle in thanks.

RE: Hope for survival - Manauia IA - January 23, 2015

"Apparently." There was no malice in the words, but no allowance either. Her statement had not been a cruel one, not to her mind. Coatl's Rise did not mistreat their slaves, but nor did they treasure them as Scarlett did this boy. They were worth only so much as the work they could do for the women who allowed then safety and resources of the pack. Adtarlok would be good for nothing for a long while if he did survive. A proper slave would be begging for an end rather than to pose such a burden. She simply did not understand her attachment. Tzelcoatl was a singularity.

"Do as you see fit. It matters nothing to me." She did look with sharp dislike at the boy who had snarled at her, but made no agressive move. If she allowed such things to rile her she would have been fighting nonstop since departing her homeland. "Who inflicted these?" Such information was of use to her. If there was a foe she would need to step up her guard on her prince, for she could not have him come to harm before she could return with him.

RE: Hope for survival - Scarlett - January 23, 2015

The light female hushed the youngster softly and his thank you's. Though, she did smile a bit every time Adlartok showed gratitude. It was a good trait to have. In return Scarlett didn't approve of how the other female was thinking, yet, she was relieved that Manauia wasn't determined to prove her point with aggression. Scarlett's nose nudged Adlartok in a soft matter. It was clear she meant it in a scolding way. The younger one shouldn't snarl while he was in recovering state. It could start the fight she didn't want to happen. Scarlett wouldn't know what to do if a fight would break out. Her red eyes turned to Manauia with some sense of relief and gratitude of her own. It didn't matter to the female. Luckily it didn't. If Manauia was injured Scarlett would still rush to help her fellow pack mate even if they didn't agree about certain things.

"Don't mind her words, okay? Manauia just said it didn't matter to her. But you are worth something to me," Scarlett tried lecturing the young male. It was difficult with the other female still here. She didn't want to .. be to motherly. Scarlett's words did continue, mainly because she didn't want Adlartok to grow bitter. "You might not know this but I've been talked down my whole life. I was useless and a monster because I have blood red eyes and a colorless fur. I was called a demon and what not. If I didn't realize I was worth more than to be talked down each day I wouldn't be here. Who knows, then maybe there was no one to heal you and you wouldn't be here on his earth anymore. What I am trying to say is... You might not be useful now, as Manauia just pointed out, but one day your actions will affect someone. Now I am not a fortuneteller, but, I do know that you are a great young man with the right mindset to be a source of light in someone else's life!," she spoke with so much belief. Although the female was bullied badly she tried to be a shining light in the lives of the wolves around her, even when they might not like her. Scarlett then realized how passionate she sounded and felt her skin heat up under her fur.

Scarlett was then reminded of Manauia's question. "Eh. Well, we assume it is Tuwawi who did it. Fire furred Queen, right Adlartok? Well there is only one as you might know... Malachi went to talk to her. I am not sure how it went down since... I was here all the time," she spoke and looked fondly at Adlartok, she even gave him a quick lick over his nose. Scarlett would definitely turn into those embarrassing moms one day. Definitely. But! She would be a loving one, that was for sure.

Scar channeled her passionate inner mommy mode. Apologies >D

RE: Hope for survival - Adlartok - January 27, 2015

Artok laid his ears to his skull at her reprimand and nodded once, only to suck in a deep breath. The pain that skittered up his body at that nod, put him if possible in a worse mood. He hated being hurt and infirm, it was frustrating.

A soft glow began in his chest at her words and he studied her. A softly mumbled Thanks Was all he said. However, those words meant a lot to him, he was glad someone cared for him in some capacity at least. He listened to her speech and he felt bad, and he vowed if he could to find some of those wolves that treated her badly. He'd rip all their throats out and feed them to them, just for her. She deserved to be treated like a queen, she was more a queen than any other wolf in this godforsaken pack.

Artok nodded and shifted a little embarassed in his teenage emotions at her affection, while secretly liking the attention. yea her I don't know her name. She told me no more children.

RE: Hope for survival - Manauia IA - January 29, 2015

Manauia stopped listening as the other female went on some sort of long-winded tirade. She was listening for an answer to her question however so did not tune it out completely. She got the gist; Scarlett had been goaded for her appearance. How then did she turn out so meek and soft? Every adversity Manauia had faced she was glad for, for each and every one had made her stronger. Would she have risen to such a prestigious place among her sisters if she had not had to prove herself to them? She had been an outsider and for much of her young life had been reminded of it. But she had proven herself, and now no one questioned her. Scarlett obviously did not see the merits of adversity, so they were lost upon her.

Finally she stopped prattling and got to the point. So it was Tuwawi, the former queen who her prince so respected. Perhaps she was worthy of such, for she had certainly put this young slave in his place. It was a brutal punishment, even by their standards, but it also showed she was a fierce and formidable foe.

She would like to meet this Tuwawi.

Knowing there was now no more of use to be gained from this encounter, Manauia was done here. The white one's constant chatter rankled her and she did not wish to remain in her company. So, without another word, she left.

RE: Hope for survival - Scarlett - January 29, 2015

I will go ahead and archive this. Since Ad and Scar have another topic :)

Scarlett watched the female take in the information they both given. A soft frown returned on he features. The female that just walked in was also leaving without a word. Was she going to visit Tuwawi? Scarlett wondered what Manauia would do with the information. "Okay, well bye...," Scarlett spoke slowly and then turned her attention to Adlartok. Scarlett felt something rumble inside of her. She wanted kids of her own, that would mean if Tuwawi didn't accept any one else's babies... Basically Scarlett just got the message she could not have pups if the fire queen was still a member of DFG. That was something that was hard to swallow.

For now, the pale female pushed those thoughts away. She was far from having an actual mate to even give her pups. If a male would show up in her life then she will start to worry about such things. Scarlett's nose moved over Adlartok's wounds and then laid her head besides his. Her body heat being shared with the youngster. A soft snort came from her nose, still appalled by the other female's behavior and words towards the younger male. Guess everyone had their way of seeing things.