Wolf RPG
This is the start of how it all ends - Printable Version

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This is the start of how it all ends - Crescendo - January 23, 2015

It had been some time since Crescendo had seen the strong and beautiful fae, too long, it seemed, for him at least. So he let out a howl for @Morgana at the foot of a small body of water that he like to come to. He stretched out his shadowed head and took a long drink from it's clear waters, hoping that Morgana would show her pretty face soon. The two were alike, and Crescendo hoped they could become better aquanted with each other.

RE: This is the start of how it all ends - Morgana Wolf - January 23, 2015

Morgana was loping through the woods in search of something to fill her empty stomach when she heard the howl of a familiar wolf. She followed sound to a small body of water, close to where she had been hunting. From a distance she could she the dark pelt of the wolf she could not stop thinking about. She bounded over to him, ferociously licking his face, so eager to see him. For once she had let her guard down.

RE: This is the start of how it all ends - Crescendo - January 23, 2015

To say that he was surprised by Morgana's greeting would be an understatement. He offered her a lick on the cheek before drawing back. "Hello to you to, Morgana." he spoke, a low rumble. He looked at her with kind eyes, hiding deep within their depths a bit of nervousness. "Perhaps you would care for a hunt? Personally, I'd like to get to know the newbie a little better." Strangely, around her he wasn't as rude or cruel as he normally was. He pushed the thought deep down inside himself. It couldn't mean anything, it couldn't.

RE: This is the start of how it all ends - Morgana Wolf - January 23, 2015

Morgana accepted his request to hunt and signaled to where she had been looking herself. It had been a long while since she had been acquainted with someone. It seemed like everyone she had been friends with.. died.. But surely not with Crescendo. He was different.

RE: This is the start of how it all ends - Crescendo - January 23, 2015

Crescendo nodded curtly at her before setting of in the direction she had gestured. His huge paws hit the ground soundlessly, following a scent. Suddenly he stopped, signalling that there quarry was directly ahead. Warily he took a couple steps forward, until a large badger came into sight. He motioned for Morgana to be quiet, then asked in a whisper. "You have a plan?"

RE: This is the start of how it all ends - Morgana Wolf - January 23, 2015

She honestly didn't have a plan. I'll hunch behind that bush and you drive it towards me. Once it gets close enough, i'll go for its neck and you for its back?

RE: This is the start of how it all ends - Crescendo - January 23, 2015

Crescendo paused thoughtfully. "Or we just attack it here? If you go around, you might disturbe it, and we lose the element of surprise." His cold silver eyes tracked the badger, and he licked his lips hungrily. He sneaked a pesk at Morgana then, admiring her beauty. Ever wolf in this pack was. He wondered if it was a requirement for joining, and grinned.

RE: This is the start of how it all ends - Morgana Wolf - January 23, 2015

hmm I liked that plan better. I nodded in aggreement. It was more fun to stare in the animals eyes before I snuffed the life out to them.

RE: This is the start of how it all ends - Crescendo - January 23, 2015

Crescendo leaped out of the bush and onto the creature, who roared and swatted at Crescendo. He fell, but twisted around and clamped down his jaws like a trap on the animals leg. It howled in pain, and Crescendo yanked it off it's feet and shook it like a wild animal madman by the leg. He stopped and glanced at his counterpart, willing her to finish it off.

RE: This is the start of how it all ends - Morgana Wolf - January 23, 2015

I pounced on the twitching animal, grabbing it by its neck, ending its life. I tore open its underbelly and signaled Crescendo that the hunt was over and the feast begins. I chomped down on the delicious meat, tearing up its innards and completely gutting it. I looked over to Crescendo who was looking at me weirdly. I motioned for him to eat. I normally didn't share my hunt with anyone. Nor hunt with anyone for that matter.

RE: This is the start of how it all ends - Crescendo - January 23, 2015

The kill was quick, and clean. Gratefully Crescendo joined Morgana at the stomach of the creature. He practically inhaled the warm, bloody meat, and was lost in his bloodlust. Gleaming ivory fangs turned red, and the hot blood invaded every sence. He loved blood. Some might call him a vampire, for he had once drained a girl of her blood just to taste the sweet liquid.

RE: This is the start of how it all ends - Morgana Wolf - February 03, 2015

Soon the carcass was nothing but bones. She layed down on her side, cleaning off the last of the creatures blood off her paws. She glanced over at Crescendo, watching him roughly attacking the remanding bones and blood. The bloodlust in his eyes was all to admirable.

RE: This is the start of how it all ends - Crescendo - February 03, 2015

Sated of his bloodlust, the dark pelted warrior luxuriously stretched, his muscles moving smoothly under thick fur. Aware that the elegant fae was watching him, he held the stance for a few moments longer before smoothly turning. A few steps took him to the side of Morgana, and he eased himself slowly back on his injured haunch. He aloud their pelts to touch briefly before shifting a few inches to the right, away from her soft fur. "So sad that you did not arrive earlier, you narrowly missed the chance to play with the pack's plaything. An arrogant bitch was ours to have some fun with, but sadly we had to return her to her ungrateful pack." he sighed, truly sorry that the little white ball he had scarred so deeply was gone.

RE: This is the start of how it all ends - Morgana Wolf - February 03, 2015

Morgana smiled sheepishly as the dark knight flexed his muscles. I wish I had been swift enough in my travels. I would have loved to participate in a little ''fun''.Morgana knew what Crescendo's version of fun meant. Torture seemed right up his alley. But it did not bother her, if it did she wouldn't have joined the pack she did. She must have been terrified at the sight of you, your size and eyes are very intimidating." she said coyly, with a small smile on her lips.

RE: This is the start of how it all ends - Crescendo - February 07, 2015

"That she was." he smiled darkly before his silver eyes flickered to something over Morgana's shoulder. He licked her cheek lightly before muttering pardons and disappearing back into the woods, and was soon gone in the shadows. He had to attend to something, very, very important.