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Ouroboros Spine Ready, set, let's roll - Printable Version

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Ready, set, let's roll - Lotan - January 25, 2015

Lotan was settling in to his new home -- it felt strange to call it that, but it was where he and Wyvern would be staying for the foreseeable future. Already, his paws itched to rove past the borders, but he forced himself to stay within the ring of mountains for now. Before he went adventuring, he needed to acquaint himself with the territory, and with the other members of his pack.

He did miss Sterren Hollow, though he tried not to think about it too much. He thought often of his parents and his older siblings. While he had taken day trips away from his family on multiple occasions, this was the longest that he had ever been separated from them. As he meandered up the rocky slopes of the southernmost curve of mountains, he wondered what they were doing at this very moment.

It took him a few hours to slowly reach the peak, as he wasn't skilled at navigating this sort of terrain. But when he did, he poised precariously on a narrow ledge and looked out over the wilds that spread out before him, a vast and seemingly endless sea of snow-blanketed forests, valleys, and hills.

RE: Ready, set, let's roll - Sitri - January 26, 2015

Sitri was a quiet solitary being. He stayed to himself mostly. He talked to a few and he would talk if one happened upon him or vise versa. He did not seek out others though. He had once upon a time and she had left, just as all the others. So he didn't seek anyone out anymore.

Unlike many others, Sitri did not miss anyone, nor did he have anyone to miss him. He was on his own in this world, and probably in the next. He was a slave child, a bastard son, and he did not matter in the scheme of things, at least he thought so anyway.

Sitri slid up the mountainside with practiced ease. He was used to the terrain now, and he preferred the higher elevations. To look down on a world, was an amazing feeling, and he felt so large. Today though he was not alone and he chuffed quietly to get the other's attention. Not wanting to startle him to much and have him go spiraling to his doom.

RE: Ready, set, let's roll - Lotan - January 26, 2015

As Lotan gazed out over the landscape, he was enveloped by icy silence. Though the mountain range was not particularly tall, it was still a higher elevation than he was used to; thus, he shivered at the colder temperatures. The quiet was soon broken, however, by the sound of another's exhale.

The Ostrega turned and was met with the scarred visage and red gaze of a stranger. A quick sniff revealed that this was one of his packmates, though logic had already indicated that fact -- what loner would be scaling the slopes of a pack's claimed peak? The male was approaching from below, his steps confident; it was obvious that he was accustomed to the uneven terrain.

"Hi," Lotan greeted, his tail dropping to hang between his hind legs but giving a friendly twitch. "I'm Lotan -- newly accepted," he added, shifting his gaze slightly. A loose rock slid out from beneath his forepaw, nearly unsettling him, but his muscles quickly tensed and he caught himself. He watched the small stone bounce away into oblivion, disappearing down the slope and into the heavy tree cover down below.

RE: Ready, set, let's roll - Sitri - January 28, 2015

Sitri was happy in the silence, and he was a little disappointed that it would have to be broken. After all it was beautiful. And if you listened you could hear the world turn. At least that's how he felt a bout it. There was life in the silence.

Sitri dipped his muzzle Well met, Lotan. I am Sitri. his words were still stilted from the language barrier he had to cross. After all he had just started to learn the proper way of speaking in the past year. be careful it's slippy there. he didn't want to have to tell his leader that their new member had fallen to his death.

RE: Ready, set, let's roll - Lotan - January 28, 2015

When the male spoke, his words were accented, which surprised Lotan. Sitri didn't appear to be foreign on first glance, but it was obvious once he introduced himself. Immediately, Lotan wondered where he hailed from. He wasn't comfortable asking such a personal question just yet, so he refrained from speaking his mind.

He gave a small smile as Sitri warned him to be careful; he was already learning that living on a mountain warranted a certain level of caution. Hopefully in time he would become as sure-footed as Sitri seemed to be, but Lotan knew it would take exposure and practice to hone his skills.

After a moment of silence, he looked back out over the wilds and commented, "It's a nice view from up here."

RE: Ready, set, let's roll - Sitri - January 29, 2015

Sitri would have chuckled had the other asked what language he spoke. He had never spoken a different language. He was simply a slave in his former station, and had not learned to talk correctly. After all as a slave silence was your job.

The one thing Sitri had going for him was his physical prowess. He couldn't speak well, his mind was a bit slower than most, he didn't understand a lot of things. He was covered in scars, so handsome or good looking went out the window. But he had his physical prowess and that was something.

Sitri nodded his head It is you can see everythin'. Do you like it here so far?

RE: Ready, set, let's roll - Lotan - January 30, 2015

Sitri is such an interesting character! :)

Lotan bobbed his head in response to Sitri's question, though he didn't answer right away. He continued to gaze out over the landscape, his eyes roving up and down the hills and dales that ventured away from the base of the spine's mountain range. Soon, he would explore those lands; already his paws were itching for an adventure.

"I do like it here," he answered truthfully. He had nothing negative to say about the pack -- the leadership seemed fair, his packmates were friendly, and he was here with his sister. As Wyvern crossed his mind, he thought it was only natural to mention her to Sitri. "Have you met my sister yet? She came here with me. Her name is Wyvern," he said, simultaneously wondering what his littermate was doing. She was probably acquainting herself with the territory just as he was, though he couldn't see or smell her from his present location.

RE: Ready, set, let's roll - Sitri - February 01, 2015

[size=x-small]thank you he's refreshing because I never know what he's going to do or how he's going to react.[/size]

Sitri saw him staring off into the landscape. He peeked out over wondering if the boy saw something he didn't? Because he sure didn't see anything. The world was a large place, and most of it to him at least was aggressive.

Sitri titled ears forward but shook his head. No I did not meet your sister. Are you two close? Sitri thought of his sister and felt bile rise up in his throat. He knew now as he had aged. The things had done to him or more so had him do to her as his mother. There was a wrongness to them, it was not right. He did not miss her, did not care for her. Had wished her dead on many many occasions. She had no name and he could not think of a more befitting thing than that, except to maybe have her burn in hell.

RE: Ready, set, let's roll - Lotan - February 02, 2015

Lotan could probably be considered a sheltered wolf -- he had grown up with a loving family, in a pack that valued honesty and kindness. Never had he known true adversity. He didn't know Sitri well enough yet to learn of the other wolf's background, but perhaps at some point he would become privy to the knowledge that life wasn't always as forgiving as it had been in Sterren Hollow.

Sitri hadn't yet met Wyvern, which didn't completely surprise Lotan. They hadn't been pack members long, but he suspected that Sitri would come across her sooner or later. She was an explorer like him. "Yes, we're pretty close," he replied. "She's my littermate, so we did everything together growing up. It's nice to know that she's here with me," he added; truthfully, it would probably be harder to integrate himself into Ouroboros Spine without her.

RE: Ready, set, let's roll - Sitri - February 03, 2015

Sitri did not know what a loving family was. Had never met one, nor been raised in one. His father had been kind to him, and perhaps he had loved him. But he too was a mad man. A shaman, a strange one. And he had loved Sitri's mother, and for that Sitri would never understand how such a man could love such a woman. Though his father had told him once she hadn't always been crazy. Perhaps the years of slavery had finally won out.

Sitri listened and tilted his ears forward, I will look for her. He wasn't a social wolf, but to be asked of another. It almost made it so he had to be. So he would look for her. Perhaps speak with her for a time and then continue on. 2 brothers and 1 sister in my litter, but we did not get along. And wasn's close.

RE: Ready, set, let's roll - Lotan - February 03, 2015

As far as he knew, the pack wasn't overly large, so it probably would not take long for Sitri to become acquainted with Wyvern. In fact, in only a few days' time, they would both be present at Cara's hunt. Lotan was saddened, however, to hear that his packmate had not been close with his own family. It wasn't his place to ask for further information, but he couldn't imagine a life in which he didn't get along with his siblings.

"I'm sorry to hear that," he replied, aware that it was a lame response but unable to come up with anything else. He fell silent for a few moments, studying the snow-covered rocks beneath his feet, and then he asked, "How long have you been with the Spine?"

RE: Ready, set, let's roll - Sitri - February 07, 2015

Sitri didn't mind one way or another whether or not he got along with his family. He wasn't one to make attachments very easily, if at all. He had been attached to Tyrande and she had disappeared without a word. He had liked Meldresi and she had turned traitor. He had been attached to Lecter and Jinx both who lay beneath the ground. So as far as he had seen this far, attachments were not worth it.

Sitri shifted and spoke softly Since the beginning. Sitri came here with Jinx and Lecter and Cara. Made a new home, far from the mountain. That was all he said on the matter. They had made a new home, a new beginning and it had also been an ending.

RE: Ready, set, let's roll - Lotan - February 07, 2015

Edited his question a bit because Kaname has explained some of the pack's backstory in another thread. :)

Lotan listened as Sitri provided details as to how the pack had formed. He had been there since the beginning, which was admirable to Lotan. Though he couldn't say the same, he hoped to become a member with some longevity; his father had taught him that it was important to uphold one's promises, so he wanted his allegiance to Cara to mean something. He had enjoyed his freedom, wandering the wilds with Wyvern, but at his core Lotan was a wolf that craved companionship and needed to belong to a pack.

The names Jinx and Lecter were unfamiliar to Lotan, but he focused more on the way that Sitri spoke. The male referred to himself in the third person, something that he hadn't yet done during their conversation. He wondered about this odd characteristic of speech, but didn't mention it. Instead, he asked, "Silvertip Mountain, right? Kaname said it was because there is more prey here." He wanted to glean more knowledge from Sitri, but didn't want to push the higher-ranking wolf past his comfort zone.

RE: Ready, set, let's roll - Sitri - February 16, 2015

[size=x-small]sorry for the wait, i've been very sick[/size]

If there was one thing that Sitri was proud of. If it was even possible, for him to be proud or have feelings like that. It was that he was a loyal beast, emphasis on the beast part. He never strayed from those he was loyal too, he hadn't even strayed from his first queen, they had all just died and he left. He had searched for the things that killed them for awhile, but never found them.

Sitri smiled agrisly smile, but what other type of smile was there for him. His face was so scarred, it was deformed anyway. Yes Silvertip. There were other reasons, but the most had been food. yes More prey and more space. Space for puppies and growth. We needed a new start, away from danger and war and starvation.

RE: Ready, set, let's roll - Lotan - February 19, 2015

I hope you're feeling better!

Lotan nodded; he could understand the need for a new start. That was partially why he and Wyvern had left Sterren Hollow. Though they loved their family and the place where they had grown up, there was a yearning for adventure and something new that called them away.

"Well, this seems like a good location for those things," he commented. There would be plenty of space for the pack to expand with puppies. And it was isolated enough that there was a sense of safety that was only enforced by the spine's mountainous exterior.

RE: Ready, set, let's roll - Sitri - February 21, 2015

[size=x-small]Getting there Thanks :)[/size]

Sitri had never fully understood the concept of a fresh stop. He had actually been forbidden to do so. He was a slave, he was to not do anything of the sort. He was not to think for himself, act for himself, do anything for himself. He still had a hard time some days realizing, he could do all those things for himself now.

Sitri nodded his head. yes there are many resources. Moose and deer and other game that we don't even know what it is. There is water and shelter and protection. It is more easy to keep trespassers from us here. There is less dangers.

RE: Ready, set, let's roll - Lotan - February 22, 2015

Mind if we wrap up? :)

Sitri elaborated in his interesting way of speaking, his sentences short and clipped. He seemed to be a direct wolf who didn't waste time with flowery words. It was most effective to get right to the point, and Lotan appreciated his brevity. He nodded; everything that Sitri made sense and he was looking forward to getting to know the territory more himself -- especially when it came to hunting the unknown prey that was mentioned.

After a short pause, Lotan decided that it was time to excuse himself. Surely Sitri had better things to be doing than making small talk with the newest recruit, and he wanted to continue mapping out the Spine for himself. "It was nice to meet you, Sitri. I think I'm going to keep scouting things out for a bit," he said with a friendly smile. He then turned and carefully began picking his way back down the slope; he didn't have a particular destination in mind, but he would let his paws lead him.