Wolf RPG
The Heartwood A new home finally? Joining - Printable Version

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A new home finally? Joining - Mowanza - November 27, 2013

The rain fell lightly as Mowanza padded, slowly and softly along in the wilderness. She was exhausted by her long journey so far. Suddenly she came to the edge of a forest and in the distance, she could see a mountain. Mowanza decided to try and take some shelter under the trees. Mowanza entered the forest cautiously and took refuge under a particularly large tree. She sniffed the air and caught the scent of wolves, although in her exhausted state, she could not tell how far away they were. "At last I have found a pack. I can only hope that they are not as hostile as some of the other packs I have met on my journey." she said, thinking aloud to herself, sitting down slowly and looking around.

Mowanza let out a long howl which hung on the air for a moment, before being carried over the forest on the wind. She then stood up and dug a hollow in the ground right in the base of the tree. Mowanza then laid down slowly and curled right up into the base of the tree trunk to keep warm. She was listening out for any sounds at all. "Right let's see what happens." she thought to herself , once again looking round at the forest.

RE: A new home finally? Joining - Tonravik - December 02, 2013

Tonravik moves toward the sound when called. Her head lifts to respond promptly to the other that she had heard. I am here. Soon, she would be there. Her long strides would soon bring her to the face of the agouti stranger to see what it was she desired. Many looked for packs now; Tonravik was content with her number, but if a wolf was an asset, they would find their place in the precarious niche of Tartok's hierarchy. They were peaceable wolves with one another, but little else. The ranks shifted as the wind would; wolves fought for their rank in the pecking order. Life was simple.

Tonravik found the other resting. That earned the other no judgment; she had no idea how far the other had traveled. So long as she was addressed appropriately, a moment of reprieve could be forgiven. The black leader moves nearer, tail high and ears erect.

RE: A new home finally? Joining - Mowanza - December 09, 2013

Mowanza's ears pricked up when she heard an answering howl. After a while, she heard the sounds of twigs cracking and looked up. A black wolf stood there. From the demeanour of the wolf, Mowanza could tell that the wolf was an Alpha. She instantly placed herself in a submissive position.

Keeping herself as low to the ground as possible, Mowanza spoke. "Greetings, I come in peace. My name is Mowanza and I am looking for a safe haven to call home." She waited for the other wolf to respond.