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The Sunspire The Dawn is breaking - Printable Version

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The Dawn is breaking - Jace - January 27, 2015

Jace woke as the sun peaked over his mountaintop home. Lifting his muzzle to the sky he sniffed to ease his troubled mind. The fight with Sumayl would not let him rest, it constantly ate at him until he had no idea what was up and what was down. Realizing he needed to talk to someone about it, but he wasn't sure who. He didn't want to bother Ame with it as she would likely take offense on his behalf. Summer was just getting home, surely he didn't want to speak of such heavy things. And Vienna she was the males intended, and no matter how much Jace disliked or felt wronged by the male, he would not mess that up for his sister.

He sighed his breath coming out in a breathy mist. Lifting one limb and then the other he shook the life back into them. Taking a deep breath, he shifted and took off at a run. His legs galloping to stay in tandem with his mind. The thoughts that churned around in his head caused him due unrest and he didn't know how to fix them. And so he ran, and ran.

RE: The Dawn is breaking - Summer Ostrega - January 27, 2015


Summer had woken that day feeling quite content. He was finally home again at the Sunspire where he knew he belonged, and finally he was reunited with his Tytonidae. She hadn't said much about what she'd been up to since his departure, but he suspected that was because she hadn't actually done much of anything. In ways, he should have been less pleased given that in spite of being happy to see him, Ty's mood did not seem otherwise improved. But how could he have expected that it would be without him there to lean on? Truly, he was just thankful that she hadn't gotten any worse without him.

Other than Ty, there were three wolves in particular the Ostrega set his sights upon touching base with once he'd returned. One was Amekaze, who had been the one to greet him. The other, Vienna, who outside of Ty was certainly one of his closest and best friends. Finally, there was Jace. When Summer had left, he had gone without knowing where he and the former beta stood after their recent argument. While the disagreement could very well have been ancient history by then, he had not seen Jace since so he couldn't be certain just how the male would react to him.

Jace was the one he was most uncertain about seeing again, and so it was Jace that the yearling boldly sought first. He wasn't at his den, he discovered, but the scent leading away from it seemed to be rather fresh. In minutes he was loping swiftly across the Sunspire, finally coming across him acting a blur of shadow upon the land. Summer debated running him down, but instead decided the better (and less threatening) option was to slow and toss his head back in a howl that meant to draw his attention. He continued to trot quickly in his wake, all the while watching to see if Jace would even want to answer his summons.

RE: The Dawn is breaking - Jace - January 27, 2015

Jace had not meant the female named Ty, that had besotted Summer. He smelled her and knew she was there, but he didn't know her. Nor had he tried to get to know her. If she wanted to get to know them, she'd come out. Though it seemed she preferred to stay in the shared den.

Truth be told, the argument between he and Summer was forgotten. It had been a small speck on an otherwise large world. The fight with Sumayl was proving to bother him worse. Perhaps it was because Sumayl thought the worst of him. Or maybe it was because he was his sister's intended. He didn't really know, all he knew was it rubbed the wrong way.

Jace heard the howl and turned, in a spray of dirt and debris he looked towards it. It was summer he barked in response and churning his legs headed towards him. He skidded to a stop, tongue lolling and dipped his muzzle. Hi.

RE: The Dawn is breaking - Summer Ostrega - January 28, 2015

Jace turned at his call and steered towards him. Summer braced himself for impact for a few seconds as it didn't look like he was planning on stopping. Shock kept him from reacting badly, so when Jace finally did skid to a halt before him, he was able to recover quickly and look upon his friend with a neutral expression although his heart still pounded in his ears.

Summer had thought he had a lot to say to his packmate. After their little argument, he'd thought over what he wanted to say to him over and over again the next time they met. Apologies were first and foremost, although there was a good amount of intent there for him to better explain what he had been trying to communicate before. Now, with his gaze settled upon the stoic face, his throat felt dry and his mind empty. "Hey," he replied, falling silently immediately after.

Summer swallowed an awkward lump in his throat and shuffled his paws a little. His mind reeled as he attempted to come up with something to say next, but there was nothing. Not even a "sorry bro". Perhaps this would be one of those guy make-ups where after a minute or so of awkward pause, they'd begin to discuss something completely unrelated, ending with a nice bro hug that, while not actually using words to express it, was all the apology that they needed to move on. Or, maybe they'd already moved on and Summer is just an awkward butt.

RE: The Dawn is breaking - Jace - January 28, 2015

Jace gave him a lopsided grin. He hadn't meant to scare the youth before him. He had merely been attempting to get to him quickly. He had never doubted in his mind that he would have been able to stop.

Hey Summer. I'm beta again. He dipped his muzzle towards the grounds, pleased to hold his title again. A few wolves I imagine aren't to happy about it. But oh well. He thought of Sumayl on that thought. Who obviously thought he was a terrible person, leader and brother.

So what took you so long brother? We were getting worried. Jace settled to his haunches to listen to his friends story and find out why he was so late. He had been worried, and days away from hunting him down himself.

RE: The Dawn is breaking - Summer Ostrega - January 29, 2015

Jace was quick to mention the very thing Summer was so awkwardly attempting to avoid. His nonchalance was surprising considering how heated their last conversation was, but it came as a relief just as soon as the shock wore off. A smile spread across his lips, only to halt soon after as he furrowed his brows in confusion. Who wouldn't be happy about it? Summer knew nothing of Jace's trouble with the golden wolf, nor did he know of Vienna's budding relationship with him. Other than that, who was there? Rain? Ty?

Before he could ask, Jace was changing the subject. Summer decided to follow suit, but made a mental note to get back to the cryptic mention of disgruntled packmates. "I ended up going on a second trip," Summer explained, smiling a bit simply because Jace had called him 'brother', "I went to Redhawk Caldera to seek Ty's father and let him know of her place in our pack. Lasher, the wolf I went to see at the Plateau, offered to go, but his mate looked like she was about to drop his pups any second, so I offered to go myself." He smiled remembering the evening he'd spent with them. They were certainly a kind and welcoming pair that he would be eager to spend more time with in the future.

"It took me some time to find the place, and I never did end up speaking to her father. I left the message with his beta." He paused thoughtfully before adding, "They were all very kind. I did my best to leave with them a good impression of the Sunspire." He had been humble, respectful and polite - not at all different from how he usually acted, but he'd been far more aware of it than he usual was.

RE: The Dawn is breaking - Jace - January 31, 2015

One thing Jace was proud to say. Though he was a hot tempered fiend. He also, however, did not hold a grudge. He would fight tooth and nail with you. Then the next second he'd be fine with you if he could. And summer was as close to the dark man as a brother. He wasn't about to mess that up, regardless of argument.

Jace nodded Well as long as your back home and safe. That is all that matters. We missed you. Ame and I were just talking about going to find you the other day. Vienna did go look for you. Did you happen to pass her? Jace wasn't sure if his sister was back in the territory or not yet. He wasn't too worried yet, it had only been a few days. And if memory served it took at least 3 days to get to the plateau.

Jace grinned, That's all we ask of you. You always hold yourself to a pretty high standard though. SO i'm sure you gave them the exact impression we needed.

RE: The Dawn is breaking - Summer Ostrega - February 01, 2015

Summer nodded, smiling. He was home, and he was safe. And so was everyone he had left behind. As much as he felt a little trepidatious about Vienna having gone out again on her own, he was at least happy to hear that she was again capable of doing so. When last he'd seen her, she was glued to her den from her cougar-induced injury. Jace's comment about him giving an excellent impression made him dip is muzzle slightly with humility. He had never really learned how to take compliments, but felt ungrateful arguing against them even if he felt it was undeserved, which he often did.

"Ame told me you had a bit of excitement yourself," Summer said, lifting his gaze to the beta's face, "You're recovering well, I take it?" The alpha hadn't gone into any detail about Jace's injuries, though little did Summer realize she had taken this route in order to err on the side of decency. He again thought of the bitch he'd faced off against just after leaving the Plateau, but it was unlikely that he'd be sharing that story with anyone. It had been a number of days since the battle and yet he still felt the burn of shame when he remembered.

RE: The Dawn is breaking - Jace - February 01, 2015

Jace returned the smile, glad to have him home. It eased Jace's mind to have those who followed them, home within their borders. He saw him dip his muzzle in shy ness and shook his head. If the boy had aspirations to be a leader, which Jace imagined he did. What hot blooded male didn't? If he did he needed to learn to take a compliment and to stand his ground.

Jace shuddered at the thought of the she wolf. Yes she went after the family jewels Summer. She was going to rip them off.... He grew quiet and stared at the other male with disgust on his face. Not at him, no at the female that threatened to take his manhood and possibly eat it. She was not a smart wolf, rather dumb actually and foolhardy. She came into the territory brazen and angry. For no reason and she wouldn't leave!

RE: The Dawn is breaking - Summer Ostrega - February 01, 2015

She went after the family jewels. Summer stared naively at his friend for a moment, curious. He said it with such intensity that let him know that whatever that actually meant was a very big deal. He didn't voice his confusion, instead deciding to just nod slowly and set an aghast look upon his face. It felt like the right look, even if he wasn't completely certain why he was supposed to be wearing it.

"Strange... I met a female like that myself while I was away," he said despite his embarrassment over how their altercation had ended, "This she-wolf, she was injured and bleeding when I came upon her. I was trying to help her and she just kept coming at me, all anger and belligerence. She finally attacked me and we fought." He paused then, not wanting to get into how the whole thing ended... "I think I want to focus on becoming a Warrior," he admitted after a moment, "After all we've been through, I don't think we can have too many, y'know?"

RE: The Dawn is breaking - Jace - February 01, 2015

Jace shook his head, too upset in his own mind to notice the confusion on Summers face. He continued on, I mean to go after a fella's manhood like that. His balls come on! He shook his head, so aghast in his own mind. He just couldn't get over the fact that she went after his manhood, his jewels, his baby makers. What had she been thinking. The psycho woman anyway. He sighed.

Jace listened with attention, It might be the same one. She was crazy just crazy. he grew quiet. He let the next statement sink in before speaking. Summer was right, it would be good to have more warriors. At the moment he was the only one. he shook his head, no Ame was one too. I think that'a great idea Summer. I can help you if you like I carry the trade. Ame does too I'm sure she would be more than willing to spar with you as I would.

RE: The Dawn is breaking - Summer Ostrega - February 01, 2015

Jace said more about these mysterious family jewels and suddenly, everything clicked in the yearling's head. She had gone after his... Well. You know... Summer's eyes widened in true shock. Having his own pair of danglies, he knew how sensitive that area was. To think that the female had attacked them on purpose - What kind of psychopath would do such a thing?

"That would be wonderful if you could give me some pointers," he admitted with a wag of his tail. The bitch had shown him that he had much to learn about engaging in combat with an enemy. Though he had somewhat redeemed himself with the coyote he'd fought off of a kill, his loss to one of his own kind meant more to him than a win against a lesser species.

RE: The Dawn is breaking - Jace - February 02, 2015

Jace nodded his head, he spoke softly She even brush burned them. I couldn't sit very well for a few days. He shuddered and shifted. It was traumatizing to him. Truly it was, he supposed in a way that showed his own youth.

Jace frowned, well there's always something your strong at and something your weak at? Do you know your flaws yet? For me for instance I tend to think about defending myself as well as I should. I go into the fight ready to attack and not think twice about it.

RE: The Dawn is breaking - Summer Ostrega - February 07, 2015

Summer listened attentively as Jace began to speak of his strengths and weaknesses, forcefully rejecting the whole "brush burned" thing. It was another term he'd never heard before and one he DEFINITELY did not have any desire to understand. He gave his beta a ponderous look, furrowing his brows thoughtfully. What strengths did he have? What weaknesses?

"Overconfidence," he answered finally, feeling his face flushing with embarrassment, "When I fought that female... I went in thinking I would teach her not to mess with me, hoping it would make her stay far away from the Sunspire altogether when she recognized our pack's scent. It was... foolish, stupid. I was in way over my head and she quickly took advantage of it." He rolled his shoulders as he spoke, wincing at the pain that shot through it as he did so. He grimaced remembering the fight and how totally she'd owned him. He'd made out alright in the end, but that was more luck than anything else.

RE: The Dawn is breaking - Jace - February 16, 2015

Jace watched as Summer became lost in thought. He was glad that he could help the youth. And he was glad that, he was listening to him. He didn't have a lot of advice to offer, but when he did. He did it to the best of his abilities. He would help where he could, but if the wolf he was helping. If they didn't want it, he didn't waste his time.

Jace chuckled Aren't we all overconfident in our first fight? He didn't blame summer. He himself had bouts of overconfidence, and usually he ended up worse for wear. It is good that you recognize that. If I were you, when I started to think that way. I would take a second to take a deep breath. And if you get strong enough, and good enough. Well then, you can have the overconfidence. What can I help you with?

RE: The Dawn is breaking - Summer Ostrega - February 19, 2015

Wanna wrap up and we can do a new one soon? :D

Summer shrugged at Jace's comment and the soft laugh that preceded it. It had been embarrassing and humbling, but he supposed that it was probably for the better that it had happened. He'd learned a lot about himself and about his abilities. Or lack thereof, if he was being completely honest, which was something he truly did strive to do.

The Ostrega gave a thoughtful pause upon being asked how Jace could help him. "Well," he said finally, "I could always use a good sparring partner." Summer gave his friend a smile. He stepped towards him then and reached out a paw to awkwardly bro-punch him in the shoulder. "Thanks, Jace," he said with a crooked smile. It was an expression of gratitude for far more than just this offer of help. Hopefully Jace would just know that. Summer's awkwardness hadn't left him fully, after all.

RE: The Dawn is breaking - Jace - February 21, 2015

[size=x-small]Yes Please I love me some Stevie threads :)[/size]

Jace regretted some of his fights, but not many. Because as he was certain Summer was finding out. Every single spar, or fight allowed you to learn something. It allowed you to learn to be better. A better protector, a better friend, a better warden, and a better warrior.

Jace shot him a sure fire grin, crooked and cocky, and a little bit endearing.

Jace snorted softly at the bro hit. He nudged the youth back adn then tilted his head up towards the sky. I want to patrol some borders. You want to come along?

RE: The Dawn is breaking - Summer Ostrega - February 26, 2015

^_^ <333

Jace responded exactly the way he anticipated - acceptance without hesitation. Summer had no idea yet of the drama going on between him and Sumayl, though he find it hard to believe if he did. Sumayl had shown no reluctance to help Summer when he'd needed it, nor would Jace have, nor would he ever. Of that Summer had no doubt.

"Sure thing," Summer replied with a nod, swiftly trotting to catch up so that he could walk at Jace's side on the way to the borders where they would pee on all the things like real men.