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j - fate knocks me to my knees - Printable Version

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j - fate knocks me to my knees - Tezcacoatl - January 28, 2015

@Malachi or @Scarlett (or both)— I know Scar's ascension isn't icly official yet but I wasn't sure who wanted to handle this. I just wanted to get this up before the spaces fill up and there isn't a spot (on the off chance that Tyrr gets accepted at all, lol).

Týrr's considerations were not made lightly. His plan not really near being finished. Still, there remained much observation to be done, more careful considerations to be made before he could implement the dangerous idea of usurping. Still, so long as Tuwawi did not hold the throne, nor presumably want it, Týrr saw it as his for the taking. The lost Amazon Prince did not war with the Rekkr within him, despite the feuds that had been left to rage through the generations between Coatl's Rise and Odinn's Cove. Instead, the two blended into one within him which by and far made more sense than any other option. Both were dominate, both claimed a part of him. Before, leading had not crossed Týrr's mind though, admittedly, that had been before. Before he had known that he was not a Viking by blood, that Ragnar had done nothing but lie to him for months upon months. Always, there had been some small inclination towards the top of the hierarchy, but never the desire that burned within his breast now and he felt it wrapped in the protectiveness of the Glacier. Týrr was there at the founding, could claim that he knew the Sveijarn pair (if not well than well enough). The Glacier's founding principles needed to be preserved and if Tuwawi did not wish to reclaim what was, by all rights in the Rekkr's mind, her's then he would have little issue attempting to usurp so that he could make sure the Glacier was not twisted away from what it was founded upon and for.

Manauia, when they spoke, had not tried to talk him out of it — not that Týrr had any intentions of letting anyone talk him down from him. He was hardly so easily persuaded. For now, however, the Rekkr understood he had to play the part of the complacent subordinate. Crystalline blue eyes looked out towards the claimed lands of the Glacier pack with unbidden affection. After a few moments, Týrr tipped his head back and let out a call for the leadership, assuming that Malachi was still in charge (least he had been when Manauia and him had spoken few days prior) though the Rekkr left it open for anyone to greet him.

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RE: j - fate knocks me to my knees - Malachi - January 29, 2015

:D I've secretly been stalking all your threads <3

By now Malachi was used to the sound of stranger's voices. They would call him, and he would do the routine, where he'd ask them the same questions and they'd give, more or less, the same answers. But today the note that met him was different - familiar - and though it took him a pause to make sense of where he'd heard the voice before, the dawning revelation it was one of their founding members sent him shooting toward the border with bounding steps.

He slowed when Týrr's earthen form came into sight, and Malachi waved his tail, not in dominance but in friendly greeting. The young leader knew little of the Northman, but he felt a kinship with him all the same, having founded the pack together, and having been one of the first members of Duskfire he'd spoken with at all. To see him again brought a tremor of hope.

"Týrr!" He called, though he was sure by then the man had spotted him. Surprise still held the boy, though Malachi found himself less suspicious that the man was an apparition than he had Tuwawi. Her presence had always been ethereal, whereas Týrr held an earthy feel. With one glance over the man, he found he scarcely recognized him by sight, but the Northman's scent was still undeniably his own. Malachi's eyes glowed, but the slight grin that skewed his face was one of uncertainty and disbelief. "You're back."

RE: j - fate knocks me to my knees - Tezcacoatl - January 29, 2015

:3! I just wanted you to know that I love Malachi and that Tyrr is just a butt, lol. xD

Malachi did not keep Týrr waiting for very long — a small boon in the profound grand scheme of the Rekkr's mind. At the very least, it could not be claimed that the pretend King was not timely. Crystalline gaze, accented by the sharp streaks of silver under each eye watched as the other male, relative as he was to Týrr's own age, carefully. There was a moment, brief though it was, when confusion struck Týrr as Malachi displayed not dominance but friendliness towards him, as if they were good, old childhood friends. In reality: neither likely knew all that much about the other, though in Týrr's case this was particularly true because at the time when he'd first met Malachi he hadn't even known who he was himself. In that quiver of a moment, only spanning the length of a singular heart beat, Týrr's resolve wavered ever so slightly before it steeled itself and his shoulders tensed as if he expected to be attacked though the other male's approach was very far from hostile. Týrr had not expected the welcome he'd received and taken off guard despite that his resolve had once more hardened, he was not sure how to proceed. He had expected hostility, an outright show of dominance and to not be given it left him scrambling in a way that made the Rekkr uncomfortable.

Instead of irritated, Malachi seemed genuinely happy to see him. Malachi, Týrr responded in greeting as the other's steps came to a cease before him. The chocolate colored Rekkr's weight shifted slightly, stiffly in an attempt not to betray his own uncertainty. Yes, Týrr spoke, though Malachi's words of 'you're back' had not been voiced as a question. Still, Týrr felt it necessary to cement the fact that he was back and he had no intentions of leaving; for better or for worse. It was a heavy thing — his unwillingness to leave. It was insistent and unwavering, and it, like his desire to see Duskfire Glacier restored the the glory that Tuwawi had made it, would not be ignored. Duskfire Glacier is my home. Týrr added softly, but with conviction. He didn't say it, and did not feel that he had too, but his words implied that no matter where the winds took him he would always return; and if it's ruler would not have him then even still he would not stray too far.

RE: j - fate knocks me to my knees - Malachi - January 31, 2015

No worries, it's all good!

When the man tensed up, Malachi let his own shoulders fall, eager to show he meant no threat. The young leader could imagine the reason the earthen man met him with such a high guard. Malachi didn't forget that Týrr had left them twice, a sign that spoke in no favour of his loyalty to Duskfire. But Malachi did not blame the man for leaving when he did. Those had been trying times, and with the departure of the Sveijarns, the vision of Duskfire had been torn from them all. But that was why the sundry man had stepped up in the first place, for in his heart he wished to see Duskfire thrive, to see every lost member return, and to see the Sveijarns restored. Týrr was a part of this, and had been a part of this since before the beginning. There was forgiveness to be given, and a second chance. Malachi felt his tail sway at his hocks when Týrr confirmed the statement he hoped the earthen man would not deny.

A smile cracked his face, genuine in light of the quiet strength behind Týrr's conviction. "Then welcome home." He said, and that was enough, for Týrr was welcome among them. He always had been, and as long as Duskfire was a part of the Wilds, Malachi would make certain he always was. Danica and Hatshepsut - if they ever returned - would receive a welcome the same, for if Tuwawi and Njal had deemed them worthy of Duskfire, Malachi was convinced they were.

RE: j - fate knocks me to my knees - Tezcacoatl - January 31, 2015

This post is short and crappy but I wanted to get it in before I went to bed. c:

Not at all was this the sort of “welcome” that Týrr had expected. He did not expect Malachi to actually seem joyed to see him, let alone welcome him back into the ranks of the Duskfire Glacier just like that — at a drop of a hat. In some ways, there was a suspicious part of the Rekkr that wondered if this was a ploy, unable to help but feel that this had been too easy. Malachi did not seem the type to be malicious enough to lay traps (besides there were easier ways to deal with wolves if one didn't want them in their pack), and everything that Týrr had seen before had be very genuine. Idly, the Rekkr wondered if Malachi knew what he was thinking, what he was planning if he would so readily welcome him back in with arms wide open. Likely, Týrr considered, not. Thankfully, only Týrr himself was privy to his own thoughts, and Manauia was in on the know of course though the Rekkr counted on the woman's loyalty to him and her Amazon sisters to not tattle on him. Having a crusading feminist that swore loyalty to if not him than his queen mother, Quetzalcoatl did certainly have it's pros. Just as it definitely had it's cons. Thank you, Manners, no matter how feral he was, no matter which culture he belonged too, were not something that the Rekkr could simply turn off. He was too refined and too princely for it all to magically vanish simply because he was changing. Perhaps his manners would, too, vanish, or perhaps they would always stay. It mattered little to him, currently.

His first object of business was to get settled back into the Glacier, secretly hoping that no one had claimed his den when he had not been there to inhabit it. The second order was to find and speak with Tuwawi. From there, for now, Týrr was in no rush to plan.

RE: j - fate knocks me to my knees - Malachi - February 02, 2015

It's all good! I'm not feeling too great about my post, either. My brain's been dead tired for the past few days and every writing endeavour is killer D:

Malachi dipped his head to receive the earthen man's gratitude, though he felt little entitlement to receive it at all. After all, Týrr was one of them. Lifting his gaze he settled his eyes to look upon the man. Curiosity encouraged him to seek the reason Týrr had left so soon after returning from his search for Larus, but Malachi obliged to stifle the question for now. Instead, he spoke what was more present on his mind: "Tuwawi will be glad to see you've returned." And maybe having the presence of another she knew well could ease the maniacal streak that claimed the mother's mind. "Only she and Maera remain. The others have gone."

In the vast timeline of Duskfire, he had lost track of the grand order of disappearance and departure. He remembered not whether Týrr had left before or after Tuwawi had, and before or after Jokull and Valtyr had gone, too. Malachi was almost certain the man had been present for Njal's return, but when he thought back, it had only been he and Danica who had met the stone man on the length of the border, bearing the skull of one of the lynx who had made this whole mess start.

RE: j - fate knocks me to my knees - Tezcacoatl - February 04, 2015

Týrr's ears perked a bit when Malachi spoke that Tuwawi would glad to see that he had returned. Though the Rekkr had no desire to let on in regards to his crush upon the ember, he could not help but shift his demeanor to one that held soft affection. Even so, Týrr hoped that Malachi did not read too much into it — not because the Rekkr felt shame that he was smitten with the woman (for she was certainly worthy of his attractions) but because he did not, necessarily, wish to voice aloud about it. Especially when he was under the impression that she still called Njal her mate; and because though confident in most of all that he did he feared her rejection and disgust. Or worse than disgust the fact that he was younger than her that might make him appear as a child to her. He didn't know, of course, only speculated based on what little knowledge he had of such things. The Vikings were not overly discreet about their relationships (or much else to be honest) and Týrr knew that kind of thing happened often.

The knowledge that Njal, and the pair's sons were gone, had left, sparked a strike of pity within the Rekkr's heart; though likewise there was not much Týrr could say without sounding horrendously hypocritical himself. I see, Týrr drew in a soft, contemplative murmur. I will make it a point to speak with Tuwawi soon, Týrr admitted to Malachi, and then inquired, Would you happen to know the direction she was last in? Týrr assumed she was still in the Glacier, of course, but he didn't know if Malachi had spoken to her recently and could point him in a general direction. Sure, Týrr could have easily called for her, when his meeting with Malachi was wrapped up but he did not necessarily wish for the whole pack to know he was seeking her out.

RE: j - fate knocks me to my knees - Malachi - February 10, 2015

He caught the shift in the earthen man and, knowing nothing of Týrr's pining for the fire-kissed queen, took the affection for what he thought it to be worth. Tuwawi had drawn them both to Duskfire: that Týrr would soften at the news of her return brought Malachi little surprise. Surely he could relate, for though his encounter with Tuwawi had at first been estranged, he had easily sunk into her embrace. Loyalty to Tuwawi was what had kept Malachi here when she had been gone, and this same loyalty was likely what made the earthen man return.

But Malachi shook his head at Týrr's question. "I haven't seen her in a few days, but she's around," he admitted, and his ears turned back in uncertainty. For the past week the willowy man had chosen paths directly against Tuwawi's own, displacing his own position at the farthest distance from both her and Scarlett. The act proved strenuous to keep up, but so far he'd been met with success. Until he could sort out how to deal with Tuwawi's rage against Adlartok and Scarlett's concern for the boy, he was keen to see neither, for his judgements ran cycle like the sun and moon, shifting sides when he thought of each and finding no middle ground on which to stand. "It shouldn't take you long to find her," he added in neat conclusion, for though it pleased the man to be in Týrr's presence again, he was not ready to confide with him what had transpired before he'd returned.

RE: j - fate knocks me to my knees - Tezcacoatl - February 22, 2015

Seemed like a good place to wrap this up! <3 Feel free to reply once more or archive as is. :-)

Týrr's ears cupped forth in Malachi's direction when the King spoke that he hadn't seen Tuwawi for a few days, but mentioned that she was around the Glacier. Týrr had expected no less; though the relief that he would not have to venture too far from it's borders in order to find the ember queen was evident. “Thank you, Malachi,” Týrr murmured, tone and sentiment genuine. He might have had plans of usurping, or at the very least in trying to convince Tuwawi to usurp but he still liked Malachi. Whether they could consider one another friends or not, the Rekkr did not know but he held no true ill will towards the man before him. There was only one family that held his ill will and in due time they would get what was coming as he tore them down. He would destroy the Lodbroks, confident that the moment he took out Ragnar their family would crumble to ruin. He was their patriarch, after all. He always had been, even back in the Cove when he'd had many wives, and a few concubines heavily pregnant with his children. Once, Týrr had believed that the sun and risen and set upon Ragnar's shoulders but he was no longer a child, no longer blinded by the ignorance and lies he'd once been fed to believe.

Shaking himself of those thoughts he offered Malachi an affable smile. “I should go see if I can't catch Tuwawi,” He murmured as he dipped his head, though the thought of submitting to another male riled him as if he'd been stuck with a thousand needles; though in all fairness he had never enjoyed bowing to a fellow male. Female leaders had always been his preference even when he couldn't remember Tezcacoatl (though if the thin wisps could be considered memories he did not know). With that the Rekkr took his leave.