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all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Printable Version

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all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Caiaphas - January 28, 2015

borders of horizon ridge where it slopes up to DFG -- all AS members welcome (assume they traveled together), also, any DFG members welcome! refer to this map for proximity - we can assume no order unless conflict arrives?

The Siren Queen lifted her fierce muzzle, her hateful gaze secured on Duskfire's prominent peaks. It had been them to steal Larus -- it was them that caused her pack grief and torment. She dropped her seething muzzle and trotted along the Ridge's last stone-laden slabs where grassy knoll united in rolling verdant green. Just past the soft heave of lush meadow the altitude changed and ice seeped down the mountain vale. The coywolf lifted a paw and looked upwards towards the Glacier's immeasurable rise.

They were close enough that when the wind favored them they could scent Duskfire's borders on the breeze. She did not see if her accolytes were behind her -- if they were loyal, they came. Spyridon had no doubt selected one of his consorts appropriate to scout closer to Duskfire's borders -- whoever that unlucky consort was, he would scout closer to Duskfire's perimeters. For now, this reconnaissance party simply observed their enemy and worried any prey in the vicinity.
"how does a man decide in what order to abandon his life?"

RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Wynter Wolf - January 28, 2015

Wynter approaches the alpha's flank nervously. A small breeze was in the air and she picked up the scent of what must be the Duskfire pack borders. Her paws were sore as she was not used to the terrain, but she wouldn't show her weakness.

She bowed her head as she came to stand next to the lean grey queen. "I know i haven't been here long but Larus is part of the pack and i'll do anything to help get him back." She let out a low growl, and glanced over at the peaks where the queens gaze was locked in anger.


RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Caiaphas - January 28, 2015

anyone else is still welcome. just posting bc im post-happy today

With haggard breaths Caiaphas turned to Wynter, one of the Sound's newest supplicants. While her gaze did not soften, she did not disparage the female for her supportive words. The maniacal woman turned her scathing eyes once more to Duskfire before she assumed a stealthy trot along the gentle promontory.

Παρακολουθούμε . The sylph-like harridan uttered, her voice hoarse. With effort she scrabbled onto a large boulder which erupted from the earth and surveyed the grassland. Soon night would descend and they would be under the guise of darkness, better protected. "We wait." It occurred to her Wynter likely had no formative education of their tongue -- perhaps her learning of the Sound's ways began now.
"how does a man decide in what order to abandon his life?"

RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Wynter Wolf - January 28, 2015

Wynter ducked slightly as the siren's harsh gaze turned to her. The siren muttered something in another tongue. A tongue she did not understand. She winced and muttered quietly "What was the first thing you said, I didn't understand it" she stares down at her paws disappointed. Almost as if she felt bad for not knowing what she said. Even though, there was no reason she should have known.
She trotted behind the queen, but chose to remain on the ridge rather than jumping up onto the boulder where the queen now stood. She glanced around, almost admiring the view but remained very aware of her surroundings.


RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Caiaphas - January 28, 2015

Caiaphas peered down at the agouti below her, a slight frown worrying the crease of her triangular face. Perhaps Aella or Akantha could teach this one the ways of the Nereides -- Nakai was too new an inductee to possibly be Wynter's tutor, and Spyridon's energy must be tasked only for preserving their home and their life's way. "We watch." She translated, her tone dry as her attention turned to the lower reaches of the mountain.

As the wind rifled by them she thought she scented the heady scent of fox -- reluctant to jump down the rock she had struggled to climb atop, she nosed the wind until the scent faded. It would be some time before nightfall -- perhaps more of their kin would come.
"how does a man decide in what order to abandon his life?"

RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Wynter Wolf - January 28, 2015

Wynter sat on the ridge in thought while she stared off into the distance. This is nothing like my old home, this place is beautiful with the mountains, the beach, and the forest with the huge sequoia's. This is my new home. Two years I've searched and now I have finally found it. Although I don't quite fit in now. I'm sure I'll get them to trust me eventually. Being a lone wolf. Its lonely. Never how i wanted to live...

She glanced up at the siren who was still on top of the rock. She appeared to be deep in thought. " Not to interupt but where are the others?" she muttered quietly. "Shouldn't they be here by now?" she tilted her head slightly.


RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Kevlyn - January 29, 2015

Kevlyn went with harried steps, but no amount of pushing himself could make him arrive as swiftly as Wynter. Nevertheless, as he agilely scaled the remnants of Horizon Ridge, he did so without shame. There was no reason for him to feel it and besides, he was favoured among the sirens even if recently he was prone to solitude.

His eyes fell questioningly on the auburn female before flitting to the true siren, Caiaphas. To these initiates, Kevlyn felt he owed nothing, so his acknowledgement of Wynter, though appropriate for his station—lowered ears and tucked tail—was fleeting. His true focus was and always would be the Alpha female, whom he approached submissively.

"Τι κάνει αυτή εδώ?" he tentatively asked Caiaphas. Unlike the Alpha, he was too haughty to translate; one could not call Ankyra Sound a true home until they mastered the language as far as vain Kevlyn was concerned.

RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Wynter Wolf - January 29, 2015

Wynter snaps out of another daydream to hear pawsteps on the stone. She looked out of the corner of her eye at the young male that was now approaching. The wolf made a quick submissive glance at her, but then his gaze went straight to the siren. He muttered something in what must have been the tongue the siren was speaking in earlier. She wished she understood what he was saying, but she was sure she would pick up on it eventually. It's hard trying to fit in, when no one wants to listen She glanced at the siren and the young male briefly and then went back into deep thought.


RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Akantha - January 29, 2015

She'd not met the boy that left a void in their ranks, but the thought of his disappearance being linked to another pack rankled her in ways she once assumed impossible. Young spawn were never worth much back home; if they were drowned in the sea, or lost to other predators, the Sisters would rarely mourn. But something about this instance angered her. Atlas' death stung, and this entire situation was a harsh reminder of how they were sorely lacking in capable Consorts.

The brutish woman was a good few minutes behind the others as they descended on the gathering place, but approached with the same bullheadedness that proceeded her in most cases. She noses Wynter on the cheek as she passes, and turns her sharp hazel eyes on Kelvyn. "Επειδή είναι ακόμα μια αδελφή , ακόμη και αν λανθασμένη." She rumbles low in her throat.

Akantha then swings her muzzle around, and follows Caiaphas' gaze to the distant borders.

RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Caiaphas - January 29, 2015

i think it's safe to say we can toss post order out, as it is a big group of us.. in the interest of keeping things moving. i'm thinking each of us can span out and 'search', maybe find some trails or other non-PP facts.

Her study of the icy foothills was paused as Kevlyn pulled from her peripherals, sleek with youth and all leg. Wynter had fallen silent below her, a trait in which Caiaphas favored -- it showed discipline, subordination. She ruminated an appropriate answer to the youth's inquiry, though dark sister Akantha followed close behind. The amazon issued a quick reply and Caiaphas' gaze fell from the reclaimed Sister to Kevlyn, her silence suggesting it was a most suitable answer.

She was content to resume her examination of their distant enemy -- with a sweep of her lissome legs she dropped from her perch and landed gracelessly on solid ground. Μελετάμε . Εμείς παραμένουν αθέατοι . Αυτό είναι μια αποστολή επιτήρησης , όχι μια επιδρομή . Μείνετε μακριά από τα σύνορα και να μείνουν έξω από τα μάτια . Αφήστε κανένα σημάδι του πέρασμα σας . Caiaphas instructed quietly, her voice hushed as she looked over each face. To Wynter she turned, a concise translation uttered: "Stay out of sight, and gather what intel you can."

RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Wynter Wolf - January 29, 2015

Wynter glanced as she spots another wolf padding up the ridge, the cedar coated female nosed her on the cheek as she passed then she gave the young male a sharp glance,muttered something in the tongue they were all speaking, and let out a small growl.

Wynter glanced up at Caiaphas whose gaze was now upon the two who joined us. She hopped down from the large rock she had been standing on and said something in the strange tongue Wynter had yet to learn. Then she glanced over at her and translated. I nod my head in agreement and gratefulness. Wynter stood ,stretched, and looked around at the others. As if shes waiting for something to happen or someone to do something.


RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Nakai - January 30, 2015

[size=medium]Nakai returned to the gathering of Ankyran wolves within minutes. He had taken the liberty of running a perimeter a few hundred yards from where they remained hidden and watchful. His large paws left deep indents in the snow upon the ridge and for the first time since he had left Canada, he felt safe on his feet.
When he approached the rest of his pack he first ventured to his alpha, lowering himself onto the ground before her and uttering a submissive whine he declared his subservience. Then he rose again but ducked his head in respect to the sirens present. Kevlyn however, he greeted with a gentle nudge of his large head against the pups shoulder, a gesture that served as both a reminder of their common cause and a playful show of rank. Then, he grew serious and took his place next to the other grown up wolves, watchful blue eyes twinkling.

"αλεπού." Nakai was not entirely too pleased with the stench. Foxes were sly and thus the large grey wolf remained inherently distrustful of their kind.
"The entire place reeks of it," he growled, for the first time trying his hand at the mystic language he had been listening to for weeks. He was uncertain of his pronounciation and the lack of vocabulary irritated him but he was proud, nonetheless, to learn their tongue.

RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillanc - Aella - January 30, 2015

[Image: yu9tuLH.png]

Although slowly due to her physical state, Aella followed the group from behind. She remembered Larus from her visit to Caiaphas' grotto back when she first came to Ankyra Sound. The boy had been very young then, and even when the sister would've hardly bat an eye on a male's disappearance, Aella felt that the kid deserved to be safe.

She thought it to be a little.. -Okay, a lot Hypocritical from Caiaphas to be displeased by Larus' kidnapping when it had been herself who'd snatched him from his mother's care in first place. But today they had something in common, they both wanted revenge and to get the young male back.

The peaks of the glacier's mountain range rose in the background as the fiery Amazon caught up with the rest of the group. "Είμαστε χωρίζουμε σε ομάδες ή θα πρέπει να παραμείνουν μαζί, αδελφή?" she inquired, unsure about what Caiaphas' intentions were at the moment.

----------------------------------------------- ~ o ~ -----------------------------------------------

RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Caiaphas - January 30, 2015

With predatory grace Caiaphas strolled past the congregation, her nose plush to the frozen ground. As she quit their company she saw Aella out of the corner of her eyes, no doubt hindered by her current health. Caiaphas snickered to herself unkindly -- there was no genteel love between the two of them -- she saw it most befitting the sea had instrumented such punishment for Aella's wavering loyalty. Both she and Akantha, truly Adepts of the original sect, were held in curious regard by the Siren Queen -- she had yet to make her mind about the mismatched pair.

It was these thoughts that possessed her as she fussed along the ground, overturning the stale scent of wolves here and there. She ignored any further conversation uttered by her subordinates -- now was the time to scout and find out as much about their enemy as possible.

RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Akantha - January 31, 2015

Should we just stay in this thread? I don't think any groups that split off will go far.

Akantha paid little mind to the commentary and social greetings going on around her, save for what Caiaphas had to say. But when Aella was ignored, Akantha's eyes narrowed ever so slightly; she hadn't caught the snicker, nor did she have any way of knowing about the odd rift that had formed between her russet sister and the Siren Queen. She casts aside any doubt and turns, brushing affectionately against Aella as she heads the opposite direction of their leader. "Come with me, sister." She says softly, "θα δούμε λιγότερο καχύποπτοι με αυτόν τον τρόπο."

RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Wynter Wolf - January 31, 2015

Wynter glanced around at all the commotion. All the wolves were splitting of into their own little groups to go scout around and see what information they could gather about the Duskfire pack and Larus. She didnt know her way around this terrain well yet, and knew she needed to find wolves who would be willing to let her follow them.

She spotted Akantha and Aella talking and began to pad in their direction slowly. She bowed her head for she knew how much rankings meant in this pack. She muttered quietly, " Uh hey, I dont know my way around this place that well yet and I was wondering, do you mind if I followed you and Aella?" She glanced at both the wolves and then sat down.

I really hope they will let me follow them, I dont know who else I would follow if they dont. She thought as she glanced around at the other wolves.

RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Kevlyn - February 01, 2015

Akantha arrived and answered his question, cowing Kevlyn with that single utterance. "Δεν ξέρει τον αδελφό μας," Kevlyn clarified the intent of his question, but didn't dare push the issue any further. Though he didn't know her and hadn't formed an opinion of her, Kevlyn knew Akantha was in high regard in their sect, and knew better than to question her too boldly. Caiaphas was very accepting of the males' brands of service, but Akantha might be more rigid in viewing Kevlyn's particular type as satisfactory.

When instructed to split off, the Spawn moved off on his own. Part of his role as consort was to do work the females weren't keen on doing themselves; among these tasks he counted scouting into dangerous territory. Without inviting any of them along with him, knowing it would be his responsibility if he took them too far and harm came to them, Kevlyn struck out ahead, fulfilling his role as protector and guardian by allowing that he be the first wolf encountered if they were discovered.

RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Caiaphas - February 04, 2015

let's wrap this up? if you guys want to be eligible for EXP for this pack-activity, please post your 3rd replies! @nakai i think you need 2 more, @aella 2 @akantha 1 @kevlyn 1. fading phas here - i will archive this on the 8th

As the others spread and investigated, Caiaphas hunkered down close to the rotted ground, her nose deep within the frost-touched and tepid leaves. She clawed at the fruitless ground, overturning a slab of ice that pulled with it the remnants of long-perished summer grass.

Nothing was yielded by this survey -- with a growl she placed the frozen hunk back over the exposed earth and trotted closer to the borders -- she would follow her nose until exhaustion consumed her, and even then she would stay the night, fiercely watching those she believed had wronged her.

RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Nakai - February 06, 2015

[size=medium]Nakai growled lowly as he watched the pack disperse into smaller groups and single wolves. He didn't like it, but would have to accept it none the less.
He himself decided to follow Kevlyn as he split from the females to scout into enemy territory. They had lost one puppy and he was not about to let the second fall into the hands of a different pack too.
He knew that Kevlyn didn't like him much but at least in this regard, he did not worry. He outranked the puppy though they were both nothing when compared to the sirens, and thus the pudgy youth would have to accept his watchful eye.
Trotting ahead he drew closer, walking next to the smaller male and eyeing him with a hint of a smile while his ears remained ever rigidly posed to catch whatever noise might come his way.
"Keep both eyes open," he urged the boy quietly before he followed his own advice.
He was tense but in some perverse way enjoying the bizarre situation. He had been stuck hunting and patrolling for weeks and the promise of conflict was a tantalizing prospect, even if he by no means coveted battle. It was the feeling of usefulness that he enjoyed as his watchful gaze swept over the landscape and his paws carried him further.

RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Caiaphas - February 06, 2015

i lied.. one more post from me :)

She had strayed far from the others, though she could still hear scant bits of their conversation. It was pleasing to see how they divested themselves in their purpose -- and despite this being a war that was entirely her own ambition, their efforts were noted.

She witnessed Nakai trail Kevlyn and a thin smile of approval doused her narrow features -- for now the wraith would inspect the countryside. Perhaps they would find something of use tonight.

RE: all my blood will spring and spill, I'll crash the air and be still [surveillance] - Kevlyn - February 08, 2015

Last post! Kevlyn's behaviour isn't personal, he's just really, really into himself.

It became apparent quickly that Nakai was following him. Kevlyn turned a mistrustful eye upon the older male, but said nothing. His dislike of Nakai stemmed from the male's flippant disregard for their territory, but had grown in light of the other wolf's tendency to bristle self-importantly, something Kevlyn was arrogant enough to disregard. He didn't like Nakai and there was really nothing the well-meaning adult could do to change that. Being followed like this solidified it in a way.

When the male told him to keep a watchful eye, Kevlyn lifted his lip and snarled lowly at the male, a clear sign that his advice was unwelcome, however well-intended it was. He fancied himself a most well-trained consort who certainly didn't need to be told these things. His allegiance was to Caiaphas and her sirens and so he was stuck in the position of accepting Nakai into their fold, but that didn't mean he was about to tolerate this sort of disrespect and belittling. He respected Spyridon more than any wolf in the world, and showed all the females subservience, but Nakai was a completely different story.

Before the other could do anything about it, the youth lengthened his strides and took off, intending to outpace the older wolf and continue his surveillance alone. It wasn't solely personal anyway; their numbers were few and Nakai was needed elsewhere. His babysitting was a waste of his surveillance potential.