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Duskfire Glacier Bring it - Printable Version

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Bring it - Adlartok - January 29, 2015

Artok lay in the den looking around. He was slowly going stir crazy, the simple fact was though he couldn't really move around yet. He sniffed at the poultice on his back and wrinkled his nose. It was not a nice smell, it was helping his back. But as was usual for those of youthful design, he was growing bored with not being able to move. He shifted and shifted again, and looked around.

He painstakingly began to drag himself towards the outside. He wouldn't go the whole way out. He just wanted to stick his head out and look at the world outside. Granted it was very possible that Scarlett would stop him, and it would tick him off. But the she wolf had grown on him, and though he strongly believed he was incapable of making proper connections. He did love her in a weird child/mother way. It was strange, he had never been doted on before, and it was a strange change to his other wise straightforward world.

RE: Bring it - Scarlett - January 29, 2015

I couldn't help myself. xD

Scarlett went for a huge round around the duskfire grounds each morning when she woke up. She felt like Adlartok, but also she, needed it. The pale female liked the exercise. She would go to Glacier peak, look at the weather patterns, then cross the glacier to the other side and see if it was any different from Duskfire Lookout. The she-wolf then got down into the pine forest at the foot of the Glacier. Often on her way back she decided to hunt for Adlartok. It was exactly what she had done this morning too. When she returned to her den she saw the young grey struggle with going outside. She couldn't blame him. Being stuck under the ground couldn't possibly be fun.

Scarlett stopped next to the steam that was 5 feet from her den entrance. The raccoon hanging from her maw was placed on the ground. "Hi Ad," she hummed. It was good that the boy showed some fight in him and that he wanted to go back outside. "Do you want me to bring your food or do you want to eat it here by the stream?," she questioned. The stream would also be good for the young wolf to quench his thirst. Water was the most difficult thing to bring to the youngster, she had to admit.

RE: Bring it - Adlartok - February 01, 2015

Artok knew that Scarlett always went for a run. He had misjudged the time obviously, since he couldn’t see outside. But he didn’t mind. She studied him and he gave her a small endearing smile. She was one of the few wolves he liked thus far. She was kind hearted and friendly, and she took care of him. Most wolves would have not given him the time of day.

He wagged his tail slightly, and dipped his muzzle. Hi miss. Scarlett. He sighed happily, she wasn’t going to scold him, good. He struggled a little further forward and spoke quietly. I want to eat it there. I just have to get there. He would get there on his own he didn’t want help. He painstakingly crawled across the ground, belly down to the food. He slumped to his belly for a moment after reaching her paws. His sides heaved slightly from a mix of exertion and pain. The fur and skin around the wound twitched in pain.

RE: Bring it - Scarlett - February 01, 2015

Scarlett figured that the youngster would want to do this himself. The raccoon was placed at her feet for Ad to crawl too. She returned him a soft and kind smile when he gave her one. He was a sweet young man who didn't deserve all of this in any way. Scarlett once more grew angry with what happened to the younger one. "Good job," she praised once he reached her. Though, she was worried how much effort it took.

Her nose moved through the fur on top of his head before she gave it a gentle lick. "Make sure you drink too, okay?," she couldn't help but urge. Scarlett then sat down by his side. She was growing slightly protective over him and she would dislike to have Manauia talk him down again. Or worse, Tuwawi marching past here. Scarlett wouldn't know what she would do if the red queen would pass by. She rather not think of it. "You are getting better, Ad. I will make sure of it. Don't worry. It might be difficult now but I am sure you will heal."

RE: Bring it - Adlartok - February 01, 2015

Adlartok didn't mind her thinking he was an angel. He had his moments of unkindness, the one moment that he thought of was meeting Maera. She however had no right to treat him so poorly, just because her daddy had been the alpha. WHere was the man now? No where, exactly so he didn't worry about it. Thanks he spoke softly on a pant.

He nodded his head, his mouth full at this point. He had torn into the raccoon's carcass. It was good. Artok swallowed and spoke the worry evident on his mind. Do you think I still have a place here? or do you think Tuwawi will make sure I don't? he wondered if Malachi would give in and if Tuwawi would attack him if she saw him again, whether he was allowed to be here or not.

RE: Bring it - Scarlett - February 01, 2015

Scarlett sunk into thought as she sat by him. Her red eyed briefly staring into nothingness until Adlartok voiced the question she was thinking about. "Of course you have," she spoke immediately. Although she wasn't that sure herself. A sigh came from her lips. "At least... I think so. Tuwawi had no right. If anyone should be leaving it is her," she spoke, suddenly so much venom in her tone that was quite unusual for Scarlett.

The albino turned her glance at Adlartok. "I will go talk to Malachi. I am not very comfortable either with her in the pack, to be honest. If there are no youngsters other than Maera she will make a poor pack later on. Then Duskfire has no future," Scarlett spoke. It might be the first time ever she talked bad about someone. Scarlett decided it was just as much her and Adlartok's home as Tuwawi's. "I am directly under Malachi in rank. I will talk to him. But I am not sure if she will get kicked out or punished. I just wish I knew her reasons. Maybe we could have her changed back or something..."

RE: Bring it - Adlartok - February 01, 2015

Artok listened and he breathed a sigh of relief at first. Until she spoke next and he felt his body tightening of it's own accord. He looked down, suddenly no longer hungry. He felt like a cowed youth. Being reprimanded for something out of his control. But she's the queen right? ANd Maera told me her dad founded this. Acted like she was a princess? So if they are treated like royalty won't they be unabashed of their actions? He wondered at it. If the leader of hte pack was going to let them do what they wanted, even as subordinates, then who was to say they still wouldn't attack him. She might kill me next time Miss Scarlett.

ARtok heard her words and he furrowed his brow and thought about the day of the fight. He shrugged, the only words she told me were Get out. Which I told her no I didn't have to. She could talk to Malachi if she didn't believe me. Then she attacked me and as I was running she screamed No OTHER CHILDREN. He shrugged that was all he knew. He couldn't really remember much else.

RE: Bring it - Scarlett - February 02, 2015

Scarlett snorted, in a bad way. She didn't saw Tuwawi as a Queen at all. "No she is not. She was the former Queen. She left. Her fault. Malachi took her place and when she returned she didn't claim her right to the throne. Malachi didn't step down." She assured. Plus she was certain that Malachi wouldn't let a manic like Tuwawi lead Duskfire. The pale female licked over the top of Arlartok's head to soothe him. Scarlett snorted once more. "I will make sure she doesn't lay a paw on you. And they shouldn't behave like that. Their time of ruling is over," she spoke.

Scarlett looked at the young grey and then frowned. She had talked to Tyrr recently and it gave her some insight. "Well apparently Tuwawi and Njal founded the Glacier pack for her children. So they had no competition with other youngsters. The pack was for them to grow up safely. Apparently Tuwawi lost three of her four pups. Only Maera remains," she spoke. "BUT! Malachi accepted you. So that means he is responsible for you being safe on his grounds," Scarlett immediately added. "It is also up to Malachi how he will react to this. Haven't seen him since."

RE: Bring it - Adlartok - February 02, 2015

Artok nodded, but shook his head. yes but if Malachi continues to let her get away with this. As clearly he is going to. You heard him yourself, Miss Scarlett. He didn't believe she would ever do this. In his mind she can do no wrong. So if he continues to think like that. Well I'm in trouble.

Artok sighed and pulled at some of the meat that hung on the raccoon. He wasn't hungry, but he needed something to do, to get rid of the anger that ate him up. He sighed softly and looked around. Laying his head on his paws, he simply soaked in the day.

RE: Bring it - Scarlett - February 02, 2015

Scarlett nudged the raccoon to the grey wolf wanting him to eat. "You know what... If that might happen. If she harasses you and Malachi doesn't do anything about it we both leave," she then spoke. It pained her to stay that. Truly. She loved the glacier. It was her beacon of hope. Scarlett felt at home at the glacier even with Tuwawi being... tuwawi. "I won't let you go alone. Plus I don't want to live under her terror."

Scarlett was certain that Malachi wouldn't let that happen... right?! He would stand up for his pack or wouldn't he? Scarlett hoped so otherwise he future was very grim. Where would she go!? Maybe the Sunspire... Jace would help her. Or Blacktail Deer Plateau, Blue Willow, Koda and Kesuk lived there! That might be an option. She really wanted to join Kove, but Black Feather didn't seem like the pack to her.

RE: Bring it - Adlartok - February 06, 2015

I'm so sorry the babies have been sick. :(

Artok looked at the raccoon, but all it did now was turn his stomach. He pushed it further away. He did take the tail off of it though. He chewed at it gently. He frowned, But I don't want you to lose your home, just cause she doesn't like me. He smiled, she was a bit of a terror, but her daughter wasn't much better. And he was on that she wolf's bad side too.

Artok didn't really know what he'd do if he was ostracized from here. Probably take up the hunt for his uncle again. Yea he would hunt for him again. He didn't know how Miss Scarlett would feel about his uncle Sin, but they may get along. he could be charming when he wanted to be.

RE: Bring it - Scarlett - February 07, 2015

Oh not to worry! Get well soon <3

Scarlett watched the young man fidget and eventually chew on the raccoon's tail. Scarlett took his meal since she was quite hungry too. Now the flesh was still warm and juicy. She started stripping away pieces of the fur towards the meat. Surprisingly this fat looking raccoon was actually fat too, that was a bonus. "You are not going to lose your home," she spoke with so much determination and then smiled softly.

"Don't worry. Worry makes the healing go slower. You are safe in my den and I will care for you. I will also have a chat with Malachi. Maybe we are just speculating. Maybe Malachi did something about it and he didn't got the time to report back to us," she pointed out, trying to stay positive. Even though she didn't believe it herself it sounded pretty believable. "Drink some," she nudged him gently.

RE: Bring it - Adlartok - February 16, 2015

Artok looked at her and gave her a strange look. Don't promise me such things please Miss. Scarlett. There's a very real chance I'll lose my home. Especially if Malachi doesn't have the back bone to stand up to Tuwawi. I met her daughter you know. And she's just as nasty, so if they both are walking around like that. Then clearly Malachi lets them do what they want, and we don't matter.

He felt a taste like ash in his mouth at those words. Bitter and repugnant as it was. He had come out of the encounter with both the fire females feeling like he was lacking as an individual, and it smarted.

Artok struggled to his front paws, though he whined at the pain that tore through the one. He lapped gently at the water, then looking back towards the den. He painfully turned towards it. He had enough sunlight for the day, he didn't want to be anywhere near any of the light anymore. He wanted darkness and bitterness.

RE: Bring it - Scarlett - February 16, 2015

Wrapping this up!

Scarlett looked at Adlartok and sighed softly. "Well. If you don't get to keep this home then we go together. Ever since Tuwawi returned the glacier became much more colder," Scarlett whispered, as if she would say it softly it was less bad. Her tongue licked behind Adlartok's ear. She watched him with care and let him go back inside. She would join him later. Scarlett was serious about protecting the youngster. She might see him bit as her own now. They spend a lot of time together after all.

She hoped she would have to leave Duskfire. Maybe they could come to an agreement and .. live happily ever after? Yeah.. probably not.