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Greatwater Lake New grounds to explore - Printable Version

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New grounds to explore - Burke - January 31, 2015

Open :3

At last the grey tank of a wolf found that he knew Black Feather woods well enough to venture into new territory. His paws hardened with mud that badly needed to be washed off. The grey masked male walked calmly over the borders he once stood for, pledging his loyalty to Meldresi and her pack. Burke worked hard on his reputation, today on the other hand, he decided that it was a day that he would take care of himself. His large body could use some treatment after his hard work.

Burke traveled to the big lake he traveled past. A thick fog was settling around the massive body of muscle. He wasn't bothered by these weather conditions. The first thing the grey wolf did was to wade into the water and quench his thirst. The water came to his chest, others might already lost their footing where he stood. Once the male was done he padded out of the water. The mud had soaked off as soon it came in contact with the water.

The five year old male shook out his thick winter coat. Burke was already calm most of the time but with this thick Alaskan winter coat he overheated quickly in this mild winter. He was used to biting cold but here it felt like damn summer in winter. The male hated to think how bright and hot summer would be in this area.

RE: New grounds to explore - Kaname - January 31, 2015

psst. It's me. Meldresi's player. ;D

He strayed towards the lake today, only because he enjoyed the peace that he experienced at Big Salmon. While the lake back in Ouroboros was nice to fish in, you were very likely to see some of your own lurking about. And right now, he needed time to think.

The Beta wanted to think about strategies they should incorporate. Fighting styles, defensive plans in case of attack, as well as swelling Ouroboros' numbers like Cara had said. That way, if Mara ever did come back to the Spine with a vengenece, they would be prepared.

Kaname cut through the fog without worry, heading towards the familiar lake. Once it had taken its place in his vision, he increased his pace to close the distance, eager to taste its cold waters on his lips. Once he had reached the lakeside and drank from its shores, he looked up at the sound of a pelt shaking. There, a gray wolf, an older male, stood, paws in the water. He wondered if it was a loner, a Redhawk or a Blackfeather wolf. Or even, one of Mara's. "Hey," He called, hoping that it was one of the former and not the latter.

RE: New grounds to explore - Burke - February 01, 2015

Oh hay! :D *Waves* I think I will use this thread for Outrider! :D

The large grey stood on the edge of the lake. Burke wondered when he would start shedding because this was no fun. Luckily the cold water was helping him cool his body down greatly. A breeze tugged on his wet coat. Slowly Burke walked out of the water until a scent invaded his nose. Slowly he turned to it, as a dark figure appeared through the fog. Burke's icy colored eyes looked at the approaching male with some curiosity. They had the same eye color. The stranger reminded him a bit of his younger brother. But it couldn't be since that black one died before he reached his first year.

Burke bobbed his head briefly. His docked tail standing up. "Hello," he greeted in return. This grey tank could be a malicious creature but most of the time he was quite calm and reserved. Only when he snapped his true demon form appeared, the other was like a charming mask to fool everyone. Burke had noticed how much inner peace he had created in himself once he left his old pack. He was always fighting with his brother over who was the alpha. Now he finally had his mind at rest. Burke felt better.

Still, that didn't make up for the fact that the male was still grumpy about his thick alaskan coat. His nose moved, trying to catch a scent from where the male was coming from. Not that it would help... He wouldn't know which scent from which. "Black Feather. You?," he grunted. Burke wasn't sure to which packs he should be nice to and which one he should be fighting.

RE: New grounds to explore - Kaname - February 01, 2015

His eye color seemed very common among the males here in Teekon. He had met many with eyes matching his, and now another was standing before him. It was curious to him why this was so popular, since his eyes were fawned over by the people of his family for being unique. But, it could just be coincidence that so many with his eyes came to these lands. There were a lot of wolves here anyway.

The gray wolf with his eyes said that he was from Blackfeather, which intrigued Kaname. He hadn't know a lot of Meldresi's lot. Hell, he barely even saw them. What he did know is that Sitri visited once before for some reason, heading towards her land with a haunch of meat. For what purpose the food served, he could only bring up a few possible answers. But each of them made him more suspicious. Tribute? Thanks for something?

"Ouroboros Spine." He said in return, walking closer to the thick furred male. "So you're one of Meldresi's lot, huh? What's it like in that big scary forest of hers?"

RE: New grounds to explore - Burke - February 01, 2015

The large grey kept his eyes on the black stranger. Burke was curious to know where this male came from and if his pack was anything like Meldresi's. The priestess had been popular topic to gossip about. Her and her dark 'magic'. By now Burke was certain that she did not possess any of what those rumors that lead him to Black Feather. However, he was eager to join that dark brotherhood of hers. If only he knew how to be selected. Burke wasn't going to change himself, maybe they didn't deem him right, so be it. He would find out later on probably. For now he did not worry. Burke never worried really.

"I don't know it," he returned once he learned the name of the male's pack. "Is it anything like Black Feather or..?," he wondered skeptically. He squinted his eyes a bit. Meldresi's lot. Was that meant in a mocking way or not? He wondered. Something started to bubble inside his large body, while he kept his masked face expressionless as possible. "I am," he spoke proudly. "Why don't you go see for yourself and find out??," he then grin, finding his own reply kind of amusing. This stranger probably would be tackled by several wolves before he could reach it. On the other hand, he seemed to know Meldresi. Maybe he was a friend of the pack. Who knows? But his question implied he had never been on Black Feather grounds. Interesting.

RE: New grounds to explore - Kaname - February 02, 2015

"From what I've heard about you, it's nothing like Blackfeather." He recalled the wild rumors that circled about the various loners and pack wolves he had seen around. About how Meldresi used dark magic and rituals to control her pack members and drive them to do all kinds of perversions and sadistic things. How they tortured a young wolf from a pack just for trespassing, then beat up her rescue patrol and left them with her anyway. Whether these rumors were true or not, he didn't know or care. For rumors are based on fact, and it seemed Blackfeather was becoming quite notorious among the Wilds.

"Yeah, no. I'm not going into another pack's territory uninvited. That's just stupid." He smirked. "And from what I've heard you did to that girl, I'm not sure if I even want to be 100 pawsteps away from your borders."

RE: New grounds to explore - Burke - February 02, 2015

The big brute licked his lips. Well then he wasn't really interested in this dark one's pack if it was nothing like Black Feather. He liked Black Feather as it was. He felt at home in the dark forest. He was even one of the few that didn't mind the stench coming from the swamp. Burke slowly pulled his maw into a wicked grin. "Oh you are smart," she returned. The large grey could appreciate a wolf with a brain.

Burke tipped his head curiously. "I have no idea what you are talking about," he returned on a tone that was indicating he did know what he was talking about. Burke remembered the bold trespasser. It seemed they made it clear enough what would happen if one crossed their borders. Burke slowly had that wicked grin again. "I see you don't approve?," he questioned. "I do wonder what the rumors said."

RE: New grounds to explore - Kaname - February 02, 2015

He was starting to realize that those who came to Blackfeather and wanted to join had to be a little on the crazy side, which made him question the sanity of Meldresi herself. The grin the gray brute had given him in slight admiration of his intelligence was not the nice kind. No, it was more frightening than anything. He merely snorted his amusement, but said nothing more.

He wondered if they took pleasure from abusing that girl. The Blackfeather wolf said in an obvious tone that he knew what he was talking about, and said it in such a smug way that he wondered if he was proud. Yet again the wolf gave that disturbingly wicked smile and Kaname had to repress a shudder. Boy, was he creepy. It must be from living in such darkness all day. "Something about making the girl go crazy in some kind of tunnel, using herbs to get information out of her, as well as physically scarring her. I haven't seen her, nor do I know what pack she belongs to, but I'm guessing someone up north." He was thinking either Swiftcurrent or Sunspire, he wasn't quite sure, but it had to be one of those two. He wanted to meet her, just so he could see if the scars were truly as terrible as they said. Little did he know that he had actually met the girl once.

RE: New grounds to explore - Burke - February 03, 2015

The icy blue eyes didn't leave the male, it got him to pick up on the slight shudder of the other male. Burke's stump of a tail stood upright, if he had a tail it would probably held high. He had only joined recently but his hard work had been rewarded in rank. Slowly he tipped his head looking genuinely curious about this event the other was talking about. He realized they hadn't even exchanged names, well he would need to ask that later so he could report it back to the beta or the priestess.

Burke's pink tongue licked over his muzzle. "That doesn't sound familiar to me. I have explored the tunnels and there wasn't much down there. But then again, I only recently joined," he pointed out. "It might have happened before I became a member of this pack. It wouldn't surprise me, actually. I bet she was trespassing. Trespassing is something we don't really allow, alas, you know that already." Burke was actually pleased that these type of rumors, or truths, were spread around Teekon. That way intruders would know what would happen to them if they came too close...

RE: New grounds to explore - Kaname - February 03, 2015

He wondered if Ouroboros could employ the same methods to keep trespassers out. Instead of just injuring or killing them, they could torture them mentally and physically, so that the wolves that left after trespassing would be too dulled to dare trespass again. And those who knew them could help strike fear into the hearts of wolves, but telling stories of how their friends, family members, were hurt by the Ouroboros wolves...

No. Cara was not that sick minded and neither was he. And besides, it would scare away new recruits wouldn't it?

The assassin narrowed his eyes, noting the obvious threat, though he didn't need to be told twice. He did not fancy trespassing blantantly into another pack's territory, especially when they were large and strong. He just didn't like the risks that accompanied it. So he changed the subject to something else that was bothering him about this wolf... "What happened to your tail, huh?"

RE: New grounds to explore - Burke - February 03, 2015

Burke would have disagreed with the black male on the fact that there wouldn't be new recruits. He was a new recruit. A bloody good one at that. But that was besides the point. Black Feather had an amazing marketing. It kept the wolves that were too soft for the dark pack off their lands and it would attract the dark ones, like him, to join. The word that was spread by other wolves was actually an excellent strategy. At least that was what Burke thought. In his eyes he was right.

The tank of a wolf wiggled his docked tail. No one commented on it before, not even at Black Feather. Burke slowly grinned, one of those wicked ones again. "My tail got stuck when I was a pup. I was about 4 or 5 months old. I had to chew it off to free myself," he explained, holding his docked tail proudly. It was a bit strange to see a wolf with a docked tail. Burke looked even more squared in shape without his tail. The male didn't show any type of emotion easily because his tail was so short. Burke actually liked his docked tail. "So, if you say Ouroboros Spine. What should I think of that pack-wise? Friendly? Neutral?," he wondered.

RE: New grounds to explore - Kaname - February 08, 2015

He looked at the gray, albeit creepy wolf, with new respect when he explained the source of his docked tail. He found new respect for the wolf, in that he had chewed his own tail off. He couldn't imagine the pain of having a tail pulled off, let alone dealing the pain yourself. "Wow." He exclaimed softly.

"As for Ouroboros, I'd say we're pretty neutral." Had he known that Bane, aka Keith, was in Blackfeather, then he would have changed that status immediately. But Keith was dead, to him at least. "Let's keep it that way, eh?"

RE: New grounds to explore - Burke - February 09, 2015

Burke's head raised proudly when he saw the other male show respect for his actions. He liked that. His stump of a tail rose proudly along with a pleased wolfish grin. Honestly he had forgotten the pain by now. He just wanted to return to his father. He knew how hard it had been on him losing 3 of his 5 children. Burke couldn't make that 4 out of 5.

"Alright. I must admit that your pack has an alright name," he then spoke in return. Burke bobbed his head respectfully in return. "Yes, let's do that," the larger male spoke. "I don't feel like fighting today anyhow," the grey then admitted, giving the other male a more genuine smile at that. "What is your name? It would be good to know if I have to bring a message to our... neighbors."

RE: New grounds to explore - Kaname - February 16, 2015

Kaname smiled good-naturedly when he saw the little stump of a tail rise in pride. It looked hilarious, but Kaname wouldn't dare laugh at the sight in front of him. He was too much of a gentleman to laugh at a stranger. "The name's Kaname. I'm the Beta of Ouroboros if you ever ask for me."

RE: New grounds to explore - Burke - February 16, 2015

Last post from me! Thank you <3 Can you archive it?

Burke bobbed his head. "I'm Burke, if you were remotely interested." The large masked male turned his ears towards black feather. He wondered if he had been called or not. He stepped away from the water and listened some more. "I think I will have to leave you. Thank you for the chat," he spoke almost politely. He could be polite and respectful. If he wanted to. He bobbed his head courtly and trotted away.