Wolf RPG
Rising Sun Valley we're all mad here - Printable Version

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we're all mad here - Outlaw - January 31, 2015

Outlaw had been sleepless- although he was usually sleepless. But now he had been mourning. Railroad was the only real friend he'd ever had, and now he was dead. Outlaw needed to take his mind off his bro's death, but he didn't know how. And not only that, but now he'd been suddenly dropped in the middle (well, actually, the northeastern corner) of a wild area. "Just my luck." He grumbled quietly to himself. Little did he know it was filled with wolf packs. Even worse. Outlaw very slowly walked along, around the edge of the Wetlands, considering going in. He decided not to. It looked too wet and muddy. Although muddy was very much unknown to the teen. His brown eyes were fixed ahead. He was only exploring, not yet leaving the new group of dogs that seemed to be around, the survivors.

RE: we're all mad here - Spectre - February 01, 2015

Spectre had been busy digging his teeth into a waterlogged stick just to get his mouth around something of substance when he spotted the kid--Outlaw, was it? The kid was wandering away from their little camp and he wasn't entirely comfortable with that. The russet hound watches him for a few moments, stick still between his paws. He considers calling for Dogmeat's opinion, but he figures maybe three is a party.

The spaniel rises and shakes out his coat and immediately winces as a few cuts on his ears reopen from the motion. He huffs and follows diligently in the footsteps of the younger dog until he is close enough that his voice may be heard, "Outlaw? E'rrythin' alright kid?" He offers tentatively, still uncertain if this boy had been as severely afflicted as the some of the other poor souls.

RE: we're all mad here - Outlaw - February 01, 2015

Outlaw turned around at the voice of Spectre. He seemed to know Dogmeat somehow. Outlaw hadn't known either of them, but now he knew them, and would have to get to know them better. "Yes." He lied, although his voice wavered slightly, his lie shaky. You didn't have to be a detective to realize he had lied. Although, nothing was alright. All of them were stranded in the wild, so nothing was really alright for anyone at the moment.

RE: we're all mad here - Spectre - February 01, 2015

Spectre doesn't buy it. Who would? He scrunches up his face and gives Outlaw a look that reads about the same, only to look away out across the marshy wetlands. "Well, I'm not alright!" He replies, taking a few more steps forward to close the gap between him and the collie. "My stomach's killin' me. Whatcha say about rustlin' up some grub?" He flashes the kid a grin; maybe it's a bit manic. Maybe. "Betcha two treats that there'll be some stupid ducks 'round here somewheres."

RE: we're all mad here - Outlaw - February 01, 2015

"Oh, puh-lease!" He sighed with satisfaction, licking his lips and already starting to drool. "Just something to eat! I can't wait, I don't care if it's ducks." He said to Spectre. He turned and looked out upon the land. "Where should we go look for 'em?" He asked the older man. It was up to him. Although duck meat was unfamiliar to him, he was hungry, and something was better than nothing. Those hard little pellets they ate at the Labs were disgusting, and from what he had heard, meat was pretty darn good.