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Emberwood cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Printable Version

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cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Crëyr - February 01, 2015

we were planning for this to be set in the heartwood but crëyr hasn't been straying far from rising sun valley these past days. that ok?:D @Scarlett

the petite grayscale girl was wandering once more; though she wasn't far from home. she was at a part of rising sun valley that she wasn't very familiar with, though she knew she had visited this place— she had been hunting geese with that feisty female, finley. crëyr hadn't seen her ever since.

she caught sight of a hare, and began to tail it. she could use a snack before continuing her explorations.

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Scarlett - February 01, 2015

All good! :D

For the sentiment of it Scarlett decided to walk through the orange forrest. She remembered coming here and building her first den. She had often dreamed to spend the nights there with Raziel. But somehow she hadn't seen him in a long time. Figures. It might also be because she was so busy. Scarlett had build another den on Duskfire grounds and settled there. She adopted one of the teenagers as her own and taught the others about hunting and wildlife.

A hum came from her lips. It made her realize that nothing was certain, ever. Then her heat swooped in, which made Scarlett stay far away from any male. Well except Malachi. That was awkward. The red eyed girl trotted to the forest, curious if her den was occupied. When she checked she realized a fox family had settled. That made her feel good. She build a home for a family of foxes.

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Crëyr - February 01, 2015

the sterling outrider caught a whiff of a familiar scent as she was tailing the rabbit— distracted, the hare ran off before she could pursue it. crëyr shrugged, knowing that there would always be other hares.

the smell was of scarlett, her red-eyed friend that she had last encountered with raziel. speaking of raziel, where was he? he'd said that he would pay a visit, but she hadn't heard from him ever since that day at the lake. but anyway she made her way towards the scent of scarlett, and soon enough the pale-furred wolfess was in her line of sight.

"scarlett!" she grinned, happy to see a friend. "how's raziel?" if raziel was still around, that is.

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Scarlett - February 01, 2015

The female's head snapped up when her name was called out. The pale she wolf was met with the blue eyes of her friend Crëyr. A soft smile tugged on her lips in greeting. Scarlett wasn't sure about the other question. The grey female had seen her and Raziel together but.. after that the male had vanished. Scarlett grew insecure about it. The first time another wolf saw them together and the male was just gone from her life.

Was she that horrible looking? "Hi Crëyr. I wouldn't know. I haven't seen him after that day," she admitted. a soft sigh tumbled of her lips and then gave her a bit of a sad smile. "How are you?"

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Crëyr - February 01, 2015

crëyr was slightly surprised when scarlett, confirming her lingering suspicions, returned her greeting and informed her of raziel's mysterious disappearance. he was gone, just like that? she recalled their last meeting, which was probably about three weeks ago.

seeing her sad expression, the sterling girl spoke gently, "i'm sure you'll see him again sometime." at scarlett's inquiry, she responded with, "i'm doing great, thanks! just got promoted to beta. how're things going in duskfire?"

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Scarlett - February 01, 2015

Scarlett turned her focus on the blue-eyed female and scrunched up her nose. She wasn't the one to turn bitter but she was someone who blamed herself. Scarlett let out a soft sigh. "Well.. He probably realized I am so scary looking that he ran for the horizon or something," she mumbled, more to herself than towards Crëyr. It was the years of bullying that made her think like that.

"That is good to hear," she smiled softly. Her tail even wagged gently. "Congrats. That sounds so official! Duskfire is alright. We had an attack inside the pack and ... Well we are mending the pieces. I got my caretaker trade. Which.. Yeah. I am really happy about!," she ended with a slightly bigger smile.

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Crëyr - February 01, 2015

scarlett scrunched up her nose, seemingly distasteful. she then made a remark on how she thought she was "scary-looking", well, she thought raziel did. the grayscale wolfess didn't think raziel would think of her like that, so crëyr immediately responded with "of course not! i think your eyes are really pretty. they're like rubies. what makes you say that?" scarlett herself probably thought her eyes were freakish because probably others had told her that, but the blue-eyed wolfess rather liked her friend's exotic appearance. she thought it was cool.

crëyr returned her smile at her congratulations, giving her a "thanks." at her question, scarlett spoke of how duskfire had had an in-pack attack, and crëyr, being the curious one, perked up and promptly had a question on her tongue. the red-eyed wolfess then continued to tell her how she'd gotten her caretaker trade, and she was ultimately reminded of the happiness she had felt when she'd gotten both her outrider and warden trades. "congrats with caretaker, scarl! if you don't mind me asking, what happened with the in-pack fight?"

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Scarlett - February 01, 2015

Scarlett's ears fell back in shame. She knew she shouldn't talk herself down but it happened at times. It was an old habit. A bad habit to be honest. Scarlett was called a monster before. It still made her insecure if wolves suddenly disappeared. "Well, I mean. The moment someone saw us together he vanished. I think he didn't like me as much as I thought he did," she returned. A soft smile came on her maw. "Thank you, Crëyr. Before I came here I was always talked down because of my looks. It is hard not to think they are horrifying. Old habits, I guess."

The albino popped her ears up when she questioned about the pack. Scarlett wasn't sure if it was her place to tell. But she also wanted to share the horrifying story. She didn't really have a friend she could talk to. Sen was... Well.. Sen. And Manauia would probably get annoyed with her blabbering. "I don't know if I am allowed to tell. But, the founder of Duskfire returned and she attacked a... A child for still unknown reasons," Scarlett tried to be vague so bad rumors would spread. "It was one of the youngsters I take care of. Very shocking," she mumbled.

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Crëyr - February 01, 2015

crëyr shrugged. "i haven't heard from him ever since that day. i thought he was gonna come see shadow, but well he hasn't. hopefully we'll see him again." when scarlett admitted that she had been talked down because of her looks, she could only say, "don't believe them. if you still do, that is."

scarlett answered plentifully to the inquiry the blue-eyed wolfess had sent her way, saying something about how the founder of her pack had attacked a child. a child? dafuq, who would do that? well, she supposed that founder would.

crëyr frowned deeply. "attacked a child? wow, that's kinda messed up. that founder better have a logical reason. but even that may not be enough, 'cause i don't think there's an excuse for a grown adult to attack a child of their own pack." she wondered about the bypass' only youngster, leila, and the thought of her being attacked by an older member of the pack. that would be ridiculous.

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Scarlett - February 01, 2015

Scarlett quirked up her ears and tipped her head. "Maybe something happened to him. Oh now I feel bad," she admitted. Scarlett had been busy with her own pack and caring for everyone. Not much thought went to the grey prince she fancied before. A soft sigh left her lips. "I am slowly learning not to. Thank you Crëyr you are a good friend," she smiled.

Scarlett felt the fire burst through her body. Suddenly that passion lit up again. Her passion for the younger wolves and pups. "It is absurd I know. Horrifying even! That wolf really needs to get things in order. I don't know what I will do if she takes over Malachi as Alpha. I could not obey to a wolf that mercilessly attacked a youngster!" Scarlett's voice suddenly filled with hints of venom. There was a raging wolf under the kind female. Yet, she kept that to herself.

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Crëyr - February 01, 2015

the grayscale wolfess wondered what had happened to raziel, if anything had, anyway. was he still in swiftcurrent creek? its leader would probably be at unease if they knew that one of shadow's kin resided within their territory as one of their own, which promptly led to another thought— had he been kicked out somehow, chased out? well, crëyr certainly awaited the day where she would see him again.

she smiled warmly when scarlett told her she thought of her as a good friend. "thanks, that means a lot to me! i'm glad you think i am a good friend, you're one too." she did, for they were alike. kind of.

the red-eyed female then continued to talk about how someone in her pack had attacked some child, her expression twisting into one of anger as she did so. crëyr could tell she was trying to conceal it, though her voice was beginning to leak of venom. "how's the child doing? well, maybe you could try fishing the reason out of the founder."

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Scarlett - February 01, 2015

Scarlett's mind had too much going on at the moment to have any worry for Raziel. Others needed her more and the pale she wolf was certain that the trained warrior could manage on his own. He was much stronger than her after all. Maybe one day their paths would cross. Scarlett returned a bigger smile to then realize how horribly she had behaved when she was with Raziel. "Oh-- I am sorry for how I behaved. I didn't know what came over me. I think I was just possessive over the first male that seemed to like me," she blushed a bit. "I'm glad I am a good friend to you."

The white female managed to calm herself down once more. "The child is doing better each day,' she spoke. Thanks to her care. Otherwise the youngster might not have lived. "We are trying to. Or well, Malachi is. I am trying to stay out of it since I can't be objective. Every time I see that hurt child I get... passionate and upset that she hurt him in the first place."

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Crëyr - February 01, 2015

scarlett gave her a big smile, followed by an apology for the way she had acted during the day she had seen them with each other. crëyr had sensed that scarlett's actions had been slightly hostile when raziel had acknowledged and bantered with her, but that was probably normal. the petite female laughed. "nah, it's cool. that's pretty much normal, anyway."

crëyr went to sit beside scarlett, curling her fluffy tail around her dainty paws. "glad he's getting better under your care. or she. i can tell you love caretaking," she smiled. scarlett seemed to have a thing for taking care of pups and youngsters alike. "yeah, well, that's upsetting. i really hope you guys sort that stuff out."

another hare, with its winter coat on, scuttled across the forest floor. crëyr smiled, remembering her previous thoughts about how there would be more snacks to come. she turned to scarlett. "remember last time we were planning to have lunch together? we never set a date, or place. you wanna? we could tail that or we could go hunt for bigger game, if you want."

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Scarlett - February 01, 2015

Scarlett's head raised and her muzzle turned to Crëyr. "Ohhh!!! Do you fancy someone?!," she immediately asked. She never had another female she could have a girl talk with! This was so exciting. Her tail wagged eagerly. Now she wanted to know. Scarlett currently didn't have a guy who fancied her, at least she thought so. But it was nice to know about others.

Scarlett cleared her throat. "Oh, He is a .. he," she explained. Thinking of the young male that got hurt. "I do hope so too. I really like Duskfire. I like to believe it is my forever home," she ended in a whisper. An eager glint came into the scarlet eyes of the female. She would like to hurt and have lunch together. Scarlett jumped to her feet and stood immediately ready.

"I like to go smaller. I have to go along on the pack hunt," she returned. The female wasn't that hungry anyways. But that didn't mean she wouldn't want to hunt with Crëyr. She liked her company.

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Crëyr - February 02, 2015

her pale companion's head turned towards her, bright red eyes containing a glimmer. crëyr's lip turned slightly up, then, wondering who on earth she had a "crush" on. her thoughts wrapped around all the males she were close to and would possibly be "her crush", and finally they led specifically to one certain silver-eyed wolf with an ex. she thought of him then, how he had been like when paar left, his eyes filled with raw emotion, a story about his father and what he had said to him, him promoting her towards beta, his nightmares, the touch of his cheek to hers, the way she had breathed in his scent.

uh... what?

"um," she shifted on her feet, tucking her silvery tail the other way around her paws. "i'm not really sure if i fancy anyone, but i think, well, lately i've been close to my alpha. shadow, raziel's half-brother. i mean, he's really, uh— it's kind of hard to explain, but he's— just—" the silver-grey wolfess flushed, and let out a nervous giggle. "cue my awkwardness."

crëyr smiled once the flush diminished, glad that her friend had accepted her offer for lunch, though she wouldn't be experiencing the thrill of a big hunt. "well, in this case, we could go after a rabbit. two wolves would probably be enough to capture one single hare."

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Scarlett - February 02, 2015

Scarlett chuckled as she saw Crëyr sinking into the thought. Oh yes there as definitely someone special in their life. Scarlett always liked to talk about boys and stuff like that. Now Scarlett had a girlfriend like that. "You totally do!," she grinned, teasing a bit. The red eyed female hummed softly. "Oh really? I am happy for you. I hope it works out! But man. Then I will have an alpha female as friend. Oh wow. So cool," she barked. "Raziel is also hard to explain. I know what you mean," she chuckled.

"Maybe we find more rabbits," Scarlett hoped and started walking, trailing after the hare. Her nose picked up a scent but it was old. "Maybe in the field up ahead," she spoke on a softer tone.

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Crëyr - February 02, 2015

a grin fell upon the crimson-eyed wolfess' face, allowing the same to break onto crëyr's own, as if it was contagious. "you totally do!"

the small grayscale female laughed at her words, knowing that the events she had described were probably unlikely to happen. alpha? no, she didn't think so. the last time shadow had promoted a girlfriend or mate of his to alpha, paar had only spent a week or so in the position before departing, carrying his pups. crëyr didn't think he would be up to it this time, if they even happened, anyway. "about the alpha thing, nah, i don't think so. but well, we'll see how it goes." the girl gave her friend a smile, matching her enthusiasm with her own. "well, i hope you find someone for yourself, after raziel! or he might come back."

scarlett started to pad towards where the hare had ran off. the blue-eyed she-wolf followed closely behind, her nose twitching, and deemed the scent she'd picked up mingled, new and old. the hare, whose scent was definitely the fresh one she had smelt, had ran past around five minutes or so ago. she was almost sure that it led to more.

"of course," crëyr spoke, moving up ahead towards the field scarlett had mentioned. undoubtedly there was the scent of a hare, growing stronger with every step she took.

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Scarlett - February 02, 2015

Scarlett chuckled along with her. She liked this girlish giggling. The grey female was also of her height and the same kindness. Crëyr would make a good alpha mate. Atleast that found Scarlett. Scarlett hoped she would find a mate eventually. Hopefully there was a male out there who could love her and her curious eyes.

Scarlett hummed softly and got lower to the ground. The field came into view which had a few hares. "We both grab one?," she whispered very softly. The pale female didn't move yet. She studied the few rabbits before them in the clearing. Crëyr was right about rabbits being close by.

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Crëyr - February 03, 2015

[/color]possible gamekeeper thread! :D

when scarlett sent her an inquiry for a direction, she immediately gave her a nod. the rabbits in the clearing seemed to be unsuspecting right now, but it wouldn't be long before they scented herself and her friend.

"i'm gonna go for that one," crëyr whispered to scarlett, gesturing to one near a shrub. she then turned on her tail, soundlessly making her way to the shrub. when she was sure it concealed her whole, she observed the rabbit for a moment before giving a swift leap, alerting the other rabbits, but her target wasn't about to scamper.

the hare was scuttling, trying to run, but soon crëyr already had her teeth in its neck. it fell, and crëyr was awarded with a meal.

her head turned, looking to scarlett to see if she had caught something too.

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Scarlett - February 03, 2015

Scar isn't going for gamekeeper, I think! :D

Scarlett was smart she located one of the den entrances while Crëyr moved the other way. The pale female watched how the rabbits scatter over the field. Her red eyes caught a movement coming closer, once it ran to its home she sped from the under bush and caught one too. What a team work. Her iron grip locked around the rabbit and then she walked proudly to her friend.

Scar held the kicking rabbit between her jaws and bit harder until the life was leaked out of the small critter. "That was teamwork!," Scarlett grinned. Her muzzle stained with blood now, the color of her eyes.

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Crëyr - February 03, 2015

i meant for crëyr ahahahha but oopsies. one more round or two and we can finish this? :)

scarlett, with her muzzle stained the same color as her orbs were colored, walked over to crëyr with her prize clamped between her jaws. she grinned, dropping her own rabbit onto the ground. she decided she would later see if she could hunt for more to bring back to the pack.

"that was teamwork!" her pale-furred friend exclaimed, and the grayscale wolfess nodded in agreement, her cerulean eyes sparkling. "teamwork, definitely. good job today, scarl!"

she sat then, and dipped her petite silvery crown for a bite. "let's have lunch."

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Scarlett - February 03, 2015

Ooooh! Haha! Yep sure!

Scarlett was pleased with their catch. If they had to share one she wouldn't have minded but having each their own rabbit was definitely just as nice. The pale female dug into the fresh warm meat just like the grey one did. The organs were first and the muscles and other meat second. Scarlett stopped the rabbit clean licking her muzzle afterwards. "We should do this more often."

Scarlett nudged the carcass away from her paws and then stretched herself lazily. "And I will totally tell you if I found a guy too, by the way."

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Crëyr - February 03, 2015

crëyr wolfed the rabbit down (no pun intended) as her friend did the same. she gave a nod of her petite crown when scarlett requested for them to do this more often, of course. she would love to have a girlfriend to hang around and talk about random crap. a smile grew on her features as she thought.

the grayscale female laughed again, enjoying herself. scarlett promised to confide in to her if she ever found a possible suitor, which allowed another chuckle from crëyr. she loved that she was having fun and girl-talking to a friend. it was something she rarely did, so this was golden time. "same," she replied, "i will definitely fill you in. details, don't miss the details," crëyr finished in a joking tone.

she nudged the carcass away and stared up at the pale, blue winter sky for a second, another smile dawning on her face. "i'll see you again soon? maybe we could go somewhere cool next time."

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Scarlett - February 03, 2015

Scarlett returned that giggle to the female. Her tongue trying to lick her muzzle clean. It was indeed a good day. A day of fun and girl talk. She liked that immensely. Especially after all the drama that happened. She was grateful for running into Crëyr. She was a good friend. "Alright, deal," she agreed happily. Scarlett was a sucker for the love stories. Especially from the wolves she knows. It gave her something to dream about how she would meet her mate.

"Oh yes, definitely. I should return to," the pale female agreed. "Oh yes. Howl for me and if I am close I shall respond!," she hummed.

RE: cruising down the coast goin' bout 99 - Crëyr - February 03, 2015

last post from me! awesome thread, mar :D

scarlett nodded, stating it was a deal, which allowed another grin to spread onto crëyr's features. "same goes for me, scarl. howl for me and i'll be around. but until then, bye!"

the petite outrider then turned to leave, though she gave scarlett one last smile before departing. "see you soon!"

she definitely had enjoyed the day, and couldn't wait for them to do it again.